1958-06-24 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAI HELD TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 2L t, - - - 1958 The meeting convened. at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President McCall presiding, The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Freeman. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and President McCall, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. MINUTES: 1. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of Jane 10, 1958, were approved as transcribed. 14RIT'EN COT,MUNICATIC"S: 2. A petition was presented, signed by twenty-three residents, requesting NO ACTION be taken on the proposed now Zoning Ordinance until it is corrected to it a PRO- GRESSIVE Alameda. The petit ion was referred to th.e file on the subject. 3. From Jones, Thenn & Associates, signed by Mr. Calvin M. Jones, requesting approval of the Final Map of Tract No. 1898 with fifty-six foot widths on Lots 2)! and 1L9, Block 2, instead of the required sixty-foot widths. In connection with this matter, the Clerk read a letter from the City Planning Board in which it UPS stated these circumstances had bedn reviewed at the Board's meeting of June 23. It was the consensus of the Board that since this portion of the Tract had boon so greatly improved over the plan submitted at the tentative stage, the variance ought to be granted. The communications were referred to "'Unfinished Business" on the agenda, at which time the matter is to be given further consideration. REPOR2S OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, ETCETERA: L. om the Eayor, nominatin- hr. Markham B. Happ for reapnointment as a member of the Civil Service Board, for the term expiring June 30, 1963. From the Mayor, nominating Dr. Donald D. Lum for reappointment as a member of the Board of Education, for a term expiring June 30, 1963. 6. From the Mayor, nominatinr Dr. Douglas D. Stafford, for reappointment as a member of the Library Board, for a term expiring June 30, 1963. From the Mayor, nominating Mr. Sherwood Jones for reappointment as a member of the Public Utilities Board, for a term expiring June 30, 1962. 8 From the Mayor, nominating Mr. Jerry J. Hoist for reappointment as a member of the City Planning Board, for a term expiring June 30, 1961. From the Y yor, nominating Mesdames M. C. Godfrey and U. J. Pooley for reappoint- ment as members of the Social Service Board, for terms 'expiring June 30, 1961. All of the foregoing nominations were referred to "Resolutions". 10. From the City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Durant Plumbing, sole bidder, for th.e project of Installing a Roof Leader System at Fire Station No. 1, at the price of Councilman Petersen moved the recommendation be approved; that contract be awarded. to said bidder for the specified project at the price quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman. Collischonn and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent : None. 4 11. From the City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to American Building Maintenance Co. o California, low bidder, for performing limited Janitorial Services during the fiscal year 1958-59, at the total price of 1;1,322.70. Councilman Freeman moved the recommendation be adopted; that contract be awarded to this firm for the designated services at the price quoted and the bid bonds or checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None, 4 12. From the City Manager, with regard to the purchase of a tweive-inch. or sixteen- inch T3rush Chipper - stating that in view of prospective use Cu the City rubbish dump, it would appear the sixteen-inch Chipper would be the more flexible and logical purchase and, he would, therefore, recommend contract be awarded, to the Agricultural Machinery Co., Inc., of Los AnFeles, low bidder, for that unit in the amount of 93,68.76. However, in the event the Council wishes to acquire the smaller machine, A •• , Q ::• , , • • ..• • „.! • • .., his recommendation would be for the same firm as low bidder in the amount of 3,196.34, • • ,.... , • ,:. Upon request, Mr. Hanna explained the larger machine would certainly save manpower - „•••: it will take limbs with more branches and less in would be required. ••• • Councilman Collischonn moved the contract be awarded to Agricultural Machinery Co., •• Inc., for the sixteen-inch Chipper at the price of 3,685.76 and the bid checks or • .„„• .• bonds be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman ,• Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. •••• „... Absent: None. , • ..., ve o 13. korom the City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Barker-Tilton Furni- „.. „,• „..., ture Company, for furniShing Carpeting at Le Golf Coarse Clubhouse, at the price of ,•• .• • 4t;3,194.59 -- in conformity with the latitude permitted o Section 3-16, Article ITI of •• the City Charter. .•• i Councilman Schacht moved the recoMmendation be accepted in conformity witt provision •• • „... of Section 3-16 of the Charter wtich allows a preference of not to exceed five per • „... cent to a local merchant, and contract be awarded to this firm for furnishing the carpeting at the price quoted and the bid bonds or checks be returned to the unsuccess- • • fal bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman Collischonn and on roll call • • carried Cr the following vote. Ayes: Pive. Noo : None. Absent: None.. ,••' UNFINISHED BUSINESS: • • 14. The matter was called up concerning the request from. South Shore Land Co. for aPProva1 of the Final Subdivision Map of Unit No. 2 - Tract No. 1898 of the South • • •... Shore.Development. ... • • Councilman Freeman stated she had chocked the Map thoroughly and she is satisfied, • • • as long as it does not embody the beach slopes. She felt the request from Jones, • • The= & Associates concerning Lots 2) and )49, Block 2, is valid now - but she did not •• think the acceptance of the 2ina1 Map should tie up with . the beach slopes along the ..' • • • South Shore. • • • „.... Councilman Petersen inquired if the Final Map conforms to the regulations of Sub- .