1949-05-17 Regular CC MinutesROL
The meeting convened at 8:00 P. M. with President Branscheid presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Presi-
dent Branscheid, (5), were noted present. Absent:. None._
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held Kay 3, 1949, were approved as
2. From Alameda Optimist Club, endorsing the City's program for park and recrea-
tion facilities.
The communication was ordered filed.
3: A petition, signed by 204 residents of Park Avenue, was presented to the Coun-
cil, protesting the proposed change of name.
Councilman Jones suggested that if some of the residents were present, it might be
well to hear them under the heading of "Oral Communications."
4. From the Lincoln-Edison Dads Club, requesting uermission to plant an ever-
green tree on the premises of Lincoln Park and dedicate it as a tribute to all
persons who have served our Country in every field of endeavor and duty.
Councilman Jones suggested this matter also go over to "Oral Communications" so
that anyone interested might discuss the subject.
5:/ President Branscheid stated the Council would be glad to hear from anyone
interested in the petition protesting the change of name of Park Avenue.
Mr. Norman W. Graybeal, 1348 Park Avenue, responded and stated he couldn't under-
stand why the Post Cffice should want the name changed when the residents wanted
the name maintained. He pointed out that Park Avenue received its present name
long before Park Street was established and suggested that in view of the numerous
misdeliveries of mail cited by the Postmaster, it might be well for the Post Cffice
to undertake some measure looking toward the raising of its efficiency.
Mr. E. H. Rogers, 1096 Park Avenue, spoke on the subject, stating that he has been
a resident of Alameda for sixty-one years and he has a home on Park Avenue, in
which he has lived for the past eleven years. He said that so far as he has been
able to ascertain, there has been no mix up in the delivery of mail, except as to
numbers. He stated he has received no mail for a similar address on Park Street.
Several others addressed the Council along these same lines.
Councilman Jones stated this matter is now up before the Council for the second time
during his experience. He stated that on each occasion there has been a great num-
ber of protestants against a change and no proponents. He thereupon moved the name
of Park Avenue not be changed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and
unanimously carried.
Councilman Jones suggested the Clerk notify the Postmaster that if, in the future,
he wishes to have consideration given to any request by him asking for the change
of the name of a street, he should circulate a petition among the residents of that
street to determine their wishes in the matter and if the petition shows they wish
to have the name of the street changed, the matter will be given consideration.
He stated that from his point of view, there was no point in bringing this matter
up from time to time for the purpose of having the name changed when it is certain
to be vigorously protested.
6:7 With regard to the request of the Lincoln-Edison Dads Club for permission to
plant a tree in Lincoln Park, Mr. Jack O. Lubbock stated the letter speaks for it-
self, pointing out it is their intention or desire to plant this tree; that it is
a sentimental matter representing the feelings of the fathers and sons. They desire
to plant something that is God given and beautiful, as a tribute to all people who
have served our Country.
Councilman Osborn observed that it was his feeling this request for the planting of
a tree as a War Memorial is a little out of order from the standpoint that if it
were to be permitted, it would lead to the establishment of a precedent which might
become a serious thing. He stated it might be a good idea to plant trees, but in
this case the interested group should give consideration to the planting of a tree
on school property - the suggestion having been made that the two schools repre-
sented by this group have considerable ground surrounding their buildings where the
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planting of trees might be appropriate. He stated this was offered purely as a
suggestion and moved that the request for the planting of a tree dedicated to any
particular purpose, in the public parks of Alameda, be denied. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Jones who, in seconding the motion, stated that it would
undoubtedly be inadvisable to have one organization plant a tree and others be
denied the same privilege. He stated he felt the Council had to consider the pro-
tection of City parks and that the promiscuous planting of trees in the parks,
with plaques and markers of dedication would soon lead to a hodge-podge appearance
of the parks which would serve no good purpose. He stated he felt that Councilman
Osborn's suggestion for the planting of this particular tree on school property
would be a very happy solution of this problem.
Councilman Sweeney stated he felt that Councilman Osborn was right and pointed out
further that in the event of changes in the parks where it might become necessary
to remove memorial trees such removal would be most difficult because of the fact
that interested groups that had planted trees would be objecting to their removal.
President Branscheid pointed out that a committee has discussed a War Memorial for
the City of Alameda and the public has voted on the various projects suggested.
He stated he felt nothing should be permitted to take precedence over the results
of that poll and stated further he felt this matter should be given considerably
more study before any decision is made.
