The meeting convened at 4:30 oTclock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and President Godfrey,
(5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. Receipt of the Notice and Agenda for this special meeting had been acknowledged by each of the
Councilmen and was on file. The purpose of said meeting was for a discussion of the Council organi-
zational meeting held Tuesday, April 18, 1967.
In view of the fact that he had been elected at the last Council meeting, held April 18, President
Godfrey said he had inquired of the City Attorney how to handle the situation and had been informed
that he could merely state that he would not be sworn in as Mayor and President of the Council of the
City of Alameda by the City Clerk. He thanked the Councilmen for their cooperation and help during
his terms as Mayor and then declared nominations in order for Mayor and President of the Council for
the term of 1967-1969.
Councilman Rose said he must decline this honor and then nominated Vice President La Croix. /Vice
President La Croix also stated he must decline due to his business and family circumstances.
Councilman Bartley then placed in nomination the name of Councilman McCall, who had served in this
post before and he believed he would again be a fine representative of the City.
At this time, Councilman McCall asked that Councilman Rose reconsider his refusal to accept the
nomination. Councilman Rose, however, felt he could not change his mind in this respect.
President Godfrey inquired if there were any further nominations. There being none, the roll was
called for the vote on Councilman McCallTs nomination, as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Bartley, La
Croix and President Godfrey, (3). Pass: Councilman McCall, (1). For Vice President La Croix:
Councilman Rose, (1). Coming back to Councilman McCall, he voted Aye. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Councilman McCall was thereupon declared Mayor and President of the Council of the City of Alameda
for the ensuing term. The City Clerk then administered the Oath of Office to President McCall, who
assumed the Chair amidst the hearty applause of the Councilmen and those in the audience.
President McCall once again congratulated Councilman Godfrey on his highly successful terms as Mayor
and the excellent work he had done as the Cityls official representative. He also urged that all the
Councilmen participate to the extent of their individual abilities and business opportunities on
behalf of the best interests of the whole community in making official appearances.
President McCall further suggested that, at the first opportunity, the matter of an elective Mayor of
the City of Alameda be placed on the ballot so the people could make the decision. He thought this
would be fair, it would obviate any future embarrassing situations and the Councilmen themselves, per-
sonally, would not become involved.
Vice President La Croix expressed his pride in having been elected Vice Mayor of the City and pledged
his complete support of President McCall and the City Council. He commented that, during the past
week, he had attended the dedication of two new schools in the City and had talked to many people at
these gatherings. He thought there was a strong feeling of approval of the actions which had taken
place in the community through the cooperation of the various Boards, Commissions, the Unified School
District and the Council - which spoke well for the cohesiveness which had prevailed - and he knew
all would want it to continue.
2. President Godfrey voiced his appreciation for having been asked to serve a third term as Mayor
and President of the Council of the City of Alameda. He remarked that he had truly enjoyed working
in this capacity during the past four years of his six years as a City Councilman. He stated, how-
ever, it was simply impossible for him to serve another term as Mayor and he thought he had made
himself perfectly clear on this point. President Godfrey expressed his confidence in the future
progress of Alameda, pointing up that the City was on the threshold of many important developments.
He said he knew each of the Councilmen was tremendously interested in these pending projects and he
urged that all work together to keep Alameda a "Go" city.
Councilman La Croix placed in nomination the name of Councilman George A. Rose. The nomination was
seconded by President Godfrey.
3. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Councilman Rose declined the nomination because he stated he did not want to be a "second-hand Mayor".