The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber, Alameda High School Little
Theatre, Central Avenue and Oak Street, Alameda, with President Collischonn presiding. The Pledge
of Allegiance was led by Councilman McCall.
The roll, was called and Councilmen Dungan, Godfrey, McCall, Schacht and President Collischonn,
(5), were noted present. Absent; None.
Receipt of the Notice and Agenda for this special meeting had been acknowledged by each of the
Councilmen, and notification had been properly given to all concerned.
President Collischonn pointed out this meeting had been called at the request of the Alameda
Park Street Development, Inc. He thereupon asked 8r. Russell J. Franck, President of the organiza-
tion, to make his presentation.
Mr. Franck read the names of the corporation officers, as follows: Wolter C. Ansel, William J.
Justin, Jr., Elmer E. Tilton, Myrle E. McClure, Marion y~ Miller, Peter N. Delanoy, Joseph F. Durein,
Earl F. Johnston, Stanley D. Whitney, Alec Low, George I. Hansen and Sidney A. Haag. Mr. Franck
stated that during the past year and a half this group has very thoroughly studied the revitaliza-
tion program of the Park Street Area. Many meetings have been held by the merchants and the prop-
erty owners and it has been determined that this project is necessary. The firm of Rimov and Asso-
ciates has been retained as the consultants and technical advisors in the enterprise.
Mr. Leon Rimov was then introduced and proceeded to review in detail the many phases of the survey
and a breakdown of the findings of existing conditions, revitalization problems and opportunities
as outlined in his agenda prepareJ for this special meeting. Mr. Rimov displayed on a screen the
following recapitulations:- "Preliminary Evaluation of Method of Financing", "Tentative Financial
&reakdono°, "Projected Revenues", "General Steps Involved in Revitalizing and Redeveloping Park
Street Area". Also shown were certain other summaries of potential purchasing power projections
and the percentages of purchase-revenue loss in the many categories of retail sales, which indi-
cated the types of merchandise outlets needed to be developed.
0r. Rimov also displayed a relief model of this general section of the City, which emphasized the
area embraced in this project - bounded by Buena Vista Avenue, Oak and Everett Streets and Encinal
Avenue. Be read copies of letters addressed to the City Council from the West Alameda Business
Association dated June 21, 1961, and from Alameda Chamber of Commerce dated June 22, 1961, urging
favorable support and consideration.
Mr. Rimov stressed the fact that this program must he strongly supported by both public and private
agencies. The authority and guidance for the project must rest with the City Council. Under the
State of California Redevelopment Law, a five-member Redevelopment Agency would be designated by
the Legislative Dndy. He explained the procedures by which the City would qualify for Federal funds
to effect the revitalization program.
Following 0z. Rimpnvu formal presentation, President Collischonn invited any who so desired to sub-
mit questions. A discussion was then had in clarification of certain queries.
In conclusion, Mr. Franck urged the City Council to give the program very serious consideration and
to take action on the matter in the very near future. President Collischonn assured all that the
Council is sincerely concerned about any program which would benefit Park Street and the City in
general and it will take action at the earliest possible.date.
2. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned at 10:00
o'clock p.m.` to assemble in regular session on Wednesday evening, July 5, 1901'ut 7:30 o'clock.
Respectfully nobM'
Ci Clerk