Ordinance 1510Ordinance No. 1510 New Series AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, VOUJME I, 1964 EDITION, COPYRIGHT 1964 BY INTERNATIONAL CONFER- ENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS, WITH AMENDMENTS, ADDI- TIONS AND DELETIONS THERE- OF, AS THE PRIMARY CODE, AND VOLUME III OF SAID UNI- FORM BUILDING CODE, RE- FERRED TO IN SAID PRIMARY CODE AS THE, SE,CONDARY CODE; REGULATING THE ERECT'ION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, RE,PAIR, MOVING, REMOVAL, CONV E: RS I 0 N, DEMOLITION, OCCUPANCY, EQUIPMENT, USE, HEIGHT, AREA, AND MAINTE- NANCE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND CO•LLECTION O'F FEES THEREFOR; DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING A FIRE DIS- T'RICT, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VI 0 L AT I 0 N THEREOF. AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO,S. 1408, 143'7, 1495 NEW SE- RIES, AND ALL OTHER ORDI- NANCES AND PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES, IN CONFLICT HEREWITH BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNC1L OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA: SECTION 1. Tille. Uniform Building Code. This Ordinance shall be :aiown as the "Alameda Building Code," may be cited «S such, and will be reforred to herein as "this Ordinance" or "this Code," or "Building Code." The Uniform Building Code, Volume I as the Primary Code and Volume III as the Secondary Code, Copyright 1964 by Interna- tional Conference of Building Of- ficials, copies of which have been placed on file with the City Clerk for use and examination by the public and by Resolution No. 6833 decl<lred to be public records, as said copies· have been deleted, changed and supplemented with the approval of this Council, and each and all of the regulations. provisions, conditions, require- ments and terms thereof are he·reby adopted as the Alameda Building Code for regulating the erection, construction, enlarge- ment, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and maintenance of all buildings and structures in the City of Alameda, and by this ref- erence are incorporated herein and made a part hereof to the same effect as though set forth herein in full. SECTION 2. General Standards. All materials and assemblies of materials; •appliances and installa- tkm of appliances; arrangements of occupancies; all exits, aisles, stairs, doors and appurtenances thereto in buildings or structures shall be so arranged, assembled and of such size and so protected a.s to hold to a minimum all exit, fire and health hazards. The quality of all materials rnethod of connecting or asse1n: b!ing such materials, stresses al- lowed and live and dead loads assumed in the design and con- struction of all buildings or struc- tures shall be in accord with na- tionally recognized standards of quality and with generally recog- nized and well established meth- ods of structural design and con- struction. Compliance with all the provi- sions of the Alameda Building Code referred to and adopted by the provisions of Section 1 hereof shall be and is hereby declared to be prima facie evidence of the reduction of fire and exit hazards acceptable quality of material and generally recognized and well established methods of structural design and construction. SECTION 3. Changes, Additions B;nd Deletions~ The changes, addi- tions and deletions of said Uni- form Building Code, Volume I, placed on file with the City Clerk, hereinafter set forth and designated are hereby' approved and adopted as follows: .The following sections and pro- visions are hereby excepted and deleted: Sections 202(a); 303(a); 303(b); Table No. 3A-Bmldmg Permit Fees; Sections 1305(b); 1308; 1405(b); 1408; 1505; 1601(a); 2508; 3803; 3805; 3806(b) Table 42B Minimum Interior-Finish Classifi- cations. Section 101 is changed to read as follows: "Sec. 101. This Ordinance shall be !<nown as the "Alameda Build- ing Code," may be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this Ordinance" or "this Code " or "Building Code.'' ' "The Uniform Building Code Copyright 1964, by International Con.ference of Building Officials, copies ·of which have been placed on file with the City Clerk for use and e:imrnination by the pub- lic and by Resolution No. 6833, declared to be public records ,as said copieS" have been deleted, changed and supplemented with approval of this Council, and each and all of the regulations, pro- visions, conditions, requirements and terms thereof are hereby adopted as the Alameda Building Code for regul1ating the erection construction, enlargement, altera~ tion, repair, moving, removal, de- molition, conversion, occupancy eql!ipment, use, height, area, and mamtenance of all buildings and structures in the