1964-07-28 Special CC MinutesSPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING JULY 28, 1964 The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding. ROLL CALL: [ The roll was called and Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and n-."i"=.` Godfrey, , NEW BUSINESS: l:' Receipt of the Notice and Agenda of this special meeting of the Council had been acknowledged by each of the Councilmen and was on file. The purpose of said meeting was for the discussion of a Capital Improvements Program and related matters. President Godfrey opened the meeting by commenting that the Council should continually consider the immediate future of the City of Alameda. All were aware that buildings and sewer systems did not last forever - all were aware that, with the ever-increasing population in the City, the Council must increase the services of such departments as recreation, parks and libraries. Mr. Godfrey reiterated his report that the Nasser Bruu, had agreed to demolish the old Strand Theater in the near future. Alan, Mr. Kofman had agreed to remove the dilapidated Bank Club building on Park Street at Times Way. Upon request, the Clerk read in full the memorandum from the City Manager, dated July 24, 1964, which set forth in detail a review of the City's capital outlay projects during the past six years and the following items for consideration in establishing a Capital Outlays Program for the future: - (1) Replacement and relocation of the Webb Avenue Fire Station, (2) General improvement of sanitary and storm sewer systems, (3) Improvements and additions to City system of purka, (4) Provision of a new Main or Branch Library and (5) Replacement of City Hall, probably in conjunction with development of a Civic Center. The memorandum also included three possible methods of financing a program of this magnitude - totalling $3,100,000, Councilman Freeman felt the first step to be taken in this whole program would be to update the City's Master Plan, and inquired if there was sufficient money available for such a study. Mr. Donald Johnson, City Planning Director, was called upon and explained the several elements enter- ing into a "Master Plan". Be also stated that the City's present "Outline Master Plan' was a good enough land use plan which could be brought up to date very eeoily. It was believed this could be done without the expenditure of any large sum of money for outside consultants and special ntudiea. Mr, Weller pointed up the fact that there was a great deal of misconception about the purpose of a Master Plan, Be explained the matter at some length, emphasizing that a Master Plan was not intended as a straightjacket - as an attempt to establish at any given time a rigid framework within which the Planning Board, the City Council and the people must continue to operate indefin- itely/ Instead, it should be flexible. After some discussion, it was suggested that the Planning Director be requested to submit a report to the City Council, specifying each of the eight or ten elements of the Master Plan and the present status of those elements in Alameda as he saw them. Action might then be taken on the further indi- cation as to whether or net he believed the existing staff could undertake whatever modifications might be desirable. It was felt to be entirely proper that the Master Plan question be raised in conjunction with the Capital Outlay Program. It was then suggested that the Council proceed to discuss the items contained in c6e memorandum from the City Manager. The replacement of the City Hall in conjunction with the development of a Civic Center was the first matter broached. President Godfrey presented his thinking that perhaps a good location for such an improvement would be on Park Street and this would then.provide an incentive for other property owners to modernize their buildings and methods of merchandising to build up this area as a whole. Councilman La Croix expressed his opinion that a Civic Center complex should, perhaps, also contain cultural facilities such as an art center and a new lihrory. He remarked that anything the City could do to upgrade the community should be given consideration. � ! �-� Councilman Rose commented that 0r. Weller's report was excellent but the possible costs were, admit- tedly, eatimutes. Be felt reports should be submitted giving more detailed costs before any financ- ing was discussed. Mr. Weller was asked to indicate what "priority" he would suggest for the projects listed and he replied that he felt, probably, more concern for the "non-glamorous" type of project such as the replacement of the Webb Avenue Fire Station and the improvement of the drainage and sewer system in the City. Inquiry was made concerning the need for a new garbage disposal site. Mr. Weller answered that the City was now allocating $12,000. per year into a special fund which would be used exclusively toward arriving at a solution to this problem. He emphasized that this should be handled on a regional basis as it affected the City of Alameda in common with the entire metropolitan area. It was stated that it might be important to make the basic decision for a Civic Center in order that all agencies concerned would be able to work simoltanehuaIy toward this gnal. It was pointed out, 2 r7 4 however, that this project would be a relatively long-term one. Mr. Weller commented on the several phases which could be undertaken as part of such a concept. Councilman Rose then moved that the City Manager and City Staff proceed to prepare plans and detailed cost estimates to submit to the Council as soon as practicable, on the first two items listed in the memorandum - the Webb Avenue Fire Station and the Sewer System. The motion was seconded by Council- man La Croix and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None, Absent: None. Councilman Freeman raised the question concerning the use of funds from the Housing Authority in the development of the Capital Outlay Program and it was stated that funds available through said "Authority" could be released at the option of the Authority