The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock P.M. with President Kranelly presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Councilman Moresi, followed by a most
inspirational Invocation delivered by the Reverend Carl R. March, Pastor of
Immanuel Lutheran Church.
The roll was called and Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President
Kranelly, (5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held November 13, 1956, were
approved as transcribed.
2. One bid was received and read from Southwest Sewer Tool Co., for furnishing
one Trailer-Mounted Sewer Rodding 1 +.chine, in accordance with Specifications and
Provisions therefor, No. MS 11- 56 -31, at the price of $4,433.52. The bid was
accompanied by a Cashier's check in the amount of $443.35.
3. Five bids were opened and read for Furnishing Paints, Varnishes, Thinners,
etcetera (excluding traffic paints and thinners), in accordance with Specifications
and Provisions therefor, No. MS 11- 56 -32, as follows:
From Alameda Paint and Wallpaper Co.
Accompanied by a check in amount of
From R. N. Nason & Co.
Accompanied by American Trust Co. M.O.
From Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company
Accompanied by a check in amount of
From W. P. Fuller & Co.
Accompanied by certified check in amount of
From James Paint Co.
Accompanied by cashier's check in amount of 100.00
4. Two bids were opened and read for the project of Furnishing and Erecting Chain
Link Fence Along Doolittle Drive for the New Municipal Golf Course on Bay Farm
Island, in accordance with Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans therefor,
No. PW 11- 57 -24, as follows:
From San Jose Steel Company, Inc. $1,397.76
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation 1,276.80
Accompanied by certified check in amount of - 250.00
The foregoing bids were referred to the City Manager for review and recommendation.
5. From Thor Realty Company of San Leandro, dated November 21, 1956, submitting a
report on the progress to date on its proposed South Shore Marina Development -
being a Yacht Harbor Program, encompassing 70 acres of tidelands lying south of the
property of Utah Construction Company, roughly between the westerly line of Washing-
ton Park and Grand Street, extended. It was stated a revised plan will be ready
for submission shortly after the first of the year.
President Kranelly requested the letter be acknowledged and that copies of it be
given to the Planning Board for its information.
6. From Miss Virginia Gohn, 1200 Bay Street, protesting against the dismissal of
Mrs. Wiley from the City Planning Board.
The communication was noted and ordered filed.
7V From Alameda Chamber of Commerce, in appreciation of the Council's consider-
ation of the request for arrow -type directional traffic signal lights _at the
intersection of Buena Vista Avenue and Park Street.
President Kranelly stated the communication will be referred to the file on the
subject and requested that a copy of Chief Doran's report on the matter be sent to
the Chamber.
8.` From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, submitting copy of a letter from
O'Driscoll Construction Corp., concerning disposition or development of its property
located south of Central Avenue in the west end of the City. It was stated a copy
had also been sent to the Alameda Real Estate Board. President Kranelly said he
assumed the Chamber is exerting every effort toward the sale and improvement of
this property.
Councilman Haag asked if the matter had been called to the attention of other
developers, as well as members of the Real Estate Board, and suggested the matter
be referred back to the Chamber with the recommendation it acquaint all builders
of the fact that the land is available for development.
9`. From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, with regard to the Navy's interest in
expanding the Naval Air Station Housing Project into the property immediately
north therefrom.
The Clerk stated she had received four telegrams during the afternoon pertaining
to this matter - from the following: K. E. Zigelhofer, 1522 High Street;
A. H. Bicknell, 3255 Fernside Boulevard; Arthur D. Ramsey, 2890 Clay Street and
Louis B. Groper, 1503 Webster Street. The messages were to the effect that the
Council make a thorough investigation and give serious consideration to the "so-
called Navy land grab before taking any action.
President Kranelly stated this matter came to public notice just recently and he
asked the City Manager to report on the subject. Mr. Froerer explained this
"interest" came to the attention of the Planning Department when inquiry was made
by a firm.of architects in San Francisco with regard to the zoning and land use of
the area in question. It was stated the Navy was interested in developing this
forty -six acres. Immediately thereafter, he contacted. Congressman Miller and
invited his attention to the situation and asked if he would secure factual inform-
ation as to just what the cirecumstances are. He had received a letter from
Congressman Miller a few days ago in which it was stated he had not yet ascertained
any definite information, but he would let the City know just as soon as possible.
Mr. Froerer stated he had no definite further information.
