1951-06-05 Regular CC Minutes50
The meeting convened at 8:00 o'clock P.. M. with President Osborn presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and
President Osborn, (5), were noted present. , Absent : None.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held May 15, 1051, and the adjourned regular
meelThag held May 17, 1051, were approved as transcribed.
2 From the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, with regard to ts
plan for the proposed development of the East Shore Freeway between Fallon and
Market Streets, Oakland, and Its Alameda connections.
President Osborn, in commenting on this communication, stated that when the plan
was reviewed by the Council, there was some criticism of the fact that Alameda
traffic would have to cross the traffic leaving the freeway to 7o into downtown
Csland - and the revision in the man has taken care of this objection.
Councilman Jones moved the Department nf :ublic jors be notified that tho Oily of
Alameda approves the tentative plan as outlined. The motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Branscheid, who observed there has been one rublic hearing an the matter,
at which time everybody had an opportunity to study and investigate the Plan, with
the result that the only objection was the one explained by the Mayor.
The question was called for and the notion was unanimously carried.
o. From Laurance L. Cross, Mayor of tine City of Berkeley, inviting the City to be
with a float in the Sixth Annual 'Football Festival "Parade of Tights",
to be held in Berkeley on Friday, September 21, 1051.
This matter was referred to the Alameda Chamber of Commerce fo- tc consideration
and recommendation.
4. An irvitation was read for the Council to attend the joint installation Cere-
monies of Officers of Fleet heserve Association and Ladies Auxiliary, on Wednesday,
Jure 13, 1951, at 8:00 o'clock P. 5. at the Veterans' Memorial -5uilding.
President Osborn stated he would be happy to attend this affair and expressed the
hope that other members of the Councii might find it possible to be present on
this occasion.
5. Bids v,ere opened and read for the furnish' g of •:on-Premlum and Ethyl Gasoline
during the fiscal year 1031-52, in accordance with Snecifications therefor,
115 5-51-10 as follows:
From Signal Oil Company
From Union Union, Oil Company
From Richfield Oil Corporation .17
From Standard Oil Company
From Shell Oil Company
From Tide Water A, ()elated Oil Company
From Seaside Oil Company
Each of the foregoing bids was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $500.
The bids were referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for study and report.
6. A bid was received from Heafey-Moore Co. for furnishing Medium Curing Plant-
mixed Surfacing Paving Mixtures at the price of per ton, in accordance with
Item (a) of Specifications No. MS 5-51-11. The bid was accompanied by a certified
check in. the amount of 600.
A bid was received and read from Starcal Asphalt Ditumuls Company for furnishing
Penetration Tyne Asphaltic Emulsion at the price of •21.01 per ton, in accordance
with Item (b) of Specifications therefor, 110. 1S 5-51-11. The bid was accompanied
by a certified check in amount of 94.05.
r. There were no bids received on the City's call for furnishing Portland Cement
Concrete i7ix_ during, the ensuing fiscal year, in connection with. Specifications 70•
MS 5-51-72.
Therefore, Councilman Jones moved the C't- ',Tanager be authorized to make arrange-
ments to acquire this natorial on the open market. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen
Anderson, Jones, Branscheid, Sweeney and President Osborn, Hoes: Hone.
Absent: None.
A bid was opened and read from Heafley-Moore Co. for furnishing Item (a) "uarry
7faste at ninety-five cents Per ton and Item (b) Earth Till at the City Dump at
eighty-five cents per ton, in accordance with Specifications lIa. S 5-51-13. The
bid was accompanied by a certified check in the amount cf
Ho bid was received for furnishing Item (c) Ton Soil, in connection with these
2•1/ A bid was submitted and read from Durcan Parking 1eter Corporation for furnish-
ing Parking voters (1:anual) during the fiscal year 1951-52, in accordance with
Specifications therefor, 7o. 118 5-51-14 - nrces being quoted according tc "lot"
orders. "hn bid was accompnried by a cer'ified checll in the amount of T500.
10. The only bid received and read for the furnishing of Crusher Run Base, in ac-
cordance with Specifications Lo. 1:S 5-51-15, was submitted by Heafey-r_ocre Co. at
the price of 1.70 Per ton. The bid was accomranied by a certified check in the
amount of :,225.
11 . Bids were subritted and read for the furnishing of one new Truck with 1 Cubic
Yard Dump Body and 'Hoist, in accordance with Specifications therefor, T:o. 1:15 5-51-16
as follows:
From. GPAC Truck & Coach Division - - I2,553.76
Accompanied by cashier's check in amount of 255.37
le •
From Garland Chevrolet Co. 2,639.90
Accompanied by certified check in amount of - - ..265.90
From Jack Erwin Eotors 2,672.35
Accompanied by certified check in amount of - 300.00
12. Yo bids were received on the City's call for legal advertising during the
coning fiscal year 1951-52.
