1986-11-18 Regular CC Minutes264
NOVEMBER 18, 1986
The meeting convened at 8 :05 p.m. (at the conclusion of the
Community Improvement Commission meeting) with President Diament
presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember
Corica. Reverend John Foley gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef
and President Diament.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion for approval of the minutes of
the Regular Council Meeting of November 4, 1986, Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
86 -654 Councilmember Corica requested the status on the Marina
Village and Galleon signs as discussed at the November 4th
The City Manager stated there was a letter from Marina Village in
response and the matter is still being worked on.
Councilmember Corica said the Marina Village sign should come
down pursuant to the November 4th motion.
President Diament said that a letter received by Council
presented new information and evidence regarding the matter.
Councilmember Lucas noted that a possible amendment to the
ordinance was to have been presented in conjunction with the
Councilmember Monsef stated he had seen another sign in the same
Councilmember Corica said the Marina Village sign should be
removed and the Perreira sign re- placed.
Councilmember Hanna-stated Council should again review the matter
because of the additional information received.
Councilmember Corica made a motion to reaffirm the motion as
stated at the November 4th meeting. Councilmember Monsef
seconded the motion.
Councilmember Lucas stated she had voted for a new sign, not an
illegal sign.
The City Manager commented that the Marina Village sign is in
conformance with the Planning Board and is a legal sign; that
the Perreira sign is illegal.
Councilmember Corica stated it had been illegal for seventeen
The City Manager noted that the Council has voted to have all
illegal signs taken down and the City is in the process of
carrying out that program but if Council wants the Marina Village
sign removed, it will be removed.
The motion failed by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Corica and Monsef - 2. Noes: Councilmembers
Hanna and Lucas, and President Diament - 3. Absent: None.
President Diament stated that Marina Village should provide space
and that would be the direction in which to go.
Councilmember Monsef stated he wanted the small sign to be
removed, to which the City Manager responded that he would take
care of the matter.
Councilmember Hanna moved for adoption of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
*86-655 From City Attorney recommending denial of application of
Joseph Chancy and Bobbie Katusich to present late claim against
the City of Alameda. Accepted.
*86-656 From City Attorney recommending denial of application of
Antonio Contreras for leave to present late claim against the
City of Alameda. Accepted.
*86-657 From Public Works Director recommending an extension of
time of one year, to January 6, 1988, in which to complete the
improvements for Tract 4122 (Harbor Bay Isle - Pelican Bay).
*86-658 From Public Works Director recommending an extension of
time of three years, to September 4, 1989, in which to complete
the improvements for Tract 4288 (Harbor Bay Isle - Promontory
Pointe). Accepted.
*86-659 From Finance Director on City's Investment Portfolio as
of October 31, 1986. Accepted.
*86-660 From Recreation & Parks Director recommending acceptance
of work of VAL Corporation for rehabilitation of walkways at
Krusi Park, P.W. No. 8-86-29. Accepted.
*86-661 Resolution No. 11050 "Declaring the week of November 17
to November 22, 1986, "Winter Storm Preparedness Week." Adopted.
*86-662 Resolution No. 11051 "Authorizing execution of an
amendment to the Loan Agreement and related documents between the
City of Alameda and the United Pilipinos of Alameda." Adopted.
*86-663 Resolution No. 11052 "Authorizing submittal of an
application for an historic preservation grant for 1987-88,
pursuant to the Certified Local Government Program." Adopted.
*86-664 Resolution No. 11053 "Authorizing execution of agreement
for professional services with James Stedman & Associates, Inc.
for design and other engineering services for Alameda Marina
Village Assessment District 84-3 projects." Adopted.
*86-665 Resolution No. 11054 "Adopting Plans and Specifications
for traffic signal construction at Bridgeway Road and Island
Drive, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise
same." Adopted.
*86-666 Resolution No. 11055 "Adopting Plans and Specifications
for Bridge View Isle Storm Drain reconstruction, P.W. No.
8-86-30, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise
same." Adopted.
*86-667 Resolution No. 11056 "Adopting Plans and Specifications
for Patton Way, Phase II, Atlantic Avenue extension, P.W. No.
