The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding. The Pledge of Alle-
giance was led by Councilman McCall and was followed by a most inspiring Invocation delivered by The
Reverend Mr. Jun Fujimori, Minister of Buena Vista Methodist Church.
The roll was called and Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and President Godfrey,
(5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. Councilman Rose moved the minutes of the regular meeting held April 6, 1965, be approved as
transcribed and transmitted to the Councilmen. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and
carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
2.v At this point, President Godfrey explained the procedure to be followed in the seating of the
re- elected and newly- elected Councilmen and in the organizational portion of the meeting.
President Godfrey then officially recognized the service to the community of retiring Councilman
Freeman and presented her with a medallion of the City of Alameda. He pointed out this was the high-
est award the City could bestow upon its citizens for services rendered. Councilman. Freeman was
given a hearty round of applause.
A recess was then declared until 7:50 o'clock p.m., at which time the several officials would be
sworn in so they would be ready to take their seats on the Council at 8:00 o'clock as provided in
the City Charter.
3. Upon reconvening, the President invited Mr. Italo A. Calpestri, Jr., to step forward to be
sworn in by the City Clerk as Auditor -Ex Officio Assessor of the City of Alameda, after which he was
greeted with applause.
Messrs. William M. Bartley, William S. Godfrey and William M. McCall then stepped forward and took
their respective Oaths of Office as Councilman of the City of Alameda for the ensuing four -year
terms. They were then seated with the remainder of the Council amidst wholehearted acclamation.
The Clerk stated that nominations were then in order for the office of Mayor and 'President of the
Council of the City of Alameda. Councilman Rose spoke of the many acknowledgments which had been
bestowed upon Mayor Godfrey during the past two years by his appointment or election to important
public agencies because of his efficiency and integrity, and which had brought great honor and dis-
tinction to the City of Alameda. He lauded him for the excellent job he had done as Mayor and espe-
cially in conducting meetings with fairness, tact, patience and good humor, and pointed up that he
had won the respect of all for his courage in speaking out for what he believed was right. Council-
man Rose said it was his privilege to nominate William S. Godfrey to the office of Mayor and Presi-
dent of the Council of the City of Alameda. Councilman Bartley seconded the nomination.
Upon inquiry by the Clerk if there were any further nominations, Councilman McCall moved the nomina-
tions be closed. The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix and unanimously carried.
The question was put and Councilman Godfrey was elected unanimously to the office of Mayor of the
City of Alameda and President of the Council of the City of Alameda. All in attendance at the meet-
ing expressed their sincere approval of Mayor Godfrey by giving him a standing ovation.
President Godfrey then assumed the Chair. He first extended his thanks and appreciation to Council-
man Rose for his commendatory remarks and to the Councilmen for their confidence in him. President
Godfrey said he felt it was an honor to serve in this office and pledged his best efforts to maintain
the dignity and esteem thereof.
The President stated nominations were in order for the office of Vice President of the Council.
Councilman Bartley commended Councilman Rose for the efficiency he had exemplified during his tenure
as City Councilman and for the dignity and dedication he had shown in his efforts on behalf of the
City. He said he was personally pleased to be able to nominate Councilman George A. Rose to the
office of Vice President of the Council of the City of Alameda. Councilman La Croix stated that he
knew of no man in this City who had dedicated more time and effort to the best interests of the City
and who had shown more desire to serve unselfishly than Councilman Rose and he, therefore, seconded
the nomination.
Following question as to any other nominations, Councilman La Croix moved the nominations be closed.
The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and carried. The question was then put and Councilman
Rose was unanimously elected to the office of Vice President of the Council of the City of Alameda.
Councilman Rose remarked that he was quite touched by the laudatory remarks made of his efforts and
he concurred with the statements made by the Mayor. Councilman Rose said he felt sure that, in work-
ing together, they could endeavor to solve the problems which would continue to face the City in the
President Godfrey also expressed his appreciation to Vice - Mayor, and former Mayor, William McCall for
all of the help he had given to him and he wanted to publicly thank him for this assistance. The
President said he felt the public was expecting great things from this new Council and he was positive
the Councilmen were enthusiastically prepared to meet the many challenges which would face them.
All members of the Council were then invited to introduce their families. Several former Mayors of
the City were recognized and they extended congratulations: The Honorable Leland W. Sweeney, Super-
visor, Third District, Alameda County Board of Supervisors; Franz S. Collischonn and Raymond P.
47 Mr. Frank A. Gottstein, 731 Haight Avenue, reminisced about the Mayors of the City of Alameda
before whom he had spoken over the years. He assured President Godfrey that he was glad he was still
the Mayor.
Mr. Gottstein also spoke of a recent traffic-jam in Posey Tube. He reiterated, too, his plea that
the elevation of Webster Street be raised while there was still the opportunity to do so before any
more improvements were constructed along each side. He felt the flooding conditions were a disgrace-
ful situation.
5./11 Continued from the meeting of March 16, 1965, was the matter of the Appeal, filed by Whitney &
Hanson, Attorneys, on behalf of Mr. John Anthony, from the decision of the Planning Board to deny the
requested variance on property at 500 Park Street.
