1965-09-21 Regular CC Minutes���� �
The meeting convened at 7;30 o'clock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding. The President intro-
duced The Reverend Mr, Gerald V. Case, Assistant Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, who, upon
invitation, commented on the Centennial Celebration of the Church on November 7, 1965. The Pledge of
Allegiance was then led by Councilman Bartley, followed by an inspiring Invocation delivered by The
Reverend Mr. Case.
The roll was called and Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., McColl, Rose and President Godfrey,
(5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 7, 1965, were approved as transcribed.
2.v~ From the State Department of Public Works, Division of Bay Toll Crossings, signed by Mr. E. R.
Foley, Chief Engineer, concerning the Southern Crossings study and the taking of soil samples from
barges anchored at various points within the City limits. The concurrence of the Council was requested.
Councilman Rose pointed out the communication gave no assurance that the City would receive from the
State any of the data obtained from the proposed tests. He felt consent by the City should be with
the provision that such assurance be given.
After discussion, it was decided that the City Attorney and the City Engineer would draft a reply to
Mr. Foley's letter, for the City Clerk's signature, concurring with the request and asking that the
information-gained be made available to the City Engineer. It was to be included that compliance did
not necessarily indicate a change of attitude on the part of the majority of the Council in opposing
a bridge coming into Alameda, excluding Councilman McCall, who reiterated his position in the matter.
The letter was to be submitted to the members of the Council for final approval before forwarding.
Councilman Bartley stated, for the record, that he had not as yet taken an official position on the
matter of the bridge terminating in Alameda.
Councilman Rose said he had recently discussed the proposed bridge with Mr. Foley' who had said that
'when the causeway is along the South Shore you will never see it". Councilman Rose said he understood
that the markings or Piles off Westline Drive, approximately one thousand feet out and fifteen feet
high, projected along the South Shore could be envisioned as the location of the proposed structure.
Mr. Hanna was requested to keep abreast of the activities of the State in this matter.
], From Mack Art Imports, signed by Mr. D. K. Mack, Partner, requesting a prorata refund of a business
license fee of $18. paid July 12, 1965' due to the removal of said business to Oakland as of August 16,
The Council had been informed that this refund did not qualify under Section 13-187 of the Alameda
Municipal Code. Mr. Cunningham was requested to so inform this company.
4 Mr, Frank A. Gottstein, 731 Haight Avenue, again protested against the unsafe traffic conditions
at the entrance to Posey Tube from the Oakland Broadway access way. Mr. Hanna was asked to review
this situation.
5. Mr. Richard P. Schacht, Attorney, requested the opportunity to speak on the matter of changing
the traffic pattern at the intersection of Central and Encinal Avenues and Sherman Street, under the
heading of "Unfinished Business".
6. Mr. John J. Williamson` 512-8 Central Avenue, agreed with the Council's stand on bringing the
bridge terminus to Alameda and that it should be stressed. Be mentioned a letter from the State to
the Council of some months ago requesting supervision of the lands adjacent to the State Beach to
insure proper maintenance. He understood no action had been taken thereon and felt this should be
given attention.
., From the Mayor, City Manager and City Auditor, submitting their report on the Count of Money held
August 18, 1965, indicating the sum of $5,048,618.80 in the City Treasury at that time.
The report was noted and ordered filed.
8,^ From City Manager, reporting all work satisfactorily completed on the project of Resurfacing
Mound Street from Otis Drive to San Jose Avenue, recommending it be accepted and the Notice of Comple-
tion be ordered filed.
Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation of the City Manager be followed, that the named project
be accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bartley and
on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
9. From City Manager, reporting all work satisfactorily completed on the project of Reconstructing
Sanitary Sewers Across Yosemite Avenue between Cambridge and Moreland Drives, recommending it be
accepted and the Notice of Completion be ordered filed.
Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation of the City Manager be approved, that the specified pro-
ject be accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bartley
and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
10. The following ordinance was introduced by Councilman Bartley, after which it was laid over under
provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Sections 11-3123,1,
11-3123.2 and 11-3123.3 Thereto, Requiring Preliminary Soil Report of Sub-
divisions and Specifying the Conditions Under Which a Soil Investigation of
Each Lot is Required."
ll. In accordance with the request of the Council, the City Engineer had submitted a written report,
dated September 20, 1965, with regard to the estimated cost of temporary traffic controls at the inter-
section of Central Avenue, Encinal Avenue and Sherman Street. Mr. Hanna, at the invitation of Presi-
dent Godfrey, verbally reviewed what was proposed to create a trial diversion device so that cars
coming east on Central Avenue would be required to turn onto Encinal Avenue. The cost was estimated
to be slightly under $300., and the trial period would be sixty days.
