1986-07-15 Regular CC Minutes159
TUESDAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JULY 15, 1986
The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. (at the conclusion of the
Community Improvement Commission Meeting) with President Diament
presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember
Hanna. Reverend Su Schlagel gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef,
and President Diament - 5.
Absent: None.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion for approval of the minutes of
the meeting of July 1, 1986. Councilmember Lucas seconded the
motion and it was carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Corica, Lucas, Monsef, and President
Diament - 4.
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstentions: Councilmember Hanna - 1.
(Councilmember Hanna abstained due to his absence
from the July 1, 1986, meeting.)
Councilmember Corica stated he would be voting no on the Consent
Calendar Item No. 1 -F, a Resolution regarding approval of Final
Map of subdivision known as Tract 5527.
Councilmember Lucas moved for adoption of the Consent Calendar,
with the exception of Item 1 -F and Councilmember Monsef seconded
the motion. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*86 -408 From Assistant City Manager regarding General Liability
Insurance for Park Street Wine and Crafts Fair. Accepted.
*86 -409 From Finance Director on City's Investment Portfolio as
of June 30, 1986. Accepted.
*86 -410 From Public Works Director recommending acceptance of the
improvements and release of bond for Tract 4361, Clipper Cove.
*86-411 Resolution No. 10962 "Approving, authorizing and
directing execution of agreement for bond counsel services with
Jones Hall Hill & White, a Professional Law Corporation, with
respect to Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes." Adopted.
*86-412 Resolution No. 10963 "Providing for the borrowing of
funds for Fiscal Year 1986-87 and the issuance of Tax and Revenue
Anticipation Notes therefor, and authorizing the sale of Notes to
A.R. Altura & Company, Inc." Adopted.
*86-413 Resolution No. 10964 "Authorizing execution of agreement
for construction and completion of improvements in connection
with Subdivision 5527 and approving bonds as to sufficiency
(Pulte Home Corporation, subdivider)." Adopted.
*86-414 Resolution No. 10965 "Awarding contract to McGuire and
Hester for Clinton-Park-Otis Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase I,
P.W. No. 3-86-7, and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted.
*86-415 Resolution No. 10966 "Authorizing execution of agreement
with Harbor Bay Isle Associates for Contract Administration and
Coordination for Harbor Bay Business Park Assessment District
84-4, Phase II." Adopted.
*86-416 Resolution No. 10967 "Authorizing execution of a
personal services agreement for a period of one year for a
position of Fleet Mechanic." Adopted.
*86-417 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by deleting the one-hour parking zone on the west side of
High Street between Central Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue."
*86-418 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by providing for a traffic signal at the intersection of
Bridgeway Road and Island Drive." Introduced.
*86-419 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as
correct, was approved in the amount of $1,507,238.04.
86 -420 From Jack O. Lubbock, 1044 Fontana Drive and Charles
Ormond, 1363 Crown Drive, regarding the adoption of a more
appropriate name for the Alameda (Tidal) Canal.
Jack Lubbock addressed Council regarding his communication,
noting that the waterway is referred to by Oakland as Oakland
Inner Harbor, that the Coast Guard states that the term estuary
does not apply to this body of water, and that the word estuary
is defined as "an arm of the sea at the lower end of a river ".
Councilmember Lucas commented she would like to see the name
"Alameda" attached to this part of the waterway and asked if
there were an historical reference point to the Alameda name, to
which Mr. Lubbock replied there was none, that the last official
Inter -City Map is dated 1871, on which it is the Estuary of San
Councilmember Corica commented that he thought Mr. Lubbock's
suggestion was excellent and wanted the Council to pass a
resolution so the City could use the name in the future and that
he liked the name Alameda Inter -Bay Waterway.
President Diament stated that that she would like to see the name
changed officially and be put on a map.
Councilmember Hanna stated he believes that the waterway should
have a name that connotes beauty, that there should be a huge
celebration in favor of the estuary, and that the name should be
chosen through a contest or some other public participation.
President Diament inquired of Councilmember Corica if he would be
willing to head up a committee to secure a name, and he responded
in the affirmative.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion to accept the communication
and to appoint Councilmember Corica to head the committee to
provide recommendation of a name to the City Council. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Lucas and carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
86 -421 From John Beery, Jr., Alameda Gateway, 2900 Main Street,
concerning the Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission's
official policy on open space.
