1952-02-19 Regular CC Minutes177 REGULAR MEETING OF T:1-1, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAYEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19, 1952 The meeting convened at 8:00 o'clock P. Y. with President Osborn presiding. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. MINUTES: 1. The minutes of the regular meeting held February 5, 1952, were approved as transcribed. OPENING OF BIDS: 2./ Bids were opened and read for the fu-reishing df One Latest model, Electric Accounting Machine for the Auditor's Office, in accordance with Specifications and Provisions therefor, No. IT 2-52-1, as follows 7rom The National Cash Register Company - ec' 5,121.20 Accompanied by certified check in amount of - - 519.12 From Burroughs - - 3,816.44 Accompanied by certified check in amount of - 380.72 3./ Bids were received and read for the project of Painting and. Decorating the Interior of the Health Center Building, in accordance with Specifications, Special Previsions and Plans therefor, No. P.:: 2-52-2, as follows: From M. Williams & Sons, Inc. Accompanied by certified check in amount of From Henry J. Schumann Accompanied by certified check in amount of From Russell Hinton Co. Accompanied by a Bid Bond From Ben W. Keefe Company Accompanied by a Bid Bond From New Method Painting and Becoratin Accompanied by a Bid Bond - -$ 2,341,00 250.00 - 2,363.00 - - 236.30 - 1,076.00 - 2,328.00 - - 1,918.00 The bids were referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIOYS: 4.v' From Key System Transit Lines, notifying the Council of its application to the Public Utilities Commission for a fare increase, and invitin the City to join with it in a study of this mattor. A copy of its anplication No. 33113, dated February 6, 1252, was also submitted. President Osborn stated this letter will be acknowledged and the matter referred to the Committee of the Whole for future consideration. Councilman Jones stated it was the thrught of the Council that this matter would actually come within the rrovince of the executive investigating committee which comprises eleven cities in Alameda County and as a consequence, the matter should be referred to it. It was so ordered. 5. ‘,/ From City of Albany, urging the Council to cooperate in protest'ng to the State Representatives and the Governor against the ever increasing price of mlk, which is causinpi. the gradual elimination of this vital, basic food from many average families. President Osborn stated the Council recognizes the fact that these increases are coming along at far too rapid a rate, but at the same time milk is only one commodity and the Council feels that if it took any action on this item, it would have to take similar action on all such co=odities which are brou7ht under a raise in prices. Therefore, he stated the matter will be referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration and, he asked that the City Clerk acknowledge the communication. 6. From Victor G. Flashran and Richard P. Thunder, requesting the withdrawal of their Subdivision, Tract No. 1155, and the cancellation of the Tentative Tap. Councilman Jones moved the withdrawal of the Subdivision and the cancellation of the Tentative Map therefor, be granted as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. j 7./ From the West Alameda Association, Inc., stating its members and those of the Longfellow-Woodstock Parent-Teachers' Association are greatly concerned over several problems of a very pressing nature existing in their area. It was requested that a meeting be arranged to take place I_Tredlately after the next, or the following, City Counc*J session, in order that a discussion could be had to allow a general exchange of ideas. It was also requested that those to be present include all Council members, Mayor Osborn, L-. Froerer, !,r. J. P. Clark and 'Police Chief Doran. President Osborn stated the letter has been given consideration and the requested meeting has been arranged for immediately following the regular meeting of the Council, to be held March 4, and Information to this effect has b een sent to the West Alameda Association.. 8./ From the West Alameda Association, Inc., concerning the traffic hazard in the vicinity of Lincoln Avenue, Marshall Way and Fifth Street. President Osborn called upon City ranager Froerer to rake a report on this situation. Fr. Froerer stated that upon receipt of this letter an immediate investigation was instituted by the Police Department, and there has been prepared an emergency ordinance to be enacted tonight to stop traffic going east or Lincoln Avenue and going west on Marshall Way. There is also an investigation bein 'ade with regard to shortening the angle that is presently between the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue and the southerly side of Marshall Way, so that busses can be carried on through and stop for pedestrian traffic. He pointed out that it is very feasible and not too expensive. 