1986-08-19 Regular CC Minutes197 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY AUGUST 19, 1986 At the end of the Pre - council Meeting, President Diament called an Executive Session to order to consider the case of Smitheram v. City of Alameda and the Workers' Compensation claims of Elizabeth Nice and Siegfried A. Roth. The meeting convened at 7:45 p.m. (at the conclusion of the Community Improvement Commission Meeting) with President Diament presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Monsef. Reverend Martell Twitchell gave the invocation. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 5. Absent: None MINUTES Councilmember Hanna made a motion for approval of the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of August 5, 1986, and minutes of the Special Council Meeting of August 7, 1986. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by the following voice vote: Regarding Council Meeting of August 5, 1986: Ayes: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 5. Regarding Council Meeting of August 7, 1986: Ayes: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas and Monsef - 4. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstention: President Diament - 1 [Due to absence from that meeting.] CONSENT CALENDAR 86 -488 Consent Calendar Items Nos 1 -C and 1 -D were removed and placed on Regular Agenda at request of Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive. [See Resolutions Nos. 86- and 86- .] Councilmember Lucas moved for adoption of the Consent Calendar with the exception of the above mentioned Items Nos. 1 -C and 1 -D, and Councilmember Corica seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *86 -489 From Finance Director on City's Investment Portfolio as of July 31, 1986. Accepted. *86 -490 From Recreation and Parks Director recommending acceptance of work done by Gateway Construction Company for the renovation of the Krusi Park Tot Lot, P.W. No. 8- 85 -26. Accepted. 198 RESOLUTIONS *86-491 Resolution No 10992 "Rescinding the Rejection of Bids for the construction of crosswalks at Park Street, from Central Avenue to Santa Clara Avenue, P.W. No. 3-86-4, awarding contract to Ambo Concrete, Inc., and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted. *86-492 Resolution No. 10993 "Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Pruning of City Street Trees in Various Locations in the City of Alameda, P.W. No. 8-86-26, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted. *86-493 Resolution No. 10994 "Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Construction of Wheelchair Ramps, Phase 5, P.W. No. 8-86-28, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted. *86-494 Resolution No. 10995 "Adopting Plans and Specifications for Repaving of the Alameda Municipal Golf Course Parking Lot, P.W. No. 7-85-25, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted. *86-495 Resolution No. 10996 "Adopting Revised Plans and Specificatons for Krusi Park Walkway Rehabilitation, P.W. No. 8-86-29, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted. *86-496 Resolution No. 10997 "Approving form and authorizing execution of loan agreements for facade improvements and commercial rehabilitation." Adopted. *86-497 Resolution No. 10998 "Authorizing execution of extension of Contract for purchase of services with Auto-Graphics, Inc. for Library Catalog Production." Adopted. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES *86-498 Ordinance No. 2299 N.S. "Reclassifying and rezoning certain properties within the City of Alameda by amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, N.S., Applicant: City of Alameda, R-86-7, those properties located east of Patton Way and north of Thau Way/future Atlantic Avenue extension in the environs of and including the Island Auto Movie." Adopted. *86-499 Ordinance No. 2300 N.S. "Authorizing sale of City-owned property at Otis Drive and Willow Street to Harvey C. Dong and Beatrice T. Dong." Adopted. *86-500 Ordinance No. 2301 N.S. "Authorizing purchase by Grant Deed of Real Property known as "Property No. 372, Alameda" from East Bay Municipal Utility District in conjunction with the proposed construction of Patton Way, Phase II." Adopted. 199 BILLS 86 -501 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct, was approved in the amount of $2,416,641.56. RETURN TO REGULAR AGENDA WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 86 -502 From Ardienne R. Neiswonger, WORDS WORDS WORDS, 2415 Mariner Square Drive, regarding the new minimum business license fee structure. President Diament explained that the communication expressed the belief that the business license fee for very small businesses is too high. Councilmember Lucas stated that there had been very long discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and members of the business community and believes the tax to be fair. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to accept the communication. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 86 -503 Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, regarding parliamentary procedure and reconsideration of a motion. Mr. Tillman addressed Council regarding concerns noted in his letter, adding that he was not able to speak on a matter important to him at a prior Council meeting because it was not agendized; it was brought up under Unfinished Business close to the end of a meeting, and he had left shortly before that. City Attorney noted that additions to the Brown Act were being considered by the State that would make changes in agendas. Following a brief discussion on alternatives, Councilmember Hanna made a motion to direct City Manager to develop ideas on the subject and agendize for the next meeting. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. HEARINGS 86 -504 Hearing regarding proposed Zoning Text Amendment, ZA -86 -3, which would delete the definition for "apartment hotel"; delete the R -3 through R -6 zoning classifications; add new land use regulations pertaining to residential, office and business uses; and add a section pertaining to non - conforming uses. Applicant: City of Alameda. President Diament announced the procedure of the hearing. 