at any time, upon its agreement that the proposed use of the funds was proper. The President referred back to the matter of a Civic Center complex and inquired if, possibly, some kind of a master plan should be discussed with all of the agencies which could be embraced in such an over-all site and a report from them with regard to their needs for additional functional space. Mr. Weller stated the other agencies primarily involved would be the County of Alameda and the Board of Education of City of Alameda and they could be contacted in this respect.. Councilman La Croix then moved that the City Manager gather facts from these agencies for presenta- tion as soon as possible to the City Council and have a study made concerning potential sites for said development. Considerable discussion ensued about just how much space would be needed in view of the fact that it was not presently known what other agencies would be willing to join with the City in occupying such a complex. Councilman La Croix withdrew his original motion and then moved that a study be made first to deter- mine the needs of a new City Hall and its location and projected with this study, facts to be studied separately whether-or not the Board of Education of City of Alameda and any County Agencies | which would be part of a total Civic Center complex, be included. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose. Speaking on the question, Councilman McCall suggested the Federal Government be included in this study in the hope that a new Post Office might be obtained. This amendment to the motion was acceptable to both Councilmen La Croix and Rose. Upon Councilman Freeman's inquiry, it was emphasized for the record that these studies would be for exploratory purposes only. The question was then put and the motion, as amended, carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent; Nnne, The President then referred to the other items in the Manager's memorandum - the City System of Parks and a New Main or Branch Library. He inquired if the Council would like to have further reports from Messrs. Mainland, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Hamilton, Librarian, with respect to their projected future needs. The City Manager was to request such reports for the Council's consideration. Councilman McCall inquired of the City Manager what the City intended to do with the eight and one- half acres lying dormant at the Alameda Golf Course, which could be used for a Par 3 Golf Course and could thus finance itself through its revenue. Mr. Weller replied that the only intention he had heard about was from the Advisory Golf Commission, which had expressed its desire to have such a facility built there. He pointed out, however, that both of the existing Municipal Golf Courses needed a great deal of work to bring them up to satisfactory condition. He,telc it was simply a matter of "first things first", and he thought the Golf Commission had felt some reluctance to expend capital funds on a new facility when the present Courses were not in the best condition as yet. Councilman McCall suggested the matter be explored concerning some arrangement for a lease or contract agreement for the development and operation of such a Golf Course by private enterprise which, at the end of a certain period, would then revert to the City of Alameda. The City Manager was to ask the Advisory Golf Commission to review this matter and submit its report. At this time, Mr. David Garfinkle, 1171 Park Avenue, asked if there was going to be any discussion at this meeting about "Park Street". Be was informed that this meeting was primarily for a discussion of:the items under a Capital Outlays Program as set forth in the memorandum from Mr. Weller, However, after some further discussion of this request, Councilman Freeman suggested the report received from the Redevelopment Agency be studied to learn exactly what conditions prevailed and what steps could be taken to correct or improve them. She felt a report should be made by the Plan- ning Director setting forth the population necessary to support "X" number of acres of shopping area. Also, a report by the City Engineer concerning street and sewer Conditions and needs. .Coun- cilman Freeman said she believed the people in the Webster Street area would also like to know what could be done and would like to be brought into discussions. She' felt the most important matter to consider was what all of the merchants in Alameda needed now - and not what long-range plans could be determined upon to present as a "package" which the Council had decided would be good for the community. Mr. weller stated the Staff would check into the several phases of this entire situation as soon as possible. He pointed out there were no magic solutions to the problems of Park Street or other busi- ness areas. The City would try and it would welcome any suggestions. He said he had heard nothing up to now which really showed any substantial promise of improvement. This was not a problem which was particularly unique to Alameda - it was a very common problem of "old central business districts'''. No one had yet found a solution. One of the possible solutions had been turned down. The implication that somehow through Code enforcement or through the removal of parking meters or through some other medium available to the Council, this problem could be solved - just simply did not make seooe. Be felt the people were being Misled when such statements were made. Mr. Weller reiterated that the City Staff would explore every possibility and check into every suggestion which was made but he thought it was only fair to point out to begin with that the things which the City could do as a local agency of government were not enough. They were not nearly enough, and the real impetus - if there was to be an answer, must come from the property owners and the merchants themselves, and the support of the people - not from this Council and not from City Hall. ADJOURNMENT: 2. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned. Respectfully submitted,