Councilman Anderson thereupon moved the Alameda Tires-Star be designated as the
official newspaper for the City of Alameda. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Jones and unanimously carried.
13V Bids were presented and read for the project of resurfacing and repair of
asphalt and bituminous pavement during the fiscal year 1251-52, in accordance with
Specifications and Provisions J-o. P71 5 -51-4, as follows:
From Gallagher 2 Burk, Inc.
Accompanied by certified check in amount of - - - 3,500.00
From Ransome Company 36,000.00
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
14:'A bid was received from Gallagher / Burk, inc. for the project of repairing
_ortland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Drivoe:ay, Curb and Gutter during the fiscal year
1051-52, as per the quoted unit Prices. 2he bid was accompanied by a certified
check in the amount of ,500.
15. A bid was submitted by ;Manuel Enos for the Project of Installing 'louse Sevier
Taterals during the fiscal year 1951-52, ir accordance with Specifications and Pro-
visions No. rj 5-51-6 - prices quoted according to the several schedules set forth.
The bid was accompanied by a certified check in the arnount of 671.
16. Rids were received and read for the project of Constructing a Pressure Sewer
on Taylor Avenue, between Central Avenue and Fourth Street, in accordance with
Specifications and provisions Ho. 27 5-51-7, as follows:
From Paris Bros. .50
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
From McGuire and Hester 8,732.00
Accompanied by a 1314 Bond
From. Martin Murphy
Accompanied by certified check in amount of -
17' were received and read for the project of constructing a Sanitary and
Storm Sewers (Alameda's Sewer System to East Bay Municipal Utility District Sani-
tary Interceptor - Unit No. 1), in accordance with Specifications and Provisions
therefor, No. PW 5-51-3, as follows:
From YeGuire and Hester
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
294,5 .85
From Stolte Inc. 299,012.50
Accompanied by a Bid Bond
When the reading cf the items making up the bids on this project had proceeded for
a short time, and it was noted there were some 73 items in each of the bids, Coun-
cilman Branscheid moved the itemized readin6 of these bids be eliminated and the
bids be recorded by total bid prices only. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Sweeney and unanimously carried.
All of the foregoing, bids were referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for
study and recommendation.
13. From the :"ayor, City ',Tanager and Auditor, submitting their report on the Count
of 1,9oney, held May 16, 1951, showing the amount of ,,2,716,031.93 in the City Trea-
The report was noted and ordered filed.
19, From the Department of ?ublic Utilities, transmitting copies of its Resolution
Ile. 1227 and its 3udget for the ensuing year 1951-52, adopted thereby.
President Osborn ordered this communication and its enclosures filed, with the ob-
servation teL the Department of 2-eblic Utilities was to be cornended upon the fine
showing it has nade, and with the expression that the City is very harry to have
this very dependable source of revenue.
20. From the City Attorney, reporting on the situation between the Southern Pacific
Company and the Alameda Belt Line in the matter of the removal of the tracks on
Lincoln Avenue and recommending, that his office be authorized to engage the firm of
FcCutchen, Thomas, T:',atthew, Griffiths 9- Theene, sPecialists in railroad litigation,
to take such proceedings as may be legally advised in order that t'ne operation of
the Southern Pacific Cornany's Tincoln Avenue line be discontinued at the earliest
nossible moment.
Councilman 'Thanscheld observed that this matter has been before the Council for a
long time; that it has been given a great deal of study and there is no question
that some recognition must be given the Cact that : r. Frank Gottstein has pushed
the matter continuously - and further, that it imposes a grave responsibility upon
the Council. N,e, stated, his only concern is whether, under the conditions as they
exist today, the Council would be justified in proceeding with litigation because
of the many factors involved, to-wit: A possible maximum fee of about 915,000. and
the necessity for immediate paving of the street if the tracks are removed.
