1957-04-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OP THE COUNCIL ON THE CITY OF ALAMEDA 'HELD TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 16 The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President Kranelly presiding. He asked the audience to rise and join In in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Reverend MT, Frank. P. Randall of the First Congregational Church then delivered a very inspir- ing Invocation. ROLL CALL: • The roll was called and Councilmen Haag, McCall and President Kranel. , (3), were noted present. Absent: Councilmen Hove and Moresi, cs, . President Kranelly explained the procedure to be followed when the Council reconvenes . at 8:00 o'clock concerning the swearing in of the newly-elected Councilmen and the re-organization of the Council. The President thereupon declared a recess at 7:35 o'clock. The Council reconvened at 6:00 o'clock with President Kranelly presiding. Councilmen Freeman, McCall and Petersen were immediately sworn in by the City Clark and assumed their seats on the Council. RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNCIL: President Kranelly stated nominations are now in order for the office of Mayor of the City of Alameda and President of the Council. Councilman is placed the name of William M. McCall in nomination. There being no further nominations, President Kranelir declared the nominations closed. Councilman McCall was elected as Mayor of the City of Alameda and President of the Council on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Freeman, Haag, McCall, and President Kranelly, (4). Not Voting: Councilman Petersen, 1 . Noes: None. Absent: None. Councilman Petersen stated thnt, in view of tho fact the Council has voted in the majority, to elect Councilman McCall as Mayor, Ise would move the election be decla unanimous. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and unanimously carried. Councilman McCall thereupon took his Oath. of Office as Mayor of the City of Alameda and President of the Council and assumed the Chair. He called for nominations for the office of Vice i'layor of the City and Vice President of the Council. Councilman Kranelly placed in nomination the name of Councilman Haag for this office. Council- man t',reoman nominated Councilman Petersen. The nominations were then declared closed. Councilman Haag was elected Vice M ayor on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Coun- cilmen Haag, Kranelly and President McCall, (3) . Noes: Councilmen Freeman and. Petersen, Absent: None. President McCall thereupon declared Councilman Haag., Vice Mayor of the City eO Alameda and Vice President of she Council. President McCall stated he would like to give the newly elected Councilmen an oppor- tunity at this time to introduce their families. Councilman Freeman introduced her husband and two children and Councilman Petersen introduced his lovely wife, his • Mother and Father and Mother-in-law and Father-in-law. Councilman Kranelly and. President McCall also introduced their charming wives. MTNUTES: 1. The minutes of the regular meeting held April 2, 1957, were approved as trail,— scribed. OPENITU OF Bi Five vlive bids -,Tere received and read for the project of Furnishing and Planting Trees and Shrubs in the Ne74 Municipal Golf Course, in accordance with Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans therefor, No. PW )!_-7-10, as follows: From The Justice Co. Accompanied by a Bid Bond From Huettin & Schromm, Inc. Accompanied by a Bid Bond From Watkin & Sibbald Accompanied by a Bid Bond From California Nursery Company Accompanied by a Bid Bond Alternate 1 - ? - tl It 3 - ,716. 7,430. 1 - - 2 - 11,8)17. 3 - 2,195. 1 - 3,718. 2 11,547. 3 - - - 3,744. 1 - 2,801.61 2 - - 6,244.52 - 2,538.40 146 From Larson's Landscape Service Accompanied by a Bid Bond Alternate 1 - 2 - - 13,920. 3 - - - 1,960. The bids were referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for immediate review in order that a recommendation from the City Manager might be made later in the meeting and acted upon by the Council tonight. The City Yanager and City Engineer retired to examine the bids. WRITTEN COEnUHIC[JIONS: 3'/./ From the Public Utilities Commission, State of California, informing the City it has received from Southern Pacific Company a notice of its intention to discon- tinue the Freight and Ticket Agency at Alameda - effective May 1,1957 - and inquir- ing if the City desires to make any representation or protest with respect to the proposal. It was stated there is only one agent actually assigned to this station, all accounting work concerning Alameda Stations is performed at Kirkham Street Agency, Oakland, the three industrial clerks hero will be transferred to the Fruitvale Agency but will continue to Perform all work in the Alameda area and any passenger business now being transacted in Alameda will be handled at either Jack London Square or 16th Street Stations, Oakland. Councilman Kranelly stated that, under the circumstances as outlined in the letter, and in view of the fact the City plans to proceed with the improvement of Tilden Way, he could see no objection to the closing of the Alameda Agency. Councilman Freeman asked if the existing building has to be removed and she was in- formed that it does because it is located in the path of the street improvement pro- ject. She the asked if a time had been provided for a Public Hearing, or if this notice was a means of circumventing such Hearing - and she also inquired if a Hearing is not usually held. Er. Annibele said the Posting of a notice on the building is sufficient and if any protests are made, then a