1949-10-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING (8 THE ...COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING-, OCTOBER 4, 1949 The meeting convened at 8:00 o'clock P. M. with President Branscheid presiding. ROLL CALI: The roll was called and Councilmen. Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5), were noted present.- Absent: Nene. TJ,71977M70. 1. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 20, 1949, were approved as transcribed. CRU, COMMUNICATIONS: President Branscheid commented on this portion of the Agenda, stating that while the Council has before it an order of business which. has been prepared by the City Manager and the City Clerk as the official business to be considered by it, the matter of "Oral Communications" is taken. up to give the people a chance to bring up subjects which are not on the Agenda, or before the Council. He pointed out that unless a particular matter appears on the Agenda, or someone presents it under the heading of Oral Communications, it is very likely to be passed over - illustrating this with, the observation. that at the last meeting of the Council, several persons were present who were interested in the matter of transportation. However, nothing was said about this question - nothing was before the Council - and nothing was brought up from the floor. He stated he understood there was considerable comment on that score. He requested, therefore, that when Oral Communications comes up on the Agenda, any person having anything to submit to the Council bring it up at that time, stating that the Council would. endeavor to answer any question presented - or get an answer to it. Mr. Richard Thunder addressed the Council on the matter of the City's co- operation with. the Optimist Club of Alameda in putting on a "Boys' Week "during the week of November 6, to 13. He stated that what the Club _had in mind. was something similar to the "Boys'.State." Mr. Thunder stated the matter had been taken up with the School Board which was in complete accord with the Idea and that he was presenting it to the Council for its approval. President Branscheid. stated the matter would be taken up before the Council later on in the evening, and that while all the members of the Council are more or less in favor of the idea, certain features of the mechanics of the plan would have to be worked out and they would have an answer for Mr. Thunder cn Wednesday morning. Mr. Stanley, 1900 Harvard Drive, stated that about ten days ago the Times- ;Star quoted one spokesman of the Transportation League to the effect that the recent curtailment of bus service in Alameda was the forerunner of the consoli- dation. of the "T" and "W" Lines into one Tine along Santa Clara Avenue In Alameda. He stated that .many Peonle in. Alameda are a:larmed at the possibility of this hap- Pening, and he wished to know whether such a subject has ever been discussed by the Key System and if net, would it have to be approved by the Council or City Manager before such a change was made. President pranscheid assured MT. Stanley that this subject had never been dis- cussed, or even. mentioned. He pointed out to Mr. Stanley that as far as the re- routing was concerned that was a matter which. would have to be approved by the Public Utilities Commission, in which event, the City would be entitled to be heard on the question. 98 assured Mr. Stanley that if such a proposal were made it would meet with the very vigorous opposition of the City. President Branscheid asked the City- Manager if he had heard anything along thls line and Mr. Froerer answered that there has not been any promulgation of such a change by the Key System. He stated that because of the recent change in sche- dules, the Engineering Department has been checking on the service of the trans- bay lines and that presently the schedule published is being followed, with the addition of one bus on. the "W" Line, leaving San Francisco at 5:03 P. M. He af- firmed President Branscheid's opinion that a change such as mentioned by Mr. Stanley would have to go before the Public Utilities Commission and that the City is entitled to receive two weeks notice of such a proposed change from. the Key Sys-tem. Councilman. Jones sugEested it might be interesting to the people to hear the re- sults of the count taken cn the "T", "W" and "0" Lines, following the statements that have been. made as to the overloading of the busses. City Manager Proerer stated that a check had been made on September 21, on the and "V1" Lines, between 7:00 and 9:00 o'clock a. r. , going to San Francisco, which_ showed .the following: NAVAVAMIM, ,P6 700 - 7:30 7:30 - 8:00 8:00 - 8:30 8:30 - 9:00 Seats Furnished Passengers 294 462 252 7on OJJ 0,D ,D 497 270 Leaving the San. Francisco Terminal, a similar check was made between. 4:00 and 6:00 o'clock P. M. as follows: 4:00 - 4:30 126 131 4:30 - 5:00 336 , 319 5:00 - 5:30 672 606 5:30 - 6:00 210 234 President Branschetd cornented that this re-orb shows l;he number of seats provided comnares very closely with the number of passengers looking for seats. Ke stahed that the Iub1. ic Utilities Com7ss:,on has set no a 209 overlood standard for the dev 7 -0'stem and that before the City can do vecy much connlainlng on thls point, it would have to shLor, that there 's more than a 20: overload. Ups. 'edll of Ctis Drive, cop-me-ted on the n2atter of loading passengers at the San Francisco Terminal, Pointiug out that the was dos tined for noInts west of Park Street can fall Into either line and take the first bus out, while the passen- gers for the through bus to 'IT "in Street; aro necessarilv restr,7ctod to one line - aad tho- veT frequently Ple t-imonmi bus carries -ore nassormers docLnec2 to points weoh of Bari,: Street than those, goro te eints at the easterly lirdts or Lho 11-10. She wonde red. 19 something could be done to stra•ghten out this s'Luat'on to assure throm-H passengers a better chance of being seated - suesi7.ng possibly an express service during the peal: hours. There was some further discussion on the natter of transportation and Councilman. Jones stated the Council had been informed it would have ample opportunity to straighten out these problems. He stated that if the scheduCes are unsatisfactory, changes can be made and the Council plans to have a meeting with the Key System officials within a short time and. al] these matters of complaint