Councilman Haag suggested letters be sent to both of the State Senators, apprising
them of the situation. He said this would be another forty -six acres which would be
taken off the tax rolls - and he pointed out that, not too long ago, the Navy had
informed Alameda Bayside Construction Corp. there was no need for additional Navy
Housing. He said he would like to have the fact emphasized that the Navy refused
the certification of need for housing - because he was afraid there might be some
warehouses contemplated for this area.
Councilman Moresi asked if the City had contacted the Twelfth Naval District - to
which question Mr. Froerer replied it had been contacted and the matter was denied.
The City Manager was requested to write letters to the State Senators and to the
Twelfth Naval District and, pending receipt of further information, the matter was
referred to the Committee of the Whole.
10. From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, requesting the Council to give further
attention to the matter of installing decorative flower baskets on Alameda streets,
which could be suspended from electric light poles and which would, in the opinion
of the Board of Directors, add materially to the beauty of Alameda business streets.
President Kranelly pointed out the Council is already giving consideration to the
matter, with respect to ascertaining the maintenance costs. In response to the
question as to when this information might be available, Mr. Froerer answered the
report is in the process of being prepared. The letter was thereupon referred to the
file on the subject.
11. From the California Conference of Machinists, submitting copy of its resolution
concerning the disgraceful condition of water pollution on the shoreline of the City
of Emeryville, calling for action to stop such pollution and requesting the Council
of the City of Alameda to support the resolution.
President Kranelly stated all members of the Council are thoroughly in accord with
the request. Councilman Moresi stated she thought the City had already adopted a
similar resolution, which Councilman McCall corroborated and he also pointed out the
City has made a presentation before the Water Pollution Control Board.
The City Manager was instructed to so inform the California Conference of Machinists
and to send a copy of the resolution previously adopted by the Council. The communi-
cation was then ordered filed.
12. From Alameda Realty, signed by Lowell H. Duggan, requesting a time extension of
one year in which to complete certain improvements in Tract No. 1289, as set forth
in the Agreement, dated October 28', 1955, between the City of Alameda and Lowell H.
and Janet A. Duggan.
Upon request, Mr. Froerer stated practically all improvements have been installed,
with the exception of certain sidewalks and street lights - and if the subdivider.
desires additional time-, it should be granted to him.
Mr. Duggan stated this is merely a technical procedure - it is just a matter of
completing some minor items and since the Agreement was for the period of one year,
this officially extends the time to allow completion. He stated the work will be
finished in a much shorter period of time.
Mr. Annibale recommended the motion be such as to "modify the Agreement" in this
Councilman Hove thereupon moved the request of Mr. Duggan be granted and the Agree-
ment in question be modified to extend the time limit for one year. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Moresi and unanimously carried.
13`. At this time, two sets of Petitions were presented, consisting of several
sections each. One set, signed by 194 residents, "urgently requested the Council to
pass a resolution to 'SELL NOT MORE' than forty per cent of the Washington Park Fill
area" - also, "Though the citizens voted you the power and authority to dispose of
the total area, we feel that a resolution with your policy decision to 'SELL NOT
MORE' than forty per cent of the area would in a sense be a temporary safeguard and
protection for our public land in this area and a show of good faith on your part ".
President Kranelly pointed out the citizens "did not vote the Council the authority
to dispose of any land ". He felt the wording in the petition is an erroneous state-
ment - the citizens voted on a bond issue, as such. He said he understands the
Council has the power to sell land and he asked for the City Attorney's ruling on his
statement. Mr. Annibale stated he is correct.
The second set, signed by 103 residents, stated, "If consideration is being given to
remodeling the present City Hall and purchase of property nearby, we urge that you
consider the sale of the present City Hall and adjacent property. It is our con-
viction that the money accrued from such a sale, plus savings of remodeling costs,
might provide the nucleus of a fund to develop a new civic center to be located in
the new Washington Park Area as shown in the Master Plan, as recommended by Mr. Camp-
bell, Planning Consultant, Mr. Williams, Planning Director, and the City Planning
Board ".
Mrs. Julie Marquart, 835 Portola Drive, referring to the first set of petitions,
said the reason for the requested change of language from "not less than forty per
cent" to "not more than forty per cent" is because this is a new area to be
developed and, eventually, some new Council might want to sell the entire area.
President Kranelly suggested the petitions be referred to the Committee of the Whole.
It was so ordered.
14. Mr. Frank Gottstein addressed the Council concerning the apparent lack of busi-
ness in the off - street parking lot just east of Webster Street, running between
Haight and Santa Clara Avenues. He felt it was a poor location for the parking lot
because of the large parking area in connection with the Lucky Market just across
Santa Clara Avenue. He said the only way to make it pay would be to have one -hour
parking limits on Haight Avenue or any of the nearby streets, and also to have some
yellow loading zones established along Webster Street.