5-86-11, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise
same.". Adopted.
*86-668 Ordinance No. 2311 N.S. "Amending Title XVII of the
Alameda Municipal Code to establish a two-hour parking zone on
the north side of Clement Avenue west of Park Street." Adopted.
*86-669 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as
correct, was approved in the amount of $1,560,261.18.
86-670 From local residents requesting that the vacant lot at
3126 Fernside and High Streets be rezoned from C-1 to R-1.
Wendy L. Thompson, 3136 Gibbons Drive, stated her concerns
regarding the "parking lot" status of the lot, for the safety of
the children of the neighborhood, the safety of neighbors,
(noting a recent daytime robbery, and the fact that no neighbors
could give a description of unknown cars in the area because
there are now so many).
Antoinette Carbone, 3121 Fernside Boulevard, stated the petition
previously submitted in favor of the rezoning had 76 names
affixed to it but more signatures have been added to a total of
102, and submitted same to the City Clerk. She also stated she
had called the owners to post a "No Trespassing" sign but they
had refused, and she submitted pictures of what is taking place
on the empty lot, noted a big rig parked there as well as a motor
home in which a man was living.
Lucy M. Hocking, 3122 Fernside Boulevard, commented regarding
the safety for children, the robbery of a neighbor after which
the police cornered the burglar in her yard, the noise, health,
and air pollution.
Kathy Patrick, 3108 Fernside Boulevard, agreed with prior
speakers and stated she would like to preserve the integrity of
the neighborhood.
James Royer, 3100 Fernside Boulevard, stated that vehicles are
continually blocking driveways due to the businesses already in
the area.
Charles D. Hendricks, 795 Sunset Glen Drive, San Jose, stated he
owns the duplex next to the property in question; that
financially he would benefit from C -1 zoning, but believes for
the benefit of his tenants it should not be C -1.
William H. Kerry, 151 Callan Avenue, San Leandro, stated that he
is a friend of the owners of the lot; that one reason for the
lot being empty is because they have to clear with government
agencies after taking gas station down; and that they have today
accepted a contract for a real estate office to be placed on the
lot which would not be incompatible with the neighborhood.
Edward Murphy, 2618 Janis Circle, stated that the gas station was
on the lot for 25 years; that the property has been up for sale
for $100,000.00 and if the neighbors want to do something about
the lot, they should buy it and then do what they wish.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to recommend to the Planning
Board that they consider rezoning the property to R -1.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Hanna requested staff examine existing ordinances
regarding motor homes, and sleeping in motor homes, on private
Following detailed discussion regarding current usage of the lot,
related ordinances and possible solutions to the problems
presented, Council requested City Manager notify owners regarding
Council's concerns.
86 -671 From Richard E. Armstrong, 1626 Encinal Avenue, regarding
speed limits and traffic signals.
Mr. Armstrong addressed Council regarding his concerns,
commending Chief Shiells and the Police Department for their
performance and the good safety factor of the City of Alameda,
but noting that additional police are needed to handle speeding
violators; and noted that certain blinking traffic signals had
not been adjusted for standard time.
Councilmember Monsef stated the communication also concerned
accident prevention and he would like the matter addressed.
Councilmember Hanna stated he was concerned about people going
through red lights.
President Diament said the matter of additional police should be
examined in light of the budget.
Councilmember Hanna requested the matter be referred to the
Traffic Advisory Committee.
The Public Works Director noted that the signals have now been
adjusted to standard time settings.
Councilmember Lucas made a motion to accept the communication and
it was seconded by Councilmember Hanna. The motion was carried
by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -672 From Jo Ann Eichten - Alioto, 3025 Thompson Avenue, and
Robert Richards, 3011 Thompson Avenue, concerning air traffic
over the east end of Alameda.
Mr. Richard stated that in the last few months, there has been a
drastic increase in air traffic and low- flying aircraft; and
noted that last week it was announced that there would be a major
increase in traffic at the Oakland Airport.
