1986-10-21 Regular CC Minutes237 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA OCTOBER 21, 1986 At the end of the Pre-Council meeting, President Diament called a Closed Session to order to consider the Worker's Compensation claim of Douglas K. Clifton. The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. (at the conclusion of the Community Improvement Commission meeting) with President Diament presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Monsef. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 5. MINUTES Councilmember Hanna made a motion for approval of the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 7, 1986 and the Special Council Meeting of October 9th. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Hanna requested that Item 1-D, regarding the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Permit Application, be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion under the regular agenda. Councilmember Monsef moved for adoption of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item No. 1-D. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *86-601 From Recreation and Parks Director recommending acceptance of work by Anchor Fence, Inc. for replacement of chain link fabric at Krusi Park. Accepted. *86-602 From Finance Director on City's Investment Portfolio as of September 30, 1986. Accepted. *86-603 From Police Chief regarding abandoned vehicles. Accepted. RESOLUTIONS *86-604 Resolution No. 11032 "Authorizing execution of grant agreement with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce for marketing portfolios." Adopted. 238 *86-605 Resolution No. 11033 "Authorizing execution of extension of personal services agreement with Mark Kaiser." Adopted. *86-606 Resolution No. 11034 "Awarding contract to Reliable Tree Experts for pruning of City street trees in various locations in the City of Alameda and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted. *86-607 Resolution No. 11035 "Authorizing contracting in the open market for rehabilitation of street sweeper pursuant to Section 3-15 of the City Charter." Adopted. *86-608 Resolution No. 11036 "Awarding contract to Nixon-Egli Equipment Company for a leaf collector for the Public Works Department and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted. *86-609 Resolution No. 11037 "Authorizing extension of completion date for the renovation of the Mastick Senior Center Lobby." Adopted. *86-610 Resolution No. 11038 "Authorizing open market purchase of a sedan for the Fire Department pursuant to Section 3-15 of the City Charter." Adopted. *86-611 Resolution No. 11039 "Authorizing execution of amendment to service agreement with Gates, McDonald & Company for workers' compensation claims administration." Adopted. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES *86-612 Ordinance No. • N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by repealing Section 12-326 of Article 2, Chapter 3, of Title XII thereof, relating to minors being accompanied into Dance Halls." Adopted. BILLS *86-613 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct, was approved in the amount of $2,020,990.25. RETURN TO REGULAR AGENDA WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 86-614 From Sandra Slauson, 2426 Otis Drive, requesting an ordinance amendment prohibiting vending machine sale of pornographic material. Sandy T. Kaney, 3002 Cerro Vista, expressed her concern, as a mother of young children, regarding the availability of pornographic material, and opposed its sale. 239 The City Attorney explained the laws governing newsracks and pornography. President Diament noted that Council has heard from Dorothy Fullerton, representing the Alameda Council P.T.A. Board, whose members want an ordinance that will remove pornographic material from the area of other papers, and also had a communication from Mary Burson, 2500 Eagle Avenue, who could not be present, but wished to express an opinion against pornographic material and its placement in newsracks. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to accept the communication and request the City Attorney draft an amendment to prohibit the visual display of this material. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. President Diament commented that we often hear about the rights of the First Amendment, but not the responsibilities that go with it. Councilmember Lucas inquired whether other cities have similar ordinances and if they have been successful, to which the City Attorney responded there have been some ordinances in the East and he has written for copies; that the vending machine question is a difficult one; and that he could research other communities. Councilmember Lucas requested further research to be presented when the ordinance comes before Council. 86-615 From Walter Moeller, President, Alameda Alliance of Homeowners, P.O. Box 4020, regarding the proposed traffic management ordinance. Mr. Moeller read his communication regarding placement of the traffic management initiative on the ballot, and requested Council support the matter and submit it to the voters. Dee Prado, 1137 Bay Street, voiced concern regarding traffic management initiative, stating that this initiative does not appear to be the best way to make appropriate law, feels voters not informed enough, so perhaps should be done by fully informed officials who can check out the laws and other areas of study, and asked Council to gather more information prior to taking action on this initiative. Don Dowdell, Chamber of Commerce, said he believes proposed ordinance poses total threat to developers, not a slow-down but no growth; elected officials must serve entire welfare of city, and among other things, raising property values, especially unused, dormant, rundown property of the City, requests Council oppose petition, and suggests consultants, specialists, and traffic committee input. 