•• ••• division Ordinance No. 1208, New Series, in its entirety. Mr. Annibale stated he • understands it does conform. and Mr. Hanna corroborated with the statement he has : • signed the Final Nap which certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, it does , ..••• • conform. .... • • • The matter was then referred to "Resolutions”. •• • V„...•• ,................... 15. At this point, ( discussion was had on the subject of beach slopes . Councilman. „.. Freeman•asked what the Reclamation District has provided for the beach slopes inasmuch as it is its retention of its fill area. ..,• • MT. Charles Travers of S out hore Land. Co. stated it is fhmportant to his company to have the entire matter. settled tonight, if it is at all possible to co so. The time tabi® calls for the opening of the Shopping Center and the model homes construetion area about the middle of August. When people come to see the South Shore, he would like to have them see a finished . product, insofar as possible. That means the com- pany would like tc have a great many of the streets constructed and paved, the Shop- ping Center parking area completed, all of the stores open and ready for business, the lagoons, shaped, cleaned, filled and. ready for use and the beach shaped and designed in accordance with the plans. and specifications. • • .• Mr. Travers said he would, therefore, very much apnrecite the Council's consideration of this question tonight and to that end, he has arranged for the following to 'oe ..„ ..•• Di esent: Nr. Oliver Merwin, partner in the firm of Dames & Moore, Soil Mechanics • • ,• Engineers Inc, Mr. John Allen, member of the same firm, who has worked on those beaches. .., • .• Councilman Freeman brought ap the question of resoonsibilityfo_ the beaches - the .... • Reclamation District or U u tah Constrction. Company - and Yr. Annibale stated it is a -•• • • „.. matter between the Reclamation District and any other contractor, private individual • • • • ... • • or organization it chooses to deal with. Following some discussion concerning the .. •• ••••• • assignment by the District to "Utah”, Mr. Annibaie pointed out the original agreement .,•• ••• • , • ,.., specifically granted the right to assign without consent of the City. • .• ,• • ..... Councilman Freeman stated. the Council is concerned with a beach slope of 20. to 1 or • a lesser slope and inquired if this has any effect upon any of the agreement, to which -.•••• ..•• Mr. Annibale replied the agreement specifically calls for a 20-to-1 slope. She then • • • .• • • • inquired if there would have to be a change in the agreement. Mr. Annibale answered •• .•• that, in terms of a motion by the Council the beach slopes could be attained. The • main object of setting forth a beach slope was to obtain a beach which would be suit- • • • • ,.. able for a "public beach”, and whatever the Council determines is the best slope or .••• • • • best retention would be the determining 'factor. -• • „• • Mr. Oliver Merwin stabocl that, as ore of tte designers involved in the early studies . • the 20-to-1 beach slone was originally set up as a temporary measure to act as a .• •• guide in developing the plans and specifications for the filling operation. As soon. • as it was learned that a beach was desirable, rather than a dike or riprap wall which might have been installed there, his firm studied the beach problem and arrived at a 20-to-1 slope as being a fair, average slope to be maintained. He said his firm had employed the consultation services of Professor Joe W. Johnson, Hydraulics Engineer ••• ,• „.„ .... .• .• • 4 of the University of California, who has studied beaches all over the world and he had agreed the 20-uo-1 slope was a reasonable goal to try to achieve. Mr. Merwin said his firm's first letter to Utah Construction Company indicated the 2a0-to-1 beach, slope would make a fair, average slope but that further studies would be con- ducted to develop the proper slope to fit the particular conditions which exist - the currents which act upon the beach, the wave action, the fetch, the height of waves and the wind direction, all of which must be taken into consideration. In getting into the more technical aspects of this matter, he said he would refer to Lie. John A00, one of Dames c, Moore's Staff Engineers, to follow through. Mv. Allen stated the studies on this beach problem have been fairly detailed. The letter referred to by Mr. Merwin was dated February 8, 1955, and submitted a report on the firm's findirws, pointing up that further studies will probably show that a 11 composite" slope will be more appropriate for the tide, wind and wave condition at the site. The studies have been supplemented by numerous data, and 1r. Allen explained in detail the technical factors involved. He stated Utah. Construction Company had provided a test beacri a bout eight hundred feet in length which was con- structed on a uniform slope of 20-to-1 and profile data were obtained periodically. As a result of these studies, his firm concludes that a "composite" slope would be the most appropriate and stable for this particular area of exposure. After two years' study of the beaches, Mr. Allen said he felt they