1955-08-02 Regular CC MinutesL)
The meeting convened at 8:00 oTclock P. M. with President Kranelly presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Councilman Moresi.
The roll was called and Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President
Kranelly, (5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held July 19, 1955, were approved as trans-
2'. Nine bids were opened and read for the project of Installing an Irrigation
System for the New Municipal Golf Course, in accordance with Specifications and.
Special Provisions therefor, No. PW 5-55-12, as follows:
From Watkins & Sibbald 471,97.90
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
Inc. ..., _ _ ... _ ...
From Associated Pipeline, 71,907.52
Accompanied. by a Bid Bond
From Scott Co. -- _ _ 58,383.00
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From Danilo Prodanovich 73,781.00
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From Associated Engineers Incorporated 82,27/1.10
No Bid Bond or Check accompanied bid.
From Edward H. Morrill, dba Morrill Plumbing Co. - 80,814.08
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From McGuire and Hester 91,646.60
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From Daniel L. Trade 68,L32.96
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From Harold Feehan 75,926.73
No Bid Bond or Check accompanied bid.
From Malott & Peterson-Grundy A13,277.26
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From J. Henry Harris 16,370.30
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
The foregoing bids were referred to the City Manager for his study and recommenda-
4. From the Municipal Pleasure Boat Harbor Advisory Committee, addressed to both
the Council and Planning Board, submitting a copy of its resolution establishing this
joint committee to represent the Aeolian, Encinal and Marina Yacht Clubs. The communi-
cation stated that one of the principal functions of the committee is to consult with
and advise those responsible for City planning on matters nertaining to harbors and
facilities for pleasure boats. The committee is comprised of the following members:
Alton S. Lee and Claire F. Briggs of Aeolian Yacht Club; Joseph A. Kitterman and
Alvan Sargent, Jr., of Encinal Yacht Club; Joseph V. Barker and John H. Dalrymple
of Marina Yacht Club.
Two bids were received and read for the project of Constructing Tennis Courts
at Krusi Park, in accordance with Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans
therefor, No. PW 7-55-20, as follows:
President Kranelly thanked the Committee for its letter and complimented the Yacht
Clubs upon their foresight in making possible a concerted effort in this respect.
He stated a meeting has already been arranged between the Committee and the Plan-
ning Board.
5. From Hadsell, Muroran & Bishop, Attorneys at Law, informing the Council that
no further action will be taken with regard to obtaining an Affidavit from William C.
Corbett, in the matter of the Petition of Utah Construction Company for the Formation
of a Reclamation District.
The communication was noted and referred to the file of Utah Construction Company.
From County of Alameda, informing the Council that the Board of Supervisors has
received and filed a Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition seeking incorporation,
as a municipal corporation, of certain unincorporated territory of the County of Ala-
meda - City of San Lorenzo. The Notice is given in compliance with provisions of
Section 34302.5 of the Government Code of the State of California, since some of this
territory lies within three miles of the boundaries of Alameda.
The communication was noted and ordered filed.
7. From County of Alameda, informing the Council that the Board of Supervisors has
received and filed a Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition seeking incorporation,
as a municipal corporation, of certain unincorporated territory of the County of Ala-
meda - City of Washington Manor. The Notice is given in compliance with provisions
of Section 34302.5 of the Government Code of the State of California, due to the
fact that some of this territory lies within three miles of the City of Alameda.
8. From the City of Alameda Taxpayerst League, Inc., requesting three copies of the
Tentative Budget, for its review at the next regular meeting of the Directors.
The request was referred to the City Manager to forward the copies of the tentative
9. From West Alameda Business Association, submitting a petition signed by eighty-
six businessmen, stating they emphatically feel the development for living purposes
of the property owned by Alameda Bayside Development Corp. in the west end of the
City is essential to the proper development of Alameda. It strongly urged that the
City Council look into this matter for the purpose of ascertaining what can be done
to have this area developed for the benefit of the community.
The communication and petition were noted and ordered filed with Alameda Bayside
Development Corp. matters.
10. Mr. Paul E. Jackson addressed the Council, stating he appeared as a represen-
tative of the American Automobile Association for the purpose of presenting an award
to the City of Alameda as a participant in the Pedestrian Protection Contest, which
Alameda entered last year. He explained that this contest was inaugurated about
fifteen years ago as a result of the tremendous pedestrian death toll. He said it
was a great pleasure for him to award this special citation to the City of Alameda
for its record of only one pedestrian death last year, as compared.to four pedes-
trian deaths in cities of its size.