There followed further discussion between Yr. Lubbock and the Council and Mr. Lub-
bock finally suggested the motion be voted on, stating that if the request is de-
nied the group would probably make a similar request at some future time.
At this point, President Branscheid put the question and the motion was unanimously
carried. Following the vote, President Branscheid assured Mr. Lubbock this action
on the part of the Council was not a flat denial of his request but that the matter
can come up for consideration at any future time the group might care to present it.
7 Mr. Charles MacBeth addressed the Council on a complaint regarding the action
of the Police Department in the matter of a prowler picked up in the vicinity of
his home. At the suggestion of President Branscheid, the City Manager and City
Attorney discussed the matter in private with Mr. MacBeth.
E3.\' A letter carrier out of Alameda Post Office addressed the Council, requesting
that in the proposed franchise granted by Alameda to the Key System, an attempt be
made to include the provision that letter carriers in uniform be permitted to ride
free on the busses within the City of Alameda.
President Branscheid informed him that the matter would be taken under considera-
tion to see what could be done about it.
9. One bid was received from Chaplin Motor Sales Co. for furnishing one new 1949
Four-Door Sedan for the Police Chief, in accordance with Specifications and Provi-
sions No. MS 4-49-4, at the bid price of 2,168.16 cash balance. The bid was accom-
panied by a certified check in the amount of 216.82.
The bid was referred to the City Manager and City Attorney for study and report.
10' the Board of Education, requesting cancellation of City taxes for 1948-
1949, on property acquired for school purposes.
The matter was referred to the City Attorney for the preparation of the appropriate
11' the City Attorney, requesting authority to accept settlement of 114.01
and dismiss action by City in a claim for damages against John Henry Goetz, et al,
in which a City automobile was involved.
Councilman Jones moved authorization be granted the City Attorney to make final
settlement of this case. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and unani-
mously carried.
12:' From the City Manager, recommending that Richard F. Lovejoy, Chief Designing
Engineer, be permitted to take the course in Municipal Public Works Administration,
conducted by correspondence through the Institute for Training in Municipal Adminis-
tration of Chicago, Illinois, and that a sum not to exceed 35. be appropriated for
this purpose.
Councilman Sweeney moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that Mr.
Lovejoy be authorized to enroll for the specified course and the sum of 35. be
allowed for his expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on
roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
13 From the City Manager, recommending that Miss Genevieve I. Anderson, Director
of Public Health Nursing, be permitted to attend the Western Branch of the American
Public Health Association meeting to be held in Los Angeles on May 30, 31, and June
1, 1949, and that a sum not to exceed 050. be appropriated for this purpose.
Councilman Osborn moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that Miss
Anderson be authorized to attend the designated meeting and the sum of 050. be
allowed for her expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on
roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
14:/ From the City Manager, submitting a report on his investigation and survey of
the request for the installation of benches at bus stops throughout the City.
Councilman Anderson moved the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for
further study. The motion was seconded by Councilman Osborn and unanimously carried
15. From the City Manager, stating that work on improvement of Longfellow Park has
now been completed by the contractor, J. Henry Harris, in accordance with Special
Provisions and Flans No, PW 3-48-2, and recommending that Notice of Completion be
ordered filed.
Councilman Sweeney moved the City Manager's recommendation be followed and said
Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson
and unanimously carried.
16. From the City Manager, stating that the wcrk of removing and relocating trans-
formers and appurtenances in McKinley Park by Spott Electrical Company, in accord-
ance with Special Provisions and Plans No. PW 3-49-5 has been finished, and recom-
mending that Notice of Completion be ordered filed.
Councilman Anderson moved the City Manager's recommendation be followed and said
Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Osborn and
unanimously carried.
17:( From the City Manager, recommending that Chief Radio Officer Herbert Fairfield
be authorized to attend a meeting of the Northern and Southern Police Communica-
tions Officers' Association, to be held in Bakersfield on May 27 and 28, 1949, and
that a sum not to exceed '?30. be appropriated for this purpose.
Councilman Jones moved the City Manager's recommendation be adopted; that Officer
Fairfield be permitted to attend the specified meeting and a sum of 30. be allowed
for his expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
18. From Public Utilities Board, requesting permission for Mr. Frank McClintock,
one of its members, to be absent from the State for a period of thirty days com-
mencing May 29, 1949.
Councilman Osborn moved the request be granted and Mr. McClintock's absence be
approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried.
19. From the Committee of the City of Alameda Gold Rush Centennial and the Alameda
Historical Society, requesting permission to commemorate the terminal of the first
transcontinental railroad which dates from September 6, 1869, with a marker to be
erected at the extreme west end of Pacific Avenue.
