1956-07-31 Regular CC MinutesA D j0 URNED REG-THAR MEE '711,TC- OF THE C OUNC L OF THE C I TY OF
.41,12.0\71-).4 LI) TUESDAY 8V?JINc7, JULY 7 . . 1956
The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock P. M., with President Kranelly presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Councilman Moresi.
The roll was called and Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President
Kranelly, (5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held July 17, 1956, were approved as
Four bids were received and read for the project of Constructing Three Parking
Lots, in accordance with Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans therefor,
No. PW 7-56-15, as follows:
From Gallagher Burk, Inc. .-(39
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From O. C. Jones &. Sons
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From Independent Construction Co.
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From Bansome Company
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
Eight bids were opened and read for the project of Planting and Establishment
of Lawn (Second Part) for the New Municipal Golf Course, in accordance with Specifi-
cations, Special Provisions and Plans therefor, No. PCi 7-56-16, as follows:
From Larsons Landscape Service and Nursery
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From George Paulsen
Accompanied by a
From K. E. C. Company
Accompanied by a
From Rudolph Watson
Accompanied by a
From Justice-Dunn Co.
From Elmer L. Dunn
Accompanied by Bid
From Watkin & Sibbald
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
Bid Bond
Bid Bond
Bid Bond
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
Stephen L. Vistica ?f, Son
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
- ^
2, 859.00
One bid on]y was submitted and read - fr,n Utah Construction Company, for the
project of Constructing Hydraulic Dredge Fill at Washington Park, in accordance with
Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans therefor, No. PV! 7-56-17 in the total
amount of 295,250.00. The bid was accompanied by a Bid Bond.
President Kranelly stated the bids on the projects of Constructing Three Parking Los
and the nanting of Lawn will be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for
study and recommendation. The bid on the Fill at Washington Park would be referred
to the City Kknager and City Engineer for their immediate study and recommendation
later in the meeting.
5. From Board of Supervisors, Connty of Alameda, signed by Kent D. Pursel, Chairrlan,
concerning its recent aPpointment or an Industrial Fact Findng Conniittee, which has
now submitted certa'n recormendations, chief of which is that the Connty employ the
Urban Land Institute to conduct a survey of all factors involved. The Board of
Supervisors will bear the entire cost of said survey which will be between ;'30,000.
and $40,000. - and it is merely asking the City f;o apProve the action and indicate
its willingness to cooperate in the Providing of information to the technicians and
also in implementing the recommendations of the final report.
President Kranelly said he felt the Committee is going to do some excellent work and
the City should endorse the act-on of the Board of Supervisors.
Councilman Haag asked if the City of Alameda has any representation on this Commi ttee .
Councilman 1.cCall stated he believed the Board of Supervisors would not overlook the
City of Alameda in its survey, as the Committee represents the County and takes in
all communities.
President Board of
Kranelly thereupon instructed the City Manager to write to the B
Supervisors, indicating the City Council's approval of its action and willingness to
cooperaLe - and also, to inquire if the City of Alameda has representation on the
si From erom Mr. Paul R. Cowles, requesting the Council to rescind its former action in
adopting the resolution concerning the creation of a Transit District.
The communication was referred to the file on the subject.
7 From Alameda County Admission Day Celebration Committee, signed by Mr. Ilichard
F. McCarthy, with regard to the official celebration of Admission Day, to be held in
Fresno on September 7, 8 and 9, 1956, - and requesting the Council to consider making
an appropriation of "1;100. to assist in defraying the costs.
President Kranelly stated Mr. McCarthy had approached him recently on this matter,
while in attendance at the County 'air at Pleasanton, and he had informed Mr. McCarthy
at that time the City could not appropriate funds for such purpose but that it could
be referred to the Alameda Chamber of Commerce with instructions that it be given
favorable consider ation.
Councilman Moresj stated she felt it should be referred to the Ch amber of Commerce,
but without any recommendation as to its action.
Councilman Hove moved the letter be referred to the Chamber of Commerce. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Moresi.
