1986-04-15 CC Regular Minutes92
The meeting convened at 7:33 p.m. (at the conclusion of the
Community Improvement Commission meeting) with President Diament
presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember
Hanna. Reverend Wilfred Hodgkin gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef
and President Diament - 5. (Councilmember
Corica, due to a prior committment, arrived
at 8:33 p.m.)
Absent: None.
Councilmember Monsef made a notion for approval of the minutes of
April 1, 1986. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion, which
carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
Councilmember Hanna moved for adoption of the Consent Calendar,
and Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. The motion carried
by unanimous voice vote - 4.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk (*).
*86-194 From the Assistant City Manager regarding the application
for erection of a tent for the purpose of conducting dedication
ceremonies for Triton Biosciences, Inc.'s new laboratory
building. Accepted.
*86-195 From Finance Director on City's Investment Portfolio as
of March 31, 1986. Accepted.
*86-196 From Public Works Director on status of proposed changes
in the City's telephone system. Accepted.
*86-197 Resolution No. 10869 "Awarding contract to Davey Tree
Surgery Company for pruning of City street trees in various
locations in the City of Alameda and authorizing execution
thereof." Adopted.
*86-198 Resolution No. 10870 "Adopting Plans and Specifications
and calling for bids for Willow Street/Whitehall Place Sanitary
Sewer Pump Station Modification and Force Main, P.W. No.
4-86-8, and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted.
*86 -199 Resolution No. 10871 "Approving application for grant
funds under the 1985 -1986 Roberti - Z'berg Urban Open Space and
Recreation Program for redevelopment of restroom facilities at
Lincoln Park." Adopted.
*86 -200 Resolution No. 10872 "Establishing a policy for the use
of City vehicles." Adopted.
*86 -201 Resolution No. 10873 "Renaming a portion of Atlantic
Avenue to Stewart Court." Adopted.
*86 -202 Resolution No. 10874 "Renaming Seal Point Court to
Veterans Court." Adopted.
*86 -203 Resolution No. 10875 "Awarding contract to Thermal
Equipment of Goddard, Kansas, for a sign making machine and
authorizing execution thereof." Adopted.
*86 -204 Resolution No. 10876 "Adopting Plans and Specifications
and calling for bids for Marina Village Parkway Street
Improvements, Project No. 7, Assessment District 84 -3, P.W.
3 -86 -6, and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted.
*86 -205 "Authorizing the acquisition of certain property from
Alameda Belt Line relative to construction of Atlantic Avenue
extension." Introduced.
*86 -206 Ordinance No. 2277, N.S. "Amending the Alameda
Municipal Code by amending Article 3, Chapter 5, of Title X
thereof relating to permits for erection of tents and other
movable structures." Adopted.
*86 -207 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as
correct, was approved in the amount of $1,348,491.83.
86-208 From Chairman of the Recreation Commission regarding
Godfrey Park.
President Diament announced the removal of the Report from the
agenda at the request of the Recreation Commission and stated
that the City Council would be meeting with the Recreation
Commission to discuss their plan and the matter would be returned
to the agenda subsequently.
86-209 From Public Works Director on plans to repair sidewalks,
curbs and gutters on Gibbons Drive.
President Diament announced that the matter would be delayed
at Councilmember Corica's request, until his arrival. (See Item
No. 86-219)
86-210 Hearing on the adoption of the Uniform Fire Code, 1985
Edition, and Uniform Fire Code Standards.
Lieutenant Steven McKinley, Fire Department, addressed the
Council with regard to the adoption of the Uniform Fire Code,
1985 Edition.
President Diament opened the public portion of the hearing.
On the call for proponents, there were none.
On the call for opponents, there were none.
President Diament closed the public portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to take the related Ordinance
out of order. Councilmenber Lucas seconded the motion and it was
carried by a unanimous voice vote - 4.
86-211 Ordinance No. N.S. "Adopting Uniform Fire Code, 1985
Edition, and Uniform Fire Code Standards prescribing regulations
governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or
explosion, providing for the issuance of permits for hazardous
uses or operations, and establishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention
and providing offices therefor and defining their powers and
duties." Introduced.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to introduce the Ordinance;
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by a
unanimous voice vote - 4.
86-212 Resolution No. 10877 "Supporting Governor's Proclamation
designating April 14-19, 1986, as Earthquake Preparedness Week."
Councilmember Lucas inquired if anything was being done currently
within the City for earthquake preparedness.