City of Alameda, and by this reference are incor- porated herein and made a part hereof to the same effect as though se.t forth herein in full." Section 108 is added to read as follows: ','Sec. 108. Notwithstanding, any- thmg to the contrary contained Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1510 New Series within the blast and/or as protective against the effect consVructed subjcLt ing requirements: '· 1. Adherence to rules and regulations relating to as promulgated by the tbe City of Alameda detrimental to public and are substantially wiih current anJ existent specifications and plans ·of such structures or device:: as promulgated by the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization. "2. Thiit such stn~c1ures or devices shall be constructed, utilized, and main- tained primarily for the purpose of hlasl and/or fall-out shelters and not as ad- ditional area for normal human habita~ tion. "3. The permits required by the Uniform Building Code shall be quired, and the necessary fees Normal inspections pursuant Uniform Building Code shall to certify adherence to the regulations of the City Engineer. "4. For the purposes of this section a blast and/or fall-out shelter is defined as any structure or device within or wjthout a building designed, construct~ ed, utilized, and maintained tective structure or device effects of fire, heat, blast, or the fall-out of radioactive resulting from nuclear or other sions similar device. "5. shall be made to zon- ing _laws, laws, rules and reg- ulatrnns of Alameda." Section added to read as follows: "Sec. 202(a). General. The Building Official is hereby authorized and direct- ed to enforce all the provisions of this Code except Chapters 48 and 49, and maintenance of buildings after permit of occupancy has been issued. For such purpose he shall have the powers of a police officer.'' Sections 303 (a), No. 3A-Building Table No. 3B-Plan Fees, arc added "Sec. 303(a). Before a building mit fee therefor Building Official as No. 3-A. "The City, County, United States of America be ex- empt from paying any fee for any Luil<l~ ing. Where work for which a permit is required by this Code is started or pro~ ceeded with prior to obtaining a per~ mit, the fee above specified shall be trebled, but the of such treble fee shall not from fully complying of this Code in work nor from any scribed herein. "Sec. 303(b) Plan or Site Checking Fees. V\iher'? plans and 'Other pertinent inforrµation are required in accordance with subsection (b) and subs~ction (c) of Section 301 and wben the value of the proposed work exceeds One 1 hou- sand ($1,000~00) Dollars, a plan or site checking fee in addition to that fixed by subsection (a) of Section 303 shall be paid to the Building Official as zct forth in Table 3-B. TABLEN0.3-A BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation Fee Less than $15.00 ...... , . _ ,?\o fee More than $15.00 fo and inc:luding $50.00 , , . , . . . , ... $ 1.00 More than $_50.00 to and including $100.00 , ... , 2.00 More than $100.00 to and including $200.00 .. , , , 3,00 More than $200.00 to and including $300.00 , . . . 4.00 More than $300.00 to and including $400.00 . , , . . . 5,00 More than_$400.00 to and including $500.00 .... , . 6,0J More than $500.00 to and including · $750.00 .... , . , 7 .53 More than $750.00 to and including $[,000.00 . , . . . . 10.00 Each additional $500.00 or fraction, to and including $20,000.00 . . 2.00 Each additional fraction, LOO TABLE NO. 3-B PLAN AND /OR SITE CHECKING FEES Total Valuation Fee 1\ot exc $1,000.00 .. ,. , .. No fee More than 00.00 to and including 000.00 .... , , , .$ 3.00 More than $2,000.00 to and including $3,000.00 5.00 More than $3,000.00 to and including $4,000.00 .. , , , . . 7,50 More than $4,000.00 to and including $5,000.00 . . . . . . . l0.00 More tban $5,000.00 to and including $7,500.00 15.00 More than $7,500.00 to and including 0.00 . , . , . 20.00 More than .00 to and including 0.00 . . . 25.00 More than .00 io and including 0.00 30.00 h-fore than .00 to and including 000.00 .. , . , . . 40.00 More than 00.0 to and including $40,000.00 .... , . 50.00 More than $40,000.00 to and including $50,000,00 . . . . . 60.00 More than $50,000.00 to and including $75,000.00 . . . . . . . 75.00 More than $75.000.00 to and including $100,000.00 ... , , , 100,00 More than $100,000.00 to and including $200.000.00 ... , , , 125.00 More than $200,000.00 tu and including $300,000.00 .... , 150.00 More than $300,000.00 to and including $400,000.00 .. , .. , 200.00 Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1510 New Series More than $400,000.00 !o and including $500,000.00 . . . . . 250.00 More than $500,000.00 to and including $750,000.UO . . . . . . 