The meeting convened at 7:00 o'clock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr,, McCall, Rose and President Godfrey,
(5), were noted present. Absent: None.
I. Receipt of the Notice and Agenda of the special meeting had been acknowledged by each of the
Councilmen and was on film. The purpose of said meeting was to continue the consideration of the
Capital Outlay Program and take action, if desired, on the establishment of priorities for the various
projects outlined.
2.- President Godfrey extended the Council's compliments to the several Department heads for the
very comprehensive presentations of their respective projects which they had made at the meeting
held January 12.
The President remarked that there would no doubt be many meetings concerning the Capital Outlay Pro-
gram and he suggested, therefore, that the Council consider at this meeting only those items listed
on the memorandum from Mr. Watson, Assistant City Manager, dated January 19` 1985, as of an "Imme-
diate" nature - and, possibly, those in the "Near Future" category.
Mr. Weller pointed out the order of listing the items in said memorandum did not necessarily reflect
the importance or urgency of the projects.
Councilman Rose explained that the sum of $438,740. was necessary to accomplish the projects listed
under the "Immediate" category. It was developed that the amount of $292,000. was already in the
City Budget for the Capital Outlay Program. He then itemized the various amounts estimated for the
several projects in this group.
At this point, some discussion was interjected with regard to the Main Library Expansion, and, in
the interest of accurate planning, Councilman McCall suggested the Structural Engineer be hired imme-
diately to determine the soundness of the existing building. This would then give the Council the
necessary information so it could properly think in terms of making additions or constructing an
entirely new building.
The President asked Mr. Druzoone, President of the Library Board, to have Mr. Hamilton, Librarian,
submit a report at the next meeting of said Board concerning the amount of money available from his
budget for such an inspection. Further, that a report of his findings then be submitted to Mr. Weller.
With regard to the several sewer projects, Mr. Weller explained the circumstances and pointed out
that the Staff was working on the engineering techoicalitieo.
Following considerable discussion, Councilman Freeman moved the public works projects, en toto, be
considered first before the Council went into any other items such as library, recreation, etcetera.
The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix.
It was pointed out this motion would include the "Corporation Yard" which some felt was not in the
"Immediate" category. Councilman Freeman contended that, if there was going to be an expansion of
the public works phase of the program, then the City would need an adequate place from which to
operate. She also inquired if there was to be a consolidation of the City and Bureau facilities in
this respect.
After further discussion, Councilman La Croix withdrew his second. Councilman Freeman then moved
that all public works projects, with the exception of the Corporation Yard, as shown on the memoran-
dum of January 19, 1965, as follows, be given No. 1 priority: (B-1) Fifth - Central Sewer, $40,000.;
(B-2) East Encinal Avenue Storm Drainage Pump, $50,800.; (B-3) Sanitary Sewer Replacements,
$69,000.; (C-1) North Webster Street Storm Drainage Improvement, $40,000.; (C-2) Separation of
Storm Sewers from Sanitary Sewers, $15,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix.
Speaking on the question, a detailed discussion was had with regard to the financing of this portion
of the program in the light of clarification by Mr. Weller on the amount of funds available. President
Godfrey also explained the plans for use of certain moneys from the Housing Authority of the City of
Alameda upon presentation to said Body of a definite program which would be acceptable thereto and
would be approved thereby.
During the course of said discussion, it was pointed out by Councilman Rose that the cost of the
total program as contemplated would be $3,194,510.
The question was then put and the motion carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes:
None. Absent: None.
Councilman Freeman also moved the Council come to a determination within the near future on whether
or not it desired to assemble all public works facilities in one "corporate" yard for repair and main-
tenance services for all departments of the City.
However, after some further discussion on the advisability of such a step, Councilman Freeman changed
her motion to instruct the staff to make a feasibility study concerning the centralization of all
operational and maintenance services for the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix
and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Fine. Noes: None. Absent: Noue,
Councilman McCall then expressed his belief that the project of connecting the sewer laterals from
Bay Farm Island Recreation Center should be included in the same level of priority as the sewer pro-
jects already acted upon.
Councilman McCall made a motion to this effect. Councilman Rose concurred with this statement and
seconded the motion with the suggested amendment that the expansion of the "Center" also be undertaken
as part of this priority, in view of the great amount of use made of this building. The amendment was
acceptable to Councilman McCall and the motion, as amended, then carried on the following roll call
vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. The total cost of this project would be $10,000.
for sewer connections and $30,000. for the Center Improvement.
The next subject broached pertained to the Fire Stations and Councilman Freeman suggested that before
the Council undertook action with regard to Fire Station No. 1, a study be made by the Staff and its
recommendation received by the Council about the best site for the proposed new structure, and taking
into consideration other related uses of said building, as indicated in the memorao6um. It was so
Mr. Weller also suggested the study of the Corporation Yard be combined with one covering the concept
of a centralized communications system since some of the same elements were involved, being primarily
a Staff problem.
With regard to the proposed second floor addition to Fire Station No. 3, 1703 Grand Street, consider-
able discussion ensued on the circumstances of the cramped conditions prevailing and the need for
said addition. Councilman Rose moved the Council authorize proceeding with this item under the
"Immediate" category. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and carried on the following roll
call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None, Absent: None. The estimated cost of said project was
At this time, Councilman Freeman moved the Council continue its work session on the Capital Outlay
Program at a future memtio8. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and unanimously carried.
Councilman McCall asked that the Council be given a complete report on all lands owned by the City
of Alameda. Be felt this information was important so the Council would be in a position to decide
whether to retain the lands or dispose of them for development and have them added to the tax rolls,
where possible. Mr. Weller was to furnish said report.
Councilman Freeman requested that a "balance sheet" of the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda
be sent to each Councilman. She thought it was necessary to know how much money the "Authority"
actually had and to keep apprised thereof in order that the Council would know exactly how it could
proceed with the various projecta.
It was developed that the Councilmen had been sent copies of the last financial report of the Housing
Authority - and the City Manager would request the Housing Authority to send another copy to Council-
man Freeman.
3. Following discussion, it was agreed that the Council would meet on Tuesday evening, February 9,
1965, at 7:30 o'clock to continue its work session covering the Capital Outlay Program.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned to assembled in
adjourned special session on said date in the Council Chamber at the time specified.
Respectfully submitted,