President Diament stated there was activity; that Mr.
Hildebrand has been revising and updating the City's Emergency
Plan. President Diament also noted that there are plans to bring
the need for preparedness to the public's attention.
Councilmember Hanna made a notion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4.
86-213 Resolution No.10878 "Authorizing modification of Agreement
between City and Golf Course Restaurant Concessionaire."
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the Resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4.
86-214 Resolution No. 10879 "Adopting reward program to help
combat thefts from, and vandalism to, parking meters and
appropriating funds from the Parking Meter Fund for this
The City Manager noted that the Report regarding rewards
recommends a substantial reward, although not substantial in
relationship to the losses of approximately $50,000.00 within the
last 4-5 month period, to anyone who assists in the arrest and
conviction of suspects who have organized to commit crimes
against the parking meters, as well as a lesser amount of reward
leading to arrest and conviction of individuals breaking into
parking meters. The City Manager added the program was being
proposed as a disincentive.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution and
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. The motion was carried
by a unanimous voice vote -4.
86-215 Resolution No. "Authorizing execution of agreement
with Kimbell, McKenna and Von Kaschnitz, Certified Public
Accountants, for financial auditing services."
President Diament announced the Resolution would be considered by
Council following an Executive Session at the conclusion of the
86 -216 Resolution No. 10880 "Approving route of the Mayor's
Fourth of July Parade.
Richard Roth, 1533 Webster, West Alameda Business Association,
read a communication from the Association which stated numerous
problems believed to be associated with the new shortened route,
and requested a return to the 1984 Park /Otis /Grand/
Encinal /Central /Webster route.
Robert E. Dixon, P.O. Box 532, President, West Alameda Business
Association, submitted a petition to the Council from West End
residents and business community requesting the parade route
be returned to the traditional parade route.
George Gadsby, 3437 Solomon Lane, Chairman of the Parade
Committee, stated his reasons for the the new shortened parade
route, submitted a list of contributors to the Council and maps
of various parade routes of Alameda and other cities for
Ed Clark, 1422 Cottage Street, a Webster Street business owner,
suggested alternate routes every other year; one year on Park
Street and the alternate year on Webster Street.
Mr. Gadsby responded that the parade should be held at the same
location every year.
President Diament commented that the parade is called the Mayor's
Fourth of July Parade but it is difficult to find a chairman and
committee who are able to devote most of the year to it.
Councilmember Hanna noted that Councilmember Corica was not
present and considered whether Council should wait for his input.
President Diament responded that Councilmember Corica's input
received at the previous Council meeting was that it should be
the same route which included both business districts.
Councilmember Lucas stated it was difficult to make a decision on
the route without having everyone on record (noting there had
been no input from the Park Street Business Association).
President Diament stated there had been ample and equal
opportunity to be heard; that Mr. Roth's appearance on cable
television at the previous meeting had created a great deal of
response and that Park Street could have responded also.
Councilmember Monsef commented that a decision to have the parade
go through the center of town would appear a fair compromise.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion to adopt the Resolution to
approve the Grand Street route. Councilmember Hanna seconded the
motion and it was carried by a unanimous voice vote - 4.
Councilmember Hanna mentioned that possibly next year's parade
committee could make the decision regarding which route to use.
Councilmember Corica joined Council for the remainder- of the
86-217 Ordinance No. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by adding Chapter 15 to Title III thereof establishing a tax of
one percent of construction cost for General Fund purposes."
Councilmember Lucas questioned why the Ordinance was being
introduced at the same time as the Final Passage, and whether or
not it was mandatory, to which the City Attorney responded that
the Charter specifically permits an Ordinance raising money or
setting tax rates to be adopted and passed at the same
meeting, adding that it was not mandatory and that it could be
introduced and given final passage at two separate meetings.
Councilmember Monsef noted that, even if an amount were small, a
proposed tax should have time for public input and he would like
to see the Council defer action to another meeting.
Ed Clark, 1422 Cottage Street, asked if the tax were associated
with the application of funding for the shortfall of Patton Way.
The City Manager stated that the financing of Patton Way was a
complex financing program and package including Federal funding
and that Patton Way Phase III is not funded; that the purpose of
the tax is to finance street improvements throughout the City of
Alameda, and is necessary to address a significant shortfall in
gas tax developed throughout the years; that other cities have
addressed the problem by assessing fees on construction and that
is basically what this Ordinance would do.