Hearing would be set. It was determined, no action is required on the part of the Council and the communica- tion was ordered filed. hi. From the Board of Trustees of Reclamation District No. 2087, submitting copies of its resolutions approving claim of Wattis and Company and Estimate No. 17, and requesting Council approval of Demand ',rarrants Nos. )15 and ,46, in the respective amounts of 5,01'0. and d9,368.52. The matter was referred to Resolutions". From Listo Pencil Corporation, petitioning the Council for permission to relocate its fence line which, according to requirements of the Public Utilities Commission, would encroach 2 feet, 6 inches onto City property for e distance of 50 feet. This is along the south side of Clement Avenue, 150 feet east of Stanford Street - and in connection with the recent construction of railroad spur track facilities to serve Inland Ladder Company at 191L Stanford Street. Upon inquiry of President McCall, the City Attorney stated he would think the Council would want to hear the ()Pinion of the City Engineer as to what effect this would have on City property. Councilman Haag then suggested the matter be deferred until the return of the City Manager. fq o. From the Town of Emeryville and the City of Pleasanton, submitting copies of their resolutions in support of the City and County of San Franciscots project to obtain a l'iajor League Baseball Franchise. The matter was referred to "Resolutions". 7. From the Board of Supervisors of County of Alameda, submitting copy of its Resolution No. 83293, authorizing the County Auditor to draw a warrant in the sum of 'Y75,039.05 from its Special Road Improvement Fund in favor of the City of Alameda for improvement of Lincoln Avenue, Patton Way and Tilden ';'ay. Councilman Kranelly stated he understood the warrant had been received and suggested a letter of thanks be written to the Board of SuPervisors. It was so ordered. V 8. From the Inter-Service Club Council of Lions Club International, signed by George H. Hagy, Secretary, addressed to the City Manager, expressing agreement with the City Council that the installation of hanging baskets on webster and Park Streets would be ill-advised at this time, due to the expense involved. It was also stated the matter of installing flag decoration holders was given consideration and it was determined this is a more appropriate project for the merchants and the Chamber of Commerce. Appreciation was expressed to the City Manager for the elaborate report submitted on the proposal. Councilman Kranelly moved the matter be referred to the Retail Trades Committee of the Alameda Chamber of Commerce to carry out the project, as suggested in the letter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and unanimously carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:, 9. Mr. Charles Travers of Utah Construction Company requested permission to speak on a subject not on the agenda, but of interest to the City of Alameda. He thereupon read the following prepared statement: "Reclamaticn District No. 2087 sold Its Recla- mation Bonds at public sale today, after advertising the sale in accordance with law. Only one bid was entered - due, we understand, to the fact that litigation was entered against the District. Utah Construction Company purchased the bonds and is prepared to sell bonds, without profit to itself, to landowners in the District on a pro-rata basis, based on the amount of each lando-mer's assessment. If any landowner is intelested I shall be glad to tar-- to him in my office at any time. The offer will remain open until the close of business on April 30, 1'457." 10. Er. Frank Gotzstein, 731 Haight Avenue, stPted he had been attending Council montin7s for twenty-eight years and hod never criticized anyone unless he had a solu- tion to offer. He referred to a picture in the Alameda Times-Star of April 6, Sh.DW- inp; children playing in the water along the South Shore. He said the Council should taLe some action to prevent children from getting into the water as it is staFnant and might be harmful. The Council should have the -,,:tor tested imrediately before something happens. He suggested the Police Denaitment should be authorized to keep people oat of the water. Councilman Petersen asked the City Attorney if this particular private property in question comes under the jurisdiction of the City of Alameda Police Department - and Mr. Annibale replied that, insofar as trespassing is concerned, the Police Department can arrest anyone on the signing of a proper complaint. Councilman Petersen then stated he understooci . two lifeguards have been aSsigned by the Recreation Department to take care of the needs for swimming in the new beach area. Upon request, Mr. Froerer stated this matter has been gone into - it appears the loca- tion of the beach area which is most popular, lies along the westerly line of Washing- ton Park for a distance of 600 feet. This is City-owned property. which „extends out into the United States Maritime School property and which the City has permission to use. Councilman Kranelly stated. Ni'. Gottstein has raised the question of what the City pro- poses to do about this situation so young people can be prevented from. swimming in water which has become stagnant and unhealthy. He mentioned the City Attorney has ruled that the only way the City can act in cases of this kind is for citizens to sign complaints and he asked if the City has done anything or taken any action tokeep trespassers off this private property. Mr. Froerer said he thought it would. be appropriate to e rect sirns insofar as pos- sible, but the City cannot go on private