1963-01-09 Special CC Minutes42
The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President Collischonn presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Godfrey, McCall, Rose, Schacht and President Collischonn,
(5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. The President stated the Council would continue with its consideration and discussion of the
proposed revised Charter. He called attention to the supply of copies of said document which had
been corrected to incorporate the several items determined upon at the session held the previous
evening. These were available to all interested parties for their information. The Clerk was
instructed to read each section, after which the opportunity would be given for all concerned to
make pertinent and specific comments.
Deliberation was given and detailed discussion was had on each section if and when there were ques-
tions raised or suggestions made. Several minor deletions or additions were made for the sake of
clarification or uniformity.
During the Council's review of the first three Articles of the proposed Charter, the following
persons participated in the considerations and weighing of the data presented by the City Manager
and the City Attorney: Mr. G. N. Pope, 1820 Bay Street; Mrs. Inez Kapellas, 1610 Encinal Avenue;
Mr. Norman Jachens, 1349 Weber Street; Mrs. Helen L. Freeman, 831 Laurel Street.
The principal changes requested to be made in the revised Charter through Article III, were (1)
To increase the Council membership from five to seven; (2) To provide for an elective Mayor, with
a suggested salary of $400. to $600. per month; and (3) To "District" the City.
Under Section 203 - "Each Councilman shall receive a salary of $100. per month. There shall be
appropriated for the use of the Mayor in the discharge of his office, the sum of $100. each month,
for which he need not furnish vouchers." There was considerable difference of opinion expressed
and, upon the suggestion of the City Manager, it was decided that an "alternate measure" should be
placed on the ballot.
Under Section 301, with regard to the Manager's powers and duties, a lengthy discussion was had
concerning sub - section (h) "to perform the duties imposed by law on a city assessor, auditor, tax
collector or treasurer, and to deputize others to act for him in such matters to the extent per-
mitted by law."
It was ultimately determined that this sub - section would be deleted from the revised Charter. It
was also pointed out that to draft an alternate measure concerning the presently elective offices
of Auditor and Treasurer would affect too many other sections of the revised Charter. However, the
City Manager and the City Attorney were to give this issue further study,
2. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble
in an adjourned special meeting to be held tomorrow night, January 10, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,