The City Manager noted that Mr. Jonas was present in the event
the Council might have questions regarding the original proposal
from the staff of the ALUC.
Councilmember Corica noted that all of Council had received
President Diament's letter to the Chairperson of the Alameda
County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) and noted that with the
letter was a memo indicating that if any member of the Council
wanted to have this agendized, it could be. He then asked if any
member of the Council had requested to have the matter agendized.
President Diament commented that it was probably on agenda due to
the written communication, to which Councilmember Corica stated
that Council did not request it on agenda, but appears to be a
hearing because of the inundation of maps. He stated that the
City Manager said he had not received responses from Airport Land
Use Commission (ALUC) and stated that at the ALUC meeting there
were answers to the questions in the letter.
The City Manager stated that the reports he was referring to were
the reports for the July 16th meeting.
Councilmember Corica inquired if the City Manager had received
responses and the City Manager replied in the affirmative.
Councilmember Corica stated he would be happy to go through all
twelve of the responses from the ALUC if they wished.
Councilmember Lucas said said she did not think all the items
referred to what Mr. Beery was talking about in his letter, to
which Councilmember Corica agreed. Councilmember Lucas mentioned
it was only the last item in the letter that appeared to be
related to Mr. Beery's letter, and perhaps he could give the
ALUC's answer on that particular point so that Mr. Beery's
concerns could be discussed.
Councilmember Corica read from an ALUC report which addressed the
matter under discussion and recommended against modification of
the density standard.
President Diament noted that she wanted Alameda to have equal
treatment with Oakland in the setting of safety zone boundaries.
Councilmember Corica stated the Council is for controlled density
and that he is against any more density. He referred to the EIR
General Plan Amendment for Alameda Gateway /Todd Shipyard, dated
March 26, 1984, page 25, which states "dwelling units are also
permitted subject to issuance of a Use Permit."
Mr. Beery stated that he would like the Council to consider the
waterway as a part of the total density and if that is not
possible, then totally skew the safety zone to the Alameda side
and go about reducing the total density in the City.
Councilmember Lucas inquired if,when he referred to density, he
was referring to residential use of property. Mr. Beery replied
he was referring to total density which is determined by the
amount of acreage in a total zone, and certain parameters
determine certain purposes, e.g. business purposes, parks, etc.
Mr. Beery also commented that residential use is excluded from
certain parts of the safety zone.
Councilmember Corica stated that building of residences is still
in the EIR.
Councilmember Lucas asked the Planning Director what the zoning
in the shipyard area is, whether or not it would permit
residential development, to which the Planning Director stated
the zoning in the Gateway Project is M-2 which is Industrial
Development and it allows a variety of uses, since the EIR was
written for the project, the zoning ordinance was changed so that
permanent residential development is not allowed in the
Industrial District any longer.
In response to Councilmember Lucas' query if it would require
rezoning before permanent residences would be permitted, the
Planning Director responded it would require that or a change in
the ordinance again. At one time residential uses were allowed
in industrial zones but several years ago that was modified so
that it now requires use permits in the commercial zones and new
residential uses are not allowed at all.
Councilmember Lucas noted that most of the time when speaking of
density problems, reference is being made to residential use
density. In this case, referring to the density at this site,
reference is being made about areas where people are going to
work or go for recreation, to which the Planning Director noted
that was correct; that in safety zones, density is in terms of
pure numbers of people over a given period of time and the City's
General Plan is different from the ALUC's plan. For example, in
the vicinity of the Oakland Airport in the past, the City's plan
would allow for some permanent residential usage there whereas
the ALUC's plan would not.
Councilmember Corica inquired why Council was not informed that
the residential usage was taken out of the EIR, to which the
Planning Director responded that change occurred after the
document was prepared and did not relate at all to the document,
that the change was made by Council by ordinance.
Councilmember Lucas made a motion to accept the communication.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86-422 From Donald Dowdell, President, Chamber of Commerce,
thanking the City for its support.