9./ From Yr, George Hansen, requesting a one-year extension of time in which to submit the Final Man on his Subdivisloc, Tract No. 1085 - located East of Fernside Boulevard and North of Briggs Avenue . He pointed out this request was necessi- tated by unavoidable difficulties and delay in coreoleting his Final Map in accord- ance with Section 11554 of the Subdivision Map Act. Councilman Jones moved the request be granted and Mr. Hansen be allowed a one-Year extension of tine in this matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: Hone. 10./ From the Port of Oakland, concerning the hazards of allowing the construction of any housing in the area near the runway approaches to the Oakland Funleipal Airport. President Osborn stated that the City of Alameda itself does not own any property immediately adjacent to the Oakland Airport, which might be developed for hones or a housing nroject. He pointed out that all the property is privately owned; the owners are taxpayers and have paid taxes for many years and they have every right to develop their property for homes or any other purpose whatsoever. The City of Alameda has no rlsronsIbility for any hazard created by the City of Oakland. He stated the Council felt the solution to the problem would be for Oakland to plan the runway approaches in such a manner that in taking off and landing, the planes would not be endangering the nearby area. He pointed out that with this thought in mind, the Citv of ,t-lameda will not acknowledge any responsibility to the City of Oakland. President Osborn asked that someone rake a motion that such is the Council's intent and purrose. Councilman Jones stated he could not altogether are that the City of Alameda has no responsibility to its citizens. He thought the Council is duty bound to Investigale the situation in the Interests of the people of Alameda. He con- curred, however, that the City of Alameda will not take any responsibility whatever for hazards created by the existing Oakland Municipal Airport. councilman Jones moved that the City of Alameda notify the Port of Oakland that the Council would not recognize any responsibility for any hazards brought about by the operation of the Airrort, The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and unanimously carried. Councilman Franscheid stated he thought the matter should be approached from two different angles; First, the Council should inform the Port of Oakland that it assume fl no responsibility for hazards created by the Oakland Airport and Secondly, g) further and carry on some investigation toward the possibility of eliminating those hazards. Councilman Jones stated he felt it was most appropriate to examine into the hazardous conditions at the present time and be sure the Port of Oakland is mindful of the regulations governing a irport operations. He thereupon moved the City Attorney and City Fanager, jointly, conduct an investigation as to the 179 extent to which the Airport is complyln7 with the re7ulations of the Civil Aero- nautics Authority and then to make such recommendations to the Council as to assure maximum safety. The motion was secorided by Councilman Sweeney. Speaking on the question, Councilman Branscheld stated that, for general infor- on, the investi7ation to be made should definitely find out about the number of low-flyin7 planes which unnecessarily fly over Alameda at all hours, and he would suggest the matter he given consideration along that line. Councilman Anderson stated it was not clear to him to what e::tent the survey would 7o and wondered if it were to curb people in that area. Tie stated he did not believe it right for an Airport to tell people how to develop their land. Councilman Jones stated the investigation would reveal if the City has certain rights, and .in the Interests of Alameda citizens, there are still hazards the Council should consider. He suggested that after the report is received, the Council will know what action it can take. He pointed out that two years ego the Council was confronted with this very problem when the matter of the re- classification of certain property on Bay Farm Island was being considered- Councilman Sweeney stated he seconded Councilman Jones motion because he thought the Council would tell the Port of Oakland there is plenty of land for it to use for the Airport runways and he feltt:he Council should not penalize the Alameda people who own property in the vicinity.. At this point, the question was -ut and the motion was unanimously carried. 11./ Prom 011ie Ross, submitting his ap-lication for a permit to operate a news vendinF stand in the sidewalk area of the City of Alameda, to be located et the northwest corner of Tincoln Avenue and 'Jebster Street. Councilman Branscheid moved the application be referred to the City Manager for his report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:. 