He stated he would be very glad to support this, but would like to see a little more
evidence of a public understanding of the situation - suggesting that if the people
up and down Lincoln Avenue were to present a petition stating they understand that
this action will entail a cost, part of which will have to be borne by then, he felt
there would be a sound basis upon which the Council might proceed - but that, without
such public support, he would be reluctant to make a motion to proceed. Councilman
Branscheid thereupon suggested that, until such time, the natter be referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Councilran Jones stated that while he agreed with what Councilman Branscheid had
sold, the City Attorney had pointed out that, in his opinion, the litigation in
connection with this ratter might extend over a period of Cron three to five years
and the rehabilitation of Lincoln Avenue could not proceed until the litigation had
been terminated. He stat-,0, he had been the recipient of many requests for informa-
tion as to when this natter would be taken care of and that he had informed persons
raking such inquiries that the Council honed to settle the matter without going to
Court - but that if it were deemed necessary to do so, -litigation would be resorted
to. He stated he felt, therefore, the time has arrived when a definite decision
should be reached and proceedings actually undertaken, expressing the opinion that
if the Southern Pacific Comnany understands the City means business, it might come
to terns very shortly.
Councilman Sweeney stated he felt the Council was entirely in accord in the ratter ar
getting t ,e tracks out of Lincoln Avenue and the only thing that was causing him any
concern was the terrific cost of the nrocosed litigation. He stated that, in view
of this cost, if there were any other way of getting around, the situation, he felt
those steps should be taken. 'iTe stated he had some conversations with the City
Attorney about the revocation of spur track Permits and the City Attorney feels
nothing could be accomplished by such action. He suggested the City Attorney might
explain to the Council the difficulties in which the City mieht find itself if pro-
ceedings are taken along this line.
President Osborn asked the City Attorney what, in his opinion, would be the over-all
result of action looking to the revocation of some of the Southern Pacific Company's
spur track permits.
Mr. Thitney stated he felt t'lat the revocation of a few nornite could not ho deemed
to be a direct ennroach to the problem. He sug7ested that, in -the event of such
action being taken, one of two things could happen, namely: The Southern Pacific
Company could 7o into Court and state the C't:- is taing an arbitrary Position end
on the o'-her hand, some firms that are served might try to enjoin the revocation of
the permits on the 7round that the revocation of these permits injures their busi-
ness. Secondl-, the Southern 2acific Company mi-ht permit the revocation ef the
eerloits and tell their customers it can no linger serve them and they would have to
go to the City Council to find out why. To stated thi s natter has reached the Point
where, if the Council wants the Southern Pacific Company off Lincoll Avenue, the
necessary action should he filed to get it off.
Councilman Anderson pointed opt that t-le possible financial obligation of -a, 000.
might be considerably less than that.
Hr. Vihitney interjected that 15.000. was to be the ma:dmum cost of the litigation
but he was not certain whether the coal firm mentioned would abide by that figure
as it was quoted approximately one year ago.
President Osborn read a Portion of the original letter from the law firn on the sub-
ject cf fees, in which the ylinimum and -aximum amounts were discussed.
Councilman Anderson, continuing his statement, said that while there is a consider-
able sum of money involved, nevertheless for the good it would do the City, he felt
every citizen in Alameda Is interested - not alone the people living on Lincoln
Avenue. Pe stated this natter has been discussed many tires and has been given
much thought and the problem involved is entirely a legal one. Ile stated he knew
of no case where the Present City Attorney has mislead the Council and that the
question is ono of great potency. He stated the City Attorney, after considering
the matter fully and discussing every possible means of getting around the situation,
has now come to the Council with a second letter recommending the manner in which
this problem should be attacked . tTe said that, as far as he is concerned, there has
been sufficient study given this subject and it was his opinion the Council should
proceed along the lines advised by the City Attorney.
Councilman Jones stated the matter has been before the Council for a considerable
length of time and moved the City Attorney be authorized to engage the services of
the law firm of :cCutchen, Thomas, Eatthew, Griffiths Greene and proceed in the
matter of getting the Southern 1-'acific Company off Lincoln Avenue. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unani-lously carried.
21. Prom Ur, Herbert W. Peale, tendering his resignation as a nember of ,ne Social
Service Board, effective immediately.
Councilman Anderson moved the resignation ef Mr. Peale be accepted with regret and
the Clerk be instructed to express to 1r. Peale the a,-preciation of the City for
the fire worl- he has done as a member of thc Board. The motion was seconded by
Councilman L3ranscheld and unanimously carried.
22. from the City Planning 7card, with regard to narking in the business districts
of the City, and recommending that In order to get the matter of off-street parking
under way, the proper procedure be followed by the Council to establish a Parking
Authority, to be composed of a group of citizens and one member or the Planning
r sident Osborn noted that the com7.unication of the Planning Board is in response
to a communication from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, addressed to the Council
and referred by it to the Planning Board and that, inasmuch as the Council has had
no opportunity to consider the recommendation of the Planning -Board, the ratter
would be referred to the Committee of the 'jhole for further consideration.