200 The Planning Director explained the background of the hearing subject. Councilmember Lucas wanted clarification that what was being considered involves three types of zoning, R -1, R -2 and R -2 including AP [R -AP]; that the areas that are currently strictly residential R -2 would not have AP automatically attached to them; and, that the R -3 through R -6 are not automatically changed to the RAP District, and the Planning Director confirmed that those statements were correct. On the call for Proponents, there were none. On the call for Opponents, the following spoke: Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, stated he believed three -story buildings could be built in residential districts under proposed zoning, and added that Planning Board minutes have not been provided to Council which he believes should be done before a matter is discussed. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. President Diament requested the City Attorney clarify regarding the number of building stories as permitted by the zone ordinance. The City Attorney stated that R -6 allows up to 8 stories; R -5, 6 stories; and, R -3, 4 stories; and that the 3 stories being considered in the new zoning was less than allowed in R -4, 5 or 6. The Planning Director noted the Planning Board had discussed this matter at length; that some members wanted the same height limit as the C -2 district which is 8 stories and 100 feet high, while some felt that the R -2 2- stories at 30 feet high were more appropriate; that the district created is intended to be transitional and accomodate some office and professional uses; and that this district will apply only after public hearings with regard to specific properties, will not become effective immediately, and will not be interjected automatically into existing residential districts. Councilmember Hanna inquired if the Board considered the effect on the Pope Street site. Councilmember Lucas inquired why Council is not given minutes. The Planning Director stated that Council never has been given minutes prior to the time items were discussed because it would extend the time for hearing, and that Council holds meetings with the opportunity for opposing persons to speak. Councilmember Lucas stated she would like to hear the opinion of Board Members. 201 Councilmember Corica made a motion that Council, before it meets on this matter, be given Planning Board minutes. Councilmember Hanna commented that the Planning Board minutes are lengthy, time consuming, and late; that perhaps the City Manager could examine the type of minutes so they could come out sooner. Councilmember Monsef said he would second the motion if it includes that the matter be deferred until after receipt of the minutes and that the Board be informed that Council intends to consider the Pope Street site for senior citizen housing, to which Councilmember Corica agreed. The Planning Director noted that the opinion of each board member would not necessarily be reflected in the minutes, that it would require verbatim minutes which are done only in Appeal situations. Councilmember Corica commented he would like the basis of decision and type of discussion and if Council wants verbatim, it can be requested later. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. APPEALS 86 -505 Appeal of Planning Board Decision to deny Variance, V- 86 -11, to allow an existing two -story building housing one dwelling unit at the rear of the property at 3313 Fernside Boulevard, with a zero foot side yard setback where ten feet and twenty feet respectively are required. Appellant: Michailo Crnjanski. The City Attorney described the procedure of the hearing of the Appeal. The Planning Director explained the background of the Appeal. Councilmember Hanna inquired about the required ten foot side yard. The Planning Director replied that normally the requirement is 5 feet, but when a residential unit backs to the side yard, 10 feet is required. Melvin Kahn, 467 Central Avenue, commented he had sold the property to Mr. Crnjanski a year ago; he had owned the property for thirty years prior to that; the building in question was well built; and was built in accordance with City requirements. John Barnard, 1134 Ballena Blvd., attorney for appellant, stated that the use is consistent with the neighborhood; that he has aerial photo to show that neighbors have such units; that the building backs up to the bay, rather than to another house; that this is not a density matter but is consistent with density; that it is a legal accessory building; and it is without detriment to public interest. 202 Italo Calpestri, 1504 Park Street, Architect for Mr. Crnjanski, stated that there is sufficient parking and sufficient open space to allow the proposed use of the building. William Kirkland, 2000 Santa Clara, stated that between 40 and 50 percent of all of the units in the area have similar circumstances, and expressed support for the Appeal. Councilmember Hanna noted that the building has been used for thirty years illegally; an illegal dwelling has lower value; making it legal would raise value; and asked the City Attorney if the Planning Board findings are proper. The City Attorney commented that the language of the ordinance is very technical; the City has become more stringent in applying the ordinance; and the Planning Board has become more stringent also, and it is not outside their purview to do so. Monte Walker, 3301 Fernside Blvd., commented it is a miscarriage of justice; that he would have to move out of his house on the same technicality; and urged Council to vote in Mr. Crnjanski's favor. Dolores Bissonnette, 3308 Fernside Blvd., stated that she lives across the street from Mr. Crnjanski and said he has improved the property since he has been there. Sylvia Thompson, 1622 Fernside Blvd., #C, stated she lives nearby and said Mr. Crnjanski has purchased and improved the property. She submitted to Council a petition signed by 24 people asking that the variance be allowed. Dieter Rabe, 1510 East Shore