350.00 More than $750,000.00 to and including $1,000,000.00 . . . . 500.00 More than $1i000,000.00 to and including $ ,500,000.00 . . . 650.00 More than $1,500,000.00 to and including $2,000,UOO OI; . . . . 800.00 More than $2,000,000.00 to and including , .00 ... 1,000.00 More than 00.00 to and including ,000.00 .... 1,250.00 More than $3,000,000.00 to and including $4,000,000.00 ..... 1,500.00 More than $4,000,000.00 to and including $5,000,000.00 1,750.00 More than $5,000,000.00 2,000.00 *Iden.t\ical buildings of buildings as j n tract ...... , per *Applicable only when each building is to be constructed from identical plans a~lld specifications app1oved for the original Sections and 1308 are added to read as "Sec. 1305 (b). Room Sizes and Ceil- ing Heights. Every roorn required to have windows by subsection (a) sball have a ceiling hei.ght of less than eightl feet (8') in at least percent (SO%) of its required area, with no portions of the required area less than five feet (5') in heighL Rooms used for living, dining or sleeping purposes shall have an area of not less than ninety square feet (90 sq. ft.). Kitcbens shall have a superficial floor area of not less than fifty square feet (50 sq. ft.); super- ficial floor area being herein defined as dear floor space, exclusive of fixed or buih-in cabinets or appliances. "Sec. 1308. Chimneys and apparatus shall conform to the ments of Chapters 37 and 51. "The storage and handling of gaso- line, fuel oil, and other flammable liq- uids shall not be permitted in any Group H occupancy unless such storage and handling comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 9-1·64. "Doors leading into rooms in which volatile flammable liquids are stored or used shall be protected by a fire assern· blv having a one-hour fire-resistive rat-iri'.~. Such fire assembly shall he self. closing and shall be posted with a sign on each side of the door in one-inch (1") block letters stating: "FIRE DOOR KEEP CLOSED." ''Every boiler room or room contain- ing a central heating plant using solid or liquid fuel shall be separa1'ed from the rest of the building by a Three- Hour Fire-Resistive Oct:upaucy Separa- tion, as specified in Chapter 5, with all openings protected as set forth in Table No. 33-B. "EXCEPTIONS. 1. may be used without a Occupancy Separation as Chapter 5, in buildings not mote than two stories in height. "2. ""Where boilers or central heating plants burnin,g liquid or solid fuel are located at grade level they may be sepa- rated~ from the remai11<le1 oI the build- ing by a One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occu- pancy Separation, as defined in Chapter 5, with all openings protected by a fire asseµibly having a one-hour fire-resi~" tive rating, mounted within the boiler room and having closing devices as set forth in Table No. 33-B. "The installation or use of any de- vice capable of generating a glow or flame capable of igniting flammable va· pors i11 any garage located in a Group H Occupancy shall not be permitted. A compartment containing such a device shall have no op~nings into a private garage. "EXCEPTIONS: Utility rooms or other portions of main dwelling con~ taining such devices may have approved openings into a private garage." Section 1405 (b) and 1408 are added to read as follows: "Sec. 1405(b). Room Sizes and Ceil· ing Heights. Every room required to haye windows by subsection (a) shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet (8') in at' least fifty percent (50%) of its required area. with no por.!!ons of the required area less than five feet (5') in height. Rooms used for liY.ing, djning, or sleeping purposes shall have an area of not less than ninety square feet (90 sq. ft.). Kitchens shall have a superficial floor area of not less than fifty square feef ( 50 sq. ft.) ; super- ficial floor area being herein defined as clear floor space, exclusive of fixed or built~in cabinets or appliances. "Sec. 1408. Chimneys and apparatus shall conform to the menis of Chapters 37 and 51. "Flammable liquids shall not be stored or used in Group I Occupancies in quantities in excess of one gallon and all such flammable liquids shall be kept ~~ !~i~;I o~5 ~<;.ealed containers 'When not "The ins_tallation or use of any de- capable of generating a glow or capable of igniting flammable va- nors any garage located in a Group I Oc<:uµancy ..,hall not be permitted. A compartment containing such a device shall have no openings into a private garru:;e. '(EXCEPTION: Utility 1·D01ns or other portions of main dwelling con- taining such devices may have approved openings into a private garage." Section 1505 is added to read as fol- lows: "Sec. 1505. Chimneys and heating appar?