1956-09-18 Regular CC Minutes489 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FIELD TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1956 The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock P. N. with President Kranelly presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Councilman Noresi and the Reverend Robert Hakes of Calvary Baptist Church then delivered a most inspirational Invocation. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen. i ,ag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President Kranelly, (5), were noted present. Absent: None, MINUTES: 1. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 4, 1956, were approved as tr nscribed. pENI NO- OF BID V 2. Bids were opened and read for the furnishin,; oP False Arrest Insurance, in accordance with Specifications No. MS 9-56-23, as follows: From A. A. Wondolleck Co. - Lloyds of London From Rodman & Hoepner Lloyds of London Philip Antrobus, Inc., Underwriter From Rodman & Hoepner - Lloyds of London Rathbone, Kind 2c Seeley, Underwriters From R. C. Fischer Fc Co. Lloyds of London From Jesse L. ?,c Peter W. Delanoy Lloyds of London From Arthur F. Strehlow Swett ,c,r Crawford, Underwriters From Ader Mathebat - - - Lloyds of London Uatson Surnlus Lines A-ency. From R. A. Avndolleck Co. Andrew ':feir, Underwriter The bids were referred to the City Manager eflor his review and renort. V1 14ITTEN C OMMUI\'. I Ci T C'sTS From Annew Realty Company and the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, under separate letters dated August 27 and Au;ust 2P, 1956, respectively, inquirin; if some plan could be worked out whereby certain businessmen could rent stalls by the month in the Park -,.venue Parking Lou. Inc., Underwriters President Kranelly remarked a lettor had been received from the Off-Street Parking Committee recorm„endine; against the adoption of such a plan. He also observed the City Manager had received a ruling from the City A,torney that it \fdould be legal to institute this plan, if it were so desired. Councilman Haag pointed out the parking places are being installed for the conveni- ence of the shopping public - not for the businessmen. The Cit has gone to a great deal of expense in establishing these parking lots and he felt that, until such time as the Council ascertains how they are working out, no suggestion or demard the Council has received for monthly rentals should be recognized. He said that, after six months' experience, the Council mirht then want to revievi the situation. Councilman Hove then moved the Council followthe recommendation of the Off-Street Parking Committee and deny the requests ,Thr monthly parking rentals. The motion was seconded by Go fl( Iorpsi Councilman Hove indicated his agreement and "le motion as amended accordingly. The question was then put and unanimously carried. From Fernhoff and wolf°, Attorneys aF Lav4 represen-ing Mr. T,Iomas 2. bood, reduesting the abandonment of all ;hat portion of idarket Street lyin southwest of Fillmore Street, including the portion of said street southwest of Otis Drive. It Speaking on the question, Councilman Haag asked Councilman Hove to amend his motion. to the effect that the Council would review the conditions six months after the in- stallation of the parking lots. was stated the portion of Market Street sought to be abandoned is under water and the abandonment thereof will facilitate the establishment of an assessment district for the general improvement of the area. Upon request, Dlr. rroerer stated it ,fould be his suu7estion this ratter be reviewed by virtue of the fact of the proposed change of location of certain rights-of-way for the Bay Farm Island Bridge approaches which might be needed. He felt the rights-of-way should be firmly determined before any action on this matter is taken. The matter was referred to the City Manager f or investigation. 5. From Mr. Paul R. Cowles, enclosing conies of letters to the hoard of Su)ervisors of Alameda County with regard to the Transit District. The communication was ordered filed. ,V 0. From the Board of mrusfep s of ]ecla-lation District No. 2087, enclosing its resolutions approving certain est-mates and reenesting the Council to approve Demand Warrants -Ms. 29, 30, 31 and 33, in the respective amounts of 1)15,1.46; 100,000; v100,000. and ,-11,943.49. The matter was referred to "Resolutions". 7. From Alameda Aerie ro. 1076, Fraternal Order of Eaeles, signed by Dr. 2almer A. Fall7ren, Chairman, requestin- permission to use the facilities of Lincoln and and Ifashington Parks for the Purpose or ccnductIng a City-wide Horseshoe ?itching Tournament. The Tournament will begin on or about October 15, 1956, and an entry fee of y2 will be charged - v1.00 of which will be donated to the Damon liunyon Cancer Fund and the remainder to be used to buy trolehies and nay ether necessary expenses. President Kranelly asked the City Attorney if it would be permissible for this organization to charge an entry fee. Mr. ,-innibale replied he would be inclined to say, "Yes", but he would like to have time to check into the matter more definitely. President Kranelly mentioned the Council plans to meet in adjourned reular session on Tuesday, September 25, and if action were taken on this request at that meetin, the organization would still have time to make its plans for the Tournament. Therefore, the matter was referred to the City Attorney with instructions that his ruling be presented to the Council at the afore -ertioned meeting. ORAL COMUUNICATICqS: 8. Mr. Frank Gottsteir thanked the City Vana7er :or havin-, written to the raraFor of the Letronolitan Oakland International