Convened at 7:30 p.m. o'clock p.m. with President Corica presiding. Pledge
of Allegiance was led by Councilman Sherratt. The Invocation was given by
President Corica.
ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Sherratt, Stone, Tillman and President
Corica - 4.
Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
Councilman Stone made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the
Minutes of the special Council meetings of August 8, 14, and 18, and regular
Council meeting of August 19, 1980, be approved as submitted. Councilman
Sherratt stated he would abstain from voting on the minutes of the meetings
of August 18 and 19 inasmuch as he had not been present. The motion carried
by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Stone, Tillman,
and President Corica - 3. Noes: None. Abstaining: Councilman Sherratt.
Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
President Corica stated that requests had been received to remove the
report relating to street names for Neptune Circle and Trident Court, the
two resolutions relative to Tract 4374 and the resolution regarding financing
for Patton Way from the Consent Calendar, and these items would be discussed
later in the meeting.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the
following remaining items on the Consent Calendar be approved; the motion
carried by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Sherratt, Stone, Tillman
and President Corica - 4. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
Items 50 enacted, approved, or adopted will be so indicated by an asterisk ( *)
*80 -654 From Planning Director regarding proposed changes to the Zoning
Ordinance relative to the design review function. The Council set the hearing
date of October 7, 1980.
*80 -655 From City Engineer recommending acceptance of improvements for
Parcel Map 2574, 2161 Central Avenue, and return of the bond in the amount
of S1,400.00. Approved.
*80 -656 From Director of Recreation and Parks recommending acceptance of
work for Phase IV of the Washington Park Project. Approved.
*80 -657 From Purchasing Agent recommending purchase of an engine analyzer
on the open market from Sun Electric Corporation in the amount of S12,778.51.
September 16, 1980
*80 -658 From Purchasing Agent recommending purchase of four motorcycle radios
and mounts and three portable radios on the open market from Motorola
Communications and Electronics, Inc., fora total price of S15,730.65. Approved.
*80 -659 Resolution No. 9377, "Endorsing proposition for Referendum of Peripheral
Canal." Adopted.
*80 -660 Resolution No. 9378, "Approving the application for 1976 State grant
moneys (Historic Museum Project)." Adopted.
*80 -661 Resolution No. 9379, "Adopting specifications for furnishing to the
City of Alameda four motorcycles with police package for the Police Department,
calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted.
*80 -662 Resolution No. 9380, "Accepting proposal as agreement (Phase II -
Deloitte, Haskins & Sells Operations and Cost Effectiveness Study)." Adopted.
*80 -663 An Itemized List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct,
was approved in the amount of $83,090.14.
80 -664 Presentation by Alan Pendleton, BCDC, regarding staff positions on matters
relative to the City of Alameda.
Mr. Pendleton stated that BCDC had negotiated a second supplementary agreement with
Harbor Bay Isle (HBI) Associates to resolve the issue of public access in Tract 3773
which established mitigation measures as follows: 1) HBI will relocate certain
recreation facilities near the shoreline to provide additional shoreline width
and will construct pedestrian and bicycle paths; the plans will be submitted
to the City for review; 2) HBI will deposit $136,000 in an interest bearing
account to be used for a public access improvement, which BCDC proposes to be
a shoreline pedestrian bridge under the vehicular bridge connecting public access
in the HBI development with City -owned property; and 3) HBI will landscape
and provide public access on the CALTRANS triangle which is south of the Bay
Farm Island Bridge.
Mr. Pendleton further stated the Commission felt a pedestrian bridge was desirable
because of the regional interest in continuing this access, and an appropriate
agency to sponsor this project would be the East Bay Regional Park District.
He noted that BCDC would contact the Park District regarding this project.
President Corica stated that the Council had recommended that BCDC consider
installation of a railing on the existing walkway on Bayfarm Island Bridge
as a mitigation measure because of the danger to children and that he had expressed
that position at a BCDC meeting.
Mr. Pendleton stated the Commission felt the proposed pedestrian bridge was
a more appropriate public access measure but that BCDC would support installation
of a railing on the vehicular bridge and plans to seek legislative support to
fund a railing on the bridge. He further stated BCDC staff would survey existing
grants that might be available for funding a railing.
September 16, 1980
Councilman Sherratt inquired whether the City had approached East Bay Regional
Park District about assuming maintenance and operation of the shoreline and
bicycle paths.
The City Manager stated he had indicated the City's interest in that to Richard
Trudeau of the Park District, but no conclusions had been reached at this point.
Mr. Pendleton stated BCDC is currently negotiating with HBI regarding public
access for Tract 4500, and when it is worked out, information will be submitted
to the City.
Leora Feeney, 1330 - 8th Street, spoke in support of providing continuous public
access along the shoreline.