-tus shall conform to the require- ments of Chapters 37 and 51. "Flammable liquids shall not be stored. h~ndled. or used in Group J Occupancies unless such storage or ban~ dling shall comply with U.B.C. Stan- dard No. 9-1-64. "The installation or use of any Ordinanoe No. 1510 Alameda City Ordinances New Series device capable of generating a glow or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors in any garage located in a Group J Occupancy shall not be permitted. A com- partment containing suc.h a . de- vice shall have no ·opemngs mto a nrivate garage. "'EXCEPTION: Utility rooms or other portions of a Group J Oc- cupancy containing such devices may have approved openings into a private garage." Section lOOl'(a) is added to read as follows: "Sec. 1601(a). Fire Zones De- fined. For the purpose of this Code the entire City is hereby declared a Fire District and said Fire District shall be ':mown and designated as Fire Zones 1, 2, and 3 and shall include such . terri- tory or portions of said City as are established and described m Article 1, Chapter 2, Title .XIV, of the Alameda Municipal Oode as amended and in force on the effective date of this ordinance, or as said Code may be amended thereafter. Whenever, in this Code reference is made to any Fire 'zone, it shall be construed to mean one of the three. zon~s designated and referred to in said Alameda Municipal Code." Section 2508 JS added to read as follows: "Sec. 2508. Fire-stopping shall be provided to cut off all cealed draft openings: (both cal and horizontal), and form. an effective barrier between stories, and between a top story and roof space. It shall be used in specific locations, as follows: "1. In exterior or interior stud walls, at ceilings and floor level~. "2. In all stud walls and parti- tions including furred spaces, so plac~d that the maximum dime~­ sion of any concealed space lS not over seven feet (7'). "3. Between stair stringers . at least once in the middle portion of each run, at to')'.l and bottom, and between studs, along and in line with run of stair adjoining stud walls and partitions. "4. Around top, bottom, sides, and ends of sliding door pockets. "5. In spaces between chimneys and wood framing, loose mcom- bustible materials shall be placed in incombustible supports, or a metal collar tightly fitted to the chimney and :nailed to the wood Iraming may be used. "6. Any other locations not spe- cifically mentioned above, such as holes for pipes, shafting, be- hind furring strips and similar places which could afford a pas- sage for flames. "Fire stops when of wood shall be two-inch (2") nominal thick- ness. If width ·Of opening is such that more than one piece of lum- ber is necessary, there shall be two thic!rnesses of one-inch (1") material with joints broken." Sections 3803(a), 3803(b), 3803(c), 3805 and 3806(b) are added to read as follows: "Sec. 3803(a). Evezy building four or more stories in height shall be equipped with one or more dry standpipes. · "Sec. 3803.(b). Every Group H Occup•ancy located on one build- ing site and containing more than 15 apartments, or more than 19 guest rooms, shall be provided with a dry line fire system with two and one-half inch (2%'') Si- amese inlet connections at the street level and gated two and one-half inch (21~") outlets; lo- cated as prescrfbed by the. Chief of the Fire Department. The con- struction, size and Siamese con- nections shall be as specified for dry standpipes. "EXCEPTION: Where access to the property, or all portions thereof, is not restricted £or nor- mal fire fighting operations as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department, wet standpipes may be substituted for a dry line system. "Sec. 3803(c). Every Group H Occupancy on one building site and containing more than 15 apartments or more than rn guest rooms shall be piiovided with one or more fire hydrants with gated connections and appurtena.'lces located within the publi t of way to provide water s for fire protection as pres by the Chief of the Fire Department. "Sec. 3805. Every Group A and B Occupancy of any height, and every Group C Occupancy two or more stories in height, and every Group D, E, F, G, and H Occupancy three or more stories in height, and every Group E and F Occupancy over twenty thou- sand square feert (20,000 sq. ft.) in area, shall be equipped with one or more wet standpipes extending from the cellar or basement into the topmost story, provided, that Group B Buildings having no stage and having a seating ca- pacity of less than 500 need not be equipped with standpipes; and provided, further, that one story warehouses of Group F Occu- pancy shall not require wet standpipes, provided, thart the building is equipped with an ap- proved automatic fire extinguish- ing system throughout, as pro- vided in Chapter 38. "Sec. 3806(b). Wet standpipes shall have