have essentially reached a stable condition and the beaches there now are better than the originally planned 20-1,o-1 slopes, in the opinions of Professor Johnson and himself. He then Faye a detailed explanation of the technical L7actors in su000rt of the composite sloe, and displayed a profile map for the information oC the Council. He pointed LP n the fact that a uniform 20-uo-1 slope beach will just simply not stay there - beinF subject to tides and waves, it will readjust and there is no way to get away from that. Councilman Freeman stated the Division of State Beaches and Parks has allocated '1,000,000. to the City of Alameda for establishment of a beach along the South Shore and she asked if a 2O-to-1 slope provides more sand than a 7-to-1 slope inas- much as the State is roing to take over and construct the beach - and it will be taxpayers' money which will pay for adequate sand for the beach. Nr. Allen admitted there would be, between two given points of elevation, but he said he is concerned primarily with a composite slope there now - and went on to explain the technical engineering, points involved, emphasizing that the beach has been designed to accom- modate the certain subsidence at given locations, by super-elevation of the beach. Councilman Petersen asked if there would not be more beach area under a 20-to-1 slope than under a E-to-1 slue, and Mr. Allen agreed there x,[ould bo slightly more beach than under the conditions recommended by his firm, but in connection with this he mentioned that in most locations the Utah Construction Company has filled over and beyond the minimum recommended beach slope. Therefore, the net result is that there is essentially an equivalent amount of beach, which he felt is very adequate. President McCall inquired if Professor Johnson is in complete accord with the recom- mendation made by Dames & Moore and. Mr. Alien definitely stated he is. He remarked also that his firm has been under the guidance of Professor Johnson and has consulted with him in all the work concerning the beach slopes. There was some question as to the location under discussion - Mr. Allen pointing out his remarks were applicable to both Units Nos. 1 and 2. Councilman Freeman stated she thought Unit No. I had already been determined at o -to-1 slope. Upon recuest, Mr. Hanna stated the approved Tentative Men of Unit No 1 is for a ten-fhot oloteau, then a 6-to-1 slope down to an elevation of i tt, thence out at 20-to-l. he explained that Unit No. 2 will be a ten-foot plateau, a 6-to-1 slope down to an elevation of 4 2, thence out at 20-to-l. Itx. Allen continued with further explanation concerning the difference in the elevations. In response to Councilman Schacht's question, Mr. Allen stated the entire length of the beach is approximately 6,500 foot, which embraces Units Nos. 1 and 2 - and the horizontal distance of the beach under the composite slone, at hieclh tide, would be one hundred seventy feet, on the average, at this particular typical section he has taken. It was developed that during the summertime when the tides are not as high, there would always be more beach area available. Councilman Schacht also asked if Mr. Allen believes the tost site covering some eight hundred feet Fives a sound basis for making the estimate he has throughout the entire area. He replied that it gives a rartial basis - it is not the complete scope of the studies. The test beach was used to goods advantage in the initial plan in of she beach slopes - however, his firm was provided with a beach profile at 100-foot inter- vals all the way up and down the South '='hore, in addition to the test beach. President l'cCall referred to the letter of Nay 15, 1958, from Dames & Moore to Utah Construction Company, copies of which u and hed been sent to the Councilmen, and noted a copy had J also been sent to Professor J. ler. Johnson. He said he assumed Professor Johnson was in complete agreement with the recommendation contained therein end Mr. Allen stated he, personally, had consulted with Professor Johnson on the matter and he is in complete agreement with the data in the report. President McCall thanked Mr. Allen for the excellent presentation he had made which had clarified many questions on this matter. Following some discussion as to the proper procedure, Hr. Annibale requested the recommendation as contained in the report of May 15, 1958, from Dames o: Moore, Soil Mechanics Engineers, be filed with the Clerk at this time - and the motion woulci . be to accept said recommendation as filed by Dames b Moore, covering both Units Nos. 1 and 2 of the South Shore Development. Councilman Collischonn thereupon made a motion to this eItfoct Councilman. Freeman said she is concerned about the change in the beach slope insofar as the State Division of Beaches and Parks is concerned and she would rather have the beach matter handled separately and the Final Map approved immediately. Considerable discussion ensued as to the feasibility of procuring a commitment in writing from the State Division of Beacnes and Parks, through Professor Johnson. Councilman Collischonn then. withdrew his prior motion and moved the Council accept the recommendation of Dames & Moore as contained in its letter dated May 15, 1958, and shown on the accompanying chart - subject to the concurrence in writing by Professor Johnson that he is in areement with the facts as stated. therein. The motion was seconded by Councilman. Schacnt and on roll call carried. by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTIONS: 16. The following resolution was introduced b;,, adoption: Councilmah Petersen, who moved its dolution N . 