1952-01-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1952 The meeting convened at 800 o'clock P. M. with President Osborn presiding. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Eranscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. MINUTES: 1. Councilman Anderson moved the minutes of the regular meeting held December 18, 1951, be approved as transcribed in the official record book. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jones and unanimously carried. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 2. From Raymond Wold Allen, doing business as Raymond Photographer, requesting that he be granted an Electrical Construction Permit to install electric service and wiring in the premises known as 1236 Park Street. He explained that he rented this building for his photographic business but had to close down at the time the Bureau of Electricity discontinued service to him because the existing wiring was inadequate. His objection'was to the fact that he would have to pay a licensed electrical contractor t250. for making the installation when he, himself, fully competent to do the job. President Osborn asked the City Attorney to clarify the provisions of the existing ordinance on this subject. Mr. Clark quoted from Section 10-236 of the Electrical Code in which it states that the Electrical Department may issue a special owner's permit which gives to the owner of a building the right to install such work, provided the work is done by the owner himself or sore member of his immediate family residing with him. He stated the language is very explicit. He also quoted from Section 10-213 of the Electrical Code wherein it provides that in the matter of a dispute concerning interpretation, the decision of the Superintendent of the Electrical Department shall be final and conclusive. He pointed out there is no provision for appeal in this case. He stated this is a matter of administration on the part of the Department of ,Electricity and the Council is bound by the ruling of the Superintendent of the Electrical Department. Councilman Jones asked if it is usual in ordinances of this kind to vest such extreme authority in one individual. He stated he felt that in this case Mr. Allen has a strong case to offer. I- City Attorney Clark reiterated it was a matter of administration and he felt it was a proper rule, since it was assumed the Department of Electricity is more familiar with electrical devices and wiring than members of the Council. President Osborn stated that, under the circumstances, the Council has no prerogative but to deny the aprlication. Councilman Jones stated he was reluctant to make a motion because in this case, it was an unreasonable situation. Councilman Anderson stated he was an elected official and as such, was sup-osed to uphold the laws, but felt this was a very confusing issue where the right is given to an owner or a member of his family to do this type of work and denied to this applicant who, in this instance, is probably better qualified to do it. Councilman Anderson thereupon moved the request of Yr. Allen be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Councilman Jones stated he would now like to move that the City Attorney in- vestigate to make sure the City of Alameda ordinance on this matter is not more stringent than that in effect in other cities and report back to the Council. Councilman Anderson stated he felt the survey should include what other cities do about assuring fairness and an equitable consideration of human rights. Councilman Jones stated he was willing to amend his motion accordingly, Council- man Anderson then seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Li 7 t ) • 1-,om 011ie Ross, requesting permission to establish a newsstand at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Webster Street, similar to the one now at Park i Street and Santa Clara Avenue, as he is visually handicapped and wants to operate the stand as his livelihood. 151 President Osborn stated this letter comes to the Council in a manner that is really beyond the authority of this Body to act upon. He called upon the City Manager to explain the situation. Mr. Froerer stated the streets of the City of Alameda are not owned in fee by the City, therefore the operation of newsstands and other obstructions cannot be sanctioned. He said the City has certain regulations for keeping sidewalks and streets clear and unobstructed for the passage ef pedestrians and vehicles and it is not within the power of the City to grant the requested permission. Councilman Anderson moved the matter be referred to the City Attorney for his report to the City lanager and then for the City Manager to investigate and make a recommendation. There was no second and the motion was lost. There was considerable discussion with regard to the several phases of the situation - the legality of the existing newsstand at Park Street and Santa Clara Avenue being questioned. Councilman Branscheid moved the application be denied and the City Attorney be requested to inform Mr. Ross that the Council has no legal authority to grant the application. The notion was seconded by Councilman Jones and unanimously carried. Councilman Jones pointed out there had been a similar request sometime ago and the Council had taken the sane action as it was guided by exactly the same rule. Yr. 011ie Ross then addressed the Council, stating he was asking to establish this stand only for the reason that he has to make a living and he has tried every other way. He asked why the City had allowed the newsstand tc be erected at Park Street and. Santa