The meeting convened at 8:00 o'clock P. Y. with President Osborn presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and.
President Osborn, (5), were noted present. Absent.: None.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held May 1, 1951, were approved as trans-
2. From Mr. Frank Henning, 343 Cypress Street, registering his objections to the
restrictions placed upon the use of sanitary facilities in trailers. His letter
was accomnanied by a petition of protest, signed by a number of trailer occupants.
The matter was referred to the City Manager for study and report.
3. From the Civic Affairs Committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, with regard
to the problem of parking in the business districts of the City, and submitting its
recommendations to alleviate the development of an acute situation.
President Osborn observed that this was a very interesting communication, which was
worthy of consideration and stated he would refer it to the Committee of the \71-iole
in order that the Council might bring it up for study to see what arrangements can
be made.
Councilman Jones pointed out that this is a matter which is of primary concern to the
Planning Board and that the Planning Board is advisory to the Council. He offered
the suggestion that it would be appropriate to have the Board review this matter and
submit its report on the subject, rather than to put it in the Committee of the
He observed that when matters come up that are within the province of a given Board
they should be referred to that Board.
Councilman Branscheid moved the matter be referred to the Planning Board. The mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and unanimously carried.
4V From the Alameda Real Estate and the Apartment House Association of Alameda
County, petitioning the Council to hold, a public hearing on the matter of declaring
the City decontrolled from the Authority of the Federal Housing Expeditor.
President Osborn stated this matter will be given consideration and that he would
answer the communication advising the Real Estate Board of the Council's opinion as
to what action is to be taken.
5. Mr. Frank Gottstein brought up the matter of the removal of the Southern racific
tracks on lincolft Avenue - inquiring as to whether the City is going to let the mat-
ter die or do something about it.
He suggested that nobody has been consulted in this matter but the Southern Pacific
Company, and requested that some contact be made with the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission and other agencies having to do with railroad permits, etcetera.
President Osborn inquired of the City Attorney if anything has developed in this
situation and Mr. ',vhitney stated there has been nothing since he last made a com-
plete report to the Council.
Councilman Jones asked if the City Attorney contemplated any action and Mr. Whitney
answered that he did not at this time, pointing out that this matter was entirely
explained to the Council in his letter.
President Osborn inquired of the City Attorney if negotiations between the companies
are making any progress and Mr. Whitney replied that the last time he talked to the
companies, the negotiations had reached a stalemate.
President Osborn stated that, from his point of view, nothing is being done about
getting the tracks off Lincoln Avenue and that, in his opinion, something should be
done immediately.
Mr. Whitney stated he had written the Council all about this and he could report
nothing further until the Council decides what to do about the letter referred to.
6. Bids were submitted and read for the purchase of City of Alameda 1951 Sewer
Bonds, as follows:
From Laidlaw & Co., First of Michigan Corporation, Ira Haupt & Co.,
Taylor and Company - By Bank of California N. A., Agent
From Bank of America N. T. & S. A. & Associates - By Bank of
America N. T. & S. A.
From Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc., The First National Bank of Chicago,
Braun, Bosworth & Co. Incorporated - By Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc.
From J. P. Morgan F- Co., Inc., Salomon Bros. & Hutzler, J. S.
Strauss & Co. - By J. S. Strauss & Co.
From The National City Bank of New York, R. W. Pressprich & Co.
California Bank, William R. Staats Co. - By William R.
Staats Co., Inc.
The bids were referred to a committee present for making an analysis.
7. Bids were received and read for the furnishing of 1,160 01,000. City of Alameda
1951 Sewer Bonds, as follows:
From Schwabacher-Frey Company - - 01,146.00
Accompanied by certified check in amount of - 11.46
From A. Carlisle Co. 1,101.00
Accompanied by certified check in amount of - - 125.00
It was developed in the course of opening these bids that Schwabacher-Frey Company
had posted with its bid a certified check in an amount equal only to 1 of the bid
price instead of the 105 as required.
The bids were referred to the City Manager with a question as to the legality of
the Schwabacher-Frey Company's bid, and for study and recommendation.
