1952-01-09 Special CC Meeting6 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9, 1952 The meeting convened at 7:45 o'clock P. M. with President Osborn presiding. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (4), were noted present. Absent: Councilman Anderson, (1). 1. The Clerk read the Call and Notice of Special L'eeting and stated that receipt of a copy had been acknowledged by each Councilman. The properly signed Affidavit of Service was also presented, and, both were ordered filed. NEW BUSINESS: 2. The purpose of the meeting, as specified in the "Call and 70tice", was to consider and/or act upon a resolution adopting specifications, special provisions and plans for the remodeling of the Golf Course Club House, calling for bids and directing City Clerk to advertise same. The matter was therefore referred to "Resolutions." RESOLUTIONS: 31 The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4526 Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for the Remodeling and improvement of the Municipal Golf Course Club House, Calling for Bids And Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney. At this point, Councilman Branscheid stated he had not 7et seen the specifications and wanted to know more about the plans before voting. He stated he was willing to go through with the contemplated improvement of the Golf Course but wanted to ask if an estimate of cost on this particular project had been submitted. President Osborn called upon Mr. Froerer, who stated the Specifications had been presented late this afternoon from Kent & Haas, Architects, and they had not made an estimate of cost, nor had the Engineering Department rrepared such an estimate. President Osborn stated some time has been srert in discussing this matter. Councilman Branscheid maintained there should be a little more study given the subject. The matter has been discussed for a year and he wondered why it now should be rushed through. Councilman Jones stated that in view of the proposed Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration, it was hoped to have these improvements made in time.. President Osborn agreed that this was definitely the objective. Time was growing short when the celebration is to be held and the work must be expedited in order to get the Club House improvements finished. He pointed out this meeting was held. tonight merely for the adoption of the Specifications and the calling, for bids. Councilman Branscheid asked if the plans were adopted tonight would it give time for completion of the project. President Osborn called upon the City Manager .for his opinion. Mr. Frocrer stated it was his estimation that at least ninety working days ' time should be ample in which to -et the job finished. Councilman Branscheid reiterated he has net had a chance to look at the plans and since it has been admitted the work cannot be completed in time for the anniversary celebration, he saw no reason for pushing the matter through. He felt there were a great many problems involved to be considered. President Osborn stated that if the Council expedites the cai1in of bids for the work, it will be ready. 157 jTr, 7roerer again stated it is his opl-lon that ninety days! worl:in7 time will complete the project and it is his understanding that the celebration is to be held next June and consequently, there is ample time to complete the work. Councilman Branscheid asked if two weeks ' delay would matter. Councilman Jones stated there was no necessity for this. He pointed out the Council is merely asking for bids and if satisfactory, then further action can be taken. This meeting is to enable the publishing of a Notice to Bidders, at the instigation of the Committee working on the anniversary celebration and the Council is not jeopardizng its position in simply taking this action. Councilman Sweeney stated the matter has been discussed with the architect„, concerning the ar,rox'mate amount necessary for rehabilitating the Club House. President Osborn stated meetings had been held at which time the whole rroject was contemplated and it was specifically agreed to improve the Club House and to expend the amount of money allowed to be spent under existing laws for im- proving public buildings. Councilman Sweeney stated the whole Council was in accord on. this. Councilman Branscheid stated he had not commit himself. Councilman Jones stated he knew of no reason why the Council should hold up the matter. Councilman Branscheid asked if the plans submitted concurred with the future development of the Golf Course. Councilman Jones stated the Council me,: with members of the Golf Commission and discussed the matter vsry fullir with them. The plans are for fixing up the restaurant facilities. They said the bids will range somewhere in the neighbor- hood of 5,OOO. President Csborn pointed out it was well over six months ago that the meeting was held. He stated the work vies regarded, at least by the celebration com7ittee, as rather an urgent matter. The propsed action tonight does not com-it the Council as far as future action is concerned. At this point, Councilman Anderson appeared and was noted present. President Osborn requested the Clerk to read the title of the Resolution for his information. President Osborn stated it has been admitted, and it is the consensus, that present accommodations at the Golf Course are woefully inadequate and the sani- tary conditions are v-:ry poor - but realizing that present conditions are such, in this so-called emergency, that all of the improvements the Council would like to make at the Golf Course are not feasible, the discussion arrived at the con- clusion to 7o ahead with improvements to the present building until such time as facilities for nlayin mirht also be worked on. Councilman Branscheid again asked how much money was Involved. Mr. 7roerer stated he could not rive an estimate of cost. Howev-r, he could state to the Council that under the National Production Authority the project would be limited to 15,000. Councilman Anderson stated he understood that sometime ago the City Council met with the Golf Oormission, at which time affairs of the Golf Course were discussed. He said they realized we are under war conditions and the limitation would be approximately 5,000. for the work that could be done now, but the Council felt, at that time, that improvements should be made at the Golf Course, Particularly the Club House. They had agreed that an expenditure of ,:25,000. would be in keeping - said money to be expended over a period of about five years. He stated they understood an architect would be employed - and one has been employed - to work with the Manager of the Golf Course and the Golf Commission. He felt those people are concerned with getting the very best possible, when there is just 5,000. available. He said that if this resolution before the Council at this time is to put in motion the first part of that project, and if the limitation is 15,000., he felt he could vote for that work to be started, as it would un- doubtedly be done subject to the approval of, and the results to be the desires of, the Alameda Golf Commission. In response to his Inquir,:. Councilman 7ranscheld was again assured that the financial expenditure is limited by the National Production Authority of the 7ederal Government to C5.000. The question was then called for and the motion to adopt said resolution was carried by the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (4). Noes: Councilman Branscheid, (1). Absent: None. The President thereupon declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. FLING : 4. Specifications - No. PW 1-52-1 - Project of Remodeling and Improvement of MUnicipal Golf Course Club House. ADJOURNMENT: 5. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, January 15, 1952, at 800 olclock. Respectfully submitted City C1erko the City of Alameda