property- to post such. signs. In answer to President McCall's question, concerning the matter of health, as brought an by Mr. Gottstein, Mr. Annibale stated signs indicating health hazards or unsanitary condi-7 tions should be posted on City property and, if permission is obtained, on private property also. Mr. Harvy R. Marshall, 3205 Central Avenue, expressod the opinion that if there is a condition in Alameda where children are endangered through getting into stagnant water, then the private property owners should be required to fence, police, or, in some manner, protect the children from this hazard. Councilman Freeman asked the City Attorney if this is not the responsibi3ity of the Reclamation Distrlct and nr. Annibale answered that, insofar es police powers are concerned, it would be the responsibility of the City even if it; is on the District's property. Councilman Petersen felt the City, the Reclamation District and private property own- ers should give study to the problem because he knew there are people swimming in this area and he thought it is not safe. It was determined that the City Manager would have toe Health.. Department check the water and. a report would be submitted to the Council at its newt meeting. 1. Mr. Jack O. Lubbock, 3238 Thompson Avenue, stated he represented the City of Alameda as General Chairman of Public Schools Week, the thirty-eighth annual observ- ance of which will be held. from April 29 to May 3, 1957. There will be open house displays and demonstrations and all citizens are invited to attend the school in their particular district. He also announced there wil1 be a special citizens' meet- ing next Monday evening at Washington School Cafetorium, at which time .. representa- tives of Social Service and Teachers' grOUTX3 will be present to discuss problems of Public education. Mr. Lubbock extended an invitation to the Mayor and Councilmen to attend. He said the cornerstone of Democracy. is the public schools and he asked that a resolution be adopted proclaiming "Public Schools Week. It was explained that t'e Mayor is authorized to issue Proclamationa and Councilman Haag suggested that, if the usual procedure is to issue a. Proclamation, it shouldobe prepared at once for the Mayor's signature and released for publication. It was so ordered. 12. MTS, Myrtle Barker, 830 Laurel Street, spoke as o representative of RAFT (ReTa- tiveS and Friends Together), on behalf of Mental Health. Week, April 28 to May a, 1957, and requested that the City of Alameda give recognition. to this organization and have a Proclamation issued in this respect. It was so ordered. 13. At this point, the City Manager having returned, the Order of Business was re- ferred back. to "Written Communications" for action on the request of Lis to Pencil Corporation to relocate its fence. Mr. Froerer stated he had reviewed this matter and it would be his recommendation that the CoMpany be granted a Revocable Pemit covering the necessary encroachment of 2 feet, 6 inches onto City property. Councilman Freeman moved. the City Manager's recommendation be accepted and said Per- mit be issued to List° Pencil Corporation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and unanimously carried. 1)V City Mana7er was asked at this time for his recommendation on the bids re- ceived for the project of Furnishing and Plenting Trees and Shrubs for the New Euni- cipal 'R)lf Course. Mr. troerer thereupon stated it is his recommendation that con- tracts be awaided to California Nursery Company, low bidder, on Alternate No. 2 in the aroount of 'T,2LL.52 - and to Larson's Landscape Service, low bidder, on Alternate No 3, Furnishing and installing m-) feet of Barrier Supnort, at the Price of 1,96O. Councilman Kranelly moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that contracts be awarded to the designa'.ed companies for the specified projects at the prices quoted and th.e bid bonds be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll cell carried 17- the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. REFORTS OF COTTITTLES: le. From the City Manager, recommending the one offer for the purchase of tho lot on Fitchburg Avenue in the sun o 11 be rejectcd and he be authorized to negotiate with Prospective purchasers to determine if a fair price can be secured. Councilman Petersen moved the City Manager's recommendation be approved; that the offer of purchase be rejected and the City Manager be authorized to proceed with negotiations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kranel ly and unanimously carried. V 16. From. the City Manager, statin7 Taper Tube Pole Co. has requested that "Marbelite" pre-stressed concrete electroliers be adopted as an alternate for use in the City. Said electrolier has been reviewed by the technical staff of the Bureau of Electricity, the City Engineer, the Planning Director and the Planning Board and all recommend that it be adopted as requested. Councilman Haag moved thet, in view of th.e recommendations submitted, the Larbelite Electrolier be adopted es an alternate for street lighting purposes in the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman and unanimously carried. 17. From the City Manager, requesting authorization to dispose of an accumulation of scrap metal at the Corporation Yard. Councilman Freeman moved the City Manager's request be granted and he be authorized to dispose of said scrap metal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Petersen and unanimously carried. 