In conjunction with this case, a letter had been received from J. H. Tennant, 2416 Roosevelt Drive,
expressing objections of the neighbors and himself to additional variances being granted on this
Further, a letter was submitted from Whitney & Hanson, requesting another continuance of said Hearing
in this matter to the Council meeting of May 4, 1965. There being no objections to said request,
the President stated the Hearing in this matter would be continued to the specified Council meeting.
It was so ordered.
6Y Called up at this time was the matter of an Appeal, filed by Wilbur R. and Vera M. George, 1606
Santa Clara Avenue, from the decision of the Planning Board to grant a variance to allow certain con-
struction on property known as 1612 and 1616 Santa Clara Avenue, by Barron and Hartley, Inc.
Letters of protest against the Board's decision and in support of the Appellants had been received
from the following: R. C. Miller, 1625 Santa Clara Avenue; Geraldine and Ward Robinson, 1629 Santa
Clara Avenue; Myrtle Wilson, 1621 Santa Clara Avenue; Evelyn A. Goldsmith, 1619 Santa Clara Avenue;
Mrs. Armatine S. Parmer, 1433 Paru Street; Miriam V. Flynn, 1434 Peru Street; Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Lasar, 1616 Central Avenue; and S. A. Spingola, 1405 Grand Street.
At the request of Mr. George, Appellant, and there being no objections thereto, the Hearing on this
1 case was continued to the Council meeting to be held May 18, 1965.
7. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to East Bay Ford Truck Sales, Inc., low bidder,
for furnishing certain trucks at the total cost of $11,860.33.
Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation be adopted and contract be awarded to the designated firm
for furnishing the specified vehicles at the price quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose
and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Councilman McCall raised a question about the amount of time being allowed for bidders to prepare their
estimates and submit bids on any items or projects for the City. The subject was discussed and it was
determined that, henceforth, great care would be taken to assure that ample time was allowed so any
interested party could conveniently present a bid if he so desired.
8. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Nat Lena Construction Co., low bidder,
for the project of Installing Culverts on Mound Street at Encinal Avenue and at Madison Street, at
the total cost of $21,772.80.
Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation be approved; that contract be awarded to said Company
for the specified project at the total cost set forth. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and
carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
9. From City Manager, reporting that no bids had been received on the call for furnishing one Auto-
motive Engine Tester and recommending authorization be given to purchase this item in the open market.
Councilman Rose moved the recommendation be followed and the City Manager be authorized to negotiate
the purchase of said piece of equipment accordingly. The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix
and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
10V From City Attorney, with regard to the designation of May 1, 1965, as LAW DAY USA and pointing
up the theme of this nation-wide observance, "UPHOLD THE LAW -- A CITIZEN'S FIRST DUTY".
The matter was referred to "Resolutions".
11. The President asked Councilmen McCall and Rose to check once again with the East Bay Regional
Parks District to ascertain its position concerning the operation and maintenance of the South Shore
12. President Godfrey also referred to the Capital Outlay Program and requested Councilmen McCall and
Rose to again consult and discuss with the City Staff the several projects involved in order that they
might be submitted to the Council soon.
13. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6772
Observing and Proclaiming 'LAW DAY USA' (Saturday, May 1, 1965)."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Rose and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
14. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6773
Fixing Amounts of and Approving Bonds of Auditor-Ex Officio Assessor and
Treasurer-Ex Officio Tax Collector."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Rose and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
15. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6774
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing to the City of Alameda Three (3)
New, 8-Cylinder, 4-Door Sedans, 1965 Models with Automatic Transmission,
for the Police Department, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to
Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
16. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6775
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for Installing a
Chain Link Baseball Backstop and Adjacent Fences at Godfrey Park, Calling
for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. No es: None. Absent: None.
17. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption:'
"Resolution No. 6776
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for Resurfacing of
Various Streets in the City of Alameda, Calling for Bids and Directing
City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6777
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions ,and Plans for Reconstruction
of Sanitary Sewer Across Yosemite Avenue Between Cambridge and Moreland
Drives, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
The President then declared all of the foregoing resolutions adopted.
19. Financial Statement - Bureau of Electricity, as at February 28, 1965 - Verified by Hackleman,
Larzelere & McKenna.
20. Auditor's Financial Statement - City of Alameda, as at March 31, 1965 - Verified by Hackleman,
Larzelere & McKenna.
21. Specifications No. MS 4-65-8 - Furnishing Three Sedans for Police Department.
22. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. PW 4-65-8 - Installing Chain Link Baseball Back-
stop and Adjacent Fences at Godfrey Park.
23. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. PW 4-65-9 - Resurfacing of Various Streets.
24. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. FW 4-65-10 - Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewer
Across Yosemite Avenue between Cambridge and Moreland Drives.
25. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the Departments thereof, in the
total amount of $29,443.73, was presented to the Council at this meeting.
The List was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown were correct.
Councilman McCall moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on
April 20, 1965, and presented to the Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. The motion was
seconded by Councilman La Croix and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes:
None. Absent: None.
26. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble
in regular session on Tuesday evening, May 4, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,