Mr. Richard P. Schacht, Attorney, 213 Times-Star Building, addressed the Council on behalf of Mr.
Ford Kitchel, proprietor of the Chevron Service Station at the northeast corner of Central Avenue
and Sherman Street, in opposition to the proposed cbange. Be also submitted to the Deputy City Clerk
a petition signed by five hundred seventeen residents of the area and people who patronized Mr.
Kitchel/o Station and also the Associated Service Station across Central Avenue. They objected to
closing Central Avenue to eastbound traffic at this intersection temporarily or permanently, based on
the belief that the action would be against public interest and would increase traffic problems of
both pedestrians and motorists.
Mr. Schacht quoted statistics of various counts made in the area showing the number of cars entering
the Chevron Station from various directions, also other counts of general traffic through the inter-
section. He contended the data indicated that Central Avenue, in proportion, was needed for use by
the public for eastbound travel much more than Encinal Avenue. He expressed fear that the people
living in the area would suffer unreasonable inconvenience by the proposed change, and that if this
were done for a sixty-day trial period people would think it was permanent, become accustomed to
going out of the way, and then the practice would become permanent.
There was a question and answer exchange for clarification of certain points involved in this
President Godfrey reviewed the discussion of this plan at the last meeting of the Council. He
pointed out, regardless of how small the cost of the temporary setup would be, it would seem foolish
to do the job if an open mind would not be retained and at the end of the trial period the results
as submitted by the City Engineer not be accepted. If the plan was not considered for the good of
the people of the City he felt even the small expense involved should not be incurred.
Councilman La Croix expressed concern for school children using Encinal Avenue if more traffic were
to be added in the eastbound direction. Be felt these drivers would sooner or later use Grand, and
perhaps Park, Street and then Otis Drive to go over Bay Farm Island Bridge. He was of the opinion
that this was not in the best interests of the community or of the area most involved, and moved the
Council not adopt this proposal to act either on a temporary or permanent basis. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Bartley.
Speaking on the question, Councilman Rose inquired, if this plan should be passed on a temporary basis,
whether traffic counts would be made during the trial period so they could be compared with data
accumulated for the present plan. Mr. Hanna replied that counts had been made right along; however,
he did not believe that any real difference would be found in sixty days. Be felt that, in view of
the feelings of the Council as evidenced in this discussion and the other factors involved, rather
than to enter into a trial period at this time, where it would be difficult to measure the advantages,
possibly this problem should be left to the last part of the Wilbur Smith program. This was agreeable
to the Council. The question was then put and the motion carried by the following roll call vote.
Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
12: Councilman Bartley stated the Chairman of the Junior College Site Study Committee had asked him
to obtain some information. One of the sites being considered included property next to the State
Beach Park. The Committee understood there was no provision for the use of joint facilities, but
that this might be possible if the area were under the Regional Parks District. He requested informa-
tion on the status of the talks between the State Division of Beaches and Parks, the Regional Parks
District and the City of Alameda on consolidating this beach area and turning it over to the Regional
Parks District.
President Godfrey reviewed the discussions of this subject with the agencies oamed. It had been recom-
mended that nothing further be done until the State Division of Beaches and Parks could resolve some
of the problems involved. In the meantime, the matter was being watched very closely by Mr. Watson,
Assistant City Manager.
Regarding Councilman Bartley's question concerning joint use if the area were to remain a State Beach
Park, this question had been put to the Division. The reply was affirmative but it was stated that
the area would have to remain public.
13. Councilman Bartley also inquired about the matter of the Uniform Allowance for Police Officers,
as discussed at the time of adoption of the fiscal year salary resolution. He was under the impression
that action was to be taken thereon.
Councilman Bartley was informed of the provision for replacement of uniforms damaged in the line of
duty, handled by the Department Chiefs with the City Manoger, Any further consideration of this sub-
ject would come up at the budget discussions for the next fiscal year.
