1980-03-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY MARCH 4, 1980 The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. with President Corica presiding. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Janet Follrath, Girl Scout Mayor for the day. The invocation was delivered by Reverend Charles N. Nahnsen, Immanuel Lutheran Church. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Absent: None. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 80 -163 Girl Scouts in Government Day. President Corica read a Proclamation proclaiming March 4, 1980, as Girl Scout in Government Day in Alameda and presented the proclamation to the Girl Scouts. President Corica stated that the Girl Scouts had been assigned positions in City Government for the day and had met with their counterparts and learned about departmental and City functions. He expressed appreciation to the Girl Scouts and their parents for participating in Girl Scout in Government Day. President Corica presented certificates in recognition of the Girl Scouts participation as follows: Janet Follrath Troop 1841 Tracie Klein Troop 1841 Christine Peters Troop 710 Linda Garcia Troop 1841 Beth Harris Troop 1841 Nancy Storm Troop 710 Jennifer Cardwell Troop 520 Julia DeClue Troop 2319 Wendy Van De Veer Troop 710 Sylvia Gibson Troop 1052 Dorothy Reyes Troop 1538 Marcey Jo Kliem Troop 1358 Heidi Benson Troop 4 Sara Wright Troop 710 Jennifer Trotter Troop 710 Christine Lynch Troop 710 Barbara Dwyer Troop 2319 Jill Beireis Troop 2117 Cheryl White Troop 2117 Marta Walsh Troop 1841 MINUTES Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of February 12, 1980, and the regular Council meeting of February 19, 1980, be approved as submitted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 3/4/80 80 -164 Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution appointing member of the Pension Board be considered out of order; the motion carried on unanimous voice vote - 5. RESOLUTIONS 80 -165 Resolution No. 9244, "Appointing Member of the Pension Board (Vincent L. Luczak)." Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. The Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Luczak upon request. CONSENT CALENDAR President Corica stated that the two resolutions relative to Tract 3843 would be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar at the request of the developer and that requests were received for discussion of the report from Burton Crowell concerning the status of Patton Way, resolutions relative to Tract 4254 and 4288 and the ordinance regarding item pricing. Councilman Tillman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the remaining items on the Consent Calendar be approved; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. Those items so enacted, adopted, or approved are indicated by an asterisk ( *). REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 80 -166 From Burton Crowell, Project Coordinator, concerning the status of Patton Way. Russell Suising, 221 Santa Clara Ave, spoke regarding the contracts for the environmental work.to be done on Patton Way. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the report be accepted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. *80 -167 From Purchasing Agent recommending approval of the purchase of seven police cars through the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the State of California. Approved. *80 -168 From Purchasing Agent recommending approval of the purchase of a Rotary Mower and a Greensmower from Westoro Distributors for a combined total of $14,354.79. Approved. *80 -169 From Director of Recreation and Parks recommending awarding a contract to Samson Construction Company for construction of Washington Park Development Phase IV, Area B, P.W. 9 -79 -10 in the amount of S51,100.00. Approved. RESOLUTIONS *80 -170 Resolution No. 9245, "Expressing support for reinstated funding for the San Leandro Bay Survey for Fiscal Year 1981." Adopted. 3/4/80 *80 -171 Resolution No. 9246, "Authorizing execution of Agreement with Theresa Hughes and Associates in connection with preparation of environmental documents for the Patton Way Project." Adopted. 80 -172 Resolution No. 9247, "Approving Final Map of Subdivision known as Tract 4254 and accepting certain Dedicated Easements and a Parcel of Land." The City Attorney stated that the resolutions relative to Tract 4254 and 4288 had been postponed from February 19, 1980, in order to insure that City reserves right to have a franchise for CABLE TV and that these provisions have been made. Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -173 Resolution No. 9248, "Authorizing execution of Agreement for construction and completion of improvements in connection with Subdivision Tract 4254 and approving bonds as to sufficiency." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -174 Resolution No. 9249, "Authorizing execution of Agreement for construction and completion of improvements in connection with Subdivision Tract 4288 and approving bonds as to sufficiency." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -175 Resolution No. 9250, "Approving Final Map of subdivision known as Tract 4288 and accepting certain Dedicated Easements." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. *80 -176 Resolution No. 9251, "Declaring a local emergency relative to Alameda South Shore Beach." Adopted. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES 80 -177 Ordinance No. 2002, New Series, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by adding Chapter 9 to Title XII thereof relating to item price marking on packaged consumer commodities." 3/4/80 The following persons spoke in favor of the ordinance: Gerhard Degemann, 304 Sand Beach Rd. Joseph Sullivan, 221 Liberty Avenue Bill Parcell, representing the Northern California Division of Alpha Beta, stated that Alpha Beta is currently doing some testing regarding labor costs for item pricing and requested that the Council reconsider the ordinance again in one year. Councilman Sherratt stated that if Alpha Beta feels the ordinance should be reconsidered at the end of one year that it could be brought to the Council's attention at that time and recommended that the ordinance be adopted. Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the ordinance be finally passed; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. BILLS *80 -178 An Itemized List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct, was approved in the amount of S79,107.78. FILING *80 -179 Agreement in connection with Subdivision Tract 3843. Agreement with Theresa Hughes relative to the Patton Way Project. Agreement in connection with Subdivision Tract 4288. Agreement in connection with Subdivision Tract 4254. RETURN TO REGULAR AGENDA WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 80 -180 From the Alameda County Admission Day Celebration Committee, signed by Richard F. McCarthy, requesting that the City of Alameda consider the appropriation of S100.00 or more, to assist the Committee to meet the expense of the community promotion. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that Mayor Corica write a letter to the Alameda County Admission Day Celebration Committee expressing the Council's regret that the City is unable to contribute due to budgetary limitations; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 80 -181 From Mrs. Mary A. Eilertson, 336 Oleander Avenue, regarding placement of signs to designate the location of Alameda Hospital. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that placement of signs to designate the location of Alameda Hospital be referred to the Traffic Advisory Committee; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 80 -182 From Great American Homes, signed by Ed Petersen, requesting extension of time for completion of public improvements in Tracts 4024, 4025, and 4026 for one year to November 7, 1980. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the request for extension of time for completion of public improvements in Tracts 4024, 3/4/80 4025 and 4026 for one year be approved; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. HEARINGS 80 -183 Hearing in the flatter of a request to amend by deletion of Sections 11- 14D2(f) and 11- 14D3(g) of the Zoning Ordinance stipulating at least eight dwelling units are required for conversion of a structure to a multiple house, ZA -79 -1. Applicant: John Barni. The Planning Director stated that the Planning Board had denied the application to amend the zoning ordinance to permit conversion of less than eight dwelling units to multiple houses. President Corica explained the procedures to be used in the hearing. On the call for proponents in support of the Planning Board decision, there were no speakers. On the call for opponents, persons opposing the Planning Board decision, the following persons spoke: John Barni, 1277 Bay Street Frank Price, 1710 Palmera Court John Crittendon, Alameda Board of Realtors President Corica declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the ordinance, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by repealing Sections 11- 14D2(f) and 11 -14D3 (g) thereof to permit conversion of less than eight dwelling Units to multiple houses," be withdrawn from the agenda and considered at the same time revisions to the condominium conversion ordinance are considered by Council; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 80 -184 Hearing in the Matter of a Tentative Map for Tract 4374 for the proposed conversion to condominiums of the Park Webster Apartments at 1333 Webster Street. The Planning Director stated that the Planning Board had recommended approval of the Tentative Map subject to 32 conditions outlined in the report dated January 31, 1980. Dan Reidy, Consultant for the City, recommended that if the Council approves the Tentative Map that they make it subject to the seven findings listed under "a. Recommended Findings" outlined in his report dated January 7, 1980. President Corica explained the procedures to be used in the hearing. On the call for proponents, Samuel Young, Attorney representing Heritage Properties spoke in favor of the proposed condominium conversion. The following residents of Park Webster Apartments also spoke in favor of the condominium conversion: George Aitkens Whit Mather Mrs. Guzzy Edwin Schmeyer 3/4/80 Carl Thompson Tim Sanderson Emma Cummings Tom Robinson Sybil McCabe Kurt Stein Ken Cummings Dianne Egan After considerable Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the Tentative Map for Tract 4374 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The thirty -two conditions contained in the report from Secretary of the Planning Board dated January 31, 1980. 2. The seven findings listed under "a. Recommended Findings" outlined in the report from Daniel F. Reidy dated January 7, 1980. 3. The condition listed under "Additional Park Webster Hardship Condition" in the report from Mr. Davis on February 27, 1980. Upon call of the roll, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilman Tillman requested that the developer submit a report to Council every three months regarding tenant participation, particularly as it relates to senior citizens and handicapped persons. Mr. Samuel Young, Attorney for Heritage Properties,stated they would comply with the request. Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the resolution approving the Tentative Map for Tract 4374 be considered out of order at this time; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. RESOLUTIONS 80 -185 Resolution No. 9252, "Approving Tentative Map for Tract 4374, a Condominium Conversion Project at 1333 Webster Street, finding said Tentative Map consistent with the City's General Plan and determining that discharge of waste into sewer system will not violate Regional Water Quality Control Regulations." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 80 -186 From Director of Recreation and Parks regarding the status of the proposed Senior Center site selection. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the report be accepted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 3/4/80 RESOLUTIONS 80 -187 Resolution No. 9253, "Amending Salary and Position Resolution No. 9162 by amending the salary of the Assistant City Manager and by deleting the position of Personnel Director." Daniel Reidy, Attorney for the Alameda Municipal Management and Confidential Employees Association, stated that the Association had some concerns as to whether one person could handle administration of the Personnel Office as well as the responsibilities of Assistant City Manager. After Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -188 Resolution No. 9254, "Adopting budgets for expenditure of funds apportioned from the Highway Users Tax Account in the Transportation Tax Fund to Cities." Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES 80 -189 Ordinance No. , New Series, "Authorizing the acquisition of certain real property for street, highway and general municipal purposes (Fernside Boulevard Extension - 3288 Encinal Avenue)." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the ordinance be introduced and passed to print; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES 80 -190 Ordinance No. 2003, New Series, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by adding Article 5 to Chapter 2 of Title IV thereof prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public streets, sidewalks and rights -of -way within the City." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the ordinance be finally passed; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Tillman and President Corica - 3. Noes: Councilmen Sherratt and Stone - 2. Absent: None. 80 -191 Ordinance No. , New Series, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code byrepealing Subdivision (3), amending Subdivision (1-4), repealing Subdivision (52), amending Subdivision (43), and adding Subdivision (83) to Section 17 -333 thereof relating to all time and limited no parking. (Jackson Park Area)." President Corica stated that the Police Department has done a good job of enforcement at Jackson Park and the situation seems to be improved. He recommended that the Council not impose the parking limitations at this time and see whether further complaints are received. 3/4/80 After further Council discussion, Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the ordinance be finally passed; the motion FAILED by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Diament - 1. Noes: Councilmen Sherratt, Tillman, Stone and President Corica - 4. Absent: None. 80 -192 Ordinance No. 2004, New Series, "Authorizing the Northern California Power Agency to issue revenue bonds," Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the ordinance be finally adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None, UNFINISHED BUSINESS 80 -193 Consideration of appointment of members to the Rent /Landlord Monitor Committee. President Corica nominated the following persons to the Committee, seconded by Councilman Sherratt; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Kay Coltrane- - renter. Betty Richardson - renter. Dan Lasar - owner. Don Wolfe - owner. Risk Teske - owner. Thomas Ferris - renter. Linda Pritchard - realtor. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the committee be designated the Rent Review Advisory Committee; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. Councilman Stone recommended Raymond Nisewaner be appointed to the Ad hoc Efficiency Committee. President Corica obtained the consent of Council and so ordered. Councilman Sherratt stated that he had previously recommended Mr. Diament to the Ad Hoc Efficiency Committee but he had declined. Councilman Tillman referred to a covenant with Harbor Bay Isle relative to the construction of 3200 units in Harbor Bay Isle and stated that he would not move on anything in Harbor Bay Isle until the covenant has been before Council. Councilman Tillman stated he was concerned about the lease with Island City Gun Club inasmuch as the revenue to the City is only S1.00 per year and the use does not appear to be compatible with the surrounding area. After Council discussion, President Corica obtained the consent of Council and directed the City Manager to designate staff to investigate the matter as to zoning and possibility of options relative to the lease. Councilman Tillman referred to a letter to the City Manager from Island City Gun Club dated February 27, 1980 alleging that the City constructed a road across property leased by Island City Gun Club and requested that Council be apprised regarding the matters addressed in the letter. 3/4/80 80 -194 Councilman Tillman stated that erosion at South Shore Beach is a serious problem which has been addressed many times and recommended that a permanent solution to this problem be found. He further stated that Utah Construction Company had done the land fill on South Shore Beach and it has not held up. 80 -195 Councilman Tillman stated that he resigned his directorship with the H.O.P.E. Organization and the Boy's Club due to conflict of interest as prescribed by A.C.T.E.B /A.C.A.P. and that he currently belongs to the N.A.A.C.P. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL 80 -196 Joseph Sullivan, 221 Liberty Avenue, expressed his concern regarding erosion at South Shore Beach. 80 -197 John Barni, 1277 Bay Street, stated he received a letter from the City Attorney regarding acquisition of property for the Fernside Boulevard Extension and requested a copy of the appraisal report for Fernside Boulevard Extension. The City Attorney stated that Mr. Barni could obtain a copy of the report from his office. ADJOURNMENT 80 -198 Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the Council adjourn to Executive Session for a discussion of litigation and personnel matters; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. After Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the Council reconvene the regular meeting; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 80 -199 Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the City Clerk's salary be increased to the third salary step, $1983 per month, as of March 11, 1980; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned at 11:40 p.m., to assemble in regular session on Tuesday, March 18, 1980, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, DEEN SPEEGLE City Clerk