Mr. Clark said he believed the tax would be for Patton Way, not
the rest of Alameda,s streets and he, therefore, opposes the tax.
Councilmember Hanna commented that Patton Way is being planned
and constructed to provide a great service to this community;
that this seemed to be just another opportunity to delay the
project. Councilmember Hanna then moved introduction and passage
of the Ordinance.
Councilmember Corica stated that he believed that the Ordinance
should be introduced at one meeting and passed at another meeting
to allow public input. He stated also that he saw a problem with
the one percent construction tax for citizens who want to repair
their homes; and the public should not be required to pay that
particular tax. He noted too, that it might induce some people
to do remodeling without benefit of a permit, and therefore the
$500.00 figure is too low.
Councilmember Lucas noted that she saw the need for raising a tax
because of criticism received regarding inadequate road
maintenance in Alameda; that the Patton Way contribution is a
one -time contribution but the tax would remain in effect and
would serve to improve and maintain the road system; that money
must be provided; that because developers' and builders' trucks
damage road systems, perhaps they should help pay for it; that
she would support Councilmember Hanna's motion regarding the
Ordinance if it were rephrased for introduction only, so that
citizens would have an opportunity for input.
Councilmember Hanna rephrased the motion regarding the Ordinance,
to permit introduction only. Councilmember Lucas seconded the
motion and it was carried with the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Hanna and Lucas and President Diament - 3. Noes:
Councilmembers Corica and Monsef - 2.
86 -218 Ordinance No. 2278 N.S. "Amending Measure "A" enabling
ordinance relating to rebuilding of destroyed structures."
Councilmember Corica made a motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -219 From Public Works Director on plans to repair sidewalks,
curbs, and gutters on Gibbons Drive.
The Public Works Director noted the procedure in current use for
notification of residents and for maintenance and/or removal of
Edwin Harrison, 2933 Gibbons Drive, agreed that action must be
taken to correct the sidewalk situation, but recommended every
consideration be given to maintain the liquid amber trees under
Susan Dutcher, 2975 Gibbons Drive, remarked that it is the lack
of criteria for decision making that concerns the residents,
commented that several homeowners surveyed the area and could not
find the hazard cited in a City letter regarding "severe flooding
and hydroplaning ", requested Council to adopt guidelines
presented by the Tree Committee, post trees to be removed,
present list of alternatives other than removal at the same time
of notification, and, implement and communicate guidelines for
removal of trees.
James Stonehouse, 2990 Northwood Drive, stated that the policy in
question does not work; that the tree in question does not cause
flooding and /or hydroplaning, and asked why the citizens were not
contacted about the alleged problem at the intersection.
Robert Doumitt, 3001 Gibbons Drive, complained about the
notification procedure.
Don Kittleman, 2995 Northwood Drive, expressed his concerns about
the tree removal policy. -
Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut, added his concerns about trees,
quoting Joyce Kilmer and Esther Robbins.
Councilmember Corica commented that if the citizens had reviewed
the Committee's recommendations, and agreed with them, that
adoption of the guidelines should then meet the needs and
concerns of the people.
Councilmember Lucas commented that the tree policy needs to be
improved and properly enforced.
Councilmember Corica suggested that a registered letter could be
sent to persons affected by a tree removal, the notice given
could be extended from ten to fourteen days, and affected areas
could be posted within 100 feet. Councilmember Corica added that
perhaps a method could be found where no action would be taken
unless there is a response from the person that was noticed.
Arthur Whitehair, member of the Tree Advisory Committee, stated
he would not like to have Council make a final decision on the
issue tonight because the recommendation regarding the trees is
only a draft.
President Diament commented that urgent requests have been
received from the Homeowners' Association to proceed with
sidewalk repair and if the Tree Committee wants a delay, a time
limit should be set.
Mr. Whitehair stated that there are alternatives that need
further exploration.
Councilmember Hanna inquired about the length of time the
Committee dedicated to the Gibbons Drive matter.
Mr. Whitehair responded that a great deal of time has been spent
on the Gibbons Drive matter; that they have requested City
Engineering staff to provide costs of saving trees, i.e., moving
the sidewalk outboard to get them away from the trees, perhaps
even changing Gibbons Drive to a one -way street and they want to
see what the cost factors are and what the citizens along the
street are willing to pay in connection with various
Councilmember Hanna commented that there seemed to be an
indefinite number of possibilities and he pointed out that the
City has no insurance for sidewalk falls which generally
represent fifty percent of the claims against the City. He
suggested that the policy be somehow firmed up within two weeks.