5803 Adopting Budget, Approving and Authorizing Execution of Memorandum of Agreement with the State of California for Expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City Streets for the Fiscal Year 1958-1959." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Colli chonn and on roll call carried 'y the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None, Absent: None. . The followinF resolution was introduced by Councilman Scnacht, who moved it,' adoption: Resolution No. .,, Approvin Final Map of Subdivision Known as Unit No, 2, South Shore, Tract No. 1698, Submitted by South Shore an Co." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman.. Collischonn and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 18. The following resolution. was introduced by Councilman Collischonn, wto moved its adoption: Resolution No. 5805 Authorizing Execution of Agreement with South Shore Land Co. in the Matter of Completion of Improvements in That Certain Subdivision Known as Unit No. 2, ath Shore, Tract No. 1898." The motion to adopt said resolution' was seconded by Councilman Petersen and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Pive. Noes: None. Absent: None. 19. The following resolution. was introduced by Conr Petersen, who moved its adoption: YPeso1ut.Ion No, .5606 Appointing Member of the Civil Service Board." Markham. B. Happ The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded. by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 20. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5807 Appointing Member of the Board of Education Dr. Donald D. Lan ) Councilman. Peterson stated that since he is an employee of the ,,oard of Education he would request permission. to abstain from voting on this appointment. There being no objections, the motion was seconded by Councilman. Freeman and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Collischonn, Freeman, Schacht and President McCall, h). Noes: None. Not Voting: Councilman.. Petersen (1), Absent: None. 21. The foL1owir resolution was introduced by Councilman Collischonr, who moved i adoption: "Resolution No. 5808 Appointing Member of the Library Board." Dr. Douglas D. Stafford) The mouinn to adopt said Insolation w7,,s seconded bv Counci_man Petersen and on roll caJJ carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. - 22. The following resolution was introduced adoption: y Councilman Petersen, who moved its ":esolution No. 5809 Appointing Member of the Public Utilities Board." (Sherwood Jones) The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman CoJiischonn and on roll call carried by the following, vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 23. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Freeman, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5810 Appointing Member of the City Planning Board." (Jerry J. Holst) The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Petersen and on roll call carried Oy the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: Hone. 2)4. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Freeman, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 811 Appointing Members of the Social Service 75oard." (Mesdames M. C. Godfrey and VI. J. Pooley) The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call c arried by the following vote. As Five. Noes None. Absent: one V 25. The Collowing, resolution was introduced hy Councilrnari Collischonn, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5812 Appointing Member of the Retirement Board. (Alec Low) The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Petersen and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Petersen, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5813 Transferrin 517,595.62 from Special Gas Tax Street improvement Fund, '';6,8),-).18 from 1951 Sewer Bonds Fund, (V.,,15)7.71 from ITashington Pork Development Fund, 113 5 379.52 from Gas Tax #1 Fund, to the General Fund; and 51,78.66 from Special Gas Tax Street improvement Fund and 1,056.12 from Gas Tax //1 Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund; and Transferring 51,737.87 from Golf Course Construction Fund to 1955 Golf Course Bonds Sinking Fund." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. The President declared all of the foregoing resolutions duly adopted and passed. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 27. "Ordinance No. 1276, New Series An Ordinance Amending Section 17-333 of the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Thereto Subdivisior (1), Relating to All Time No Parking." (South side of Waterton Street) Councilman Schacht moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Collischonn and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. FILING: 28. Agreement - -.,et-icen City of Alameda and South Shore Land Co., re Final Lap Tree": No. 1898. 29. Memorandum of Agreement 3etl,ePn City and State of California, for Lxpendituie of Cas Tax ALlocated for "ajof CiL— Streets. 30. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda, and the Departments thereof, in the total amount of 323 02)4.47, was submitted to the Council at this meeting. The ,list was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown. were correct. Councilman Petersen moved the bills es itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on June 1950, and presented to the Council at this time, be allowed and paid. The motion ras seconded by Councilman Freeman and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noos : None. Absent : None. ADJ07M,TI0fi': 31. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday eveninc July 1, 1958, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,