President Diament- requested the City Manager comment on the
tower, to which the City Manager responded that the tower was
approved by the FAA, the Port of Oakland was notified and they
did not respond; that runways have not been changed, they are to
skim the end of the island; that a letter has been sent to the
Port asking what changes might be taking place, and, according to
current information, the microwave tower is not a factor in the
President Diament commented there is new State law under which an
investigation may be made.
Councilmember Lucas stated that the flight pattern should be a
matter of public record and she requested staff to investigate
what it is, and and would like the City Attorney to find out what
the City can do.
The City Attorney commented that the agreement with the Port of
Oakland may allow some avenue of control.
The City Manager noted that the agreement addresses weight
control and small jets, and that the climb is to be made over the
golf course.
Councilmember Corica commented it appears there is nothing
Council can do but it should at least let the Port of Oakland
know that complaints are being received and that they are being
The City Attorney suggested the possibility of working through
the FAA.
Councilmember Corica stated Council should write to the Port of
Oakland with a copy to the FAA.
Pesident Diament noted that Ms. Eichten - Alioto has been invited
to attend meetings of the Project Coordination Committee which is
going to be studying noise problems.
President Diament commented that perhaps Council should ask to
have a representative on the Committee.
The City Manager noted that the Homeowner's Associations in the
area are active members in the Committee; that Islandia and
Harbor Bay Isle Homeowner's Associations have representatives on
the Committee.
Councilmember Corica suggested that the Council should make a
recommendation that Ms. Eichten - Alioto, if she agrees, be placed
on the Committee.
Ms. Eichten - Alioto stated she would be happy to serve on the
Councilmember Lucas stated Council needs to get facts, perhaps a
professional to monitor the situation, perhaps measure the noise
and height, and suggests Council request staff to do research on
the cost of an expert and what kind of work would be required to
handle the matter.
President Diament questioned the possibility of bringing the
matter before the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC).
Councilmember Lucas commented that Council has approached the
ALUC before but it did not appear to help and she believed that
it would be best to get facts and build up a case.
The City Attorney commented that perhaps a threat of a nuisance
or an inverse condemnation action would obtain the best results.
James Hackbarth, 3345 Washington Court, stated that he had sent
information, regarding time of a particularly low flight, with a
38- signature petition to the Port of Oakland, Congressman Pete
Stark, and the FAA, and has had letters from various agencies but
the Port of Oakland ignores responsibility in the matter.
John Carmody, 1014 College Avenue, expressed concern about the
noise and low flying planes.
Deanna Johe, 3258 Ravens Cove, stated that there now are planes
constantly flying over, and at a very low altitude.
Councilmember Hanna commented he had used a test for measurement
of elevation of the planes during a similar problem in the past,
and that such information is effective when transmitted to the
appropriate agencies.
President Diament stated staff should proceed on all these levels
suggested, including writing, monitoring and making concerns
Councilmember Lucas made a motion to accept the communication,
and to write a letter to the Oakland Airport (Port of Oakland)
with a copy to the FAA. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion
and added that the letter should be strongly worded. The motion
was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Corica made a motion that the Mayor write a letter
on behalf of Council asking for the appointment of JoAnn
Eichten - Alioto to the Project Coordination Committee.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -673 Consideration of sale and issuance of tax exempt bonds to
finance Park Street Landing Project. (Resolutions, Item No. 8.)
President Diament explained the matter.
The City Clerk noted details for the record regarding November 4,
1986, publication of Public Notice.
President Diament gave a further explanation and description of
the Project and details regarding bonding.
President Diament opened the public portion of the hearing.
As there were no speakers, the public portion of the hearing was
then closed.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion.to take the related resolution
out of order, Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion.
Bond Counsel Jerry Laster stated that there was a Letter of
Credit at Union Bank, arranged and paid for by Park Street
In answer to Councilmember Corica's question regarding what
occurs if there is a default, Mr. Laster stated that Union Bank
would be concerned with security and would foreclose on the
The City Manager noted this project was approved by the Municipal
Bond Advisory Board which must review and approve an allocation
to a local community.
Mr. Laster commented that the California Debt Limit Allocation
Committee, whose function is to review projects of this nature,
(industrial development type bond projects) and approve or
disapprove, had approved this project.