President Kranelly explained that the three off - street parking sites were decided
upon by a committee of merchants. He said Mr. Gottstein's point about the yellow
loading zones beingestablished is well taken - and now that the City does have its
parking lots in existence, the Council can give further consideration to this matter.
The Council also agreed the parking on the side streets should be investigated and
asked that the City Manager immediately institute such study and make a- report.
15. Mr. Gottstein also spoke on the subject of keeping the Library open on Sundays
like the City of Oakland does. He felt many people would appreciate the opportunity
to have these facilities available.
President Kranelly explained this question would come under the jurisdiction of the
Library Board. However, all agreed the suggestion was a very good one and the matter
should be referred to the Library Board for its consideration.
The City Manager was instructed to ascertain from the City of Oakland what procedure
is followed in this respect and then the matter will be referred to the Library Board.
16. Mrs. Marquart asked if all City and County Offices are in the City Hall. It was
explained the City rents office space in the Times -Star Building for the Deputy
District Attorney and the Court, for which the rental is 4110. per month. It was
also pointed out the City pays the salary of the stenographer for the Attorney.
17V . Continued from the last meeting was the matter of Tract No. 1811 - the Hester
Subdivision. Mr. Annibale stated the Subdivider's attorney has agreed to a continu-
ance of the proceedings to the next regular meeting of the Council, to be held
December 18, 1956
18. From Mr. C. Delwyn Elfers, dated November 19, 1956, submitting his resignation
from the office of member of the City Planning Board.
Councilman Moresi moved the resignation be accepted. The motion was seconded by
Councilman McCall, who suggested a fetter of thanks be sent to Mr. Elfers for his
service on this Board. The motion was unanimously carried.
The City Manager was asked to prepare such a letter for the Mayor's signature.
19. From the Advisory Health Board, signed by E. S. Ashuckian, D.D.S., Chairman,
submitting seven recommendations to the City Council, for its consideration and
action as to the specific steps to be taken with regard to the merging of health
services for the City of Alameda with the County of Alameda.
The communication was referred to the Committee of the Whole for further study of
the recommendations.
20. From the City Manager, submitting the report from the Chief of Police concern-
ing the requested installation'of arrow -type directional traffic signal lights at
the intersection of Buena Vista Avenue and Park Street. It was the Chief's opinion
that the installation of such signal lights would not help the flow of traffic.
Councilman Haag suggested the matter be held in abeyance until the Chamber of Commerce
has had an opportunity to review the Chief's report, as indicated earlier in the
meeting. It was so ordered.
21. From the Mayor, City Manager and City Auditor, submitting their report on the
Count of Money, held November 21, 1956 - showing the total sum of 34,709,393.59 in
the City Treasury at that time.
The report was noted and ordered filed.
22. From the City Manager, reporting work satisfactorily c ompleted on the project of
Installing Sanitary Sewer Interceptor in Pearl Street, recommending it be accepted
and the Notice of Completion be ordered filed.
Councilman McCall moved the City Manager's recommendation be followed; that the work
be accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Haag and unanimously carried.
23. From the Mayor, nominating Mr. Dallace W. Ogilvie, 3104 Lincoln Avenue, for
appointment to the office of member of the City Planning Board, to serve the remainder
of the unexpired term of Mr. C. Delwyn Elfers, resigned, which term will expire
June 30, 1958.
The matter was referred to "Res lutions ".
24, From the Mayor, nominating Mr. John M. Bridge -, 924 Broadway, for appointment to
the office of member of the City Planning Board, to serve the remainder of the unexpired
term of Mr. Ford H. Thomason, resigned, which term will expire June 30, 1957.
The matter was referred to "Resolutions ".
25. Councilman Hove introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over
under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending'the Alameda Municipal Code by
Adding Subdivision (75) to Section 17 -432 Thereof,
Relating to Stop Intersections."
26. Councilman McCall introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance - Amending Section 17 -364.1 and Section
17 -333 of the Alameda Municipal Code to Provide That
Parking Shall be Prohibited on the East Side of Park
Avenue Between Central and Santa Clara Avenues."
27. The Clerk presented the matter of increasing Election Workers' pay and also
increasing the rental paid for the Polling Places - in connection with the next
General Municipal Election to be held March 12, 1957. She asked for verbal author-
ization at this time to indicate to prospective workers, and in signing up the
polling places, that the pay will be raised from $9. and $10. to $11. and $12. for
the Election Board members and from $7.50 to $10. for the rental of Polling Places.