23. From S. N. Graham, Acting Moderator, Executive Committee, Citizens' Advisory
Committee, requesting that Harry L. Morrison, Jr., be granted a two weeks vacation
at the termination of the Committees' present work. It was stated that MT. John
Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, had given his opinion that Mr. Morrison was entitled
to such a vacation under provisions of Section 2-541 of the Alameda Municipal Code.
Councilman Jones moved the vacation be granted. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Anderson and unanimously carried.
Councilman. Branscheid inquired if Mr. Morrison were under Civil Service, and Mr.
Froerer stated that while he could not answer that question, he could state that
Yr. Morrison was employed under provisions of the Charter as a person of special
ability, hired to perform special services. He pointed out the Deputy City Attorney
was aware of this situation at the time his °Pinion in the matter was asked and
24. From. the City Manager, recommending that contract be awarded to Manuel Enos,
for the project of constructing StermSewer Laterals on Fillmore Street, from High
to Court Streets at the bid price of ,1;.2,659.45, in accordance with Specifications
and Provisions therefor, P. P71 5-51-3.
Councilman Anderson roved the City Tanager's recommendation be approved; that con-
tract be awarded to Tr. Enos and the check be returned to the unsuccessful bidder.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President
Osborn, (5). hoes : None. Absent: -one.
25. From Wm. G. Paden, Superintendent of Schools, with regard to the lease between
City and School District for the use of Thompson Field, McKinley Park.
This matter was referred to the City Attorney for his consideration.
26. From the Alameda County Rent Advisory Board Number V, requesting that the Coun-
cil take no action on a petition recently submitted for the decontrol of rents,
unless and until a survey of the entire rental situation is made.
President Osborn stated that the Council has recently received a request from the
Apartment House Owners Association that rents be decontrolled and that the Council
decided it would take no action until it had information as to what the Federal
Government is going to do in the natter. Fe stated that, under these conditions,
it would be proper to request the City Clerk to acknowledge this letter informing
the Rent Advisory Board of the Position taken by the Council and that any action
which might be taken in the future would be the subject of a public hearing.
27. Councilman Branscheid introduced the following ordinance, after which it was
laid over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda 111 Icipal Code
by Amending Subdivision (5) of Section 17-431,
Relating to Through Highways."
Councilman Branscheid indicated this ordinance does not result in the removal of
any stop signs on High Street, but makes it a through street to Otis Drive.
President Osborn, commenting on the ordinance, stated that by reason of the im-
provements made in that district, several dangerous intersections have been created
and this ordinance was being introduced to eliminate the hazard.
28. Councilman Sweeney introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Vacating a Sewer Easement Over Certain
Lands and Authorizing Execution of a Quitclaim Deed
to the United States of America."
29. President Osborn noted the presence of Marion Niller in the audience and con-
gratulated hir upon his recent election as President of the Alameda Chamber of Com-
merce and introduced him to the audience.
30. Councilman Jones noted a delegation from the Junior Chamber of Commerce and
suggested it might like to be heard on some matter.
Mr. Jack Peters responded, stating that while the Junior Chamber has turned out in
force tonight, it would like to sit with the Council in a Committee of the Whole
meeting on off-street parking, by reason of its being too broad a subject to cover
in an open meeting. He stated the Junior Chamber has some definite ideas as to what
it would like to see done in the matter of off-street parking, and that it would
welcome an opportunity to meet with the Council and discuss the whole subject around
the table. 7e suggested the Chamber might be able to provide a little drive in the
matter if the Council desired that.
President Osborn stated he felt a meeting such as suggested by Mr. Peters could be
arranged and that as soon as a date mutually agreeable could be determined upon,
such a meeting would be held.
Councilman Branscheid stated he felt this is a subject that will some day have to be
met if the City is to successfull- retain its business interests. He congratulated
the Junior Chamber upon its recognizing the importance of this natter and taking
some steps to get it underway. He stated that while the ratter is alive, he would
like to move that it be referred to the City Tanager with the request that he report
to the Council on the matter of forming a Parking Authority. 7he notion was
seconded by Councilman Sweeney.
At the request of Councilman Jones, there was incorporated in Councilman Branscheid'
motion a suggestion that this -hatter of a Parking Authority be inquired into in con-
nection with the Bartholomew Report on Cff-Street Parking.
The question was called for and the motion was unanimously carried.