President Kranelly, on behalf of the Council, thanked Mr. Jackson for his presenta-
tion and stated the City is proud of this record, although it wishes there had been
no pedestrian deaths at all.
11. Mr. Frank Gottstein addressed the Council, stating Alameda needs a great many
more parking meters. He spoke particularly of the three blocks on Webster Street
between Pacific Avenue and the Segregation Line and urged that parking meters be
installed in this area.
President Kranelly asked that the City Manager investigate this matter and report to
the Council.
12. From the City Auditor, requesting the cancellation of taxes in the amount of
163.20, assessed for the tax year 1940-41 to Southern Pacific Golden Gate Ferries,
Ltd., which is now non-existent. It was stated also that certain veterans, as
listed, had requested cancellation of their "Veterans Exemptions" in the sum of
g1,000. each. Furthermore, certain veterans, as listed, claim exemption from per-
sonal property tax on the 1954-55 unsecured tax roll, under provisions of the
"Soldier & Sailors Civil Relief Act".
Councilman Hove moved the Auditor's request be granted; that the taxes and the Vet-
erans Exemptions be cancelled as indicated. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Moresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove,
McCall, Moresi and President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
13. From the Recreation Commission, recommending the program to be followed for the
Dedication Ceremony of the Swim Center, to be held Saturday and Sunday, October 8
and 9, 1955.
Councilman Moresi moved the Council accept the program as submitted by the Commission.
The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and unanimously carried.
President Kranelly stated Councilmen Moresi and McCall will work with the Recreation
Commission on this program.
1' . From the Recreation Commission, submitting preliminary plans for the Dedication
Program of the Ida Krusi Memorial Tiny Tot Area and the Alameda Rotary Club "s Entrance
to Krusi Park, to be held Sunday afternoon, August 21, 1955. It was suggested that,
in addition to the civic officials as honored guests, members of the Krusi family and
proper Alameda Rotary Club officers be included. It was further recommended that
remarks be made by Mayor Kranelly, Mr. Leroy F. Krusi and Dr. Cheadle.
Councilman McCall moved the recommendations of the Recreation Commission concerning
this Dedication Ceremony be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and
unanimously carried.
President Kranelly stated the Council has met with the Recreation Commission to dis-
cuss these plans, and the Council commends the Commission for the effort it has made
in this respect.
15. From the City Manager, requesting authorization to take his annual vacation
from August 6 through August 27, 1955 - and that he be excused from Council Meeting
attendance during that time.
Councilman Haag moved the City Manager's request be granted and he be authorized to
take his vacation as designated. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hove and
unanimously carried.
16. From the City Manager, submitting the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year
1955- 1956.
It was ordered filed.
17. From the City Manager, commending the Oakland Scavenger Company and the Ala-
meda Garbage Association for their fine cooperation in acting upon Vice Mayor McCall's
suggestion for the filling of a large slough in preparation for the construction of
the New Municipal Golf Course. It was stated that by using this type of fill, a
saving of <$p0,000. was made by the City. The companies not only furnished the fill
material but supplied all of the men and equipment necessary for the placing, com-
pacting and covering of the area.
President Kranelly expressed the thanks of the Council to these two firms for their
fine work and directed the City Manager to write a letter of appreciation to each.
He especially complimented Vice Mayor McCall for his money- saving suggestion. He
then called upon the City Manager to explain this operation.
Mr. Froerer stated the job was handled in such fashion that there was a minimum of
nuisance to the golfers playing on the course. He pointed out that, had bids been
taken for furnishing this fill, it probably would have cost about 41.50 per cubic
yard - and 27,000 cubic yards were needed. He stated he could not praise the two
companies too much because it resulted in such a large saving to the City and helped
the City to complete the new Golf Course at a much earlier date.
18. From the City Planning Board, informing the Council of the results of its fur-
ther consideration of the Alameda Bayside Development Corp. plans for the proposed
development in the west end of the City.
President Kranelly stated this matter will be discussed further at a joint meeting
of the Council and Planning Board scheduled for tomorrow night.
19. Councilman Hove introduced the following ordinance:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Authorizing Acquisition of Certain Real
Property for Public Purposes (New Substation)."