240 Kay Hickox, Box 1225, opposed the initiative because it does not address some necessary areas, but is glad something is being done, and urges Council to study the traffic situation further. Rosalie McPherson, 1128 Marianas Lane, said Council will not play a role in the matter unless they support it because it will go on the ballot anyway, that it is workable, and requests Council put it on the ballot. Ian Roger, 340 Tideway Drive, recalled Councilmember Corica and Council's concern over loss of Todd Shipyards, knows Council's concern about traffic; said there is a time to recognize benefit of going ahead in spite of personal feeling; wonders how many initiators are from Alameda proper; believes development necessary; doesn't like NARF traffic but knows it is necessary. Mike Gorman, 1318 Clinton Avenue, asked Council not to put matter on ballot, it can go on by signatures; asked for economic impact study; believes this is "I ,ve got mine now, nobody else can have theirs" situation, it is reasonable to develop small portions of land in controlled way, traffic is minimal compared to cities nearby, and that problem is not just development but perhaps more to each family having more vehicles than in past. President Diament commented she would like to make a statement about Council "not playing a role": She stated it has been playing a real role for many years; Patton Way has been in plans for many years as a part of traffic systems management; Council has been making traffic analyses in the City itself; has been working with neighboring cities and with the County; and is concerned with Nimitz Freeway problem which also affects Alameda. She added that she has heard from experts on initiative; has suggested the formation of the Traffic Committee for traffic systems management which is not just development but intersections, roads, turns, shuttle busses, public transportation, staggering work hours; that there is a great deal of work to be done on it and answers to be worked out. Councilmember Lucas stated she understands request of the Alliance to put matter on the ballot immediately; the time when it would come up is April, 1987, presently under no deadline; has heard opposing views; would like this issue aired to the community; said when she first heard initiative, thought Council should pass ordinance to adopt initiative, but in reviewing all aspects of it, realizing that what is proposed is amendment to the General Plan, which under normal City procedure would be handled on first level by Planning Board, believes any issues touched upon tonight could be brought up for Council to study, i.e., economic impact; and since initiative is not until April, there is time to study and expose all these aspects to the community. 241 Councilmember Corica stated he heard same story that City would suffer with Measure A and Prop 13 but we are recovering from Proposition 13. Councilmember Corica made a motion to place the initiative on the ballot. Councilmember Monsef stated he is very concerned with traffic issue but believes Council has not yet heard all of the facts, and would like to hear all the facts before deciding, for example, financial obligations in regard to the bonds, etc. Motion failed for lack of second. Councilmember Lucas made a motion to refer matter to the Planning Board as a proposed amendment to our General Plan. Councilmember Monsef seconded motion but would include that matter should be expedited. Councilmember Lucas agreed. Councilmember Hanna stated that there should be emphasis on expediting the matter; wants all ramifications to be examined, and asked City Manager if it could be done in time, and added that deadline should be reviewed as to when Council could perhaps put matters on the ballot. The City Manager responded that staff would propose engagement of outside independent review, someone who has not worked for the City of Alameda previously or for any development; that Public Works has some studies that can be used. Councilmember Lucas asked City Clerk if election schedule has been prepared. The City Clerk stated preliminary calendar indicates Council would need to put initiative on the ballot by second meeting in January. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 4. Noes: Councilmember Corica - 1. Absent: None. 86-616 From L.A. Patton, 1020 San Antonio, concerning a single high school concept. Mr. Patton suggested a swap of the Encinal High School for Navy property [suggested area was pointed out on map.], suggested placement of the Museum and the establishment of a cultural center in the historic City Hall, placement of the City administrative offices, library, and court, in old Alameda High School building, and thus form a Civic Center. Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, stated he attended a forum at the Lum School, believed the meeting was slanted toward one high school, and that there were a number of teachers and administrators for it, but not much input from parents. 