31. Mr. William McCall addressed the Council on the subject of sports activities in
Alameda, stating that Alameda has many persons interested in skeet shooting, fly
casting, etcetera, and that he had recently noted a skeet range operated by the
United States Navy on City property back of the 4th Green of the Golf Course. He
suggested the sportsmen of Alameda had lost their skeet and trap shoot ranges and it
was their feeling they should be zranted the same rig:hts as Navy personnel here to
set up a range on City-owned property, or share the range now operated by the Navy.
City Manager Froerer stated this was the first knowledge he has that a skeet range
is In operation. and that It would be immediately Investigated. He stated that se-
lection of a site for a pistol and rifle range is being considered but that as to
the natter of a skeet shooting range, that is an entirely different matter inasmuch
as It is quite difficult to properly control this type of activity.
32. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman. Jones, who moved its
"Resolution TM. 4373
Accepting Grant of Easement from United States of
America in Certain. Real Property, for Sewer Purposes,
and Consenting to the Recordation Thereof."
The notion to adopt -aid resolutice corded by Counc11-an Branschold and on
roll call carried by the follolving vote.Ayes: Councilmen Anderso:, Branscheid,
Jones, Sweeney and Fresident Osborn, (5). yoes Absent : yone• Thereupon
the resident declared sold resolution duly adoPted and passed.
33. The following roscluticu was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution Mo. 4374
Accepting Grant of Easement from Alameda South Shore.
Land Company, a Corporation, in Certain Real Property'
for Sower Purposes, and Consenting to Recordation
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Eranscheld, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5) . Hoes: None. Absent:: None. .Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
34. The following resolution was
introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution Yo. 4375
Adopting Specificatione for Furnishing to the City of
Alameda, Medical and. Surgical Supplies and Medicatione
for Civil, Defense, Health. Service Divisionalling
for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The not on to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Branscheid and on
roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid,
Jones, Sweeney and. President Osborn, (5). Nees: Lore. Absent: None, Thereupon.
the ?resident declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
35. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved its
Time of
"Resolution Ko. 4376
Payment of Salaries and Compeneation."
The motion to adopt said resolution. was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: 1Tone. ,Theroupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
36. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones who moved Its
"Mc:solution 'o. 4377
Resolution Indicating the City of Alameda's fillingness
To Participate in the State Operational Plan for Civil
Defense and 7,equestIng State Funds for the Immediate
Construction of a Suitable Commun■cotions -etwork."
The 'iotion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones,
Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). 7-oes: "one. Absent: -one. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
"Ordinance No. 1026,
Pew Series
An Crdiriance Vacating Certain Levee, Bulkhead or
Seawall Easements and. Authorizing the Execution
of Quitclaim Deeds to Fanuel Soares and
Soares, His V:ife, William Silva and Virginia
Soares, His Wife and Anna C. Silva."
Councilman Jones moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). Hoes:
Pone. Absent: Hone.
33, Financial Statement - Middleton, Hiller (7 Hackleman Bureau of
Electricity - Ponth of April, 1051.
39. --rant of Easement - Between Alameda South Shore Land Company
and City.
40. Grant of Easement - Between United States of America and City.
41. Auditor's Balance Sheet - Month of June, 1951,
42. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and several of the
Departments thereof, in the total amounts as follows, was submitted to the Council
at thIs tine: Genera] Fund, 5,906.22: Health Department, 62.70; Capital
Outlays Fund, „:,2,320.; as Tax 2 Fund, 2,497.86; Civil Defense Fund,
546.25; Jere Department, '13.13; Street Department, (2,>101.52; Store Depart-
ment, 1,;30.; Engineering Department Deposit Fund, 1,004.12.
Councilman Sweeney moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the
City Clerk on June 5, 1251, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Branscheid and on roll call carried by the renewing vote. Ayes: Councilmen
Branscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Csborn, (5). 'Toes: None.
Absent: rone.
43. At this time, President Csborn acknowledge the presence of the delegation from
the Junior Chamber of Commerce. He asked the spokesman to present its matter and
17r. Jack Peters introduced 11-. Richard Schacht, whc extolled the work of Councilman
Branscheid during the past six years as Mayor of the City and congratulated the
City upon having had such a fine public servant.
In conclusion, Ir. Schacht presented Councilman Branscheid with a desk pen set and
invited him and all of the City Officials present to attend a reception being held
in honor of Councilman Branscheid in thee Times-Star Building immediately following
adjournment of this meeting.
Councilman Branscheid graciously acknowledged the expression of appreciation and
the gift. He stated it has always been a pleasure to work with the Junior Chamber
of Commerce.
44. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council ad-
journed - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, June 19,1951, at
6:0C o'cloc.
Respectfully submfrtted,
y Clerk