1. From the City Manager, submitting copies of correspondence with Marsh McLennan-Cosgrove & Corpany, Insurance Brokers, and the annual premium costs for Malpractice Insurance covering City Physicians in the following amounts: On Q325,000/ '5f)]. .110; on '100,0(TP30,0,000: Councilman Haag questioned giving this business to the broker mentioned without put- ting the matter out to bid, in line with the policy established by the Council more or less recently. Mr. Froerer explained the City's Liability Insurance is carlied by The Travelers Companies and this Lalpractice insurance would merely extend the existing policy to include this coverage. Ho agreed it might be the City could secure this particular insurance at a lower cost by calling for bids but, generally sPeaking, the -!ralprac- tiCe, Insurance would he part of the Comprehensive Liability Policy if the Council elects to adopt it. Councilman Haag concurred with the City Manager that the insurance should be part of the Comprehensive Liability Insurance but, to be fair and in line with the Council's Policy, a call for bids should be made. He felt the City should ask for costs on only the higher limits. Councilman Kranelly agreed with Councilman Haag's remarks concerning the higher limits and felt his suggestion should, be carried out and the matter be put out to bid. Mr. Froerer stated it will not be necessary to call for formal bids. due to the fact the cost involved will be under 01,000. - but the City can invite informal proposals as has been done in the past and the results submitted to the Council. It w as deter- mined this procedure was satisfactory. 19. From the City Manager, recommending Nrs. Phyllis McCoskey, Executive Secretary, and two members of the Social Service Board, be authorized to attend the Conference of Social Work, to be held in San Jose May 7, 1957; that be appropriated for their expenses and use of a City car be permitted. Councilman Petersen moved the City Manager's recommendation be approved; that the designated individuals be authorized to attend the Conference mentioned, 'ne5.be appropriated for their expenses and, a City car be used for transportation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kranelly and on roll call carried by the following vote. Fi,re. Noes: None. Aosent: None. 20. From the City Manager, reporting on the revt.sed cost estimates for the proposed By Farm. island. Assessment District, for each Road. improvements only. It was pointed out tht, from a drainage standpoint, it would be- advantageous to include certain -of the adjoining streets as follows: 7lo7er Lane, Melrose Avenue and Seminary Avenue. Mr. Froerer st ated. there are certain of these improvements which should be paid from the Traffic Safety Fund And the financing of others. would. have to be provided through an appropriation. from the Capital. Out Fund. He said that, under these circum- stances, consideration of this City expenditure should properly be made at the time the Budget for 197-58 is :being studied. If there is any urgency, the City. Manager can review the e:xAsting finances in both of these Funds and bring a report to the Council on the .tuation. Mrs. Ella Mae Waterbury, 338 Beach . h02 d, asked when tnls would core up - Mr. Froerer stated the Budget will be prepared during the months of April and May but the ultimate Budget cannot •be reached until the latter part of June - and in this matter, it would be the determination of the Council when the entire Budget was before it. President McCall stated the Council would. like to b the City Manager review this subject and render a report. ?1. From the Advisory Golf Commission, dated April 15, 1957, sinnd by Elliot S. Peterson, Secretary, presenting list of suggestions of steps necessary to prepare the unfinished -nine holes for play, as well as essential improvements to the new nine holes in use. Councilman Kranelly stated that, inasmuch as most of the items contained. in this let- ter cover matters which are administrative in nature, he would move the communication be referred to the City Manager for review and report at the next meeting. The motion Was seconded by Councilman Petersen and unanimously carried. K. From the City Manager, requesting permission to purchase 1,400 lineal feet of gas line on the ,open market under Charter provision as contained in Sec. 3-15. The City Attorney pointed out there is great emergency and necessity in the procure- ment and installation of this gas line. Councilman Haag thereupon moved the city Manager's request be granted and he be mitted to make the necessary purchase, after securing bids from every. available source and proceeding in the matter with promptness and dispatch. Inc motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman. Speaking on the question, Councilman Petersen.. asked what the emergency is - and Mr. Froerer stated that, at the last Council meeting a contract was awarded for the Surfac- ing of the Entrance Road and Parking Lot at the new Municipal Golf Course. The as line was not included. in this project because that type of work is not usually done by contractors who perform street work. He said it is now necessary to have the gas line installed. promptly. in order to avoid conflict with the road work and also it is the opinion of the City Engineer and himself the best bid will probably be from. Pacific Gas & Electric Company. The question was then put and the motion carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five, Noes: None. Absent: None. 23. From the City Manager, requesting authorization to dispose of an accumulation of shelving from the Community Center Building et Encinal Housing Project. Councilman. Petersen moved. the City ..Manager's request be granted and he be authorized to dispose of said shelving. The motion was