(East side of High Street near the High Street Bridge)
This ordinance is declared to be a measure of great emergency and the following is
a statement of the facts showing the urgency: The property is being acquired under
an option which will expire August 27, 1955. If the ordinance were to take the course
of a non - emergency ordinance, it would become effective after expiration of the option
to purchase and the property might not then be available.
The matter was then referred to "Ordinances for Passage ".
20. Councilman Haag introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over
under provision of law and the Charter:
2 4 !3
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Adding Thereto a New Section to be Known as
Section 7-1132, Relating to Smoking in Public
21. The matter was called up concerning the award of contract on the proposals sub-
mitted by George A. Hackleman and the firm of Dalton, Graupner & Barber, both Certi-
fied Public Accountants, for performing auditing services during the fiscal year
1955-1956. Both bids had indicated a maximum charge of $3,600. per annum - but the
hourly rate of the "Senior Accountants" was listed as $6.00 by Hackleman and g'5.75
by Dalton, Graupner & Barber.
Councilman Hove moved the contract for auditing services for the ensuing fiscal year
be awarded to Dalton, Graupner & Barber. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moresi
and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall,
Moresi and President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None,
22. The matter of the recommendation from the Recreation Commission was presented
for action. This pertained to the proposed amendment of Rule 7, Article 4, Section A
of the Rules and Regulations of Public Use of Lincoln Park Recreation Center, as fol-
lows: To allow civic organizations to hold fund-raising events in the Center in
order to make contributions to municipal recreation and park improvements.
Councilman Moresi moved the recommendation of the Recreation Commission be adopted
and such use of the Center be allowed. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall
and unanimously carried.
President Kranelly stressed the fact that this change is for organizations which plan
money-raising affairs only for the benefit of municipal recreation and park improve-
23. The matter was submitted concerning the Petition from Utah Construction Company
for the Formation of a Reclamation District.
This was referred to "Resolutions".
24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5151
Transferring $30,000.00 from the Cash Basis Fund
to the Library Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and
President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President
declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5152
Appointing an Acting City Manager for the Period
from August 6 to August 27, 1955. (J. P. Clark)"
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and
President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President
declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hove, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5153
Authorizing Execution of Lease Between City of Alameda
and Alameda Unified School District of a Portion of
McKinley Park Known as Thompson Field."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Moresi and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and
President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President
declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Moresi, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5154
Authorizing Execution of Contract with Alameda Chamber
of Commerce for Advertising for the Fiscal Year Ending
June 30, 1956, and Appropriating 810,000. for Such
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and on roll -•
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall,Moresi
and President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President
declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
28. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman McCall, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5155
Appointing Commissioner of the Housing Authority of
the City o f Alameda."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and
President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absents None. Thereupon the President
declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Haag, who moved its
"Resolution No. 5156
Authorizing the Making of an Order Approving Petition
for the Formation of a Reclamation District Within
the City of Alameda."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Hove and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and
President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President
declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
30. "Ordinance No. 1155,
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Adding to Chapter 1, Title XI Thereof, a New
Article to be Numbered Article 3 -A, Relating to
the Provision of Off- Street Parking in Connection
with Dwellings and Other Structures."
Councilman Haag moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Moresi and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen
Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
31, "Ordinance No. 1156,
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Amending Sections 3 -54.17 and 3- 5418 Thereof,
Relating to Time of Delinquency of Taxes."
Councilman Moresi moved the ordinance be a dopted as read. The motion was seconded by
Councilman McCall and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen
Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
32, "Ordinance No. 1157,
New Series
An Ordinance Authorizing Acquisition of Certain
Real Property for Public Purposes. (New Substation)"
Councilman McCall moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Haag and on roll c all carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen
Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
33. Lease - Between City of Alameda and Alameda Unified School District - re
Thompson Field, McKinley Park.
3L. Financial Report from Middleton, Suman & Hackleman - City of Alameda Muni-
cipal Employees' Retirement System - for fiscal year ended June 30, 1955.
35. An Itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda, and the Departments
thereof, in the total amount of 58,59t1.511 was submitted to the Council at this
The list was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims
Councilman McCall moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the
City Clerk on August 2, 1955, and submitted to the Council at this time, be allowed
and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haag and on roll call carried by
the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and President
Kranelly, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
shown were correct.
36. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council
adjourned - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, August 16, 1955,
at 8:00 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,