1980-06-03 Regular CC Minutes163 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY JUNE 3, 1980 Convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President Corica presiding. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Mayor Stone. The Invocation was given by Rev. Al Price, Christ Church Parish Episcopal. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. MINUTES Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting of the City Council and Public Utilities Board of May 13, 1980, and the regular Council meeting of May 20, 1980, be approved as submitted;the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. CONSENT CALENDAR President Corica stated that the resolution relative to the agreement with Ironside,r & Associates in connection with planning services for Subdivision Tract 4500 would be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar and discussed when the other contract with Ironside & Associates is discussed. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the following remaining items be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. Items so enacted, approved, or adopted will be so indicated by an asterisk ( *). REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *80 -383 From City Manager requesting that a Special Council Meeting be scheduled Tuesday, June 24, 1980, 7:30 p.m., to review the preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 1980 -81. Approved. *80 -384 From Acting Planning Director recommending refund of $2,000 to Nish Construction Company paid as application fees for amendments to the General Plan and Airport Safety Element inasmuch as it was determined said fees were not necessary. Approved recommendation. *80 -385 From City Engineer recommending acceptance of work for improvements to the perimeter levee at the Alameda Solid Waste Disposal Site (P.W. 4 -79 -4) and release of the bond in lieu of deposit of surety in the amount of $2,500 to guarantee the seeding work. Approved recommendation. *80 -386 From City Engineer recommending that a Revocable Permit be granted to Margaret Jenkins, 1529 Santa Clara Avenue, for the existing chain link fence en- croaching into the public right of way, providing that if the need arises, the costs to remove the fence be borne by the property owner. RESOLUTIONS *80 -387 Resolution No. 9296, "Authorizing the filing of an application to the National Endowment for the Arts for grant funding under the Design Arts Program to conduct a shoreline Open Space Study." Adopted. June 3, 1980 *80 -388 Resolution No. 9297, "Authorizing the filing of an application to the California Coastal Commission for grant funding under the Coastal Energy Impact Program to study the impact of the energy shortage on water - related industries in Alameda." Adopted. *80 -389 Resolution No. 9298, "Adopting specifications, special provisions and plans for mechanical systems maintenance at the Police Administration Building, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted. *80 -390 Resolution No. 9299, "Adopting specifications, special provisions and plans for janitorial service for the City Hall and the Police Administration Building, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted. *80 -391 Resolution No. 9300, "Approving agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation for maintenance of State highway in the City of Alameda and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted. *80 -392 Resolution No. 9301, Amending Salary and Position Resolution No. 9162 by creating the position of Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician within the Public Works Department and establishing the salary therefor." Adopted. *80 -393 Resolution No. 9302, "Authorizing execution of agreement with Recht Hausrath & Associates in connection with an Economic Impact Study for Subdivision Tract 4500." Adopted. 80 -394 Resolution No. 9303, "Authorizing execution of agreement between City of Alameda and the Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station, Alameda, California, relating to mutual aid and assistance in fire fighting." Adopted. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES *80 -395 Ordinance No. 2011, New Series, "Emergency ordinance amending certain portions of the Alameda Municipal Code relating to traffic regulations (Stop signs near intersection of Ballena Boulevard and Cola Ballena)." Finally adopted emergency ordinance. BILLS *80 -396 An Itemized List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct, was approved in the amount of $192,569.83. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 80 -397 From Ponderosa Homes, signed by Richard Ewin, requesting extension of six months from January 17, 1980, to July 17, 1980, to complete improvements in Tract 3865 and reduction of bond from $492,476 to $49,248. President Corica stated that the extension of time was acceptable but he felt the bond should not be reduced as the project is not completed. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the extension be granted and the bond reduced as requested; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone - 3. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. June 3, 1980 80 -398 From Ponderosa Homes, signed by Richard Ewin, requesting extension of six months from May 3, 1980, to November 3, 1980, to complete improvements in Tract 3883 and reduction of bond from $849,000 to S169,800. President Corica stated he felt the project should be completed before the bond is reduced. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the extension of time be granted and the bond reduced as requested; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone - 3. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. 80 -399 From Ponderosa Homes, signed by Richard Ewin, requesting extension of one year from May 17, 1980, to May 17, 1981, to complete improvements in Tract 3904. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the extension of time be granted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 80 -400 From Ponderosa Homes, signed by Michael S. McKissick, requesting an extension of two years on the time period in which to file a final map on Tract'4136. Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the extension of time be granted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 80 -401 From Alameda Unified School District, signed by Superintendent Kline, appealing the decision of the Planning Board denying rezoning of 400 Grand Street. Councilman Stone made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the communication be accepted and the hearing scheduled June 17, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 80 -402 From Chairperson of Mayor's Committee for the Handicapped proposing to use public service spots of radio stations to furnish information and submitting list of information for Council approval. Josephine Bixier, Chairperson of the Handicapped Committee, spoke in support of the proposal. After Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the report be accepted, the concept approved, and the Committee directed to submit verbage to Council prior to submittal to radio station for broadcast; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 80 -403 From Chairman of the Ad Hoc Efficiency Committee submitting results of study relative to the City Garage. Tom Paddison, Committee Member, read the report dated May 5, 1980, relative to the City Garage. Jim Payton, Chairman of the Committee, requested that the Committee's report regarding the Purchasing Department be placed on the agenda of June 17, 1980. June 3, 1980 After Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the report be accepted and the City Manager directed to take the recommendations under advisement; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Councilman Stone inquired as to whether the Ad Hoc Efficiency Committee was up to its full quota of members. The City Manager stated he had received a report from the Committee regarding that matter and would forward a copy to the Council. 80 -404 President Corica obtained the consent of Council and directed that the two reports regarding CETA funding be considered at the same time inasmuch as they are closely related. From President of the Social Service Human Relations Board submitting CETA Title VI recommendations for Community Based Organizations. 80 -405 From City Manager recommending CETA Title VI funding levels for Fiscal Year 1980 -81. The City Manager summarized the staff report and recommended that Council approve priorities listed in his report dated May 29, 1980. Don Bell, President of Historic Alameda High School Foundation, Inc., stated that the Foundation had submitted a request for funding a person to assist with clerical functions but the project had not been recommended for funding. He requested that the Council approve funding for a person to assist in clerical functions. Larry Patton, 1020 San Antonio Avenue, spoke in support of his request. Linda Pritchard, President of the Social Service Human Relations Board, spoke in opposition to granting his request. The following persons spoke regarding benefits their organizations had gained from CETA funds. Sue Foulkes, Director of U.S.O. at Naval Air Station. Jim Richards, Alameda Boys' Club. The City Manager stated that if a project recommended for funding is not approved by ACTEB /ACAP, the first project listed under "Not Recommended for Funding" would be considered. After Council discussion, Councilman Stone made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the priorities in the report from City Manager dated May 29, 1980, be approved with the exception that No. 8, "Alameda Boys' Club Custodian/ Maintenance Person" be placed in the No. 9 position (not recommended for funding) and No. 9, "Historic Alameda High School Foundation, Inc., Administrative Assistance Project" be placed in the No. 8 position (recommended for funding). Councilman Sherratt stated he would prefer that a position be funded for Alamedans with H.O.P.E. Upon call of the roll, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Stone, and President Corica - 3. Noes: Councilman Sherratt - 1. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. June 3, 1980 President Corica ordered that the resolution relevant to CETA funds be considered out of order on the agenda. RESOLUTIONS 80 -406 Resolution No. 9304, "Authorizing City Manager to submit CETA Title VI Project Proposals to the Alameda County Training and Employment Board /Associated Action Program (ACTEB /ACAP)." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Stone, and President Corica - 3. Noes: Councilman Sherratt - 1. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 80 -407 From City Manager concerning potential sites for family housing locations relative to the Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA) Sixth Year Application. Councilman Sherratt requested that prior to utilizing any proposed locations for housing that the Council be provided exact information. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the report be accepted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 80 -408 From City Engineer recommending acceptance of improvements in Tract 3773, except for improvements in Lot 4 and the sidewalk, bike path, and driveway on Seal Point Court. Rosalie McPherson, 1128 Marianas Lane, requested that the work not be accepted until the hearings regarding Lot 4 have been concluded with the Bay Conservation Development Commission. Joseph Sullivan, 3221 Liberty Avenue, spoke in support of her request. The City Engineer stated that the recommendation to accept improvements in Tract 3773 would not include improvements in Lot 4 and that the work covered by the recommendation has been completed. He further stated that the contractor cannot be paid for the work completed until after acceptance. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the work be accepted in Tract 3773, except for improvements in Lot 4 and the sidewalk, bike path, and driveway on Seal Point Court; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. RESOLUTIONS 80 -409 Resolution No. 9305, "Designating certain lands in the City of Alameda as "Geraldine T. Leydecker Park." Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. 80 -410 Resolution No. 9306, Authorizing execution of agreement with Ironside & Associates in connection with preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Fernside Extension Project." June 3, 1980 Mary Ann Epler, 3318 Fernside Boulevard, stated that the Friends of Alameda had filed a motion seeking to dequalify Ironside & Associates from preparing the Environmental Impact Report and requested that the Council not act on the agreement until the motion has been heard. The City Attorney stated that no motion has been filed, and the attorney will ask permission to file the motion tomorrow morning. The following persons spoke in opposition to the contract: Karl Breitkope, 1451 Fernside Boulevard Kame Richards, 3313 Fernside Boulevard Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. 80 -411 Resolution No. 9307, "Authorizing execution of agreement with Ironside & Associates in connection with planning services for Subdivision Tract 4500." Mary Ann Epler, 3318 Fernside Boulevard, stated that although she requested this item be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, her questions had been addressed. Councilman Stone made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES 80 -412 Ordinance No. , New Series, Authorizing acceptance and execution of a lease agreement between the Alameda Unified School District, as Lessor, and the City of Alameda, as Lessee, relating to the premises to be used for the Mastick Senior Center." Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the ordinance be introduced and passed to print; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. 80 -413 Ordinance No. , New Series, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by adding Article 6 to Chapter 9 of Title X thereof relating to interim review of older buildings by Historical Advisory Commission." Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the ordinance be introduced and passed to print; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Tillman - 1. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 80 -414 Consideration of appointment of members to the Housing Authority. June 3, 1980 President Corica nominated Rose M. Ferro for reappointment to the Housing Authority, seconded by Councilman Diament; the nomination was approved by unanimous voice vote - 4. President Corica nominated Dorothy A. Jones for reappointment to the Housing Authority, seconded by Councilman Diament; the nomination was approved by unanimous voice vote - 4. President Corica nominated Georgia B. Swisher, senior tenant, for appointment to the Housing Authority, seconded by Councilman Diament; the nomination was approved by unanimous voice vote - 4. President Corica nominated William Rosen for appointment to the Housing Authority, seconded by Councilman Stone; the nomination was approved by unanimous voice vote - 4. NEW BUSINESS 80 -415 Councilman Diament expressed appreciation to staff and the Fire Department for the opportunity to take a trip on the fire boat recently. 80 -416 Councilman Diament inquired as to the status of the surplus land adjacent to the Naval Air Station. The City Manager stated that he is working with the State Land Commission to make that part of City tidelands. 80 -417 Councilman Stone requested that the letter from Charles Tudor, Alameda Unified School District, regarding Temple Israel be referred to the Mayor's Committee for the Handicapped inasmuch as there is a need for a sheltered workshop. She also requested that if it seems feasible, that Dan Muir and she be contacted. 80 -418 Councilman Stone inquired regarding complaints relative to adult entertain- ment literature being on display in view of school children at Landmark Liquor Store which was brought up May 20, 1980. The City Manager stated he would submit a report regarding this matter in two or three days. FILING 80 -419 Agreement with Ironside & Associates in connection with Fernside Extension Project. Lease agreement relating to premises to be used for the Mastick Senior Center. Specifications for mechanical systems maintenance. Specifications for janitorial services. Agreement with State of California relating to maintenance of State Highway. Agreement with Ironside & Associates in connection with Subdivision Tract 4500. Agreement with Recht Hausrath & Associates in connection with Subdivision Tract 4500 Agreement with Naval Air Station relating to mutual aid and assistance in fire fighting. June 3, 1980 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL 80 -420 Joseph Sullivan, 3221 Liberty Avenue, stated that he still had a concern regarding holding a matter over to the next agenda in the matter of "tie votes." President Corica stated that the Council had established a policy that when a matter receives a "tie vote" that it be placed on the next agenda and that the subject had been discussed several times. ADJOURNMENT 80 -421 Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the Council adjourn to Executive Session for a discussion of personnel and litigation; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. At the conclusion of discussion, it was determined that no action would be taken at this time. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned at 10:40 p.m., to assemble in regular session on Tuesday, June 17, 1980, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, DEEN SPEEGLE City Clerk June 3, 1980