Clara Avenue. President 0-horn corrected him by stating that the Council did not grant permission for the construction of that newsstand and it does not exist there legally. He pointed out that the Council has no authority to grant permission for such news- stands on sidewalk or street areas of the City. 4. -Prom the Alameda Historical Society, requesting the Council to place the listing of the first property owners in Alameda, in the Assessment Roll of 1872 in the Society's Headquarters for an indefinite period in order that it may be shown to the public. President Osborn stated that this request, while it has come to the Council, should actually be referred to the Auditor and Assessor for his consideration and recommendation, and it was so ordered. OPENING OF BIDS: 5. A bid was received and read from Herbert M. Watson, for the furnishing of One Llain Radio Station Transmitter to the Police Department, in accordance with Specifications and Provisions therefor No. MS 12-51-22. The bid was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of ,r230. A bid was opened and read from Herbert M. Watson, for the furnishing of Three Frequency Modulated Mobile Radio Units in 152-162 M. C. Band to the Police Department, in accordance with Specifications and Provisions therefor, No. NS 12-51-23. The bid was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 5120. 7. A bid was submitted and read from Herbert M. Watson, for the furnishing of Five Frequency Modulated Mobile Radio Units in 152-162 N. C. Band to the Fire Department, in accordance with Specifications and Provisirns therefor, No. MS 12-51-24. The bid was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 300. 81. A bid was received and read from Claude Salmon Co., Inc., for the furnishing of Two Three-Wheel Motorcycles to the Police Department, in accordance with Specifications and Provisions therefor, No. MS 12-51-25. The bid was accompanied by a Bid Bond. 9: A bid was opened and read from California Toro Company, for the furnishing of One Three-Unit, Tractor Propelled, Hydraulically Operated Gang Mower, with Pneumatic Tires, for the Park Department, in accordance with Specifications and Provisions therefor, No. MS 12-51-26. The bid was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 350. 10. Bids were submitted and read for the project of Constructing Sanitary and Storm Sewers, Alameda's Sewer System to East Bay Municipal Utility District Sanitary Interceptor, Unit TIT, in accordance with Specificatiens, Special Pro- visions and Plans therefor, No. PW 12-51-19, as follows: From Stolte, Inc. 1,192,806.55 Accompanied by a Did Bond From McGuire and Hester Accompanied by a Bid Bond 234,654.35 From Paris Bros. 217,240.55 Accompanied by a Bid Bond The bids were referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for study and recommendation. REPORTS 07 COE=TTEES: 11. From the Cit- Manager, recommending that contract be awarded to the Independent Construction Company, at its bid price of 61,918.40, for the project of Surfacing the Basketball Court at Godfrey Park, Bay Farm Island - Specifi- cations therefor Ho. PW 12-51-18. Councilman Jones moved the City 1:onager's recommendation be adopted; that contract be awarded to the designated firm for the specified project at the price quoted and the bid bonds be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). roes: None. Absent: None. 12. From the City Manager, recommending that contract be awarded to J. Warren Steacy, at his high bid of ;32,260. for the privilege of operating the refreshment concession in Washington, Lincoln, Krusi, McKinley Parks and Thompson Field, for the period commencing January 1, 1952 and ending Deemher 31, 1953. Councilman Anderson moved the City Manager's recommendation be approved : that contract be awarded to Mr. Steacy for operating the refreshment concession in certain City parks and the check be .returned to the unsuccessful bidder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. vr 13. From the City Manager, recommending that a thirty-day extension of time be granted to George B. Green for completion of the construction of a Broom Shed at the Corporation Yard - Specifications therefor, No. PW 8-51-13. Councilman Sweeney moved the City Banager's recommendation be accepted and the specified extension of tine be allowed the contractor for completion of }m's work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and unanimously carried. TITTRCDUCTION OF ORDINANCES: 14, Councilman Branscheid introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provision of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Amending Section 2-115 of Title II, Chapter 1, Article 1, of the Alameda Municipal,Code Relating to OrdPr of Business of the City Council." 15. Councilman Anderson introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provision of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding to Article 3, Chapter 2, Title IV, a New Section Numbered 4-236, TRegulating t!he,Height of Hedges, Shrubs and Trees at the Corners of Intersecting Streets." NEW BUSINESS: 16. Councilman Anderson again brought up for further discussion the question of the establishment of a newsstand as requested by Mr. 011ie Ross, in relation to the one now at Park Street and Santa Clara Avenue. It was developed that the existing stand has been there for many years; the City is responsible for whatever accident might occur in connection therewith and the Council should take whatever action is called for to eliminate it. City Attorney Clark stated that if it is proper for the Council to get rid of the obstruction that is there illegally, the action would be to request the City Manager to take the necessary steps to cause the removal of such obstruction. Councilman Jones stated that rather than take conclusive action at this time, it would be better to investigate the situation and the Council could then decide what the proper action would be. Councilman Anderson stated h- felt it was not fair to have one party carrying on such a newsstand and then to deny the right to another party, as in this case. The City Attorney stated there is apparently no record of any permit ever having been granted to allow the newsstand at the corner of Park Street and Santa Clara Avenue. City Manager Froerer stated it has been there only by sufferance. RESOLUTIONS: 17. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: 'Resolution No. 4521 Authorizing Execution of License Agreement with the Regents of the L'niversity of California, a Corporation, for the Construction, Maintenance and Use of an Access Road to the Pacific Overseas Shipping Depot:" The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4522 Accepting Grant of Easement from Kate G. Pedersen in Certain Real Property, for Sewer Purposes, and Con- senting to the Recordation Thereof." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded bv Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 19• The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 45 Transferring 'onies from Accounts 70-b and 70-d to Account 70-e." The City Manager was called upon to explain this resolution. He stated the need for making this transfer is because of the fact that the premium of the public liability and automobile fleet insurance has increased :14,000, this year over that of last year. He cited the several reasons for the increase, to-wit: Insurance rates for public liability are figured from the over-all experience of a City; City of Alameda has had a particularly bad experience record - an 84,000. judgment having been granted about throe years ago and the numerous sidewalk acci- dents which have prevailed. He stated a complete investigation of this matter was made and it was ascertained that insurance companies do not care to take on liability insurance. He pointed out that the premiums have doubled this year in comparison with those quoted from several companies just a year ago. In order to keep the Council and City covered on these liabilities it was necessary to make this transfer of funds to take care of the matter. The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. t',ves: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 20. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4524 Transferring 700.00 from Account 70-b (Contingent Fund) to Account 70-j (Community Advertising)." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (4).. Noes: Councilman Anderson, (1). Absent: None, Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 21. The following resolution was Introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4525 IN MEMORIAM TO HOWARD V. YOUNG "WITH DEEP SORROW, the Council of the City of Alameda records the untimely and tragic death of one of its faithful employees, HOWARD V. YOUNG, who was a recently employed member of the Alameda Fire Department and, at the time of his demise, was on military leave from the City employ; "WHEREAS, FIREMAN' YOUNG was an ambitious young man and was proving himself to be a credit to his Department; "NOW, Ti EREFORE, BE IT -RESOLVED, that in recognition of his friendly personality and his conscientious service, the Council of the City of Alameda hereby expresses its sense of personal loss and its appreciation for his loyalty to the City. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of Fireman Young, that it may extend to its members a sincere expression of sympathy and condolence: and "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when this meeting of the Council of the City of Alameda adjourns, it shall do so in respect to the memory of HOWARD V. YOUNG." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 22. "Ordinance No. 1046, New Series An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Subdivision (26) to Section 17-342, Relating to Two-Hour Parking." Councilman Sweeney moved the ordinance be adonted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roil call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None, Absent: None. FILING: 23. License Agreement - Between Gity and The Regents of the University of California BILLS: 24. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and several of the Departments thereof, in the total amounts as follows, was submitted to thr Council at this meeting: General Departments, 32,132.52; Street Department, 1,672.20: Gas Tax No. 2 Fund, 118,453.53; Engineering Department Deposit Fund, 280.00; 1951 Sewer Bonds Fund, c347,816.24. Councilman Sweeney moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on January 2, 1952, and presented to the Council at this time, be allowed and paid. .The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None, 25. Prior to adjournment, President Osborn inquired if there were any further oral communications. Yr. Frank Gottstein spoke once again of the Posey Tube traffic situation. He repeated that the Cities of Oakland and Alameda should investigate possibility of operating and policing provided the County will make certain financial arrange- ments. ibb ADJOURNYENT: 26. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned in respect to the memory of Howard Young - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, January 15, 1952,, at 8:00 o'clock. Eespectfully submitted,