Airport requestin- that the aeroplanes particir)atin7 in the Air Show not fly over the Cit. He said the people of Alameda were glad to read the article in the naner. President Kranelly assured lir. Clottsteln the Cornell felt the same way and Mr. Froerer had received re-plies from both Mr. Martin and Mr. '7rot, hanarrs of the Oakland Airport and the Port of Oak-Jar-1d, resnectively. Charles m. Travers addressed the Council with reg:ard to the 1'711 project of Utah Construction Copany. He referred to the recent discussions had concerninF; the establishment of minimum standards for the waterway widths in the proposed lar;oon system. He recalled thar the Council had asked to receive conies of the report of Mr. C. A. Chaney, Merine Consultant, and he regretted the fact that the report is not yet available. He referred to the serious delays and harassments in the opera- Lions and stated the Company feels the situation has been forced upon it by a small minority roux along the south shore which is still agressively carrying on its campaign. He said he appreciates the position in which this places the Council and he realizes the Council must have the requested report in writin2; before taking action. He pointed out no work has been done on the lagoons since August 16, which will mean that some of the excavation work will probably have to be dcne under inclement weather conditions. Mr. Travers assured the Council that just as soon as the Chaney Report is received, copies will be forwarded to the City Officials and he expressed the hope prompt action would be taken upon it and that it will nave the way to a solu'ion of the problems. He said if this does not hannen very soon the course of nrocedure will have to be chancTed. President Kranelly stated the Counc il is ccomizant of TT'ah Is posi tion. The Council has before it the recommendation of the Planning Board concerning the lagoon widths. The Council received a report from Prof. Gotaas, Consulting Givil and Sanitary Engineer, which answered one phase of the nroblem. As soon as the Chaney heport is received, the Council will have further information on the subject. He pointed out the Council is not being influenced one way or another by any group. It wants only +HI the fcts, and as soon as they are before the Council, a decision will be rendered. In response to Councilman Hove's question, Mr. Travers replied. that he has been hoping to receive Mr. Chaney's renor; momentarily. Councilman McCall asked about the develohment of the proposed Shopping Center and why that parti,cular imProvement could not proceed. Mr. Travers stated Utah is pro- ceeding with all possible haste in working out the engineering details in connection with the Shopping Center - even thmIsh there may be no outward appearance of acti- vity. He remarked that a request will have to be made for the rezoning of that area, even though it is already outlined in the Master Plan. as the proper district to take care of this type of development. President Kranelly referred to the meeting proposed to be held next Tuesday evening and stated that possibly some action could be taken at that time. HEARINGS. 10. The matter was called up concerning the request from the City of Alameda for the Amendment of Diagram and Assessment of Parcel known as Nos. 122 and 123 in the Bay Farm Island Assessment District, Project No. 1, to be subdivided into two parcels to be known as Nos. 90-22 and 121. The Clerk stated the City Engineer's Report on this requested Amendment was on file, as well as the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Hearing on the matter, which had been published twice, as required by law. No protests had been filed. Councilman Moresi moved the request be granted and that certain . parcel as desig- nated be divided. into two parcels to be known as Nos. 90-22 and. 121 of the By Farm Island Assessment District, Project No, 1. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and unanimously carried. 11. The matter was presented concerning the abatement of a public nuisance - the dilapidated building known as 2316 Lincoln. Avenue. r. An-libale stated he had been inCorned by Mr. JairieE ,:rummer, Chief of Lhe InspecLions Division, Ghat, in compliance with the "Notice to 1-Lbate Nuisance" the building in question has been rased. He would sugest, therefore, Lhe matter be dropped from the agenda. Councilman McCall moved the proceedings in this matter be cancelled and the case he withdrawn frol, the as-,enda. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and unani- mously carried. 12. The mat'er was submitted concern the Tentative Nap of Tract 1To. 1211, a Subdivision Du;nv south of CLis 'rive at High S reet, Proposed to be developed by Mr. Michael 'Tester. Mr. Annibale stated it has been requested. that this ratter again be continued to the sieetiru of October 2 - and if, at that time, certalnedata is not yet ready, the matter be automatically continued to lge meeting of October 16. He said the figures have not yet been sufficiently completed. to allow further consideration at this time, It was brought out the Hearing on this matter has been continued from time to time. The City Planning Board's recommendation to disapprove the Tentative an had been first presented to the Council at its meeting held July 3, 1956. Mr. °roerer explained the delay has been occasioned by Mr. desterts attorneys. Ile said the figures on the improvement of land were received and there is a great dis- parity between those figures and the estimates made by the City Engineering Department. Councilman Moresi said she had understood there was to have been. an appraiser hired both by the City and by Mr. Hester to obtain a fair evaluation of the property. Mr. Froerer felt this would have to be done but they had been trying to reach some reasonable agreement with regard to the figures of each. The discrepancy between the figures is the difference between 425,000. and 468,000. as estimated by the City and Mr. Hester, respectively. Councilman Hove asked if the City would Tose any money by this delay and the City Manager replied it was not probable. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: 13. From the City Manager, submitting a request from. Mr. '-eor7e L. Hosfield, on behalf of his wife who has been handicapped by polio, fOr a reserved space in the Park Avenue Parking lot which will be adjacent to the rear of her place of business. It was felt this case is definitely an exception. to the rule and something should be worked out for Mrs. Hosfield's benefit. Councilman Have suggested the problem be turned over to the City Manager with the ,recommendation the situation be worked out to aid Mrs. Hosfield. It was so ordered. V/ 14. From the City Manager, recommendin7 Lt. Joseph Bertrand be authorized to attend the Governor's Traffic Safety Conference, to be held in Sacramento, October 3, 4 and 5, 1956 - that %P75 he appronria ed 'or this nurpose and permission be granted for use of a City car :ror his transportation. 'Councilman Haag roved the City Manager's recorTnendation be adopted; that Lt. Ber- trand be authorized to attend the Conference in question, s,75. be anpropriated for his expenses and he be allowed to use a City car for transportation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. v 13. From the City 1,an3ger, recommending two Playground Di ectors be authorized to attend the ,orthern California 'i.outh CLnference, to be held at Asilomar, October 5, 6 and 7, 1056 - that q30. be appropriated for this purpose and permission be granted to use the City Carryall and a second car for the transportation of approximately 21 youth dele;ates. Councilman Hove ..Joved the City Manager's recommendation be approved; that two Play- ;round Directors be authorized to attend the designated Conference, 3O. be appropriated for this purpose and they be allowed to use two City cars for transpor- tation. The motion was seconded by Councilman :moresi and on roll call carried by the following,: vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 16. From the Advisory n ealth Board, signed by Dr. E. S. Ashuckian, Chairman, sub- mitting the following recomriendation: "...that governors be installed on owned ambulances as a safety measure for the reasons set 'orth in Dr. Brady's letter to the Advisory i-ealth Board, dated Sen4ember 11, 1956, and the governors be set at a maximum speed to be Predetermined by the Police Chief". There was sole discussion as to the Proonr speed to be set - Councilmen Moresi and AcCall stattn- they would not be In favor of a snned or only 30 miles ner h-ur. The matter was referred to the Chief of Police for his report to the Council as to the speed to be established. 17. From the City Manager, recoml ending contract be awarded to Mr. Bryson rJ. Flegal, dba Yellow Jacket Sports Shop, the only bidder, for furnishing certain Athletic Supplies and Equipment fcr the llecreation Department during the current fiscal year, at the price of ,,d4,335.30. Councilman Haag commented there are several items on the LTecifications which Yellow Jacket cannot supply - he asked if they will be resubmitted for bids. Mr. Froerer replied the City would invite quotations from as large a -,roup of sports shops as possible. Councilman Moresi stared it is always unfortunate when there is only one bid received - and the Council should not have to proceed when such is the case. She thought a letter should be sent to each of the firms who deal in this type of supplies and equipment asking why they did not submit a bid. Councilman Haag felt it is incumbent wpon the Purchasing Department to follow up on all companies concerned in any given call for bids, in the tnter-st of buying mer- chandise at the least nossible cost to the City. President Kranelly asked the City Attorney if thP Couneil could refuse to open the bid when only one has been submitted. Mr. Annibale answered, "No, the Council would have to open any bid received - but, of course, it has the right to reject any or all bids". Councilman Moresi 'hen moved the City Manage- 's recommendation be aonted that contract be awarded to Yelloe, Jacket Sports Shop for furnichin- the items snecified at the Price of cp4,335.30. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll call carried hy the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 19. From the City Attorney, requesting he be empowered to retain the law firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and lidallace as special legal counsel in the formation of an assessment district for street improvements for portions of the following streets : San Jose Avenue, Adams, iashington and Calhoun Streets. 18. From the City Manager, recormaending the improvements in Tract No. 1636 be accepted and that Mr. Heorge Hansen, the subdivider, be released from his bond. This is the subdivision lying south of Central Avenue and East of Fernside Boulevard. Councilman Haag moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that the improvements in Tract No. 1636 be accepted and Mr. Hansen be released from his bond. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. Councilman Haag inquired why it is necessary to employ special legal counsel. The City Attorney replied tho ovincipal reason is for the sale of the necessary bonds in connection with the Assessment District. In response to a question as to what type of improvements will be made, the City Manager stated there will be the construction of some curbs and gutters, the installation of some s,,reet lights and, of course, paving in all instances. Councilman Hove moved the City Attorney's request be approved and he be authorized to retain the law firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wiallace as special legal counsel in this 'latter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Loresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: 'Cone. Absent: None. RESOLUTIONS. . 20. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its adoption: "Resolution. No. 5441 Cancelling City Taxes on Property Acquired by the State of California for 7ublic Purposes (South of , u „.• r,stuary, Between Webster Street and Tynan Avenue )•. The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded b Ayes: Councilman McCall and on roll • . Five. •••• call carried by the following vote. A Noes: None. Absent: None. • • • .• „... 21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman M cCall, who moved its „•„• adoption: „:„.•• • Resolution No. 5442 Approving VVarrants of Board of Trustees of . . . Reclamation. is tr No 2087” ict „••• The motion to adopt said resolution Noes seconded by 6ouncilman Haag and an roll •• call carried by the following vote. Ay es: Five. None. Absent: (/ 22. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its .-: ,•• adoption: • .• ,.• • "Resolution No. 5443 „...,• Prescribing the Form and Manner of the Electi on to •• ,••• Determine the Desire of the Employees of the City „• „.• of Alameda, Other than Local Firemen, Policemen .. • and Health. Department Employees, as to Their Participation in the State Employee Retirement -••• • • System of the State of California”. • .• , • ,•• ••• The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll • • Noes: None. Absent: . „.. call carrled by the following vote. Ayes: Five. „.• Hove, / . 23. The following resolution was introduced by Counilman who moved its •••• • adoption: .• No. 5444 • "Resolution ,.... Resolution of Intention to Approve Contract Pro- • ••• viding for 2articipation in State Employees' Retirement Svg em" -0 , • . • The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll call carried b\r the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes : None. Absent: -one. c 24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman, Moresi, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5445 Adopti :; 6pecifications, Special Provisions and Plans for Furnishing and Erecting Golf Clubhouse for the Municipal qolf Course, Calling for Bids ad Directing City Clerk to -dvertIse Same.” The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded b- Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by the rollowlnrr vote. Ayes: Five, Noes: None. Absent: None. 25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5445 Adopti , =)--pecifications for Furnishing to the City of Alameda Larking Meters for Off-Street Parking Lots, Calling for i3ids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was F.-eonded by Councilman HaaF and on roll call carried by the folloing vote. Ayes : Five. Noes : None. Absent: None. 2'. The following resolution was introduced by Counilman Haag, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 5447 Adopting Soecifications, ,Jpecial Nrovisions and Plans for Ditch Lining with jr-Blown nortar or Concrete at the iew Municipal Golf uourse, Calling for Bids and Directiu4 City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by uounoilan Hove a-d on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Fire. Noes: ione. Absent: Done. President Kranelly thereupon declared all of the foregoing resolutioris duly adopted and passed. ORDINANACES F R "DAMAGE: 27. "Ordinance No. 1197, New Series An Ordinance Fixing the 'ate and Levying a Tax on All Real and Fersonal 'Property in the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 1956-1957, and Apportion- ing the Same Among the Several Funds of the City". Councilman Hove moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman loresi and on roll call carried h the Pollowin,; vote. Ayes: Five. Noes None. Absent None. FITANG: 28. Financial Statement - 3ureau of Electricity, as of July 31, 1956 - Verified by George R. Hackleman & Co. 22. Soecifications, Lloecial Provisions and Plans Do. 33 9-56-23 - For Project of Erecting dol_ Clubhouse. 30. Specifications No, 1.1S 9-56-24 - For Furnishing Parking meters for Off-Street Parking Lots. 31. Soecifidations, Special Provisions and Plans No. J.); 9-56-21 - For Project of Ditch Lining at the New Municipal Golf Course. BILLS: 32. An itemized List of la pis against the City of Alameda and the Departnents thereof, in the total amount of ,,J01,532.70, was submitted to the Council at this meeting. The list was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown were correct. Councilman McCall moved the hills as i-e-i'zed in the List of ClaIns filed with the City Clerk on September 1P, 1956, and submitted to the Colmcil at this time, be allowed and paid. T,e motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by the following. vote. Ayes: Five. Noes : None. Absent: None. ADJCURNMENT: 33. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble in adjourned regular session on Tuesday evening, September 25, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock. Prior to dismissal, President Kranelly called up the audience and all stood for a moment of silence in respect to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Rourke. Respectfully submitted,