Helen Freeman, 831 Laurel Street, requested a copy of the supplemental agreement.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the report
regarding the status of Patton Way be considered out of sequence on the agenda
at this time; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80 -665 From Burton Crowell, Project Coordinator, submitting report on the status
of the Patton Way Project.
Burton Crowell stated he had received telephone approval of the Draft Environmental
Assessment and indications from the Federal Government that the document would
cover any.design problems and that this should enable the City to meet the
October 16, 1980, deadline.
Russell Sisung, 221 Santa Clara Avenue, inquired whether there would be a hearing
on design review and on the Environmental Document and requested a copy of the
Environmental Document.
The City Engineer stated there is no requirement that a separate design hearing
be held, and the Environmental Document would accommodate all the requirements
relative to design.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the report
be accepted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80 -666 From City of Newark, signed by Mayor Smith, recommending revision to
Chapter 4, of "Solid Waste Management Facilities," to include certain language.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the
communication be placed on the agenda of October 7, 1980, inasmuch as a hearing
on the Alameda County Solid Waste Management Plan will be held at that meeting;
the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80 -667 From Blair and Paula Hoit, 1132 Rosewood Way, requesting reconsideration
of the denial for a Revocable Permit for a fence at 1840 Wood Street.
September 16, 1980
Mr. Noit requested the Council grant the Revocable Permit and stated he had
arrived at the prior meeting when the Permit was denied after the matter had
been considered.
Councilman Stone noted that no additional evidence had been submitted and made
a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the correspondence be accepted
and the previous Council denial of the Revocable Permit be upheld in accordance
with the recommendation of the City Engineer.
Councilman Sherratt stated he agreed with the denial but would abstain from voting
inasmuch as he had not been present when the Permit was originally denied.
Upon call of the roll, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes:
Councilman Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 3. Noes: None. Abstaining:
Councilman Sherratt - 1. Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
80 -668 From Viola M. Sumption, 21482 Clinton Avenue, requesting reconsideration
of the denial for a Revocable Permit for a fence at 2420 Marti Rae Court.
Councilman Stone noted no additional evidence had been submitted and made a motion,
seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the correspondence be accepted and the previous
Council denial of the Revocable Permit be upheld in accordance with the recommendation
of the City Engineer.
Councilman Sherratt stated he agreed with the denial but would abstain from voting
inasmuch as he had not been present when the Permit was originally denied.
Upon call of the roll, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes:
Councilman Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 3. Noes: None. abstaining:
Councilman Sherratt - 1. Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
80 -669 From Dividend Development Corporation, signed by James R. Omsberg, appealing
the decision of the Planning Board in denying request for a Planned Development
Amendment. (PDA 80 -5, Clipper Cove)
President Corica noted that the appeal date of October 21, 1980, had been suggested
and that the regular Council meeting on that date would be canceled inasmuch
as there would not be a quorum,and a Special Council Meeting would be scheduled
on October 28, 1980.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the appeal
be heard October 28, 1980; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
President Corica obtained the consent of Council and directed that the following
two appeals be heard at the same time inasmuch as the appellant and the issues
were the same.
80 -670 From V. Mark Rafanelli appealing the decision of the Planning Board in
denying application for conversion of the Wavecrest Apartments, 2000 -08 Franciscan
Way, to condominiums.
80 -671 From V. Mark Rafanelli appealing the decision of the Planning Board in
denying application for conversion of the Lanai Apartments, 2020 -28 Franciscan
Way, to condominiums.
September 16, 1980
Councilman Sherratt stated there had been changes to the condominium conversion
ordinance since the applications were filed with the Planning Board and suggested
Mr. Rafanelli file new applications.
Mr. Rafanelli stated he would concur and withdraw the appeals and file new appli-
cations with the Planning Board.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the
appeals be withdrawn and the applicant requested to submit new applications
to the Planning Board; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80-671 From Secretary of Planning Board submitting Fiscal Impact Study of Tract
4500 prepared by Recht Hausrath and Associates.
The Acting Planning Director stated Bruce Kearns, the consultant who prepared
the report, was present to answer any questions.
President Corica stated he would prefer to submit his concerns in writing and
noted there would be additional reports forthcoming relative to Tract 4500,
The City Manager stated the Council could submit their concerns to him, and
he would forward to the consultant for incorporation into the final document
which would be completed before consideration of the Tentative Map for Tract
4500 is before the Council.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the report
be accepted and referred for consideration when the Tentative Map for Tract
4500 is before the Council; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80-672 From City Engineer recommending approval of the request to construct
a lagoon wall at Alameda Hospital.
Rudd Gast, Architect, spoke in support of approval to construct the lagoon wall.