Councilman Sweeney moved the request be granted provided any location selected be
approved by the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and
unanimously carried,
20. Councilman Anderson introduced the folldwing ordinance, after which it was
laid over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending Section 15-524 of Title XV,
Chapter 5, Article 2, of the Alameda Municipal
Code, Relating to Dogs that Bite."
Commenting on the introduc/ of this ordinance, Councilman Anderson stated that a
complaint had reached the Council to the effect that a certain dog in Alameda had
bitten eight people and it was discovered upon study that the ordinance now in
effect in the City does not give the people the same protection afforded in neigh-
boring communities. He stated that under the terms of the proposed ordinance, any
dog, upon taking his second bite, is deemed to be a vicious animal and may be abated
21. Councilman Jones introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
Changing the Name of Lincoln Way to Marshall Way and
Changing the Name of Atlantic Way to Patton Way."
22. Councilman Sweeney introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Granting to Key System Transit Lines,
a California Corporation, a Franchise to Establish,
Maintain and Operate a Local and Transbay Transpor-
tation System Over Certain Streets in the City of
Alameda, for the Transportation of Passengers for
Hire as a Common Carrier, and Fixing the Terms and
Conditions Thereof."
23. ,/
Councilman Sweeney stated there was a lady present at the meeting who wished
to address the Council in the matter of changing the name of "Pearl Court."
Mrs. Emma Christian thereupon addressed the Council, stating she felt she has a
personal interest in the name of that particular street as her family has owned the
property for over seventy-five years. She stated that neighbors have asked her why
the street was given the new name of "Janis Circle" and she had to inform them it
was named after Janis Kauffman. She stated she would like to have it given another
name. The neighbors have specified "Christian Circle," "Christian Court" or "Alice
Court, Alice being the name ofher daughter.
Mr. Kauffman, who suggested the new name for the street, pointed out to the Council
that he had purchased the property from Mrs. Christian, had developed it and while
he had been satisfied to have it called "Pearl Court", the Post Office had requested
that he ask for a change of name because of its probable confusion with Pearl Street.
He stated he couldn't understand why Yrs. Christian felt she had a continuing in-
terest in the property, since she had sold it to him and stated that the people
living within the circle were entirely satisfied with the name of "Janis Circle."
Councilman Jones stated the action of the Council would not involve the change of
the name of a street at all, pointing out that the name of "Pearl Court" was used
temporarily as a means of identification only, and that forthe reasons stated by
Mr. Kauffman a change seemed to be desirable. He stated further that this is a
new subdivision, and no names are being changed, but a name is being established.
24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4006
Transferring q1,316.15 from the Krusi Park Storm
Sewer Fund to the Capital Outlays Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the Presi-
dent declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4007
Transferring 0163.00 from the Lincoln Park Extension
Fund to the Capital Outlays Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
adoption: "Resolution No. 4008
Transferring 01,217.00 from the Storm Water Line on
High and Post Streets Across Otis Drive Fund to the
Capital Outlays Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution loo. 4009
Transferring $12,523.61 from the Street Lighting --
Central Avenue Between Chestnut and High_Streets
Fund to the Capital Outlays Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
28. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman. Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4010
Transferring 9,521.75 from the East Bay Municipal
Utility District Fund to the General Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4011
Creating the Office and Position of "Publicity
Director of the City of Alameda."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
30. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4012
Requesting Civil Service Board of the City of Alameda
to Except Position of Publicity Director from the
Civil Service System of the City of Alameda."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
31. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4013
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing Gasoline to
the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 1949 -50,
Calling for Bids and Directing the City Clerk to
Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.._
32. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4014
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Furnishing
Crusher Run Base to the City of Alameda for the Fiscal
Year 1949 -50, Calling for Bids and Directing City
Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
33. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution. No. 4015
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing Paving Mixtures
and Asphaltic Emulsions to the City of Alameda for the
Fiscal Year 1949-50, Calling for Bids and. Directing
the City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
34. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4016
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Furnishing
Portland Cement Concrete Mix to the City of Alameda
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1950, Calling for
Bids and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
35. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4017
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing Quarry Waste,
Earth Fill and Top Soil to the City of Alameda for
the Fiscal Year, 1949-50, Calling for Bids and. Di-
recting the City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
36. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4018
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans
for the Construction of Standard Culverts for the
Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1950, Calling for Bids
and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
37. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4019
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Repair of
Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway, Curb and
Gutter for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1950, Calling
for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
38. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4020
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans
for the Improvement of the Main Library Parking Lot,
Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
39. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
'Resolution No. 4021
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Resurfacing
and Repair of Asphalt and Bituminous Pavement for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1950, Call ing for Bids and
Directing the City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on
roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones,
Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
40. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4022
Calling for Bids for Legal Advertising for the City
of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 1949 - 1950."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
41. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 4023
Memorial to the Legislature of the State of California
with Regard to Salaries of Justice of Peace of City of
Alameda, Clerk, Assistant Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the
Justice's Court."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon
the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
42. "Ordinance No. 966,
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Adding Subdivision 22 to Sec. 17 -342, Relating
to Two -Hour Parking."