124/Mrs. Gilda Piziali, 313 Taylor Avenue, addressed the Council with regard to the need for "Crossing Guards" at the intersection of Third and Brush Streets to help the school children. President Osborn asked the City Eana7er to explain the proposed remedy for this dangerous intersection. Tir Troerer stated the Police Department has made a careful resurvey of the situation at this point ard there is coming before the Council at this meeting tonight, an emergency ordinance making this intersection a four-way stol. rrs. Tiziali stated this still would not give complete nrotection to the children because they are practically babies - the s^hool goin7 only to the fourth grade at present, and if it continues to grow, it ray accommodate only those through the third 7rade. President Osborn explained that the matter had been thoroughly investigated and it was felt this would be a good method of controlling the situation. Ers. Piziali reiterated that the children are much too young to be fully protected by only signals or stop sins. Councilman Sweeney stated he was heartily in accord with the proposed suggestion for more protection for the children. Councilman Jones stated the Council would not be satisfied to do an- less than is Presently being done - with the intersecticn being 7uarded on a volunteer basis by some of the mothers. Tie said, further he would not be satisfied to rely entirely upon an ordinance to protect the children. Councilm,an Anderson asked if tt were true there are about 800 children in "!oodstock School. He said the Council at one tine agreed that "Crossing fluards" would be put there until settlement of certain rending agreements between Alameda Fire Department and the School Department. He thereupon moved that "Crossing sTuards" be established at this intersection. The motion was seconded by Courcilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. roerer explained that a resolution had been prepared which would provide for the immediate employment of cne additional Crossing Guard and also, upon recommendation of the Police Department, the four-way stop would he put into effect as well. 13./yr. 11rank Oottstein addressed the Council on the subject of "speeders" and urged that a drive be made to cut down or these traffic violators. He also spoke of the hazard of drunk drivers in Posey Tube. 14. Ur. L. F. Brandon, 160 Pacific Avenue, spoke of the Key System's method of bus operation at the intersection of Webster Street and Lincoln Avenue. He stated there are three bus stops for the boarding and unloading of passengers. He point- ed out that the busses on one of the lines stop at the southwest corner and then have to pull out from the right-hand lane and make a left-hand turn into Webster Street traffic to go to Oakland. He suggested the Key System be requested to change the stop for this line to the northeast corner, so the busses could make their turn while in the proper lane. It was agreed this was a very logical suggestion and President Osborn asked City Manager Froerer to take up this recommendation with the Key System. 15. Councilman Jones suggested it would be worthwhile to include this topic in one of the "Memos on Your City" and an opportunity be extended to the people of Alameda to help correct what might be considered unsafe practices. Councilman Sweeney concurred that it is the interested citizens who bring these matters before the Council and constructive thinking is always appreciated. 16 ,/Mrs. Korai Oliver appeared before the Council to explain her plan for adopting a County Charter which would pave the way for a State, and eventually, a World Charter of behavior. She exhibited several scrolls and said she knew that when the Charter was adopted by all cities it would lead to world peace. Mrs. Oliver wanted to arrange a meeting at which the matter could be more thoroughly explained. Councilman Anderson asked what communities of the United States had adopted her plan. Frs. Oliver pointed out that it had never been used by a Jovernmental subdivision. President Osborn pointed out this subject was a very deep matter and suggested Frs. Oliver submit it in a more compact form for the Council's study. He re- quested her to write a letter to the City Clerk, stating the aims and purposes of her plan and stated the Council might then, sometime in the future, be able to consider it. REPORTS OE COYFITTEES: 17. Frorn the City Manager, recommending that Nark Hanna, Chief Design Engineer, and Charles Wooldridge, Junior Civil Engineer, be authorized to attend a course in City and Regional Planning, offered by the University of California Extension Division at Berkeley, in evening classes commencing February 19, 1952, and 36, be appropriated for this purpose. Councilman Sweeney moved the City Manager's recommendation be approved: that the two Engineers specified be authorized to take the designated course and 36. be appropriated for their expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. 