President Diament noted that the Chamber of Commerce was able to
accomplish their projects for the year without borrowing money
from the City, and congratulated them.
Councilmember Hanna commended the Chamber of Commerce and made a
motion to accept the communication. Councilmember Monsef
seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote -
86-423 From Executive Vice President, Chamber of Commerce, urging
general membership and City Council to support City staff's
alternative to the proposed Business License Tax.
Councilmember Corica inquired why this matter was not put under
the heading of Hearings though there had been several hearings
and meetings with the business associations and others.
President Diament stated this is the customary way this has been
done in the past and for several months there have been a number
of hearings including one that was televised and that the City
has attempted to reach everyone.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to consider the written
communication prior to the consideration of the related
ordinance. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was
carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers
Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament. - 4. Noes:
Councilmember Corica - 1. Absent: None.
86 -424 From Walter G. Grady, 2447 Santa Clara Avenue, expressing
opposition to the proposed amendment to the Business License Tax.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to hear the written
communication from Walter G. Grady regarding the Business
License Tax at the time the related ordinance is considered. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Monsef and carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef
and President Diament. - 4. Noes: Councilmember Corica -1.
Absent: None.
86 -425 Hearing regarding proposed Rezoning, R -86 -4, to change the
zoning of those properties located north of Shore Line Drive and
west of Park Street in the environs of and including South Shore
Center from C -2, Central Business District to C -2 -PD, Central
Business - Planned Development District. Applicant: City of
Alameda. (Continued from Adjourned Regular Council Meeting of
June 24, 1986)
President Diament explained the hearing procedure.
The Planning Director explained the background of the subject of
the hearing.
Councilmember Lucas inquired if the Post Office was zoned C -2, to
which the Planning Director responded that it is.
President Diament opened the public portion of the hearing.
On the call for proponents, there were none.
On the call for opponents, the following person spoke:
Michael Wood, representing Harsh Development, stated that Harsh
Development opposes not the concept of the Planned Development
(PD) but only the scope of the PD in this context. The majority
of the shopping center is fully developed under the existing C -2
Mr. Wood commented that Harsh is willing to work with the
Planning Board on the undeveloped corner of Park and Shoreline
under a PD overlay, but does not wish to add a PD overlay to the
portion of the Center previously built out. Mr. Wood further
stated he would like to clarify how the PD Overlay would affect
the existing Center. In particular, if the PD is overlaid that
the existing Center will be treated as having been approved as
the Planned Development. The Master Plan would be the approved
blueprint and those elements itemized on the Master Plan would
continue to apply even if the overlay is imposed. Specifically,
four small kiosks, the existing parking ratio that complies with
the C -2 zoning and lastly that the agreement reached with the
Planning staff which was that the development of that undeveloped
corner would be up to 30,000 sq. feet provided the developer
maintained the 4.5 per thousand parking ratio as agreed upon.
Planning Director responded the undeveloped area would develop at
the same parking ratio as the remainder of the Center, and would
treat the Master Plan as the adopted PD Plan for the Center. The
corner would require additional review by the Planning Board at
such time as new buildings were proposed for it; they would hold
hearings under the PD process. Existing conditions would be
presumed to be the same as approved conditions once PD Zoning is
applied retroactively.
Councilmember Lucas inquired if the parking ratio could be
increased, to which the Planning Director replied that it could
be on new development.
Councilmember Monsef inquired if the parking conditions had to be
decided now.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she did not believe the Council
has any basis to make a decision on the required parking ratio
tonight, and the Planning Board is the proper body for that kind
of decision.
The Planning Director noted that the Planning Board could not
increase the maximum required by the Zoning Ordinance.
President Diament closed the public portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Hanna noted the problems began with the Post Office
problem and he has had many questions from the public regarding
development that he has not been able to answer and therefore, in
order that there be some environmental control over the area,
which is of such great interest to the community, there should be
a PD overlay on the entire Center.
Councilmember Corica stated that he agreed with Councilmember
Hanna and noted the problems started with the wall, the parking
lot's character was changed, and that although it is a little
late, there should be some control.