It was pointed out that, at the proper time, a resolution will be submitted for the
Council's adoption which will incorporate the amounts as indicated.
There being no objections, the Clerk's request was granted accordingly.
28. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5488
Resolution Stating Participation of the City of
Alameda in the "California Cities Employee Safety
Contest" as Sponsored by the League of California
Cities and the State Compensation Insurance Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll
call carried by the - following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5489
Providing for Extra Compensation for Eladio R.
Muzquiz, Deputy 'oundmaster, for City Service
Performed During Part of Vacation Period."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
30. The following resolution eas introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5490
Requesting Cancellation of County Taxes on Property
Acquired by the City of Alameda for Public Purposes."
(Off - Street Parking Sites)
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
31. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5491
Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda
Strongly Urging That the California Toll Bridge
Authority Immediately Proceed with the Financing,
Construction and Other matters Necessary to Effectuate
the Buildings of a Southern Crossing."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
32. With regard to the following resolution, Councilman Haag recalled that the
attorney for the opponents had requested a period of time, until this meeting, in
which to file an "Answer ", in connection with the Hearing on the matter held at the
last regular meeting - and he asked if the City Attorney had received this document.
Mr. Annibale replied that nothing in this respect had been filed in his office or
with the City Clerk.
Councilman Haag thereupon introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 54 -92
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Alameda
in the Matter of Assessment in the Sum $3,946,872.
Upon the Lands Within Reclamation District No. 2087,
and Order Approving Assessment."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
33. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5493
Amending Portion of esolution No. 5376, Relating to
Positions and Salaries by Increasing Salary of Position
of Emergency Surgeon (Part -Time) From 40150. to 40200. in
the First Aid Department."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
34. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5494
Appointing Members of the City Planning Board."
(Dailace W. Ogilvie and John M. Bridge -)
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None . Absent: None'.
35. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5495
Adopting Specifications, .pecial Provisions and
Plans for Construction of Parking Lot on Central
Avenue near Oak Street, Calling for Bids and
Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
36. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5496
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and
Plans for Building Protection of Fifty Housing
Buildings in the Encinal Housing Area, Calling -for
Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
37. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5497
"WITH SINCERE SORROW, the Council of the City of
Alameda records the death of one of its loyal employees,
"WHEREAS, Mr. Banks had worked for the City
of Alameda since October 20, 1952, in the capacity
of Electrical Helper in the Bureau of Electricity;
"WHEREAS, his tragic and untimely death has
greatly shocked and grieved his fellow workers.
recognition of his faithful and efficient performance
of his duties and his spirit of friendly cooperation
with his associate employees, the Council of the City
of Alameda does herewith express its sincere grati-
tude for the conscientious effort put forth by
Mr. Banks in his work.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution
be spread in full upon the minutes of this meeting,
and that a copy thereof be transmitted to Mr. Banks'
family, that it may extend to its members a heart-
felt expression of sympathy and condolence in their
bereavement; and
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when this meeting
of, the Council of the City of Alameda adjourns, it
shall do so in respect to the memory of MR. JACK D.
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
At this point, President Kranelly called upon Mr. Froerer, who spoke in eulogy of
Mr. Banks - pointing up that he was a very fine young man who leaves his widow and
three young children. He remarked that all of the employees at the Bureau were
deeply saddened by his unfortunate death and he will truly be missed by his
associate workers.
Mr. Froerer also spoke of a letter which had been received, addressed to the Mayor,
from an elderly lady in Pasadena, who inquired as to just how she could aid Mr. Banks'
President nranelly declared all of the foregoing resolutions duly adopted and
38. President Kranelly stated at this time that Mr. Dallace Ogilvie, one of the
newly appointed members of the City Planning Board was present - and he introduced
and welcomed him.
39. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. FN 12 -5 -25 - For Project of
Construction Parking Lot on Central Avenue near Oak Street.
40. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. FN 12 -56 -26 - For Project of
Building Protection of 50 Housing Buildings in Encinal Housing Area.
41. Itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the Departments thereof,
in the total amount of $37,691.31,was submitted to the Council at this meeting.
The list was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims
shown were correct.
Councilman McCall moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the
City Clerk on December 4, 1956, and presented to the Council at this time, be
allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None.
42. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council ad-
journed in respect to the memory of JACK D. BANKS - to assemble in regular session
on Tuesday evening, December 18, 1956 at 7:30 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,