1956-06-26 Regular CC Minutes1v,14Aled. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY, OF ALA•EDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 26 - - - - _1_7 1956 The meeting convened. at 7:30 O'clock p.m. wi th, Vice-President McCall presiding. -be Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Councilman Mores 1. ROLL CAL L : The roll was called and Councilmen Haag, Hove, Mores' and Vice-President McCall, (4) were noted p.m- sent. Abs en. t President Kranelly, (1) . MINUTES: 1. Th,e minutes of the regular meeting held June 19, 1956, were approved as transcribed. OPENING OF BIDS : 2V One bid only was received and read - from Utah Construction Company, for the project of Constructing Levees and a Portion Hydraulic 1 for Washington Park - in accordance with Specifica ions , Special Pro vis ions and Plans therefor, No I 5, as follows : Construct Levees - Sand Fill • r4 30 per cubic yard Accompanied by a Bid Bond `-'^ 19,750. 30,000, Vice-President McCall asked the City Manager and City Attorney to review the bid at this time in order that a recommenda ti on for the award of contract can be made later in the me,- Ling. WRITTEN C OMMUNICATIONS : 3. caused by the testing of aeroplane motors during the middle of the ,night. From Mrs . Margaret Eubanks, 1618 Lea Court, protesting against the noise This matter was referred to the City Manager for investigati on with the airport as to its continuation. 4. V From Mr. Harold B. Go taas , Consulting Engineer, addressed to the City Engineer submit Ling his estimate of cost of consultation, engineering analysis and a report on the plan for establishing lagoons as part of the South Shore Development, in the sum of from 41,500. to not to exceed $2,000. - which estimate includes the cost of typing, drafting and any other work which he would employ assistants to d o. Upon request, the City Manager stated he has s consulted with Dr. Morrough P. 0"Brien, Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of California and he recom- i mended Mr. Gotaas to perform this rather dif fie-Lilt study. Mr. Froerer indicated it is his opinion that, If the City is going to properly analyze this situation and be sure of the proper functioning of these proposed lagoons, a detailed study must be made. Therefore, he recommended tha t Mr. Gotaas be employed to submit a complete report for a sum not to exceed $2, 000. Councilman Hove moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; tha t Mr. Gotaas be hired by the City for an engineering analysis and report on the plan for estab- lishing lagoons in the South Shore Development - and the sum of not to exceed $2,000 be appropriated f or this purpose. The motion was seconded by Councilman Speaking on the que tion, Counci lman Haag suggested the report be :submitted to the City Planning Board for its considerati on in connection with the study being given the South Shore Development, as the plan has not yet been presented to the Council. This course of action was agreed upon. On roll call the motion was carried by the following vote. Ayes : Four. Noes : None, Absent : President Kranelly, (1 5 .v/ From Encinal Yacht Club, signed by 111 . A. Gould, A c t in g Secretary, informing the Council concerning the status of its negotiations with Utah Cons tructi on C OM- pany for the relocation of its facilities due to the filling of Utah property along the South Shore - pointing, up the fact that Utah has withdrawn al 1 offers, as per its letter of June 11, 1956. Reference was also made to the discussiei had with the Council concerning a lease of City suhrne rged tidelands to the Club for nominal rental. The matter was refe rred to the file on the subject. 6. From West Coast Shows, signed by Bobby Cohn, General Representative, requesting the Council to reconsider its recent action with regard to the License fee increase covering carnivals, as the new fees are prohibitive of the Show being held in Alameda in the future. Councilman Moresi said she felt it is true these carnivals have proved to be money- making projects for certain organizations in the City and she thought it would be well for the City Manager or City Attorney to check into the Showts books, as offered. Councilman Haag thought it should be ascertained if West Coast Shows operate in Oakland and Berkeley and other nearby cities - as he understood their fees are even higher. The matter was referred to the City Manager for investigation. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: 7. From the Auditor and Assessor, notifying the Council that the total assessment valuation for tax rate basis of the City is 51,398,136. It was pointed out this is a an of 2,241,963 over last year due to the following reasons: Land - South Shore and East End Developments: Improvements - Natural gain due to new buildings and alterations; Personal Property - mainly due to large increases of inventories of public and private warehouses and assessment on equipment used in the South Shore Development. The communication was noted and ordered filed. 8. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Morris Landy Motors, only bidder, for furnishing one Complete Truck, with Pickup Body, at the price of 0,467.24. Councilman Moresi moved the City Manager's recommendation be approved; that contract be awarded to this firm for furnishing the specified truck at the price quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes; Four. Noes; None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). Of From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Scott Co., low bidder, for the project of Furnishing and Installing Water Systems for both Municipal Golf Courses, at the price of q12,883.86. Councilman Haag moved the City Manager's recommendation be accepted; that contract be awarded to the designated firm for this project at the price quoted and the bid bonds or checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 10. From City Manager, reporting all work satisfactorily completed on the construc- tion of a Rost Room and Equipment Building at Krusi Park, recommending it be accepted and the Notice of Completion be ordered filed. Councilman Hove moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted: that the work on this project be accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moresi and unanimously carried. 