Councilmember Lucas asked if citizens had attended Tree Committee
meetings, to which Mr. Whitehair responded that they had.
Councilmember Lucas stated that Council had given the Tree
Committee the task to come up with a City policy on trees and she
suggested that the people speak to the Committee if they feel the
policy needs improvement, and that she would like to see input
from the citizens at the next Tree Advisory Committee meeting and
a solution to the problem quickly.
Councilmember Corica stated there should be advertisements
regarding the meeting and if room is needed, then a room at City
Hall should be provided.
Councilmember Hanna commented that when the Committee was formed,
it was for only two areas of town, one of which was Gibbons
Street, and something should be firmed up by now.
President Diament requested Mr. Whitehair to hold a public
hearing, and get the necessary input.
Councilmember Lucas said that because the Committee is advisory
to the Public Works Director there may be some staff support.
James Stonehouse, 2990 Northwood Drive, commented that according
to policy, no more than four or five trees in the Gibbons Drive
area in any one year were to be removed, and if that is correct,
then the repair of sidewalks can proceed.
President Diament noted that the Tree Committee may possibly
explore some extreme ideas such as one -way streets and changing
curbs, so sidewalk repair would need to depend upon that
City Manager raised the possibility of leaving trees in if the
citizens want to take the liability and hold the City harmless.
City Attorney stated that Agreement must have consideration on
both sides; that the State of California at one time adopted a
provision which appeared to make the homeowners liable for the
sidewalks but the Court of Appeals did not uphold it. Agreements
could be made although it is problematical as to whether they
would hold up.
Steven Yeffa, 2630 Washington Street, commented that the Tree
Committee should have Council's guidance and support.
Councilmember Lucas stated in summary, that the Tree Advisory
Committee would be working from the draft submitted and will come
up with a final policy; that at their next meeting in about two
weeks they will have public testimony and after the public
testimony, they will come up with a final policy which will then
go to the City Council and that should be within about a month,
that the first June Council meeting should be the latest to have
that Council policy. In the meantime, the draft policy could be
followed, and the notification that goes to property owners
should advise them of all options.
Councilmember Lucas made a motion that the draft policy of the
Tree Advisory Committee be followed until the final policy is
adopted. Councilmember Hanna seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -220 Councilmember Hanna questioned the status of the golf
course slough pumps and suggested that Mr. Robert Tennet be
contacted regarding any problems for which there are no
86 -221 Councilmember Hanna inquired about the status of the Krusi
Park Tot Lot, to which the City Manager responded that he would
report back on the matter.
86 -222 Councilmember Lucas recommended that the drive -in theatre
area be zoned CM -PD.
Councilmember Lucas made a motion that the matter be referred to
the Planning Board. Councilmember Hanna seconded the motion and
it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -223 The Chairman of the Historical Advisory Commission
recommended nomination of George Gunn for an award from the
American Association for State and Local History, commenting that
his book is an excellent work.
Councilmember Corica commented that everyone is proud of what
George Gunn has done with the museum and of how helpful he is to
the citizens of Alameda who need information.
Councilmember Corica made a motion that Council support the
nomination. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -224 Councilmember Hanna asked if the bids to be received by
the Bureau of Electricity today for undergrounding of lines for
Patton Way and removal of the substation were opened.
The City Manager said he would report back within a day or when
the bids are submitted to the Public Utilities Board which meets
Monday, April 21, 1986.
Councilmember Hanna stated he would wait until that time.
86 -225 Richard Roth, 1417 5th Street, made further comments
regarding the Mayor's Fourth of July Parade.
Councilmember Corica commented that he was sorry he had been late
to Council meeting and missed that portion because he did not
believe he would have voted for the route.
President Diament commented that the last three chairmen of the
Parade committees have been in favor of the new route.
86 -226 Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, informed Council that
he is investigating the City's relationship to Harbor Bay Isle
particularly with regard to the Fill Agreement under which he
believes there remains approximately 15 acres the City may claim.
86 -227 President Diament adjourned the meeting at 10 :05 p.m. to
Executive Session to consider the case of Lofstrand v. City of
Following adjournment of the Executive Council, the Council
President Diament announced that Council directed the City
Attorney to appeal the Superior Court Decision.
President Diament then adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch
City Clerk