Councilmember Lucas added that she was also concerned about the
design quality in the Shopping Center which, while adjacent to
the shoreline, the view of the beach is blocked by a solid wall
without a window and it would have been good for Council to have
some input into the design.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to take the related ordinance
out of order. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it
was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86-426 Ordinance No. N.S. "Reclassifying and rezoning
certain properties within the City of Alameda by amending Zoning
Ordinance No. 1277, N.S.; Applicant: City of Alameda, R-86-4,
those properties located north of Shore Line Drive and west of
Park Street in the environs of and including South Shore Center."
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to introduce the ordinance.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86-427 Hearing on General Revenue Sharing for Fiscal Year
President Diament opened the public portion of the hearing.
On the call for proponents, there were none.
On the call for opponents, there were none.
The public portion of the hearing was then closed.
Councilmember Lucas made a motion to take the related Resolution
out of order. Councilmember Corica seconded the motion and it
was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86-428 Resolution No. 10968 "Approving and adopting the 1986-87
General Revenue Sharing Budget." Adopted.
Councilmember Corica made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
President Diament announced that by consensus of Council, the
Ordinance regarding Business License Tax amendment would be
considered at this point.
President Diament noted that two Written Communications (Nos.
86-423 and 86-424) were to be considered in connection with the
Councilmember Lucas made a motion to accept Written Communciation
No. 86-423. Councilmember Hanna seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Lucas made a motion to accept Written Communication
No. 86 -424. Councilmember Hanna seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -429 Ordinance No. 2295 N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by amending Chapter 1 of Title XIII thereof relating to
Business License Tax." Introduced and adopted.
Richard Roth, Board Member of West Alameda Business Association,
reported that the Association voted to support Alternative IV
with two (2) exceptions: 1) the $100.00 minimum should not be
tied to the Index, and 2) if sufficient funds generated, not move
to the proposed second level.
Vic Viviano, 1202 Lincoln Avenue, commented that the amendment
would be difficult for small businesses and the City will receive
less services.
Dorothy Abdulrahman, 4334 Essex, described a problem she would
encounter as a licensed mobile cart peddler. The City Manager
stated he would examine the situation.
Linda Pritchard, 3263 San Jose Avenue, voiced her concerns
regarding the business tax, particularly with regard to real
estate business in which she stated that Alameda taxation was
much higher than in surrounding cities.
President Diament noted that the Council had received a letter
from the Park Street Business Association approving the Business
License Tax Ordinance.
In response to Council discussion concerning the introduction and
adoption of the ordinance at one meeting, the City Attorney
explained that the City Charter states any ordinance setting a
tax is immediately effective. He also noted that the ordinance
may be amended before adoption.
The Finance Director clarified police officers' authority
regarding license violations, and explained the proposed changes
to the ordinance.
Councilmember Hanna inquired as to the difference between the
$114,000. anticipated revenue from the first year at 40 cents,
and the $206,000. anticipated from the second year at 50 cents,
to which the Finance Director responded that the factors included
a raise in the minimum tax as well as percentage increase on
gross receipts of larger businesses.
Councilmember Hanna stated there has been some very significant
changes from what was originally offered by the City Manager, and
the City has considerable support for what is being offered.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to approve the ordinance, and
Councilmember Lucas seconded it.
Councilmember Corica commented that he was concerned about the
Business License Tax and believes the proposed increase is a
dramatic one. Councilmember Corica added that the Sign Ordinance
is being enforced and costs some people a lot of money to comply,
and that insurance rates are going up which will affect
businesses. He suggested doubling the tax now and not altering
the percentage(s) until the City determines where it stands next
year. Councilmember Corica also stated he would feel more
comfortable if an arrangement could be made which left gross
receipts out of it.
Councilmember Monsef stated he, too, was concerned for small
businesses, however, believed percentages should be built into
the fee structure. Councilmember Monsef also expressed concern
for the increases which will affect the large businesses, and
which could be considered a bit unfair. He suggested that
perhaps the motion include a "ceiling" possibly based on 40 cents
per thousand.
Councilmember Lucas commended staff on being responsive to the
community and believes that everyone has had an opportunity to
work on the proposal. Councilmember Lucas stated it is the best
proposal and supports Councilmember Hanna's motion.
Councilmember Corica said he was not speaking only for small
businesses, but for all of the businesses in the City.