11. From the Recreation Commission, signed by Daniel J. Rourke, Chairman, recommend- ing the following projects be considered in the cap'tal improvement program of the City for the 1956-57 fiscal year: (1) Construction of a 30-foot x 40-foot small children's training pool at Alameda Swim Center; (2) Continued Development of Wood- stock Park; (3) Continued Development of Krusi Park; (4) Construction of a Small Boat Landing at the North End of Grand Street. Mr, Rourke also informed the Council that J. Roger Hooper and William Raimondi have been elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively, at the Commission's recent election. Vice-President McCall said he felt sure the Council appreciates the fine work done by Mr. hourke as Chairman of the Recreation Commission during the past year and instructed the City Clerk to write a letter of commendation to him on behalf of the Council. 12. From the Recreation Commisai on, signed by Daniel J. Rourke, Chairman, recommend- ing the adoption of the tentative budget for the Recreation Department for 1956-57. Reference was also made to a previous recommendation of the Commission concerning the possible use of the existing Golf Course Clubhouse as a Communit- Center and Recreation Department Administration Office. It is hoped that, if the Co- ncil de- termines such usage is feasible, funds for conversion of the building will be made available at the proper time. Both of these communications were referred to the Budget file. 1. At this point, the City Manager stated the bid for the project of Constructing Levees and a Portion of the Hydraulic Fill for Washington Park, Specifications No. PV: 5-56-13, has been reviewed and he would recommend contract be awarded to the sole bidder, Utah Construction Company, at the prices of 019,750. for the levees and 0.30 cents per cubic yard - or a total of 030,000., for the fill. Councilman Moresi moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that contract be awarded to Utah Construction Company for this project at the prices quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). The Clerk stated a letter on this subject from Utah Construction Company, dated June 26, 1956, had just been handed her and requested permission to read it at this time. The letter pointed out that the bid submitted by Utah was a departure from its normal bidding procedure and should not be construed as setting a pre- cedent as to any future bidding by the Company on dredge and fill work. Reference was made to Paragraphs 1 and 2 of its letter of April 12, 1959, which outlines the normal bidding procedure, i. e. a unit price per cubic yard for fill measured in the Cut. The letter was noted and referred to the file. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES; 14. Councilman Haag introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provision of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Real Property for Public Off-Street Parking Purposes (Powell-Wittenau)." (Park and Santa Clara Avenues). RESOLUTIONS: 15. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5374 Authorizing Execution of Agreement with the County of Alameda for Provision of Public Health Services by the County to the City." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). Upon inquiry of Councilman Moresi with regard to the contemplated merger of the City Health Department with the County, Mr. Froerer explained that Alameda will have to have Charter changes the same as has Oakland before the City Health. Depart- ment can be integrated with the County. He pointed out the City Attorney will review the necessary amendments to make them conform with the State law in order to permit this integration. It was developed that the Advisory Health Board wants to meet with the Council to discuss the health services situation. 16. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its adoption: "Resolution '\io. 5375 Authorizi ng Execution of Memorandum of Agreement with Alameda Unified School District for Furnishing to the City a ,-.11alified Administrator and Supervisor of the City's Recreation Department." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 17. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5376 A Resolution Designating the Number of and Providing for the Compensation of Certain Officers and Other Employees of the City of Alameda and Providing Rules and Regulations Relative Thereto." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call /4-'' carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four, Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its adopt- ion: "Resolution No. 5377 Appropriating and Authorizing Payment of Money for Satisfaction of Judgment, and 01; her Incidental Expenses, in Condemnation Proceedings Against Certain Real Property for Public Off-Street Parking Purposes." (Hall) The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll call Ayes Kranelly, carried by the following vote. Four. Noes: None. Absen',: President , (1). 19. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5378 Appropriating and Authorizing Payment of Money for Satisfaction of Judgment, and Other Incidental Expenses, in Condemnation Proceedings Against Certain Real Property for Public Off-Street Parking Purposes." (Bank of America) The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 20. The followin&resoltion was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its adoption:: "Resolution No. 5379 Transferring from the Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund the Sums of r8,261.45 and $54.36, Respectively, to the General Fund and the Traffic Safety Fund (Reimbursement)". The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes-: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5380 Transferring 415,743.27 from Gas Tax No. 1 Fund to Traffic Safety Fund, Special Gas Tax Street Improve- ment Fund and General Fund, in Various Amounts (Reimbursement)". The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 22. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5381 Transferring 34,104.99 from the 1955 Municipal Improvement Bonds Fund and 84,517.34 from the 1951 Sewer Bonds Fund to the General Fund." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote . Ayes: Four. Noes None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). 23. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5382 qransferring 3,075.73 from the Off-Street Parking Project Construction Fund to the General Fund." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President, Kranelly, (1). 2 24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5383 Assuming Responsibility Upon City of Alameda of Not to Exceed Fifty Per Cent (5N) of Cost of Operation, Maintenance and Replacements of a Proposed Federally Constructed New Four-Lane Fruitvale Avenue 'ridge Over the Estuary; Assuming the Costs of Alameda Approaches to Said Bridge; All Conditioned Upon City of Oakland Assuming Corresponding Responsibility." Councilman Moresi suggested that, before action is taken on this resolution, the Council ascertain if the City of Oakland has acted on its like resolution. It was developed the Alameda Council could proceed to adont its resolution on this matter because the effectiveness thereof was contingent upon the Oakland Council assuming the same obligation. There was considerable discussion of the ramifications of the resolution. The City Manager pointed out that the language contained in the resolution is very important and is absolutely necessary in order to meet requirements of the Corps of Engineers. He suggested the resolution be read in full, which was done. The City Attorney stated the Oakland resolution is an exact replica of the one before the Alameda Council. Councilman Hove pointed out that the City Councils of Oakland and Alameda have been meeting with the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County in an attempt to get a new Fruitvale Avenue Bridge. The Board has refused to accept any responsibility with regard to maintenance or replacement and, therefore, the Cities of Oakland and Alameda have determined to proceed with this obligation. Councilman Moresi said she wanted everyone to understand that Supervisor Sweeney, Alameda's representative on the Board, has endeavored to win the other Supervisors over to the County's acceptance of some responsibility in this matter and he has been working very hard for the City in this respect. She felt the Council should express its appreciation to him for his efforts and the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter of commendation to him. During the discussion, it was developed that the estimated cost of maintenance and operation will be 020,000. per year. With regard to the "replacement" provision, Councilman Haag stated that, at the meeting with the Board, Alameda's whole argument was an attempt to get the Board to do something about any replacement. He said he felt that, in the event of an earthquake or any disaster, which would damage the bridge, the present City Council would be obligating itself or some future Council for a great deal of money in this respect - and he definitely thought some insurance protection should be considered. Mr. Frank Gottstein asked if he understood correctly that the Cities of Alameda and Oakland are going to pay for the maintenance of Fruitvale Avenue Bridge, when reconstructed - and he was assured that is so. He inquired further as to who pays for the upkeep now and was told that the Corps of Army Engineers now maintains the bridge - but it wants to get out of the bridge business. Mr. Stanley Whitney, President of the Chamber of Commerce, urged the Council to adopt the resolution now as the first step tonard getting a new Fruitvale Avenue Bridge which is for the best interests of the people of Alameda. Councilman Hove asked if title to the new bridge would remain in the name of the United States Government. Mr. Froerer replied that he understood title would be given in fee to the Cities of Oakland and Alameda. Councilman Hove concurred with Councilman Haag concerning insurance on the new bridge - and the City Attorney agreed there is a material interest there to the City and he would believe it advisable to have insurance protection. Councilman Hove stated it is unfortunate that the County won't cooperate with the cities and help support the upkeep of the contemplated new bridge. Councilman Hove thereupon introduced the resolution and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None. Absent: President Kranelly, (1). Vice-President McCall declared all of the foregoing resolutions duly adopted and passed. FILING: 25. Memorandum. of Agreement - Between City and Alameda Unified School District re Administration and Supervision of City's Recreation Department. 26. Agreement - Between County of Alameda and City, f or Furnishing Public Health Services. 27. Ex Committee of the Whole: Letter from Recreation Commission, dated August 18, 1955, concerning its 1 recommendation to make charge for use of vehicles in Tiny Tot Area of Krusi Park. BILLS: 28. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the Departments thereof, in the total amount of '',114,099.14, was submitted to the Council at this meeting. The list was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown were correct. Councilman Haag moved the bills as itemized in the List; of Claims filed with the City Clerk on June 26, 1956, and submitted to the Council at this time, be allowed and Paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Four. Noes: None, Absent: President Kranelly, (1). ADJOURN[-,NT: 29. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council ad- journed - to assemble in adjourned regular session on Friday evening, June 29, 1956, at 7:50 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, /,, 0 C t C1rk