Speaking on the question, Councilman McCall pointed out this request has been received
for the past three years and the Council has felt there is not v100. worth of publi-
city In the parade--if such a celebration were to be held in Alameda, then it would
be a different situation.
The question was then put and the motion carried unanimously. The City 1,1anager was
requested to ,'rite to the Chamber on this matter.
S. From Orrick, D ahlquist, Herrington 'c Sutcliffe, Counseiors and Attorneys at
Law, certifying that it has examined a certified copy of the record of the pro-
ceedings relative to the issue of $350,000.City of Alameda 1956 ilunicl pal Improve-
ment Bonds, Series A, and submitting its Preliminary Opinion that such proceedings
show lawful authority for said issue.
The communication was noted and ordered filed.
From 17est Alameda Business Associ ation, :orotestin aainst the proposed rezoning
of property of Alameda Bayside Development Corp., located south of Central Avenue,
roughly between Third and Fourth Streets, until such time as some developer contem-
plates improvement of that area and requests reclassification from the "C" and "D"
Districts to the ",_" and "B" Districts
Councilman Moresi said she felt that possibly, from the article in the newspaper,
the people are not aware of the letter from Mr. O'Driscoll that informed the City
the development of its property is a closed issue. She suggested it might be well
to send a copy of the letter in question to the Association.
Councilman Haag stated there is no definite report from Mr. O'Driscoll yet. He
quoted from the letter to the effect that Mr. C'Driscoll had not been officially
notified and he recommended that the City Manager write to Congressman Miller and
ascertain if the Certificate of Necessity had or had not been denied.
Upon request, lir. Proerer stated that from information which the American Municipal
Association had received, the development of this property had been definitely
Councilman McCall stated he thought the approach of the West Alameda Business
Association was in order - it would be better to wait until the need justified a
certain reclassification. He asked what the Master Plan shows for this area.
Mr. Ailliams, Planning Director, stated the Outline lqaster Plan indicates the area
south of Central Avenue in a "low-medium to medium density" multiple family district -
which is the closest equivalent to what would still be permitted under the "B"
It was determined that a con of the letter from Mr. O'Driscoll would be sent to the
members of the West Alameda Business Association and that the City Nanager would
contact Congressman Niller with regard to the present status of the Certificate of
Necessity in connection with the proposed development on this property.
The matter was referred to the file, pending action by the Planning Board.
At this point, President Kranelly stated that, if there were no objections, the
order of business would be re'erred back to "Opening of Bids".
10. v/
Three bids were received and read for the Sale of „-350,000. Principal Amount of
"City of Alameda 1956 Municipal Improvement Bonds, Series A," as follows:
From Bank of America - - - - 2.50%
Accompanied by cashier's check in amount of - 42,000.00
From Kaiser & Co. 2.50%
Accompanied by cashier's check in amount of v2,000.00
From American Trust Company 2.25%
Accompanied by cashier's check in amount of
The bids were referred to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer for their
immediate perusal and recommendation later in the meeting.
The order of business then continued under "Written Communications".
11. From Utah Construction Company, calling the Council's attention to the fact
that its bid submitted at this meeting is a departure from its normal bidding pro-
cedure, i. e ., a unit price per cubic yard for fill measured in the cut - rather
than fill measured in place, as per the specifications.
The communication was referred to the file on the subject.
12. Mr. Frank Gottstein questioned the new procedure of not reading communications
in full at the Council Meetings. He felt people have the right to have their letters
read when they write to the Council. He suggested the letters be posted in the
Council Chamber in order that those interested may read them.
President Kranelly stated the Council plans to post all letters on a bulletin
board, plus furnishing extra copies for those interested. He felt, however, it is
not the intent of every person who writes a letter to have it read publicly - it is
just to bring matters before the Council for action. He explained that when the
City Attorney issued his ruling that letters would not have to be read in full when
copies had gone out to the individual Councilmen, he also recommended that such
letters be posted in the Council Chamber.
13. Mr. Gottstein also spoke of sinking in mud about one foot deep wilen going swimming
along the south shore - which condition is the result of fill activities and he thought
it is going to be very bad if the fill at Washington Park is going to create the same
condition there. He deplored the loss of the sandy beaches.