242 Dorothy Madsen, 2226 1/2 Buena Vista, stated that United Cable said they were financially solvent and the City should not have to bail them out. Pam McKenzie, 1129 1/2 Pearl Street, noted that the proposed rebuilding must be done immediately; that United Cable is prepared to make a $4,000,000.00 investment in Alameda to correct technical problems and service limitations of present system, but needs Council to approve rebuild. Councilmember Lucas inquired what would happen if proposal were not allowed. The City Manager responded that, regarding the rebuild, United Cable would have to decide whether or not they wanted to continue to operate within the City. Ms. McKenzie stated Council approval was required under the legislation. Lynette Simpson, Consultant, stated that, under the Cable Act of 1984, circumstances sufficient for suit would have to be unforeseen but fibre optic modification was discussed as a technical risk and therefore it was not unforeseen and could not be used for the basis of a suit. The City Attorney noted that every contract requires fair dealing. The City Manager commented that staff recommends Council allow United Cable to rebuild but does not recommend concessions. He noted, in answer to citizen comment that United Cable had been a poor choice, that it is the only one still operating as a cable company, that Council therefore has certainly made the best choice. He added that federal legislation has clouded the issue of additional 1% which may be questionable since federal law allows only 5% franchise fee. It is worth discussion since they paid for the conduit in the first place and now are paying for it. Ms. Simpson, Consultant, noted that 78 channels were a high number, that other program suppliers supply fewer, not more, than that number, and that is also true of the foreseeable future, and there can be several data circuits on one video channel. Mr. Gorman noted, in answer to Councilmember Lucas' prior question regarding what would happen if Council did not approve rebuild, that the City would pay when the system deteriorates and a new system needs to be provided, and added that most Alamedans do not want too much change. Ms. McKenzie commented that the issue was in the operation of the system; that labor and electrical costs would go down. 243 Dorothy Madsen, 2226 1/2 Buena Vista, stated people only want to build a new high school to get money, and that it is a waste of the taxpayer's money. President Diament commented Council had enough problems without entering into School Board area. Councilmember Monsef made a motion to accept the communication and request City Manager to defer the matter to the Board of Education. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 86-617 From Maryhelen Nisewaner, 1048 Marianas Lane, addressing various traffic related issues, and requesting a taller flag pole at Scout Park. President Diament noted that the City Manager had investigated the matters addressed by Mrs. Nisewaner. The City Manager noted the park and the flag pole were designed and constructed by volunteer efforts and the pole made specifically for the park which is maintained by citizens who prefer to leave the pole as it is; and with regard to the traffic suggestions, they have already been carried into effect. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to accept the communication and thank Mrs. Nisewaner for her suggestions. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 86-618 From United Cable Television regarding the proposed rebuild of the Alameda Cable Television system. Mike Gorman, 1318 Clinton Avenue, stated he believed it was best if the City did not share in the cost or risks of the fiber optic failure. Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut, noted Cable Committee chairman's letter of October 14th recommended that United Cable be allowed to come directly to the Council regarding rebuilding the system. Gordon Christopherson, 2807 Marina Drive, stated that United Cable was functionally bankrupt because it cannot get parts for the fiber optic system, that they had made unrealistic promises with unproved technology, and that the City should not have to save a limited partnership. He presented information to Council. Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, stated that basically, United Cable is not working, City did not ask for change to fiber optics, United Cable has had two opportunities given by City to improve, and that United Cable manager has done a good job but is not a major force in United Cable. 244 Mr. Tillman produced the fact that the Union City system had been sold three times. Councilmember Corica noted that when United got the franchise, money was no object, then they came back to Council for fibre optics, then the limited partnership; that services have improved under Pam McKenzie; and now they wish to rebuild; that he has no problem with the rebuilding as long as the City does not have to pay for it. President Diament noted there was no money involved. Councilmember Hanna stated the question regarding the number of channels seems to be whether or not more than 78 are really needed and the answer from the discussion would appear that it is improbable; that an additional factor in the approval stating that "in the event more than 78 channels are needed, a second cable would have to be installed" would suffice. Councilmember Hanna stated he could not see why Council would not want United to rebuild the system (except perhaps for the limit to 78 channels, although it seems no more are needed) for the sake of the 10,000 subscribers, and noted the rebuild would also remove the necessity of the small LDU boxes located all around town on the poles and sidewalks. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to approve the rebuild and for staff to work out the details of the wording of the agreement and approval be by Council at another time. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Councilmember Corica said he would like an insert in the motion that the rebuilding be done at no cost to the City. Councilmember Hanna agreed to the addition to the motion, and added that if subscription goes up, the City will obtain a higher return. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Pamela McKenzie requested that Item No. 12 on the agenda regarding the modifications to the franchise agreement be taken out of order. Council agreed. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 86 -619 From Cable Television Oversight Committee in response to United's request for modifications to the franchise agreement. Ms. McKenzie, stated she appreciated Council's approval of the rebuild and what is being requested now is the appointment of a negotiating committee to deal with two specific financial issues, one of which is outlined in the franchise: that a prepayment can be waived, and is not a concession. The other issue is that 245 Council waive the 1% conduit rental fee, which has been discussed as a cloudy issue and may, in fact, be in excess of the allowable 5% franchise fee. Gordon Christopherson, 2807 Marina Drive, asked that perhaps the Council or City Attorney could research the possibility of protection of the rate payers in the rebuilding, and that there should be an examination of the limited partners with regard to conflict of interest. Mike Gorman noted that he believes the City has a list of the names of the limited partners on file and that there are none from Alameda. Councilmember Corica said he would like to have a copy. Councilmember Corica stated he feels no obligation to negotiate for any concessions, and that the City has been cooperative. Councilmember Monsef agreed and said if items were to be clarified, perhaps the Oversight Committee could look at them and then refer them to Council; and asked for a review of the 1% fee. The City Attorney stated that the question should be looked at in the context of the new federal law. James B. Davis, 1134 Ballena Blvd., United Cable attorney, stated that United Cable's FCC attorneys have advised United that the 1% conduit excess is contrary to the Cable Deregulation Act. Following a discussion regarding the 1% tax, prepayment figures, and related details, Councilmember Lucas stated she agreed Council should be interested in the legal issue, and that a negotiating committee is not needed for that. Councilmember Corica made a motion that there be no negotiating committee formed. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Hanna made a motion that the City Manager and the City Attorney be authorized to make a recommendation regarding the 1% tax. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament - 4. Noes: Councilmember Corica - 1. Absent: None. President Diament announced that the three written communications be heard under the related hearing. [No. 86-623] 86-620 From Joey Winters, 2233 Santa Clara Avenue, urging Council to give careful consideration to proposed downzoning. 246 86-621 From R. She/man, 2103 San Jose Avenue, expressing opposition to proposed downzoning. 86-622 From Christopher D. Hanson, regarding the downzoning issue. HEARINGS 86-623 Hearing regarding proposed Zoning Text Amendment, ZA-86-3, which would delete the definition for "apartment hotel"; delete the R-3 through R-6 zoning classifications; add new land use regulations pertaining to residential, office and business uses; add a section pertaining to non-conforming uses; add a section pertaining to a Housing Authority site; and add a section stating the time that the ordinance will apply to specific properties. President Diament explained the procedure of the hearing. The Planning Director described the subject of the hearing. He noted that there were two options: (1) to regulate all residential districts as if they were R-2, or (2) on a sequential basis the changes could be made as the Planning Board and Council work through the City to amend the zoning map itself. He added either way would work but the Board recommends that regulation as R-2 would be the appropriate way to go. Councilmember Lucas commented that the third version of the zoning intended for the future is the RAP. She inquired if version A is adopted and there is some general idea where the RAP zoning would be in the future, after zoning changes are completed, would it still mean an office building could not be put into an area where Council might want that type of zoning in the future but at this time it could not be built, to which the Planning Director responded that was correct. The Planning Director added that the Board and Council would have to hold hearings to specifically apply the RAP district to properties within the City. Once that was done, then property owners within that zoning district could apply for a use permit for consideration of office uses. Councilmember Lucas asked what the schedule would be for the downzoning to be completed, and how would it be known when the downzoning is completed so there would not have to be special spot zoning for this purpose. The Planning Director said the City was divided into six areas to keep them manageable in size, that it takes a number of weeks to go through hearings for a particular area, and estimates approximately February of 1987 to be the completion date. Councilmember Corica suggested that perhaps a workshop explaining 247 the matter in detail to the people might be in the best interests of everybody concerned. President Diament opened the public portion of the hearing. On the call for proponents, no one came forward. On the call for opponents, the following spoke: Joey Winters, 2233 Santa Clara. Richard Roth, 1417 5th Street. Councilmember Corica stated it is his suggestion that it be done all at one time, but Council felt not all people could be heard that way. John Barni, 1380 East Shore Gene Sandifer, 8 Wellfleet Bay Edward Murphy, 2618 Janis Circle Madelyn Murphy, 2618 Janis Circle Christopher Hanson, 543 Palace Court John E. Mitcheom, 3591 Central Street Ian Keye, 1915 Schiller Street [In favor of downzoning, opposed to RAP] Councilmember Corica made a motion to have a work session, have Planning Department determine what the people want and what they want to do in the best interest of the entire City; suggested putting off taking any action this evening, have the people addressing Council this evening invited to the work session; and, get out more efficient notices. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion but wanted it made clear that version A (that the Planning Board approved) that would immediately apply to all property zoned R-3 through R-6 is totally unacceptable to her, and for the reason many speakers had mentioned, that it would change the zoning of their property without legal notice; that staff had outlined another option to delay the effect; stated Council has voter's mandate to put Measure A into effect but needs notice. She added that she agrees with Councilmember Corica that there should be a workshop to explore and explain the situation but version A is unacceptable to her. Councilmember Corica stated there was no problem to him in leaving things the way they were as long as everything is downzoned, and use the property for the use permitted right now. Councilmember Monsef stated he supports the motion but likes option B better than option A. Councilmember Hanna asked clarification that the proposed zoning would be completed by February or March, 1987. 248 The Planning Director noted there were thousands of property owners in each section under consideration but assumes it can all be done by March. President Diament requested the Planning Director describe the first notice procedure. The Planning Director noted that there was a quarter page advertisement in the newspaper, telephone poles in the vicinity were posted, and property owners residing outside Alameda received letters. Councilmember Corica asked if there would be value in sending notices to the Real Estate Board. President Diament agreed there would be and stated it could be done through the Board of Realtors and through licensed realtors. The City Manager commented that this zoning is only to bring the City into conformance with the General Plan. The Planning Director added that there is an adopted General Plan and the densities must be reduced to conform to the Plan. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 86-624 Councilmember Hanna made a motion to continue on with the meeting past 11:00 p.m., Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. APPEALS 86-625 Appeal of Planning Board decision to conditionally approve Use Permit, UP-85-27, requiring the relocation of a satellite dish antenna from the roof of the two-story house to the roof of the garage for the property located at 719 Grand Street. Applicant: Robert Mason. (Continued from September 16, 1986) The City Attorney explained the appeal procedure. Dr. Ronald Hillenbrand, 715 Grand Street, stated that when the dish was originally put up, the dish was hidden by the house, that the garage lowers it to eye level and is detrimental visually. President Diament inquired if he was the only one affected by it to which he responded his neighbor was also affected. Responding to a question as to whether Dr. Hillenbrand's testimony could be heard since he did not attend the Planning Board hearing, the City Attorney questioned him and determined 249 that he could not have known the Planning Board would recommend the garage roof position and that it might fit that exception. Councilmember Corica stated there was also a list of persons petitioning Council to have the dish removed roof to the garden for reasons of "(1) aesthetics" devaluation of property." The City Attorney noted that since there appears there may be a case to remand it to the consensus, Board. names of from the and "(2) to be a Planning The Planning Board Director commented that the dish had been put on the roof without appropriate permits; they were notified; hearings held; staff consulted with experts regarding reception, analyzed site in question; found that dish on ground was better for aesthetics, however, not good for reception; found garage roof less visible than house roof to complaining neighbors. President Diament asked if the dish had been removed from the house roof to which the Planning Director replied it was not yet done because they still had the opportunity to appeal. Councilmember Lucas inquired if use permit was only yard, would there be legal problems. The City Attorney stated that the FCC regulations were not perfectly clear on the matter; that if there is litigation on matters such as these, the judge would have to balance between reception for the litigant on the one hand and visibility to people on the other hand. In this instance, ground mounting will allow reception from satellites as opposed to 25. Councilmember Corica asked if there was a way to mount on ground but raise to, perhaps, 3 feet for better reception. The Planning Director stated that it was possible but that house blocks reception and anywhere lower than the height of garage roof, the house begins to block the satellites. Dr. Hillenbrand asked if the dish was put up without a permit. Upon receiving an affirmative answer, he then asked why it could not be taken down. for back 11 the the the President Diament commented he cannot be prevented from putting it up somewhere. Councilmember Corica commented Council could try putting it on the ground and the owner could perhaps come back to change it if he wished to. 250 President Diament inquired if Council could require the dish be put on the ground, to which the City Attorney replied if it were reasonable to do so. He added that a problem is that the satellites are all in one hemisphere and so the position of the house is important, as well as the length of the lot. Councilmember Corica commented on the lack of presence of the applicant and suggested that Council make a decision and applicant can appeal if he wants to. Councilmember Lucas made a motion to locate the antenna on the ground, that Planning Board Findings Nos. 1, 2, and 3 apply and that #4 needs to be adjusted to this situation. Councilmember Corica seconded the motion. Councilmember Lucas clarified that the motion was to modify Planning Board's decision to place the dish antenna on a ground mount not over six feet in height. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. RESOLUTIONS *86-626 Resolution No. 11040 "Authorizing appropriation of five hundred dollars from the General Fund for a San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Permit Application relating to the seawall adjacent to Bayview Estates." Adopted. Councilmember Hanna inquired who has paid for the work and materials to date, and whether or not the seawall work was complete. The Public Works Director responded that the property owners paid for the materials and the Homeowners' Association paid for the $100.00 fee to BCDC; and, that the seawall work is primarily complete although the final finishing up is to be done and will be completed. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES 86-627 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending various sections of Chapter 1 of Title XI thereof relating to regulations for R-3 through R-6 zones, and non-conforming uses." This item which was related to the Hearing No. 86-623 was held over. 251 86 -628 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Chapter 1 of Title II thereof relating to City Council Meetings and Agendas therefor." Councilmember Corica made a motion to introduce the ordinance. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES 86 -629 Ordinance No. 2307, N.S. "Approving and authorizing execution of Development Agreement with Alameda Gateway, Ltd. and making certain findings with respect thereof." Introduced. Frederick W. Leitz, 1322 Clinton Avenue, commented that this is for the redevelopment of the Todd Shipyards area, urged Council approve the ordinance, and added that it would provide jobs. Lawrence P. Haney, 430 Buena Vista, stated he supports redevelopment of the former shipyard because it would enhance the West End, provide balance and bring the West End a little prestige and bring jobs, with no detrimental impact on the East end or Bay Farm Island and no real impact on traffic; that Patton Way will help; and added that he was voicing the sentiments of many people of the West End. Richard Roth, 1417 5th Street, stated he supports development of the West End; that whenever the West End wants to put in something, there are always problems; that Gateway will give the West End something to be proud of; and would generate traffic only down Atlantic and through the tube. Ian Roger, 340 Tideway Drive, stated that the Gateway project would be good for the West End and that Gateway is a fine development. Walter Moeller, 406 Channing Way, stated he opposes approval of Gateway; questions that the City has a viable Combined Land Use Plan ECLUP]; and believes Posey and Webster tubes appear to be near capacity. Rosalie McPherson, 1128 Marianas Lane, stated she believes the project is not the problem but that traffic is the problem. Barbara Thomas, 1118 Paru Street, stated she believes that there is not a valid Combined Land Use Plan, that the project is fine but the traffic will be too heavy through the tubes. John Beery, 2900 Main Street, stated the shipyard buildings were 425,000 square feet and employed 1500 people at their peak; that the then -Mayor Corica was extremely concerned about Todd leaving, because of the loss of jobs; that the buildings that exist are already remodeled; that people already employed are mostly 252 Alamedans; and that the Red & White Fleet is establishing a ferry boat service to start sometime in April which will help move people from the island, and alleviate commute traffic. Councilmember Corica stated he was concerned about the tubes and traffic problems. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the ordinance, and Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Councilmember Monsef stated the issue is traffic, that he is not against the project, but will vote no. Councilmember Lucas stated she takes the traffic problems seriously and takes the West End seriously, and believes this project is what the West End has needed for many years. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas and President Diament - 3. Noes: Councilmembers Corica and Monsef - 2. Absent: None. 86-630 Ordinance No. 2308 N.S. "Authorizing execution of amendment to Tidelands Lease with Alameda Gateway, Ltd." Adopted. Richard Roth, 1417 5th Street, commented that, if this ordinance does not pass, the City will lose out. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the ordinance. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Lucas, Monsef, and President Diament - 4. Noes: Councilmember Corica 1. Absent - None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 86-631 Selection of members for the Mayor's Transportation Systems Management Review Committee. President Diament commented that she had put out a ballot for the Councilmembers to select members of the Committee. The City Clerk stated that William Hildebrand and Kenneth Melvin received the highest count, and that three citizens received an equal number of votes. President Diament suggested that the five citizens be allowed to be members of the Committee instead of four as planned. Councilmember Hanna made a motion to place the five citizens on the Committee, Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 253 The City Clerk read the names of the additional three persons named to the Committee: Larry Patton, Gail Wetzork, and Bruns Grayson. President Diament noted that Marina Village withdrew as developer with regard to the Committee, and she suggested that a representative of the developers not be added and Council agreed. NEW BUSINESS 86-632 Consideration of appointment to the Board of Appeals. President Diament announced that Don Bell has resigned after many years of service and nominated Lee Darrow to the Board of Appeals. Councilmember Lucas seconded the nomination and Council unanimously agreed. ADJOURNMENT President Diament adjourned the meeting at 12:20 p.m. Respectfully r- rt--// ," submitted, Diane B. Felsch City Clerk