an internal diameter sufficient to deliver 50 gallons of water per minute under 30 pounds per square inch pressure at the hose connection, based on the available water supply. Build- ings of Group A, B 'and H Occu- pancies shall have wet standpipe systems capable of delivering the required quantity and pressure from any two outlets simulta- neously; for all other occupancies only one outlet need be figured to be open at one time. In no case shall the internal diameter of a wet standpipe be less than two inches (2"), except when the standpipe is attached to an auto- matic fire extinguishing system as set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 38-1-64. "Any approved determines pipe Ordinance No. 1510 Alameda City Ordinances New Series sure drop basis may be used to determine pipe sizes for. "."et standpipe system~. The . Building Official may reqmre delivery and pressure tests on completed wet standpipe systems before approv- ing such systems." Table No. 42B-Minimum Inti:- rior -Finish Classifications, is added to Chapter 42, Volume I, to read as follows: "TABLE NO. 42-B-MINIMUM INTERIOR-FINISH CLASSIFICATIONS Enclosed Occupancy Verticle Other Rooms or Group Exitways Exitways Areas A I 11 III B I II III C I II III D I II n• E I II III'* F I II HI G I II III H I II III .. I HI III III J NO RESTRICTIONS *In rooms in which personal lib- erties of inmates are forcibly re- strained, Class I material only may be used. **Over two stories shall be of Class II. NOTE: Any matertal not in Class I, II, or III shall noi be used in any room or space sub- ject to human occupancy1 except to such an extent as is specific- ally permitted by the enfori;:ing authority on the basis of a fmd- ing that it does not increase the life hazard, but shall at no time exceed 10% of the aggregate m- terior surface of the walls and ceilings of the room wherein this material is located." SECTION 4. Whenever in said Building Code the words "City," "Building Inspector," "Fire !lllar- shal," "Building Official" or other designation of an officer, board or department occur, the. word "City" shall mean the City of A1ameda and the words "Building Inspector," "Fire Marshal," "Building Officfal" or other des- irmation of an officer, board or department, shall mean respec- tively the Building Inspector, the Fire Chief, or such officer, board or department of the City of Alameda. SECTION 5. Validity. If any section subs,ection, sientence, clause 'or phrase of said Building Code or of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitu- tional, such decision shall no.t _af- fect the validity of the remammg portions of said _Cod'°' or .of this ordinance. The City. Council here- by declares that iL would have passed this ·ordinance and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more. sec- tions, subsections, sentences. clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 6. Violations and Pe- nalties. The provisions and penal- ties contained and provided in Section 205 of Chapter 2 of said Building Code are hereby specif- ically incorporated •and adopted as a part of this ordinance. In addition to the penalties herein provided, any building, structure, or portion thereof, or any condi- tion existing or permitted to exist in violation of any proviision of said Building Code, or .any actual or threatened violation of said Code, may be abated, restrained or adjoined in ·any manner pro- vided by law; provided, further, that the penalties set out .in Sec- tion 1-411 of the Alameda Munic- ipal Code are specifically applica- ble herein and may be applied cumulatively, consecutively, or in the alternative with any penalty set out herein. SECTION 7. '!'hat Ordinance No. 1408 New Series, of the City of Alameda, passed August 22, 1962, Ordinance No. 1437 New Series, passed September 3, 1963, Ordi- nance No. 1495 New Series, passed February 17, 1965, and all other ordinances and parts of ordi- nances of the City ·Of Alameda in conflict herewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed. SECTION 8. This ordinance sh!a.ll be in full force •and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. WLLLIAM S. GODFREY, Presiding Officer of the Council. Attest: SHIRLEY H. TENNIER, City Cle;k .• I, the undersigned, hereby cer- tify that the foregoing Ordinance. was duly and regularly adoptea and passed by the Council of thfil City of Alameda in regular meet- ing assembled on the 7th day o:f September, 1965, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen ~Bartley, La Croix, Jr., Mccall, Rose and President Godfrey (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 8th day of September, 1965. (SEALJHrR.LEY H. TENNIER, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. No. 938-A. Published Sept. 10, 1965. 4..,.