13. Prom the City Manager, recommending that a seventy-five day extension of time be granted to Paris Brothers for the completion of their work on the Bond Sewer project, Unit IT. Councilman Branscheid moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted: that the extension of time be granted as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: 19. Councilman Anderson introduced the following ordinance, which was then referred to "Ordinances for Passage", due to its emergency: "Ordinance No. Yew Series An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Subdivision (41) to Section 17-432 Thereof, Relating to Stop Intersections. (Third and Brush Streets)." RESOLUTTONS: 20, The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its adoption: "'Resolution Ho. 4542 Protesting the Proposed Increase in Transit Fares as Requested by Key System Transit Lines in Application No. 33113 and Authorizing the City Attorney to Annear on Behalf of the City and Oppose Such Application." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, 7)ranscheld, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. Fr. 7. 7. Petting asked if the Connell was going to diseuss this question tonight or if the matter was going to be put over. President Osborn pointed out the resolution had just been read in full, setting forth the City's protest against any further increase until certain investigations had been completed and authorizing the City Attorney to represent the City at the hearings. Ile emphasized that there was no further action to be taken at this tire. 21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheld. who moved its adoption; "Resolution No. 4543 Confirming Statement of Expense Incurred by the City of Alameda in Connection with the Razing of That Certain Dilapidated Blinding Known as 1319 Court Street and Directing the Fillg of a Lien on -Peal Property." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded bv Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheld, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: :Tone. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. President Osborn called up 17r. I. 7. Rogers, 7uilding Inspector, to explain this situation. Er. Rogers stated the old building has been wrecked and the lot cleared of all building materials; the sewn, gas and water outlets hove been cut off and properly earned and now there is just a vacant lot Instead of a fire hazard. Fr. Rogers further stated that four bids had been received on the cost of clearing the property - the low bid being ,;,170 There was also a charge of -11 . for adver- tising the public auction, at which no buyers anpeared. He stated the final notice has been mailed to the owner and the return receipt has been received. In answer to Councilman Anderson's query, Yr. Rogers stated the notice was sent to Mr. Budd, Attorney for Mrs. Montinegro, the owner. 22. The following resolution. was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4544 Appointing an Acting City tanager in the Absence or the City Fanager" "he notion to adont said resolntion was seconded by Councilman Andersen and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, BJranscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 23. The following resolutien was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No, 4545 Accepting Deed from Henry H. Andrews and Mildred Y. Andrews, His Wife, of Real Property at Fernside Boulevard and Pearl Street, and Consenting to the Recordation Thereof" The motion to adont said resolution_ was seconded by Councilman T3ranscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and resident Osborn, (5). 'Coes: -one. Absent: None. There- upon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and nassed. 24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4546 Authorizinn Purchase of Civil Defense Rescue Equipment • From State of California" The rotion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman 7ranscheid and or roll call carried, by the followinn, vote. Ayes; Councilmen Anderson, T3ranscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes : 'lore. Absent : :,one. There- unon tine President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 181 184 25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4547 Memorializing the State Board of Equalization in the Matter of Recommending to the Governor That Local Sales Tax Officials be Permitted to Examine State Sales and Use Tax Returns" The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes None. Absent: None. There- upon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 26. The following resolution was introduced hy Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4548 Adopting Specifications for Furnishing to the City of Alameda Seven (7) New 1952 Two-Door Sedan Automobiles For the Pollee Department, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Sane." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded bv Councilman Sweeney and or roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None, Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved adoption: u- fi • esoeut-ion No. 4549 Creating Cne (1) Additional Temporary art-Time Position of "Crossing Guard . The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: :%one. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. ORDTFAPCES FOR PASSAGE: 28. "Ordinance No. 1054, New Series An Ordinance Vacating Sewer Basements in Certain Lands And Authorizing Execution of quitclaim Deed to Alaska Packers Association and Alameda Belt Line, Jointly." Councilman Sweeney moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was second- ed by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried bY the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. 29. "Ordinance No. 1055, New Series. An Ordinance Amending the Alameda !oinicipal Code by Adding Subdivision (40) to Section 17-432 Thereof, *Relating to Stop Intersections." (Lincoln Avenue and Fifth Street) Councilman Branscheid moved the ordinance be adopted as read, to become effective immediately, due to the grevt emergency and necessity for eliminating a dangerous traffic condition. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes None. Absent: None. 50. "Ordinance No. 1056, New Series An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Subdivision (41) to Section 17-432 Thereof, Relating to Stop Intersections." (Third and R)rush Streets) Councilman Sweeney moved the ordinance be adopted as read, to become effective immediately, due to the great emergency and necessity for the elimination of a school children traffic hazard. The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: Yore, FILING: 31. Financial Statement - Middleton, Hiller & Hackleman - Bureau of Electricity, as of December 31, 1951. 32, Deed - FromeAndrews, re property at Fernside Boulevard and Pearl Street. 33. Specifications - No. MS 2-52-2 - Seven Yew, 1952 Yodel, Sedans, Police Department. BILLS: 34. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the several Departments ti-ereof, in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the Council at this tine general Departments, :9,424.62; Civil Defense Department; 01,191.27: Police Department, 5,330.48: Eire Department, 4,994.69: Street Department, 5,337.01: Health Department, 1,334.97: First 'id, '95.58: , ,, Pecreation Department, 761.85: Park Department, 1,229.13: Golf Course Depart- ment, 0,283.08: Social Service Department, ;38.90; Parking Neter Department, d 7 ,00.18 Pound Department, "3197.62; 5:,bore Department, 1,045.,94: Civil Service Departmelt, :18.00: Traffic Safety 7urd, W,306.13: Gas Tax No 1 Fund, ,326.00; as Tax Ho, 2 Fund , 779.35; Enr-ineerf_nr; apartment Deposit 'Aind, ,'579.12: 1951 , , Sewer Bonds Fund, ,:,973.03. Councilman Sweeney moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on February 19, 1952, and submitted to the Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and or roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). :Toes:- None. Absent: None. 35./ At this point, President Osborn stated he had received a telephone call from the Reverend Robert T. NcFarlane cf the Presbyterian Church, askteg hi. announce that a Civic Service is to be cn Sunda,, March 9, and cordially tru all City Officials and anYone interested to attend. 36./ President Osborn i uired if there were any further Oral Communications, Er. Gottstein asked to have the City Manager give a brief report on the trip to Sacramento today. Mr. Froerer stated that Councilman 7ranscheid, City Attorney Clark, Er. Sumner Graham, representing the Chamber of Commerce, and himself had attended the m'eting of the Toll Bridge Authority. He st,,,ted the subject considered had to do with the refinancing of the Bay Bridge. He explained that the Authority had enacted two resolutions - one, tc amend the statement made in the meeting of November 8, to clarify just That anProaches consisted of and the other resolution had to do with bringing the plans for the southern crossing up to a comparable state of completion with those of the parallel crossing. Also included in ti-.1e, second resolution was the request that the Governor call a hearing in the State Legislature on this matter, to run concurrently with the present session of the legislature. He stated that in the discussion, it developed that very likely the Governor would make this call. It also developed that the Legislature would act and that the Cities probably will know what is going to hannen in the matter of refinancing the Bridge toward the latter end of this session of the Legislature - which probably will be in the month of April. He pointed out he could state this evening that unless there are unsurmountable roadblocks, we can anticipate there will be action and refinancing of the Bridge for apProaches. Councilman Branscheid stated it must be understood that this session of the Legislature meets for the scle purnose of budgetary items - and nothing can be done unless a special call is made bY the Governor. Er. Froerer stated that Senator Breed and Assemblyman Dickey were also present at this meeting. ADJOURNMENT: 37. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, March 4, 1952, at 8:00 o'clock. liespectfully submitted, e 183