Councilman Jones moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the .following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5) . Noes:
None. Absent: None.
43. "Ordinance No. 967,
New Series
An Ordinance Chan ing the Name of "Pearl Court"
to "Janis Circle.
Speaking on the ordinance, Councilman Sweeney stated that it can readily be seen
from the discussion already had on the changing of the name of "Pearl Court" the
situation that might arise in the future in the matter of naming streets. He
stated that whether the man who developes the property and owns it, or the people
in the neighborhood are to be considered, is a matter that should be given some
study. He suggested some method should be devised for naming all new thorough-
fares in an orderly fashion.
COuncilman Osborn pointed out that in the City of Alameda there are various courts,
bearing family or given names and stated he had no idea where the names came from.
He stated that while he was sympathetic to Mrs. Christian whose family has owned
the property for seventy-five years, it is a matter of fact that the property has
now been sold to a man who has developed it and owns it outright. He stated that
under these circumstances he was unable to understand how neighbors can criticize
his selection of a name for the property he owns as long as the name is not an ob-
jectionable one.
Councilman Jones pointed out that this ordinance does not re-name a street, but
gives a new street a name, and felt there could be no proper objection to the name
given by Mr. Kauffman. He stated there could be no legitimate reason for objecting
to Mr. Kauffman's request and moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll call carried by the following vote.
Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5).
Noes: None. Absent: None.
44• "Ordinance No. 968,
New Series
An Ordinance Reclassifying Property by Adding
Section 47 to Ordinance No. 725, New Series.
Councilman Osborn moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Anderson and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes:
None. Absent: None.
45. Financial Statement - Goodell, Byers & Co. - City of Alameda as
at April 30, 1949.
46. Specifications - No. MS 5-49-5 - For furnishing Gasoline.
47. Specifications - No. MS 5-49-6 - For furnishing Crusher Run Base.
48. Specifications - No. MS 5-49-7 - For furnishing Surfacing Paving
Mixtures and Penetration Type Asphaltic Emulsion.
49. Specifications - No. MS 5-49-8 - For furnishing Portland Cement
Concrete Mix.
50. Specifications - No. MS 5-49-9 - For furnishing Quarry Waste,
Earth Fill at City Dump and Top Soil.
51. Specifications - No. PW 5-49-8 - For Construction of Standard Culverts.
52. Specifications - No. PW 5-49-9 - For Repair of Sidewalk, Driveway,
Curb and Gutter.
53. Specifications - No. PW 5-49-10 - For Improvement of Main Library
Parking Lot.
54. Specifications - No. PW 5-49-11 - For Resurfacing and Repair of
Asphalt and Bituminous Pavement.
55. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the several depart-
ments thereof, in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the City Council
at this meeting: General Departments, $11,462.74; Police Department, $1,701.59;
Fire Department, 52,359.58; Street Department, $2,274.06; Health Department,
$889.12; First Aid Department, '$112.22; Recreation Department, $678.85; Park
Department, $1,358.91; Golf Course Department, 51,590.17; Social Service De-
partment, $56.33; Parking Meters Fund, $86.17; Store Department, t661.03;
Pound Department, $59.90; Civil Service Department, $36.70; East Bay Municipal
Utility District Fund, $2,003.83; Traffic Safety Fund, $1,087.10; Gas Tax No. 1
Fund, 5995.81; Gas Tax No. 2 Fund, $87.74; Bay Farm Island Sewer Assessment
Fund - Project No. 1, '295.03; McKinley Park Restoration Fund, 5686.88; Washing-
ton Park Improvement Fund, '4.61; Longfellow Park Improvement Fund, 864.00.
Councilman Jones moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the
City Clerk on May 17, 1949, and submitted to the Council at this time, be allowed
and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll call carried
by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and
President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent; None.
56. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council ad-
journed, to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, June 7, 1949, at 8:00
Respectfully subrn ted,