1986-12-22 Special CC Minutes305
The meeting convened at 12:08 Noon, with President Dinient
ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Monsef and
President Diament - 4.
Absent: Councilmember Lucas - 1.
86-752 Resolution No. 11078 "Approving amended Memorandum of
Understanding between the Alameda International Association of
Firefighters, Local 689, and the City of Alameda."
Austris Rungus, Industrial Employees and Distributors
Association, negotiator for the City, commented that _71:!,e
Firefighters have tentatively ratified a contract last Thursday
that is being presented to Council today for consideration.
Councilmember Monsef inquired if the settlement compared to other
cities in the East Bay, to which Mr. Rungus responded that it is,
and that it is a three year contract with a 5% wage increase
each year.
Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, stated he did not believe
there was sufficient notice of the meeting as there was no
newspaper coverage and therefore he could not plan to be present
for the entire meeting.
President Diament noted that the newspaper had been notified of
the meeting.
Mr. Tillman inquired if it was a legal meeting to which the City
Attorney replied it was.
Councilmember Corica stated that the next time the newspaper
contract is to be signed again, that perhaps the contract should
be amended to include that any time there is an agendized
meeting, special or otherwise, there should be compensation to
the City if it is not publicized.
The Assistant City Manager noted that the announcement of all
Council meetings is also made on the Cable channel B10.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was adopted by
unanimous voice vote - 4.
86-753 Resolution No. 11079 "Salary Resolution for Management
and Confidential Employees."
Councilmember Corica commented that he believed the 5% increase
before Council for consideration might be alright for
confidential employees but for top management, the percentage
created a higher take-home pay than for the average secretary;
that perhaps the top department heads should be getting half the
amount, if any, and he would therefore vote no.
President Diament noted that the City's policy is to be the
middle of other cities.
Councilmember Corica stated he understood but believed that
cities might have the same population but their financial
situation regarding revenues is different and the criteria of
comparison is not a good one.
Councilmember Hanna made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was adopted by
the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hanna, Monsef
President Diament - 3. Noes: Councilmember Corica - 1.
Absent: Councilmember Lucas.
President Diament adjourned the meeting at 12:20.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Calbreath,
Deputy City Clerk