Drive, stated he owns two properties on Fernside; that nothing has been done in 30 years regarding many illegal "improvements" on Fernside, and expressed support for the appeal. Erik Nilsen, 3315 Fernside Blvd., stated he is against the proposed dwelling unit because it does not conform to regulations, windows adjoin his property; the property in question is not improved; cars are parked on the lawn, hedges torn out, and things done without permits. He stated also there have been numerous complaints over a number of years; that $30,000 worth of structural damage has been done to his property because of drainage; and that the building in question was built as a clubhouse, not a dwelling unit. Councilmember Monsef asked about the size of the windows to which Mr. Nilson replied they were large enough for someone to go through, and added that to maintain that side of the building, it would be necessary to come on his property. In response to Councilmember Monsef's inquiry regarding drainage, Mr. Nilson stated that the drainage from the Crnjanski property goes into the ground and drains into the lower level of the Nilson property, and that his drainage goes into the drainage system pipe underground. 203 Darryl Browman, 3315 Fernside Blvd., stated his opposition to the variance was not a personal matter; there should be no windows on a property line without a setback; variances should be based on hardship; the building was originally built as a clubhouse and Mr. Crnjanski, as a real estate agent, should have known that; and granting a variance would only give him a bonus. David H. Tese, 3253 Fernside Blvd., stated that the letter from Davis, Young & Mendelson stated gross untruths: that there are many buildings on lots behind houses between High and Park Streets but not on the other side of High Street; that there were numerous protests over the years about people living in the building in question; that it increases parking problems; and that the Planning Board made a legitimate decision. Howard Shirley, 3327 Fernside Blvd., stated he resented the charge of discrimination because it is not true. He asked if it is legal to build more than two residences on an R -2 lot to which the City Attorney replied that it is based on square footage, that if it were 10,000 sq. feet, then there would be the right to subdivide and the density is the same if subdivided or not. William Gorman, 3309B Fernside Blvd., stated that Mr. Crnjanski bought the property knowing what he bought; that there are many names on the petition because they know if a precedent is set, they can do the same; that Council should not allow individuals to utterly disregard the law. President Diament announced there is a letter signed by members of the Carvalho family, 3305 Fernside Blvd., opposing granting of the appeal. Scott McKinley, 3313 Fernside and San Francisco, stated the building exists and feels no harm would be done by granting the appeal. Councilmember Hanna stated that the City has had problems with illegal dwellings; that unless the City can establish standards, it will always have buyers appearing and saying that they did not know something was illegal; that the building was built according to the zoning laws of the time but was not approved for living purposes. He then asked the City Attorney if the Planning Board's findings were correct, to which the City Attorney responded that they were. Councilmember Monsef inquired if there were an investigation as to safety for living quarters when the owner applied for permit for new aluminum windows for the building and, if not, then why not. The Public Works Director replied that the application was for a permit for new aluminum windows and because the City records reflected the building as clubhouse, there was no such investigation required. Councilmember Lucas stated the Council is concerned about density; that she believed that it is good that the Planning Board is 204 becoming more strict; and agrees with Councilmember Hanna that the Planning Board should be upheld. Councilmember Lucas made a motion to uphold the decision of the Planning Board. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanna and carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. RESOLUTIONS 86 -506 Resolution No. 10999 "Accepting Application for Financing and of Determination and of Intention to undertake project and to issue bonds therefor and approving and authorizing a preliminary agreement between the participating party and the City with reference to such financing. (Park Street Landing Project)" Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt, asked a number of questions regarding the industrial revenue bond issuance. The City Manager responded to the questions as follows: It is collateralized by the property for which the proceeds were used for improvements; there must be a private institution or a letter of credit to back the bonds; it is not backed by the City; it is for $2,250,000.00 maximum; the bond issuance may be less; the resolution only states an intent to issue; it would be necessary to come back to Council to actually issue; the first industrial revenue bond issuance was for the Harbor Bay Recreation Center; and, the bonds are tax exempt and therefore at a lower rate. Councilmember Monsef made a motion to accept the resolution. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Corica, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 4. Noes: None. Abstention: Councilmember Hanna - 1. 86 -507 Resolution No. 11000 "Amending the Management and Confidential Employee Salary Resolution by establishing salary for the new position of Recreation Manager." Adopted. Resolution No. 11001 "Amending the Management and Confidential Employee Salary Resolution by establishing salary for the new position of Golf Operations and Maintenance Manager." Adopted. Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, inquired what salary steps would be used for the two employees and how much additional money was involved, if any. The City Manager responded that Steps 1 through 5 of salary range would be used and that no additional appropriation would be required; that it will reduce cost to the golf course; that the salary is below that of an assistant director. Councilmember Corica stated that there was no need for a Golf Maintenance Manager; that the position is not needed and is a waste of money, that he would vote no on the Golf Course position and yes for the Recreation Manager. 205 The City Attorney inquired if Councilmember Corica wanted the resolution split, to which Councilmember Corica replied affirmatively. Councilmember Corica made a motion to separate the items and Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Monsef made a motion to establish the salary of the Recreation Manager, Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Monsef made a motion to establish the salary of the Golf Operations and Maintenance Manager and Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 4. Noes: Councilmember Corica - 1. Absent: None. 86 -508 Resolution No. 11002 "Appropriating all unallocated revenues and unanticipated revenues for fiscal year 1985 -86 as a reserve for working capital." Adopted. Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, commented on the difference between the projected revenue and the revenue figure at this time, and asked if the revenues would go into the General Fund to which the City Manager replied that it would, and noted also, that on $23,000.000.00 budget, being 3 percent off on projection was a very small margin compared to most entities. Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, remarked that the budget was a good estimate; that it is a prudent practice to underestimate rather than overestimate revenue; and asked if the Gann initiative requiring the establishing of appropriations limit is an amendment, to which the City Manager stated that it does not amend the limit. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution. Councilmember Corica seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES 86 -509 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Authorizing execution of a Lease with the Department of the Army for a portion of the U.S. Tidal Canal property." Adopted. William Kirkland, 2000 Santa Clara Avenue, commented in favor of the ordinance; gave some of the background of the Canal; and added he wanted to find source of money for Library construction. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to introduce the ordinance, Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion, and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 206 86 -510 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending various sections of Chapter 1 of Title XI thereof relating to regulations for R -3 through R -6 zones, and non - conforming uses." The ordinance is being held over for consideration with related hearing [86-504]. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE 86 -511 Ordinance No. 2302, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Section 17 -551 thereof to prohibit the use of Buena Vista Avenue, from Grand Street to Park Street, by certain vehicles between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.41 Adopted. Peter Ekstein, 2111 Buena Vista Avenue, suggested that perhaps the installation of stop signs, diverters and barricades might be an inexpensive solution to the truck traffic problems. Andre Reynier, 2251 Buena Vista Avenue, commented on routes of trucks entering Alameda, noted that trains do not run often, and suggested no- parking signs on Clement to alleviate the problems for truckers. Jack Albers, 2015 Buena Vista Avenue, commented that the truck speeding is getting worse, that there are a lot of good companies in the area, but something should be done about the speeding trucks. Dorothy Madsen, 2226 1/2 Buena Vista Avenue, urged Council to place the ban so that the residents could get some sleep at night. James Gilchrist, 2109 Buena Vista Avenue, asked clarification of the wording "certain vehicles ", to which the City Manager replied that it is specific in the ordinance. Mr. Gilchrist then compared the widths of the two streets noting that Clement is 6 feet narrower and suggested parking be banned on one side of Clement. President Diament noted that three members of Council went to the area to see the problems and on Saturday morning one Councilmember went to review the staff demonstrations; that no- parking signs must be considered for Clement; that turns were very close and the narrowness of the area almost caused sidemirrors to be hit. Councilmember Lucas commented that the tight situation is caused by both the train and trucks parked on the side of the street. Councilmember Corica stated that parking violations should be enforced and towing service used when necessary. President Diament commented that there should be no- parking signs and red curbs. Councilmember Hanna stated that the no- parking -at -night ban should be enforced. 207 Councilmember Hanna made a motion for passage of the ordinance. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 86 -512 The City Attorney raised a question of whether or not the ballot analyses as presented to the County may be approved as filed with the County. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to approve ballot analyses of Measure A (County: F) and Measure B (County: G) filed by the City Attorney. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 4. Noes: Councilmember Corica - 1. Absent: None: NEW BUSINESS 86 -513 Consideration of an appointment to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. President Diament nominated Jane Ward - Powers to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. Councilmember Monsef seconded and Council, by consensus confirmed the appointment. 86 -514 Councilmember Monsef requested Council's direction on what his position should be regarding the South Africa divestment matter at the meeting he will be attending August 20 of the East Bay Division of the League of California Cities. Council directed Councilmember Monsef to abstain from voting. ADJOURNMENT President Diament adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane B. Felsch, City Clerk