In response to inquiry from Councilmember Corica, the Finance
Director responded that if the City doubled the flat fee, an
additional $350,000 revenue would be generated this year.
Councilmember Corica stated that amount would cover the Budget
The Finance Director noted that the City would have to double
everything across the board.
The City Manager stated that the entire business rate structure
must be considered. He added that $300,000 revenue was
originally being looked at, however, the impact was too
significant upon the business community.
Councilmember Lucas stated that a percentage formula would
provide automatic adjustments.
On the call for the question, Councilmember Hanna's motion
carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers
Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament -4. Noes:
Councilmember Corica -1. Absent: None
86 -430 Hearing on Proposed Operating Budget and Capital
Improvements/ Gas Tax Budgets for Fiscal Year 1986 -87.
President Diament reviewed the procedure of the hearing.
The City Manager gave an overview of the proposed budget and
noted one further change (since the Council work session) in the
revenue picture. He stated that a notice was received from the
County that the $20,000.00 grant anticipated from the County to
help finance the operation of Mastick Senior Center was not
recommended by County staff, but there has been a letter
appealing the decision and therefore the final decision has not
yet been made. He summarized various categories of budgeted
Councilmember Monsef inquired if the proposed budget had a
$192,000.00 deficit, to which the City Manager replied that, if
the County did not allow the $20.000.00 grant, the budget would
have a $212,000.00 deficit.
Councilmember Corica said a reason for voting against the
proposed business tax was because he did not know how the
proposed budget would come out because there is no report yet on
how much each department spent and he would like a finalized
figure on each department.
The City Manager noted that by early September of each year,
there will be a complete printout of actual monies expended, as
well as a review of the objectives and their results, and an
audit will have been completed, on the fiscal year 1985 -86. He
added that the budget is reviewed through the year when
unexpected events affect the revenues or expenditures.
The Finance Director stated that the tentative close of the books
is made on June 30th and further adjustments need to be made as
some income and expense activity in July requires allocation to
the 1985 -86 fiscal year, and normally the books are finally
closed in early August.
Councilmember Corica commented that he believed the time for the
business license tax review should have been after the figures
were all in and it was known what the City needed .
The public portion of the hearing was opened.
On the call for proponents:
Mr. Dankworth, President, Mastick Senior Center Advisory Board,
addressed Council on the areas where cuts would need to be made
if the $20,000. is not permitted by the County, stating that
there would be a reduction in social work and aid to seniors in
dire conditions, and that the repair needed for two roofs will
take more than what is contained in the budget for repairs and
Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut, addressed Council on his suggestions
regarding the budget, e.g., abolishing the Cable Oversight
Committee, cuts in personnel, demand for 15 acres from Harbor Bay
Isle, sale of property, and building a jail.
On the call for opponents:
Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, addressed the Council,
inquiring whether or not the Charter reflected a specific budget
deadline, he inquired on the status of various City -owned
properties, requested a tax increment breakdown of Marina
Village, and requested a transfer of $100,000.00 from the
Enterprise Fund to the Golf Course. Mr. Tillman stated that he
believed Council should not accept a budget until all actual
figures are available.
President Diament closed the public portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Monsef stated he did not believe the budget should
be a deficit budget, and asked the City Manager to recommend
where the budget could be cut.
The City Manager noted that the budget for capital improvements
included the cost of underground tanks, and recommended a
$192,000.00 reduction there. He stated the additional $20,000.00
may still come from the County and if not, then that matter could
be addressed later.
Councilmember Monsef suggested that $212,000.00 be cut from
the capital improvements budget at this time.
Councilmember Corica recommended that the $20,000.00 for the
Cable Oversight Committee be shifted to the Mastick Senior Center
and also that there be provision for police dogs for the City of
Alameda, that the City Manager cut assistant department heads
rather than two police officers, and that he would like exact end
of the year figures before deciding what the needs are.
President Diament asked if two policemen were deleted from the
budget, to which the City Manager replied there were not.
Councilmember Lucas asked if the revenues might increase and the
City Manager replied that there is a possibility of increase in
sales tax revenue if the economy turns up.