President Kranelly said he understood that neither the fill job nor the 20 to 1 slope
beach is complete yet and when they are finished the 20 to 1 slope beach will be in
14. Councilman McCall snoke of the channel along Bay Farm Island and expressed the
hope that it is going tobe opened up and made deep enough so full utilization can
be made of it all the way through to San Leandro Bay. He said he hoped Utah
Construction Company would give this matter attention.
15. Mr. Charles Travers of Utah Construction Company addressed the Council with
respect to the Planning Board's recent action in approving the lagoon system for
its development. qe said he understood the Gotaas renort is now in the hands of
the Council and he deeply appreciates the need of time for study. He said his
Company is prepared to offer the services of its engineering staff and, consistent
with whatever time the Council needs for its discussion of the matter, the Company
would appreciate any speed or haste as far as possible. He pointed out it is urgent
for the Company to know what the Council's decision is going to be as it is now
taking calculated risks in making decisions from day to day.
President Kranelly stated the Council has just received the Gotaas Report and it
has not yet had time to sit down and give it definite study and discussion. He said
that, at the moment, the Council is contemplating setting up a meeting with t he
Planning Board for just such purpose and he hoped it would not be too long before
the Council is able to reach a decision.
16. From the City Manager, submitting a report from the Alameda Library Board con-
cerning Federal financial aid available for expansion of library service. It was
indicated that Federal matching grants would benefit only communities of less than
10,000 population.
The information was noted and. the report ordered filed.
17. From Public Utilities Board, submitting a cony of a letter from emnloyees who
are members of Local 1245, I. B. E. VJ., recommending the City contract with the Sate
to affiliate with the State Retirement System.
The matter was referred to the budget file.
18. From the City Manager, reporting on his review of license rates for peddling
foodstuffs and other merchandise. It was suggested that consideration might be
given to changing the rates for peddling as follows: w15 per quarter for each
person employed in the business of peddling foodstuffs and 35. per quarter for
each person employed in the business of peddling any other merchandise. It was
indicated that the Cities of Berkeley- and San Leandro charge 0_5. for peddling both
foodstuffs and other merchandise and the City of Oakland charges 4i15. for foodstuffs
and ';,20. for other merchandise.
Under the new license ordinance recently adopted by the Council, the rates for
peddling in Alameda had been increased to 35. per quarter per person.
Councilman Haag said he thought it had been understood that foodstuffs and other
merchandise should be put in the same category - there should be no difference in
the rate - if there is to be a reduction for one, it should be for both. He pointed
out that the Council had followed the license rate of the City of 9erkeley and yet,
in this category, Alameda is considerably higher.
Councilman McCall stated that, so long as the rates are much higher than in Oakland,
the City of Alameda should drop them down to 8l5. to be comparable - but the thought
had been that salesmen who might be affecting the business of local merchants were
to pay more for their licenses. He said he concurred with Councilman Haag and would
ao-ree that all peddlers should pay -15.
President Kranelly agreed the object in mind had been that outside reddlers would
pay a higher rate than the local merchants.
The City Attorney asked if it is the Council's desire to have the license lee set
at 15. per quarter per person straight across the board for peddlers and solicitors.
It was so ordered, and the ordinance which had been prepared was referred back to
the City Attorney for revision accordingly.
19. From the City Manager, „,ubmitting the Report from Mr. Harold B. Gotaas, Con-
sulting Civil and Sanitary Engineer, on the proposed lagoon system for the develop-
ment along the South Shore.
The Report was referred to the Committee of the Whole.
20. From the City Auditor, requesting the Council's permission to reduce the
possessory interest assessed value for Hunt Foods Inc. on the goods in storage at
a warehouse it is leasing frorn the Government - from ,p19,000, to il;9,500. - and to
refund the sum of 1;206.15 to this firm.
Councilman la)resi moved the Council grant permission to the City Auditor to make
the reduction in assessment and to refund the sum of (206.15, as requested. The
motion was seconded by Councilman :IcCall and on roll call carried by the folloTing
vote. Ayes : Five. Noes None. Absent: None.
21. A memorandum from Gene Farilwaechter, Director of Recreation and Physical
Education, addressed to the City manager, giving notification that his office has
received a Certificate of Merit, avarded by 'rational Snorts Festival Inc., to the
City in "recognition of its outstanding sports and recreation program fulfilling
the goals of the Fourth Annual National Sports Festival.
President Kranelly stated the Council commends NIr. Saalwaechter and his Department
for having earned this Certificate and then ordered the memorandum filed.
22. From the City Planning Board, with reference to the Gotaas Report on the lagoon
system - and requesting a joint meeting be set up between the Council, the Board,
Mr. Gotaas and Mr. James M. Campbell, Planning Consultant, for a definite discussion
of all details and aspects of the lagoon system as it affects the design of the
entire development along the South Shore.
After some discussion, it was determined to hold the requested meeting on Thursday
evening, August 9, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock in the Council Chamber, and the City
Manager was asked to contact the several parties involved to confirm the date of
23/ From the Bureau of Licenses, informing the Council it has ruled to deny the
request of the Chamber of Commerce to waive license fees for its carnival, as
requested in its letter of July 3, 1956, which was read at the last meeting of the
Councilman Moresi asked the reasons for the denial and the City Attorney explained
there is no provision in the Code for power to waive such license fees.
Councilman McCall stated the Aeolian, Encinal and uarina Yacht Clubs, the Water
Skiers Association and Alameda Boat Club are taking part in the water carnival being
planned. He said the Committee is working very hard and is having quite a difficult
time in getting sponsors to sign up for the booths and he understood there might
be a deficit of about 82,600. if it does not have more success in this respect.
He felt that if there is anything the City of Alameda can do to help the Committee
make a success of the proposed carnival, the Council should take such action. He
pointed out the Naval Air Station has consented to make available its lagoon for
the water activities, which has never been done before.
President Kranelly stated he, personally, felt there is nothing the City can do in
a financial sense.
Councilman Haag remarked that in San Francisco there is a Convention and Tourist
Bureau which handles such matters and he had offered to take some member of the
Chamber of Commerce over and introduce him to a certain gentleman there who could
probably help him sign Up some sponsors. He said his offer still stands.
24. From the Advisory Golf Commission, signed by Mr. Elliot Peterson, Secretary,
recommending that the first nine holes of the New Golf Course be opened to the
public for play on September 1, 1956.
Councilman McCall stated he thoroughly agreed with the recommendation of the Advisory
Golf Commission and thereupon moved that it be accepted and the new nine holes be
opened for play on September 1, 1955. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag
and unanimously carried.
President Kranelly mentioned that he had toured the new nine holes and he concurred
with the recommendation of the Commission.
25. At this point, the City Tanager stated he and the City Engineer had reviewed
the bid submitted by Utah Construction Company for Constructing Hydraulic Fill at
Washington Park. He recommended contract be awarded to Utah for this project at the
following prices: 1 - (130,250. for 500,000 cubic yards of fill: 2 - at the rate
of thirty cents per cubic yard for 550,000 cubic yards or a total of ':165,000.:
3 - a grand total of 8295,250.
Councilman Haag moved the City Manager s recommendation be adopted: that contract
be awarded to Utah Construction Company at the prices quoted. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Hove and on, roll call carried by the following vote.
Ay -: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
26. The City Manager stated the City Attorney, City Enp.ineer and he had reviewed
the bids received on the sale of City of Alameda 1956 Municipal Improvement Bonds,
Series A. He recommended the sale of 4350,000. principal amount of bonds at the
net interest cost of 2.249429 per cent, be awarded to American Trust Company.
Councilman Hove moved the City Manager's recommendation be approved; that sale of
the specified bonds be made to American Trust Company and the bid checks be returned
to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on
roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
The matter was then referred to "Resolutions".
27. Councilman Moresi introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under nrovision of lay, and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending Title XVIII, Chapter 6, of the
Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Thereto Section 13-518,
Relating to Refusal to Pay Fare for Taxicab or Automo-
bile for Hire."