The motion to take the related resolution out of order was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86 -674 Resolution No. 11057 "Approving Project and Bonds for
Park Street Landing, a California limited partnership, Park
Street Landing Project."
Councilmember Lucas questioned if the Planning Board had approved
the project, if the design preserves a view of the water from
most of the areas, if the quality of the design is high, and if
there .will be control of quality of the shops, to which the
Planning Director responded in detail regarding the high quality
of the project.
On the call for proponents and
Councilmember Hanna made a
Councilmember Monsef seconded
unanimous voice vote - 5.
opponents, there were none.
motion to adopt the resolution,
the motion, and it was carried by
86 -675 Consideration of Planning Board recommendation for
emergency moratorium on exemptions from parking requirements for
improvements of up•to 50% of existing buildings or changes in use
which would require less than 50% more parking.
The Planning Director explained the matter and answered Council's
questions regarding the details of the subject.
The public portion of the hearing was opened.
On the call for proponents, there were none.
On the call for opponents, Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street,
addressed Council.
The public portion of the hearing was closed.
Councilmember Lucas moved to take the related ordinance out of
order. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion.
Councilmember Corica stated he agreed with Mr. Scullin that it
should not be done as an emergency ordinance.
Councilmember Lucas commented if it were by normal procedure,
that the Planning Board would have to review it first.
The City Attorney stated that the matter could be handled under
Government Code to avoid two meetings.
The motion to take the related ordinance out of order was carried
by unanimous voice vote - 5.
86-676 Ordinance No. N.S. "An interim ordinance prohibiting
exemptions from parking requirements of up to fifty percent (50%)
of existing buildings or changes in use which would require less
than fifty percent (50%) more parking."
Councilmember Lucas stated she agreed it was not necessary to
have an emergency ordinance.
Councilmember Hanna inquired if it were possible to introduce the
ordinance but take the two weeks and 30 days to complete, to
which the City Attorney responded affirmatively.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to introduce the moratorium
ordinance but allow it to take the normal two weeks for final
passage and thirty days to take affect.
The City Attorney clarified that it will, in effect, be an
emergency ordinance but it will be done in the normal two weeks
and thirty days rather than having it adopted tonight; that,
however, it can take effect at the time of passage in two weeks
if Council wishes.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna,
Monsef and President Diament - 4. Noes: Councilmember Lucas -
1. Absent: None.
86-677 Resolution No. 11058 "Appointing William Soderlund as a
member of the Pension Board."
Councilmember Monsef made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Corica seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
President Diament announced that Mr. Soderlund could not be
present at the meeting but the City Clerk would administer the
oath at an appropriate time.
Barbara Thomas, 1118 Paru Street, (See Paragraph No. 86 -674)
commented on the Park Street Landing Project resolution: that it
is one of the most "Alameda- like" projects in the last few years
but questions the use of tax exempt bonds.
86 -678 President Diament noted that there was a letter from the
Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District stating that
Councilmember Hanna's term was coming to an end and they would
like him to be reappointed, however, Mr. Hanna had stated that
someone else should now have an opportunity to be on the
committee. She then stated that the matter should be addressed
at the next Council meeting.
86 -679 Councilmember Lucas stated there was a letter from Doris
Ung, 1021 Island Drive, regarding undergrounding and requested it
be placed on the agenda of the next Council meeting.
86 -680 Councilmember Lucas inquired about the status
recycling, to which the City Manager said the staff
Scouts are working on the glass recycling and bins.
Councilmember Lucas stated there are paper recycling
public property i.e., Portola Triangle and the City
responded that he would investigate the matter.
86 -681• Councilmember Hanna inquired, if a contractor applied for
a building permit regarding the property located at Fernside and
Gibbons, how could that be precluded, to which the City Attorney
responded it could be done by emergency moratorium ordinance.
Councilmember Hanna requested that one be provided at the next
meeting, to which Council agreed.
of the
and Boy
bins on
86 -682 Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut, commented that it was the
first meeting since the election and he read some of the
statistics of the .election.
President Diament adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk