1989-06-20 Regular CC Minutes19 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY JUNE 20, 1989 The meeting convened at 7:42 p.m. a Community Improvement Commission Arnerich presiding. The Pledge Councilmember Camicia. Reverend invocation. CLOSED SESSION (following a Closed Session and Meeting) with Acting President of Allegiance was led by Dorothy Kimbrell gave the 89-429 The Closed Session was held to discuss the following: a) Pursuant to Subsection (a) of the legal counsel section of the Brown Act, consider Workers' Compensation Claim of Elizabeth Nice. b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, consider the following matters: (1) Pending litigation. (2) City v. Winner Ford. (3) Guyton v. City. (4) Cepparo v. City. (5) Acquisition of Linoaks property. (6) Bruce v. City. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Camicia, Withrow, and Acting President Arnerich - 3. Absent: Councilmember Thomas and Mayor Corica - 2. MINUTES Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 6, 1989, and the Special Council Meetings of May 30, 1989, and June 2, 1989. Councilmember Withrow seconded the notion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 89-430 Presentation by the Mayor of a Commendation Scroll to Mr. James C. Smallman for his work in restoring the Samual Alien House at 2246 San Antonio Avenue. The following persons addressed Council: Marilyn Smallman, 2246 San Antonio Avenue. Robert DeCelle, Chairman, Historical Advisory Board, P.O. Box 2606. At Vice-Mayor Arnerich's request, the Chairman of the Board read the Scroll and presented it to Mrs. Smallman. June 20, 1989 CONSENT CALENDAR Acting President Arnerich announced he was requested to remove Agenda Item No. 1-A from the Consent Calendar. (See *89-431) Newell I. Cutter, Jr., Alameda, who requested removal of Consent Calendar Item No. 1-A, commented on litigation he may file against the City. Councilmember Camicia moved the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *89-431 From Interim City Attorney regarding MacDonald v. City - defense verdict for City. Approved. *89-432 From Public Works Director recommending acceptance of work by William White Construction for rehabilitation of open-end culverts, Phase I, No. P.W. 6-88-10. Approved. *89-433 From Public Works Director recommending acceptance of work by Golden Bay Construction, Inc., for the construction of Wheelchair Ramps, Phase 7, and Chapin Street improvements, No. P.W. 1-88-1. Approved. *89-434 From Finance Director regarding 1989-90 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes. Approved. RESOLUTIONS *89-435 Resolution No. 11741 "Authorizing application to the California Energy Commission for a street light conversion loan." Adopted. *89-436 Resolution No. 11742 "Approving preliminarily Annual Report declaring Intention to order levy and collection of assessments and providing for Notice of Hearing thereof - Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2." Adopted. *89-437 Resolution No. 11743 "Authorizing Amendment of Grant Agreement with the Alameda Emergency Food, Inc. for insurance and utilities for Fiscal Year 1989-90." Adopted. BILLS *89-438 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager to be correct in the amount of $1,817,576.04. RETURN TO REGULAR AGENDA 89-439 Resolution No. 11744 "Appointing Don Wolfe as a member of the Planning Board." Adopted. June 20, 1989 Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. The Clerk administered the Oath. Mr. Wolfe expressed appreciation to Council. HEARINGS 89 -440 Consideration of a Planning Board recommendation for approval of Zoning Amendment, ZA -89 -1 to amend Section 11- 1354.4(f) Procedures and Standards for the PD, Planned Development, combining district regulations, to allow time extensions beyond the currently permitted one year, following approval, during which construction must begin. Applicant: City of Alameda. (Continued from June 6, 1989, Council Meeting) Written Communications: * From Gordon Christopherson, Alameda, regarding Zoning Amendment ZA -89 -1 and 2001 Versailles Planned Development [PD 86 -1]. The following citizens addressed Council regarding the matter: John Barni, Jr., 875 Island Drive. Gordon Christopherson, 2807 Marina. The Planning Director reviewed the background of the matter. Councilmember Camicia moved "acceptance of the report and to take Item No. 12 [related Introduction of Ordinance] out of order." Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89 -441 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Section 11- 1354.4(f) of Chapter I, Title IX, thereof, relating to procedures and standards for planned developments. (Continued from June 6, 1989, Council Meeting) Introduced. Councilmember Camicia moved "introduction of ordinance; and include December 1, 1988 stipulation [stipulation that the ordinance be retroactive to December 1, 1988]." Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 89 -442 From Chairman, Historical Advisory Board, for consideration of the denial of the Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historical Advisory Board for the demolition of 706 Pacific Avenue. June 20, 1989 199 The following persons spoke on the matter: Richard Ott, 910 Pacific Avenue. Robert DeCelle, Chairman, Historical Advisory Board, P.O. Box 1606. Barbara Roth, 1417 Fifth Street. Richard Roth, 1417 Fifth Street. John Barni, Sr., 1380 East Shore Drive. Robert Ratto, 707 - 210N, Nevada City. Robert Moore, 1325 Burbank Street. Bill Wagner, 46 Tarry, Orinda. Jeff Larkin, 16 Las Vegas Road, Orinda. Jean Ratto Larkin, 16 Las Vegas Road, Orinda. Councilmember Withrow moved that the "HAB's action be overturned and the City Manager be directed to process a demolition permit." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89-443 From Secretary, Pension Board, regarding proposed change to Pension Ordinance 1079. Councilmember Camicia moved the recommendation; Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89-444 From City Manager regarding professional and clerical staff for the City Attorney's office. Councilmember Withrow moved "We [Council] accommodate the recommendation of the City Manager and move for the approval of the proposed staffing changes for the City Attorney's office." The motion was seconded by Councilmember Camicia and passed by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89-445 From City Clerk regarding action minutes. Councilmember Withrow made a motion "that we move to an action-only minute kind of process; video tapes and audio tapes that we [Council] have backing up each of the City Council Meetings be retained indefinitely. By definition of that, until the City Council explicitly authorizes disposal or destruction." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. Acting President Arnerich directed the Interim City research retention period for video tapes. 89-446 From Public Works Director concerning the organic waste. Written Communications Attorney to recycling of * From Earthworm Technology, Santa Cruz, regarding a proposal for the recycling of organic waste. June 20, 1989 00 David Eagle, Earthworm Technology, P.O. Box 2982, Santa Cruz, addressed Council. Councilmember Withrow moved "We [Council] accommodate the recommendation of the Public Works Director and that Council refer this correspondence to the Public Works Director for further review." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89 -447 From Public Works Director recommending reduction of United Cable Television Bond from $1,000,000 to $300,000. Councilmember Withrow moved "the bond for United Cable TV be reduced from $1,000,000. to $300,000. as per contract between the City of Alameda and United Cable." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89 -448 From Recreation and Parks Director regarding status of park development projects. The following citizens addressed Council regarding the matter. Don Roberts, 880 Portola Drive. Ernest Chase, 833 Portola Avenue. John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court. Councilmember Withrow moved "that the Portola Triangle be listed as priority Number 1, constrained only by EBMUD [constraint on the development of turf]; Doc Harrington Soccer Field be priority Number 2, again constrained only by EBMUD, and Village IV Park would follow in behind that as Number 3; and that the balance of the recommendations in his [Catlett's] report be approved." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion. Councilmember Withrow moved to amend his motion "to include the constraints the City Manager identified" [constraints due to Village IV Park and the Shoreline Park agreement with Harbor Bay, including 60 -day extension; and EBMUD constraints]. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. RESOLUTIONS 89 -449 Resolution No. 11745 "Awarding contract for legal advertising for the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year 1989 -90 to the Alameda Times - Star." Adopted. John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, addressed Council. Councilmember Withrow made a motion "that the recommendation included by the City Clerk, that the City Council adopt the resolution awarding the contract of the Alameda Times -Star be effected [adopted]." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. June 20, 1989 201 INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES 89-450 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending Title XVII of the Alameda Municipal Code to establish a two-hour zone in front of 2151 Santa Clara Avenue." Introduced. John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, addressed Council. Councilmember Camicia moved "to introduce the ordinance." Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES 89-451 Ordinance No. 2437, N.S. "Authorizing the acquisition of certain rights-of-way for Triumph Drive and an unnamed extension of Atlantic Avenue (0.42 acres and 0.97 acres respectively)." Adopted. Councilmember Camicia moved "final adoption" [of the ordinance]; Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89-452 Ordinance No. 2438, N.S. "Levying Special Taxes within Community Facilities District No. 1 (Harbor Bay). Adopted. Councilmember Withrow moved "the ordinance be adopted." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. 89-453 Ordinance No. 2439, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Section 4-213 of Article 1, Chapter 2, Title IV thereof to prohibit riding of skateboards in or upon any public park, playground or school property in the City of Alameda." (Tabled at the May 16th Council Meeting) Adopted. The following citizens addressed Council on the matter: Matthew Brewer, 2045 Buena Vista Avenue. Amber DeCelle, 2115 Alameda Avenue. Robert DeCelle, Chairman, Historical Advisory Board, P.O. Box 2606. Phil Gill, Alameda Unified School District, 2200 Central Avenue. John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court. Councilmember Camicia moved "final passage" [of the ordinance]. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL 89-454 Christopher Hanson, 543 Palace Court, inquired whether Councilmember Thomas's trip to Newport Beach was authorized by the Council, and if related expenses would be paid by the City. Acting President Arnerich responded that the City Council did not approve the trip, however, Councilmember Thomas has a right to go on her own and do her own background check if she wishes. June 20, 1989 202 ADJOURNMENT Acting President Arnerich adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, DINE B. FELSCH, City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. June 20, 1989