14. Mr. John J. Williamson requested the opportunity to speak at this time and stated the Government
Deed for the State Beach area called for its use for recreation purposes and also as a memorial, an
idea which he was interested in furthering.
Councilman La Croix commented on the responsibility given former Councilman Helen L. Freeman and him-
self as a Committee to find means for memorializing the men lost in World War II whose names had been
removed from streets with the discontinuance of the Housing Projects. It had been thought that con-
sideration might be given to such a memorial at the State Beach Park. President Godfrey compared the
functions of the Division of Beaches and Parks and the Regional Parks District in connection with this
President Godfrey expressed the opinion that changes mould be only for the better if the Regional Parks
District were to take over the handling and maintenance of this area, although it would never go out
of the ownership of the State.
15. President Godfrey announced that, if there was no objection, a special meeting would be held
Wednesday, September 29, 1905, at 4:30 o'clock p.m., for discussion of the matter of the First Aid
Station. This would be in the Council Chamber.
lo. The President inquired if Councilmen McColl and Rose were prepared to give a report on the Capi-
tal Outlays Program. Councilman Rose asked when it would be convenient for the City Engineer to fur-
nish the estimates requested in the discussion of this Program at the last meeting of the Council,
particularly on the Fifth-Street-Central Avenue Sewer, the No. 1 priority. Mr. Hanna stated the plans
were completed, the property owners had been contacted and the City Staff were,00w in the position of
deciding just how to accomplish the plans on this project. This decision should be available in
approximately one month.
Councilman Rose inquired of the City Engineer if he considered it advisable to change the time ,sched-
ule given in Mr. Hanna's presentation to the Council in January on the Sanitary Sewer Replacements.
Mr. Hanna replied it would not be possible to accomplish the easterly storm drainage by the date
given in January, although the other projects were less difficult and would probably be done during
the winter.
City Attorney Cunningham stated that one of the problems involved in the Fifth Street-Central Avenue
Sewer was the method of financing. He reviewed the discussions held by the Staff on this problem.
There was a long discussion on methods which could be used for financing this project and on proce-
dure, after which it was decided to request that the City Manager submit a report on the matter for the
next meeting of the Council, with a recommendation on the best method of financing to be employed.
Councilman Rose asked Mr. Hanna if he cduld give an idea of the completion date, after bids had been
received and awarded. Mr. Hanna estimated this could be done in three months.
Councilman McCall suggested the City explore the possibility of receiving Federal or State funds for
a project of this type.
Mr. Cunningham asked if, in the event he could see that the report of the City Manager would be in
the direction of a formal assessment district, he might gather that the sense of the Council would be
to proceed in that manner. He requested, if such be the caae, that he be given informal permission
to explore with certain lawyers the matter of acting as bond counsel on this project. This was
acceptable to the Council.
17- Councilman La Croix said he understood traffic problems had arisen in the South Shore shopping
area, where parking areas were being used for streets and intersections were being run through, and
that there were no stop signs and no street names. This caused difficulty to Police Officers in case
of accidents in settling differences between those involved. He asked if this matter could be pur-
sued and if there were problems which it was believed should be corrected that Utah Construction &
Mining Co. be contacted regarding cooperation to remedy the situation. The City Manager's office
was asked to investigate the subject with the Police Department.
18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Rose, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6849
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for Installation of
a Storm Sewer in Fernside Boulevard and Thompson Avenue, Calling for Bids
and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same.'
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman La Croix and on roll call carried by
the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
19. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Rose:
"Resolution No. 6850
Authorizing Increase of Petty Cash Fund of Purchasing Department."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman La Croix.
It was suggested that this fund be increased from the former amount of Twenty-five Dollars to One
Hundred Dollars, rather than to Fifty Dollars, as set forth in the resolution. This was agreeable,
and on roll call the motion carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five, Noes: None. Absent:
20. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Bartley, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6851
Appointing Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda."
(Frederick W. Zecher)
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by
the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6852
Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda in Memoriam to Alexander
(Alex) D. Cranston, Retired Plumbing Inspector
WITH HEARTFELT SORROW, the Council of the City of Alameda records the death of one
of its former loyal employees, ALEXANDER (ALEX) R. CRANSTON, Plumbing Inspector for the
City of Alameda during the period from his appointment on July 10, 1939, to his retirement
on June 1, 1954,
"WHEREAS, Mr. Cranston had been diligent in the performance of his duties during the
fifteen years of his service and had been ever mindful of the best interests of the City; and
"WHEREAS, Mr. Cranston had been most knowledgeable in his craft and had been highly
respected as a businessman in the community and for his integrity and sense of impartiality
in his subsequent capacity as a City Inspector; and
"WHEREAS, Mr. Cranston was a very cooperative and affable person and was held in great
affection by all of his fellow workers and the many friends he had made through his interest
and participation in several civic and fraternal activities.