seconded hy Councilman Kranelly and unani- mously carried. N./ 24. From the City Manager, recommending all bids be rejected in connection with the project of Furnishing and Installing Lockers in the New Municipal Golf Course Club House - and that he be authorized to purchase the required number on the open market. It was stated that, sincetne bids were received, the Advisory Golf Commission has recommended the existing. lockers in the old Club House be used where possible, thus reducing the number now needed from 296 to 197. Councilman Kranelly stated that, in view of the explanation from the City Manager, he would move the City Manager's recommendations be approved; that the bids be rejected and he be authorized. to purchase the Lockers on the open market due to the fact the purchase can be made at a better price in this way. The motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 'J\IFINISHED 25. The matter was presented concerning the request from the Naval Officers Realty Corporation for the City to make Application to the Public Utilities Commission for a public grade crossing" of a 5n-foot entrance over the Alareda Belt Line tracks in connection with the proposed shop-)in g center between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. The matter was referred to ,Hesolutions". RESOLUTIONS: 26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its adoption: ”- rtesolution No. , 92 Approving, Warrants of Board of Trustees of Reclamation District No. 2087." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Petersen and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Freeman, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5593 Requesting Cancellation of County Tax es on Property Acquired by the City of Alameda for Public Purposes (McKinley Park and Thompson Field) ." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Petersen and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 28. The following resolution was introduced by CouncUmen Petersen, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 74 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Offering Assistance and Giving Support to the City and County of San Francisco in Furtherance of the Project of Said City and County Obtaining a Major League Baseball Franchise." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Kranelly and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five, Noes: None. Absent: None. 29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Kranelly, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No • ,75 ),), -° Resolution of the Council of the Citycf Alameda Authorizing City Eanager to Make Application to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California to Construct a Public Street Across a Railroad (Between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues - Clark Pottery)." The motion to adopt said re solution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 30. The foliowirss resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5596 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Submitting to the State Water Pollution Control Board the Certification Relating, to Final Con- struction Plans and Specifications for an Inter- ceptor Sewer. (Northern Edge of Estuary Housing Project)." The motion to adopt said. resolution was seconded by Councilman Freeman and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. President McCall thereupon declared. all passed. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 31. the foregoing resolutions duly adopted and "Ordinance No. 1230, New Series.. An Ordinance Amending Section 17364.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code, Relating to Parking Meter Zones." (North side Santa Clara Avenue, just west of Park Street) Councilman Freeman moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Petersen and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. "Ordinance No. 1271, New Series An. Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1226, New Series, Section 2, Relating to the Conveyance by Quitclaim Dead of Certain City,owned Easements to the Alaska Packers Association, a California. Corporation" Councilman Petersen moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded. by Councilman Kranelly and on roll call carried by the followinR vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. ,Irdinance No. 1232, New Series An Ordd.nance Amending the T3uildin0 Code of the City of Alameda by Amending Table No. ).i7-f and Section 4711 (c) 1 Thereof, Relating to Application of Portland Cement Plaster." 35. • Councilman Kranciiv moved the ordinance be adopted as read. ,The motion was seconded by 'Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: Nona. T T a 3. Auditor's Financial Statement - City o A_ameda, as of March by George A. Hackleman ,!'z Co. T-7"TTI-Q0 An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and in the total amount of 34,488.89, was submitted to the Council The list was accompanied by certification from the City Manager were correct. 1957 - Verified the Departments thereof„ at, this meeting. that the Claims shown Councilman Haag moved the bills as itemized in the List of Clairs filed with the City Clerk on April 16, 1957, and presented to the Council at this time, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kranelly and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes; Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. ALVnURNMENT: 36. There being no further business to come before the meetin, the Council ad-journed - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, May 7, 1957, at 7:30 o'clock. Resroctfally suhmittcd,