Councilmember Hanna commented that the $212,000.00 only
represents nine - tenths of one percent of the budget and
considering the nature of estimates that are conservative, there
does not appear to be a great deal to be concerned about. He
added he would be supportive of balancing the budget by
transferring in the amount set aside for the capital
Councilmember Monsef made a motion that Council accept the budget
with the proviso of cutting capital improvements by $212,000.00
in order to balance the budget. Councilmember Hanna seconded the
Councilmember Corica inquired if there would be further
discussion and consideration of the transfering funds from the
Cable TV Oversight Committee to the Mastick Senior Center, and
also look into the possibility of a canine unit for the Police
Department, and perhaps the City Manager could give an estimate
of which couple of assistant department heads could possibly be
eliminated in order to conduct a more adequate budget.
Councilmember Monsef stated it was not in his motion at this time
but that he would like to see a report from the City Manager in
September. Councilmember Corica asked for clarification that it
would be on the items just discussed, to which Councilmember
Monsef agreed.
The City Manager commented on the difference between proposed and
final budget, noting that when the proposed budget is adopted, it
becomes the final budget.
Councilmember Corica commented that the changes councilmembers
had discussed putting into the budget would not be carried out.
The City Manager responded that he would do whatever Council
directs with regard to the canine corps, that staff would bring
back to Council a report on the matter.
Councilmember Corica stated that if Mastick does not get the
money from the County, the transfer of monies should be done, and
he inquired if the budget was adopted, how would the transfer be
handled, because it is his desire that it be done.
The City Manager commented the way he would like it to be
handled, is to leave it open and then he hoped to find funds
other than removing support from the Cable Oversight Program,
possibly from reserves or other locations.
Councilmember Hanna noted that the motion was to provide the
$20,000 from the Capital Improvements allowance.
Councilmember Monsef called for the question.
The vote on the motion to adopt the resolution and amend by
cutting $212,000.00 from the Capital Improvements allowance was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86-431 Resolution No. 10969 "Approving and adopting an
Operating Budget and Capital Improvements/Gas Tax Budget for the
Fiscal Year 1986-87, and appropriating funds for the expenditures
provided in said Budgets for said Fiscal Year." Adopted
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution as
amended. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5 .
86 -432 Resolution No. 10970 "Requesting and authorizing the
County of Alameda to levy a tax on all real and personal property
in the City of Alameda as a voter approved levy for the Library
Fund, pursuant to Section 16 -2 of the Charter of the City of
Alameda." Adopted.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -433 Resolution No. 10971 "Authorizing a loan to, and the
execution of, a Repayment Agreement with the Alameda Community
Improvement Commission." Adopted.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -434 Resolution No. 10972 "Establishing Appropriation Limit
for Fiscal Year 1986 -87." Adopted.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -435 Resolution No. 10973 "Authorizing execution of a Grant
Agreement with Alamedans with Housing Opportunities Provided
Equally for Fiscal Year 1986 -87." Adopted.
Councilmember Monsef inquired if Mrs. Pryor had the experience
and expertise to undertake this type of project to which Mrs.
Pryor responded that her staff had been doing it, and have had
successes with it.
Councilmember Corica said he would like to have seen the Senior
Citizen Center more involved but after the letter from them
stating they were unable to do so because of staff restraints but
that they would still be somewhat involved with it, he feels
comfortable voting for the Resolution.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna,
Monsef and President Diament -4. Noes: Councilmember Lucas -1.
Absent: None
*86 -436 Resolution No. 10974 "Approving Final Map of subdivision
known as Tract 5527 and accepting certain easements and rights of
access (Lighthouse Cove on Bay Farm Island, Pulte Home
Corporation, subdivider)." Adopted.
Councilmember Corica stated he would vote no because he believes
it is too densely populated and he doesn't like to see small
Councilmember Hanna moved for adoption of the Resolution,
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef
and President Diament -4. Noes: Councilmember Corica -1.
Absent: None.
86 -437 Councilmember Hanna requested a report regarding the
Doherty property case and a written transmittal from the City
Attorney regarding future court dates.
The City Attorney reported on the progress of the matter, noted
that there will be another hearing on August 5, and agreed to
send a note regarding court dates.
86 -438 Councilmember Corica questioned the content of an article
in the Oakland Tribune regarding developers buying Harbor Bay
Isle land.
The Public Works Director stated that the property was formerly
owned by a division of Bass Enterprises and Doric Development,
and Doric Development accomplished a buyout with Home Savings of
San Diego to replace the partnership.
86 -439 Councilmember Corica expressed concern regarding the
unavailability of restroom facilities at Godfrey Park, and
proposed that a policy be established which would provide a key
upon receipt of a deposit.
The City Manager stated the matter would be addressed.
86 -440 Councilmember Hanna made a motion that the City contact
the School District to initiate discussion between the Council
and Board of Education regarding the possibility of purchasing
the Mastick property. He said there were a number of reasons why
it might be advantageous for the City to do that now rather than
fourteen years from now.
Councilmember Corica said it had already been voted on.
Councilmember Lucas stated she felt very strongly that it should
be discussed and requested a ruling on whether or not it could
be further discussed.
The City Attorney said he believed a person who was not in
attendance could make a motion to reverse the action of the
Council at a subsequent meeting but it would require a majority
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to change the position of
Council regarding the matter. Councilmember Lucas seconded the
President Diament commented that she did note at the meeting when
it was disapproved, that Council was not going to hurt itself by
talking to the Board of Education and believed that Mr. Thomas
made some very strong arguments.
Councilmember Monsef stated the City could raise the issue or
bring it back for discussion perhaps a year from now, so doors
were not being closed.
Councilmember Corica commented on the possibility that things
might improve within the next fourteen years, and the School
District might want to give the property to the City.
President Diament noted that the School Board could sell the
property, lease included, to someone else, to which Councilmember
Corica commented to the effect that it would be unlikely.
President Diament stated she would like to allow the Senior
Citizens an opportunity to provide input into the discussion on
the matter.
Councilmember Lucas noted that a motion was on the floor.
Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut, commented on the possible provision
of a school on Harbor Bay Isle, and the possible use of used
portables, for the purpose of saving the developers from spending
The City Attorney noted that what he has seen is in reverse, that
in order for the City to impose by ordinance the fee for
temporary schoolrooms, they must have some clearance from the
State, and in order to get that, they must get rid of their empty
classrooms, so the way he has seen it, the problem with their
retaining the ownership of Mastick School is that they may not be
able to turn around and ask the City to pass an ordinance to
impose fees on developers. The City Attorney stated further that
the point appears to be what is called the "time value of money ".
According to the principle involved, if the school district were
desperate enough to get rid of the property, they could offer it
with a large discount because it has a fourteen year lease. They
might offer it to the City that way.
Councilmember Lucas stated that it affects the market value of
the property which is much lower now than it will be at the end
of the lease, when improvements belong to the owner of the land
without being subject to any lease, regardless of any inflation.
Councilmember Hanna stated that the motion is to reconsider and
also ask the City Manager to arrange with the Superintendent of
Schools for discussion. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion
and it was carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, and President Diament -3. Noes:
Councilmembers Corica and Monsef -2. Absent: None.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to extend the meeting (due to
the 11:00 p.m. hour).
86 -441 President Diament stated a Shore Line Drive resident
requested that Council consider parking stickers for that area.
President Diament suggested: (1) the Traffic Advisory Committee
discuss the proposal, (2) the number of vehicles per unit be
controlled, and (3) if necessary, restrictions imposed.
Councilmember Lucas requested parking meters be considered also.
Councilmember Monsef asked that a short parking limit (2 hours,
perhaps) be considered.
The City Manager said he would follow through.
86 -442 Gary W. McAfee, 2614 Bayview Drive, suggested that the
City consider: 1) diverting all through traffic on Shore Line
Drive onto Otis Drive, 2) stop signs along Shore Line Drive, 3) a
crosswalk in front of MacDonald's, 4) diagonal parking, and 5)
two -lane traffic on Shore Line Drive.
In response to inquiry from President Diament, the Public Works
Director stated that the matter of traffic capacity and speed
could be studied.
President Diament noted that the crosswalk matter had been
addressed by the Traffic Advisory Committee.
President Diament adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,,
Diane B. Felsch
City Clerk