"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, in recognition of his many years of dependable and
competent workmanship on behalf of the City, the Council of the City of Alameda does hereby
express its gratitude for the excellent service given by Mr. Cranston, and its sense of personal
loss of a true friend.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of this
meeting and tbatca copy thereof be forwarded to the family of Mr. Cranston in order to extend
to its members a sincere expression of condolence in their bereavement.
"B2 IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when this meeting of the Council of the City of Alameda
adjourns, it shall do so in respect to the memory of this genuinely kind man, 'ALEX' B.
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Bartley and on roll call carried by
the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: 0one, Absent: None.
22. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 6853
Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda in Memoriam to Sidney T.
Bottenfield, Retired Police Officer
"WITH PROFOUND GRIEF, the Council of the City of Alameda records the death of one of
its former faithful employees, SIDNEY I. BOTTENFIELD, who had been employed by the City on
March 10, 1937, as the Identification Expert of the Alameda Police Department.
"WHEREAS, Officer Bottenfield had been untiring in his efforts to discharge the
important duties of his post; and
"WHEREAS, Officer Bottenfield had been most cooperative and friendly with his brother
officers and had efficiently assumed his responsibilities until ill health forced his
retirement on October 31, 1957.
"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, in recognition of the many years of service given
by Officer Bottenfield, the Council of the City of Alameda does hereby express its apprecia-
tion for his endeavors.
��"�|� � /� ��
"BD IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of
this meeting and that a copy thereof be sent to the family of Officer Bottenfield in order
to extend to its members a sincere expression of sympathy in their bereavement.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when this meeting of the Council of the City of Alameda
adjourns, it shall do so in respect to the memory of SIDNEY T. BOITENFT8LD."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Rose and on roll call carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
The President then declared all of the foregoing resolutions adopted.
23. "Ordinance No. 1513`
New Series
An Ordinance Establishing Restricted Parking Area in Vicinity of Park Street
Bridge for Use by County and Ctty Maintenance Vehicles."
Councilman Rose moved the ordinance be adopted as aubmitted. The motion was seconded by Councilman
La Croix and on roll call carried by the £ollmWlng vote. Ayes: Fine. Noes: None. Absent: None.
24. "Ordinance No. 1514"
New Series
An Ordinance Amending Section 17-333 of the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding
Thereto Subdivisions (48) and (49), Relating to All Time No Parking." (Park
Street north of Blanding Avenue)
Councilman La Croix moved the ordinance be adopted as submitted. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Bartley and on roll call cartied by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent:
25. ''Ordinance No. 1515,
New Series
An Ordinance Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Property Within the City
of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, New Series." (North-
Central (0orth-
Centrol Alamedo Rezoning Study - Exhibit 'A' - Proposed Zoning Changes -
June, 1965 - Excluding 1600 Sherman Street)
Councilman Bartley moved the ordinance be adopted as submitted. The motion was seconded by Council-
man McCall and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Fine, Noes: None. Absent: None.
26. Financial Statement - Bureau of Electricity, as of July 31, 1965 - Verified by Razkleman,
Larzelere & McKenna.
27. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. PW 7-65-21 - Installing Storm Sewer in Fernside
Boulevard between Garfield Avenue and Thompson Avenue, and in Thompson Avenue between
Fernside Boulevard and High Street.
28. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the Departments thereof, in the total
amount of $31,096,59, was presented to the Council at this meeting.
The List was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown were correct.
Councilman McCall moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on
September 21, 1965, and presented to the Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. The motion
was seconded by Councilman La Croix and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five.
Noes: None. Absent: None.
29. The President called up the audience for a moment of silent tribute in respect to the memory of
ALEXANDER (ALEX) R^-CDANSI0Y and SIDNEY T. BOTTENFIELD, retired City employees. There being no
further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble in regular session
on Tuesday evening, October 5, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,
Deputy City Clerk