Councilman Jones cited the case of Camisa Bros. Roofing Company, in which the bidder
who had failed to enclose any check at all was permitted to post a check after the
bids were opened, and suggested the same privilege should be accorded in this case.
President Osborn stated the cases were slightly different inasmuch as a representa-
tive of Camisa Bros. had been present and made the discrepancy good - and it was his
feeling that the Council should have an opinion of the City Attorney in this matter.
8. Bids were presented and read for the project of constructing Storm Sewer La-
terals on Fillmore Street, from High to Court Streets, in accordance with Specifica-
tions and Provisions therefor, No. IV 5-51-3, as follows:
From Manuel Enos
Accompanied by certified check in amount of -
From McGuire and Hester
Accompanied by a Proposal Bond
The bids were referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation.
9- From the City Manager, reporting that all work in connection with the construc-
tion of the Civil Defense Cable Conduit has been satisfactorily completed in ac-
cordance with Specifications No. 7:` 2-51-1. He therefore recommended the work be
accented and the Notice of Completion be filed.
Councilman Anderson moved the City Manager's recommendation be followed and the No-
tice of Completion covering this project be filed. The motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Jones and unanimously carried.
10. From the City Manager, transmitting the recommendation of the Chief of Police
concerning parking facilities in the vicinity of the High School - to the effect
that the parking restrictions remain in force.
President Osborn noted the presence of several high school students and commented
on the Police Chief's recommendation in this matter, stating it was his feeling
that if the students would discommode themselves to the extent of being willing to
walk a block they would have plenty of space in which to park and would be in no
danger of having tickets put on their cars.
He thereupon asked the pleasure of the Council in the matter of adopting the Chief's
recommendations. Councilman Anderson moved the Chief's report be accepted, which
motion was seconded by Co ncilman Sweeney and unanimously carried.
- 11,849.85
11. From the City Manager, recommending that Policewoman Cecelia Robinson be
authorized to attend several meetings of the Women Peace Officers' Association
to be held inFresno on June 23: Long Beach on June 25; and Santa Barbara on
June 26, and 7O. be appropriated for her expenses.
Councilman Anderson moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that
Policewoman Robinson be authorized to attend these sessions and ?70. be appro-
priated to defray her expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and
on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid,
Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
12. From the City Manager, recommending that Inspector Robert Allen be authorized
to attend the Tenth Annual California Technical Institute of Peace Officers' Train-
ing, to be held at Santa Rita, from June 4, through June 15, 1951, and 125, be appro-
priated for this purpose.
Councilman Sweeney moved the City Manager's recommendation be followed; that Inspec-
tor Allen be authorized to attend the specified training school and 25. be appro-
priated for his expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on
rol1 call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid,
Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). ',Toes: None. Absent: None.
13. From Wm. G. Paden, Secretary, Board of Education, transmitting copy of 1951-
952 Budget of Alameda Unified School District - and requesting that the sum of
3 2,840. be apportioned to the Alameda City Schools in order to balance its budget.
President Osborn stated this Budget would be referred to the Committee of the Whole
for consideration in connection with the City Budget.
14. From the City Manager, recommending that contract be awarded to McGuire and
Hester for the project of constructing an extension to the Liberty Avenue Storm
Sewer, at the bid price of '31612.
Councilman Branscheid moved the City Manager's recommendation be accepted; that con-
tract be awarded to the designated firm and the bid check be returned to the unsuc-
cessful bidder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call car-
ried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney
and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None,
15' Osborn stated he would like to make a report on his recent trip to
Washington, D. C. in the interest of Civil Defense as follows:
A Conference was held in Washington on May 7 and 8, opening on Monday morning with
various forums. Mr. J. J. Wadsworth, Assistant Administrator of Civil Defense,
opened the session and made several pertinent statements with reference to the
program. The sad part of it is, the Federal Government recognizes the serious-
ness of the situation but it has as yet appropriated no monies to assist States
and Cities in the cost of the program. There was particular emphasis laid upon the
fact that if the people of the United States, themselves, do not take the danger of
attack seriously and prepare a Civil Defense program of education as to the things
that can be done to take care of themselves, at the present time, without any pre-
paration, there is a grave possibility that not over 10% of the people in an af-
fected area would be saved. It is believed that if the Program is taken seriously
and proper preparations are made, there is a strong possibility that better than
50% of the casualties can be saved.