28. Councilman Haag introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance 7o.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending Title XVII, Chapter 4, of the
Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Thereto Article 5,
Sections 17-451, 17-452 and 17-453, Relating to
Yield Ri)ht_of_ray Traffic Si;rns."
Councilman. Mores inquired hey, plans are progressing on the new Subdivision
Ordinance and also the Zoning Ordinance.
In response to Councilman Toresi question, Mr. 7illiaols said Mr. C-,rpbell has the
responsibility of preparing the ordinance under the terms of his contract. He
pointed out the third draft of the ordinance should reflect all s uggestions of the
Board and Planning Department, which have grown out of the four or five v'ork sessions.
With regard to the Zoning Ordinance, he said they are well into - th.ey are devel-
oping classifications and the nomenclature of land use - it Is now in 'The hands of
the technical personnel, both of Ur. Campbell's office and the City staff.
31. The matter was called up concerning the appointment of another Cit-,), representa-
tive to serve on the Board of Directors of the Shoreline Planning Association of
California, Incorporated, to replace Judge J. P. Clark, who served when he was City
Mr. Froerer stated it is quite important that the City Attorney serve in this
capacity, and he would so recommend.
Councilman Ivioresi moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted, and Mr. Frank
Annibale, City Attorney, be appointed as one of the City's representatives on the
Board of Directors of this organization. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall
and unanimously carried.
29. Councilman McCall introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain
Real Property Known as Encinal Project, Cal-4113."
Mr. Williams stated the Subdivision Ordinance is in the second draft - the Planning
Board has worked on it during at least four sessions - it is a complete overhaul of
the present Ordinance No. 700, New Series. He said detailed engineering aspects
are being taken up with the City Engineer because they are being worked into the
ordinance. He felt it should possibly be suitable for adoption by the Board at its
meeting on August 15. He stated that, unfortunately, Mr. Campbell has been down
south and they have not been able to do any work for the past week or ter days.
32. The following resolution was introduced b Councilman McCall, who moved its
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded b- Councilman Haag and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes : Five. Noes None. Absent: None.
33. The follow]: 7, resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its
"T3esolution No, 5415
Transferring S30,000, from the Cash Basis Fund to the
Library Fund."
Resolution No. 5415
Authorizing Execution of Agreement Between City of
Alameda and Girl Scouts of the United States of America,
Relative to Construction and Maintenance of Boating
Facilities on Land at North End of Oak Street."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
34. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5417
Appropriating and Authorizing Payment of Money for
Satisfaction of Judgment, and Other Incidental
Expenses, in Condemnation Proceedings Against Certain
Real Property for Public Off-Street 7arlcing Purposes.
The motion to adt,„t said resolution was seconded b7 Councilman Moresi and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes Five. Noes None. Absent: None.
35. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi who moved its
"Resolution No. 5418
Authorizing Amendment of Agreement Bet,ieen State of
California and City of Alameda Dated November 15,
1955, Relating to Poliomyelitis Vaccine Program."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
36. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5419
Directing the City Attorney to Intervene on Behalf
of Complainants, Encinal Terminals, et al., in That
Certain matter Before the Federal Maritime Board
Entitled, rEncinal Terminals, et al., ITs. Pacific
Westbound Conference, Docket No. 790', Relating to
Discriminatory Action Against City of Alameda Ports."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
37. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag„, who moved it
"Resolution No. 5420
Appointing Three Assesment Commissioners for Reclamation
District No. 2037 and Terminating the Appointments
Contained in Resolution No. 5213."(Prescott J. Kendall,
Myron B. Dowd and Vaughn H. Clearman)
Councilman Hove asked if it is the City Attorney's recommendation that these three
Commissioners be appointed. Mr. Annibale replied that it is incumbent upon the
Council to do so.
Councilman Hove stated it is on the specific recommendation of the City Attorney that
he would second the motion for the adoption of this resolution. On roll call the
motion carried by the following vote. Ayes: 7-live. Noes: None, Absent: None.
38. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its
Resolution No. 5421
Selling City of Alameda 1956 Municipal Improvement
Bonds, Series A."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. 7o s: None. Absent: None.
39. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi who moved its
"Resolution No. 5422
Appointing Commissioners of the Housing Authority of
the City of Alameda." (T. A. Greig and George B. Johnson)
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman iacCall and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes; Yone, Absent: None.
40. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5423
Authorizing Execution of Lease Between Alameda Belt
Line, Lessor, and City of Alameda, Lessee, of Real
Property Required for Proposed Transfer of Encinal
Project to the City of Alameda (Cal-4113)."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Nang and on ±o11 d 11
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
41. The fol1ouin oso1ution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved
"Resolution No. 5424
Resolution of the City of Alameda Agreeing to Retain
400 Dwelling Units of Encinal Project, Cal-4113,
Available for Occupancy for a Period of 3 'ears
Following Relinquishment of Title of Encinal Project
to City of Alameda by Public Housing Administration
of United States of America."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes; Five. Noes: None. Absent: None,
President Kranelly thereupon declared all of the foregoing resolutions duly adopted
and passed.
42. "Ordinance No. 1188,
New Series
An Ordinance Amending Section 13-1915 of Part 7, Title XTIT,
Chapter 1, of the Alemeda Municipal Code, Relating to
Business Licenses and Business License -Pees for Circus,
Carnivals, Fairs, Etc."
Councilman Hove moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Moresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Five.
Nos: None. Absent: None.
"Ordinance No. 1189,
New Series
An Ordinance of the Citr of Alameda Imposing a License
Tax for the Privilege of Selling Tangible Personal
Property at Retail, Providing for Permits to Retailers,
Providing for the Collecting and Paying of Such Tax,
Prescribing Penalties for Violations of the Provisions
Thereof; Repealing the Suspended Provisions of Ordinances
Nos. c'95, N.S.; 1042, N.S.; 1090, N.S.; 1093, N.S. 1101,
N.S. and 1160, N.S., as Such Suspended Ordinances Are
Referred to in Ordinance No. 1183, N.S., Relating to
Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax, and Inserting This
Ordinance in the Place and Stead of Suspended Ordinances Nos
995 N.S. ; 1042, N.S.; 1090, 1093, 1101, 7.3.,
and 1160, N.S."
Councilman Moresi moved the ordinance he adopted as read. The motion was seconded by
Councilman FcCall and on roll call carried by the following vote. Po'es: Five.
!Noes: None. Absent: None.
44. "Ordinance No. 1190,
New Series
An Ordinance of the Ci.ty of Alameda Imposing an Excise
Tax on Storage, Use, or Other Consumption of Tangible
Personal Pro-ortv: Repealing the Suspended Provisions of
Ordinances -Tos. 996. N.S.; 1042, N.S.: 1090, 7.S.: 1003,
I101, N.S.; and 1160, N.9., as Such Suspended Ordinances are
Referred to in Ordinance No. 1163, J.S., Relating to
Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax, and Inserting This
Ordinance in the Place and Stead of Suspended Ordinances
Nos. 996, U.S.; 1042, N.S.. 1090, N.S.: 1093, N.S.;
1101, N.S., and 1160,
Councilman McCall moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five.
Noes: None. Absent: /lone.
"Ordinance No. 1191,
New Series
An Ordinance Authorizing the Exchange of Real Property."
(Lee - Bay Farm Island)
Councilman Hove moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman vioresi and on roll call carried by the follA,ding vote. Ayes: Five.
Noes: None. Absent: None.
46. Agreement
47. Agreement
- Between City of Alameda and Girl Scouts of the United States of
America, Alameda Council, Inc. - for Boating Facilities.
- Between City of Alameda and State Department of Public Health
re Amendment to Contract for AdmThistration of Poliomyelitis
Vaccine Program.
48. Lease - Between City of Alameda and Alameda Belt Line - re Property
Required for Transfer of Encinal Project.
49. There being no further business to come before the meeting - the Council
adjourned - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, August 7, 1956,
at 7:30 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,