Leora Feeney, 1330 - 8th Street, expressed her concern that the wall might stop
ducks from reaching the natural shoreline and requested that the matter be considered
after a report is received from the Planning Department.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the rec-
ommendation of the City Engineer to approve construction of the lagoon wall
at Alameda Hospital be approved subject to review by the Planning Department
staff; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80-673 Resolution No. 9381, "Authorizing execution of an amendment to the agree-
ment between the City of Alameda and MKGK Incorporated for performing five housing
feasibility studies."
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolu-
tion be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes:
Councilmen Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
September 16, 1980
80 -674 Resolution No. 9382 "Authorizing execution of license agreement with
Park Webster Associates for installation and maintenance of an arbor."
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolu-
tion be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes:
Councilmen Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the two
resolutions held off the Consent Calendar relative to Tract 4374 be considered
at this time inasmuch as they also related to Park Webster; the motion
carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80 -675 Resolution No. 9383 "Approving Final Map of subdivision known as Tract
4374 and accepting certain dedicated easement and rights of access (Park Webster
condominium conversion)."
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution
be approved subject to filing of appropriate bond and approval of same by City
Attorney, and directed Final Map not be signed until bond approved.
President Corica stated he would oppose approval prior to receipt of the bond.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Sherratt,
Stone, and Tillman - 3. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: Councilman Diament -
80 -676 Resolution No. 9384 "Authorizing execution of agreement for construction
and completion of improvements in connection with subdivision Tract 4374 and
approving bonds as to sufficiency (Park Webster condominium conversion)."
The City Attorney stated that the agreement states buildings are not to be occupied
but that tenants are there now and that provision would not apply to tenants
during the conversion.
President Coroca stated he would oppose approval prior to receipt of the bond.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution
be approved with the provision that the agreement not be executed until the
appropriate bond has been received and approved by the City Attorney; the motion
carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Sherratt, Stone,
and Tillman - 3. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
80 -677 Resolution No. 9385 "Authorizing execution of cooperation agreement between
the City of Alameda and the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda relating
to the Eagle Avenue site of the Makassar Straits Project."
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolu-
tion be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes:
Councilmen Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 4. Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
80 -678 Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending sections 2 -116 and 2 -117
thereof relating to Order of Business and Rules of Order for City Council meetings.
September 16, 1980
Kate Quick, League of Women Voters, filed a letter dated September 16, 1980,
and stated the League is opposed to the requirement that persons must sign
up to speak and recommended amendments to the ordinance as follows: 1)
Under Sec. 2-117 (7) - add, "member of the public," and 2) Under Sec. 2-117
(9) (e) - add, "Public discussion may follow Council deliberation."
The following persons spoke in opposition to the requirement for speaker cards:
Russell Sisung, 221 Santa Clara Avenue
Leora Feeney, 1330 - 8th Street
Ina Ratto, 1053 Island Drive
Mrs. Ratto also stated she felt items listed on the agenda should be stated
more clearly.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the ordinance
be amended as follows: 1) Under Sec. 2-117 (7) - add, "member of the public,"
and 2) Under Sec. 2-117 (9) (e) - add, "Public discussion may follow Council
deliberation," and that the ordinance be introduced and passed to print as amended;
the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Sherratt,
Stone, and Tillman - 3. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: Councilman
Diament - 1.
President Corica stated that the remaining items on the Consent Calendar
would be considered at this time.
80-679 From Acting Planning Director recommending approval of two street names,
Neptune Circle and Trident Court, in Tract 4206.
Councilman Tillman recommended that the street proposed to be named Neptune
Circle be named Croll's Gardens Road for historical reasons.
After Council discussion, Councilman Tillman made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Sherratt, that the recommendation to name the street Trident Court be approved
and the street proposed to be named Neptune Circle be named Croll's Gardens
Road; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
80-680 Resolution No. 9386 "Affirming intention to provide local matching
money necessary to finance Patton Way."
Russell Sisung, 221 Santa Clara Avenue, inquired as to how much the City's portion
to finance Patton Way would be.
The City Engineer stated that 86% would be the most paid from FAU funds, and
the City would have to pay at least 14%.
Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the
resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 4. Noes:
None. Absent: Councilman Diament - 1.
September 16, 1980
80 -681 Amendment to agreement with MKGK Incorporated relating to housing studies.
License agreement with Park Webster Associates for installation and
maintenance of an arbor.
Cooperation agreement with Housing Authority relating to Eagle Avenue site of
Makassar Straits Project.
Agreement relating to Tract 4374
Specifications for four motorcycles (MSP 9- 80 -1).
80 -682 Councilman Tillman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that
the Council adjourn to an Executive Session for a discussion of litigation and
personnel matters; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4.
At the conclusion of discussion, it was determined that no action would be taken
at this time.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned
at 9:50 p.m., to assemble in regular session on Tuesday, October 7, 1980, at
7:30 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
September 16, 1980