There were many other very interesting talks given by military and medical authori-
ties and they brought out many very worthwhile facts in connection with the whole
program, stressing the seriousness of the situation and the importance of develop-
ing a Civil Defense program.
While the City of Alameda, according to the program originally set up by the Civil
Defense Coordinator, has progressed fairly well, yet I, personally, feel that we
are very inadequate in our preparation. We have between 1,900 and 2,000 enrollments
and it is my personal opinion, based on what I have heard, that we would be much
better off if this number were closer to 10,000.
Everybody should educate himself as to the danger of attack. One of the statements
made that particularly impressed me was the fact that if the people are educated and
are intelligent about what they may do for themselves, they are very well prepared
for the attack and do not suffer fear and panic if the attack comes - and the neces-
sity for outside help is greatly lessened. One other point was the statement made
by one of the doctors - that he felt it is the paramount duty of all parents to pro-
vide a liberal supply of gauze because of the fact that all radiation burns must be
immediately protected and taken care of.
It is going to be my privilege to make a talk Monday evening, June 4, to the members
of the Elks' Lodge and I am safe in stating that the officers of the Lodge are go-
ing to throw the meeting open to interested persons and I would like to take this
opportunity to invite everyone interested to come and hear what I have to say as I
will be more specific and give more details than I have been able to give this even-
16 At this point, the City XTanager returned with a report on the bids received for
furnishing the ;;1,000. Sewer Bonds, stating that, in the opinion of the City Attor-
ney, the lack of a certified check in sufficient amount will not affect the bid in
Mr. Froerer stated the lower bid was submitted by A. Carlisle (7): Co. and he would
recommend the contract for 1,160 T,1,000. Bonds be awarded to this company and the
check be returned to the unsuccessful bidder, Schwabacher-Frey Co.
Councilman Branscheid moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that con-
tract be awarded to A. Carlisle ?: Co. for this item and the check be returned to the
unsuccessful bidder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and. President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
17. Councilman Branscheid introduced the following ordinance, after which it was
laid over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Vacating Certain Levee, Bulkhead or
Seawall Easements and. Authorizing the Execution
of Quitclaim Deeds to Manuel Soares and Minnie
Soares, His Wife, William Silva and Virginia Silva,
His Wife, and Anna C. Silva."
18: The matter of a review of the Committee of the Whole file was presented at this
Councilman Jones suggested that, in view of the length of the meeting, consideration
of this matter be deferred. A motion to this effect was made by Councilman Brans-
cheid, seconded by Councilman Jones and unanimously carried.
19. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4358
Memorializing the Legislature of the State of
California in the Matter of Assembly Bills Hos.
2801 and 2802, Dealing with the Construction of
a Tube Under the Estuary Between the Cities of
Oakland and Alameda, and Urging Passage Thereof."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: Hone. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
20. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
"Resolution No, 4359
Memorializing the Legislature of the State of
California in the Natter of Assembly Bill No.
3217, Relating to Urban Unincorporated Areas,
And. Urging Enactment of Such Legislation."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: Hone. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4360
Creating a Fund to be Known as 'Special Golf Club
House Alteration Fund' and Transferring ')2,500. from
Capital Account vo• 152-f (Club House Equipment)Thereto."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Csborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
22. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4361
Transferring 21,100. from Expense Account No.
70-n (Salary Contingent Fund) to Various Accounts
for Salary Adjustments."_
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
President Osborn asked for an explanation of this resolution and Mr. Froerer stated
that in anticipation of some adjustments of wages, the budget as adopted, set up a
contingent salary fund in the amount of 30,000. - but since there have been two
salary increases granted, as of December 1, 1950, and May 1, 1951, the adjustment
made by this resolution is for the purpose of meeting these increases.
23. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4362
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing to the City
of Alameda for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30,1952:
Gasoline, Paving Mixtures and Asphaltic Emulsions,
Portland Cement Concrete Mix, Quarry Waste, Earth
Fill and Top Soil; Parking Meters (Manual); and
Crusher Run Base; Calling for Bids and Directing
City Clerk to Advertise Each of Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on
roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid,
Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4363
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing Cne Complete
Truck Including Hoist and Dump Body with 1-;1:, Cubic
Yard Capacity, or One New Truck. Chassis and Cab on
Which is to be Mounted the Hoist and Dump Body Now
on City's Truck No. 8; Calling for Bids and Direct-
ing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4364
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Resurfacing
and Repair of Asphalt and Bituminous Pavement for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1952, Calling for Bids and
Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4365
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and
Plans for the Construction of Sanitary and Storm
Sewers, Alameda's Sewer System to E. B. M. U. D.
Sanitary Interceptor, Unit I; Calling. for Bids
and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4366
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and
Plans for the Construction of Taylor Avenue
Pressure Sewer Between Central.Avenueand Fourth
Street, Calling for Bids and Directing the City
Clerk to Advertise for Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
28. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4567
Calling for Bids for Legal Advertising for the
City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 1951-1952."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: Yone, Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4368
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Repair of
Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway, Curb
and Gutter for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1952,
Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Adver-
tise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
30. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4369
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and
Plans for the Installation of House Laterals for
The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1952, Calling for
Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes : None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
31.. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4370
Selling City of Alameda 1951 Sewer Bonds."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. .Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None, Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
32. "Ordinance No. 1025,
New Series
An Ordinance Reclassifying Property by Adding
Section 66 to Ordinance No. 725, New Series."
(Four Lots in Hansen's Subdivision - Known as
Tract No, 1085)
Councilman Branscheid moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll call carried by the following vote.
Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5).
Noes: None, Absent: None.
33. Financial Statement - Middleton, Hiller and Hackleman - Bureau of
Electricity, as of March, 1951.
34. Auditor's Balance Sheet - For Month of April, 1951.
35. Specifications - No. MS 5-51-10 - Gasoline.
36. Specifications - Ho. MS 5-51-11 - Paving Mixtures.
37. Specifications - No. MS 5-51-12 - Cement Concrete Mix.
. Specifications - No. MS 5-51-13 - Quarry Waste, Earth
Fill at City Dump and Top Soil.
39. Specifications - Ho. MS 5-51-14 - Parking Meters (Manual).
40. Specifications - No. MS 5-51-15 - Crusher Run Base.
41. Specifications - No. MS 5-51-16 - Dump Truck.
42. Specifications - No. PW 5-51- 4 - Resurfacing and Repair
of Asphalt and Bituminous Pavement,
43. Specifications - Ho. PW 5-51- 5 - Repair of Sidewalk,
Driveway, Curb and Gutter.
44. Specifications - No. PW 5-51- 6 - Installations of House
Sewer Laterals.
45. Specifications - No. PW 5-51- 7 - Construction of Taylor
Avenue Pressure System.
46. Specifications - Yo. PW 5-51- 8 - Construction of Sanitary
Storm Sewer (AIameda's Sewer System to East Bay Muni-
cipal Utility District Sanitary Interceptor - Unit I).
47. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the several Depart-
ments thereof, in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the City Council
at this meeting: General Departments, (1',7,817.89; Police Department, 04,102.61;
Fire Department, Q843.92; Street Department, Q3,174.44; Recreation Department,
1798.77: Park Department, 1,328.77; Golf Course Department, 01,104.07;
Social Service Department, <4;41.75; Parking Meter Fund, 17.05; Store Department,
1,586.35; Pound Department, ,12.52; Civil Service Department, T18.67; First
Aid Department, 62.31; Health Department, 'f1,088.33; Gas Tax No. 1 Fund, 073.07;
Gas Tax No. 2 Fund, !:;2,535.57; East Bay Municipal Utility District Fund, 4Q2,039.08;
Engineering Department Deposit Fund, 0210.48; Traffic Safety Fund, 01,624.77;
Civil Defense Department, !8,196.34.
Councilman Sweeney moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the
City Clerk on May 15, 1951, and submitted to the Council at this time, be allowed
and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Branscheid, and on roll call car-
ried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney
and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
48. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council ad-
journed - to assemble in adjourned regular session on Thursday evening, May 17, 1951,
at 7:30 o'clock.