can at that time be discussed with the proper person. Frank Mrank Gottstein addressed the Council on the subject of the new Fruitvale Avenue Bridge, suggesting that there are already too many bridges in the east end of the City and that if there are any new r to be built they should. be put in the west end. of Alameda to relieve the congestion. of traffic to Posey Tube. _ HEARINGS: 71, • i 0. The mat ter of the continued hearing was announced. by President Branscheid, stating that there was now before the Council, for approval or rejection, that port1 on. of the Master Flan relating to Krusi Park. He pointed out that the matter had cone up from.. the City Planning Board after public hearings had been held before that Body. He stated the Council has no autherity to alter the plan submitted by the Planning Board. - its duty being to hear, accent or reject the plan, or refer It back to the Planning Board. - in which latter case the Planning Board must reconsider, restudy or redesign it as it sees fit. He pointed out there have been two hearings on the natter before the Council and several before the Planning Board, and that at this time, he wished to hear any comments on the subject. Councilman Osborn stated that he had the privilege of sitting in on two meetings for discussion of the Krusi na.rk portion of the Master Plan. as subndtted by.. the Planning Board and that as far as he was able to observe, the plan as submitted is not satisfactory either to the people in the neighborhood of Kru.si Park or to the Council as a whole. He thereupon. moved the plan. as aubmitted be rejected and returned to the Planning Board for further consideration, with the statement that the Council will, at a later date, offer some supestions as to the revision of the nlan. The motion was seconded by Councilnan. Sweeney and unanimously carried. President Branscbeld pointed. out that the plan itself, if amended, cannot be passed . without two :more public hearings - one before the Planning Board and one before the Council - stating that this should offer some assurance that., there will be no rail- roading of any plan on this matter. It. Jack Bouldin inquired as to whether or not the recommendations made by the Krusi Park Committee and discussed with the Council., would b forwarded to the Planning Board, President Branscheid Informed him that while the Plan itself has to Originate with the Planning Board, the Council will confer with. the Board in a general way concern- ing the revision of the plan- He stated, however, that the Council was In no posi- tion. to direct the Planning Board as to what should go into the plan- Mr. H. M, Buchan. extended to the Council the thanks of the Krusl Park Committee for the privilege of being permitted to meet with the Council on this plan and of inform- ing the Council of Its ideas on the matter of the reconstruction of Krusi Park_ •gmar,,, , 4MT V Councilman Jones stated there has been a report made bv the City Manager's office on the subject of the cost of Government - a matter of interest to everyone He stated he felt it was something the people should know about and sug7ested. the City Yanager be called upon to outline this report folng the Renerts of Com- mittees on the Agenda. President Branscheid stated it was his opinion that now would be an opportune time for the report to be made and called on the City Manager to discuss it. Mr. Froerer stated. the report which he was about to brief was prepared by his office on instructions from the Citv Council in order to determine whether or net the local Government was being efficiently handled. He stated that in order to get a yardstick to measure the efficienc y. of the Government, certain cemparisons were made with other cities. He stated the purpose of the report is not to white- wash the City of Alameda, but is to determine whether or net we are operating in an efficient manner as compared with other cities. Mr. Froerer then explained in full the various tables appearing in the report. President Branscheid stated the Council would welcome an inspection of this report' and he is hopeful that the annual report which will soon be published will be read carefully by the citizens of the City. He stated the Council is conscientiously trying to give the people of Alameda an efficiently operated Government. REPORTS OF COnUTTEES: B. From the City Ma.ager, recommending that contract be awarded to Anderson and Haglund, Inc., the low bidders, for the project of remodeling the Library base- ments at the bid price of '3,338.49, in accordance with Specifications and Plans therefor, N . PW 9-49-16. Councilman Anderson moved the City ::anagerls recom-endation be accented: that con- tract be awarded to the firm named for the designated nroject, and t'ao bid check be returned to the unsuccessful bidder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. l,yes: Councilr-en Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and ?resident Branscheid (5). :oes: :one. Absent: :Tone. 0. :rem the City ianager, reco=ending that contract be awarded to Tc'ruire end TTeser, low bidders, for the project of constructing a Storm 1:later Disposal System, Korth of the Stol:ely Foods, Inc. 7iarchouse at the bid price of „92,400., In accor- dance with Specifications and Plans therefor, 7o. PW 0-48-14. Councilman Osborn moved the City i'anager's recommendation be adopted: that contract be awarded to said company for the specified project. The motion vas seconded by Cooncilrlan Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Council- men Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President F,ranscheld, (5). foes: Absent: -one. 10. From the City L:anager, recommending that A. R. Cranston, Pluc.bing Inspector, be authorized to attend the Conference of the Pacific Coast Plumbing Officials, to be held at Santa Barbara, October 13, thron7h 15, 1240 and that 100. be appro- priated for this purpose. Councilman Sweeney moved the City anager's recomnendation be adopted: that Plumbing TrsPector Cranston be authorIzed tn attend this Conference and the suql of ;7100. be appronriated for h.is expenses. The motion was seconded by Conncilman Anderson and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). 7oes: :one. Absent: _-one. 11. From the City Attorney, concerning the applicatIon fror The Ore Chemical Co. of Kew York for the refund of ,,)211.25 paid by it as a personal property tax cover- ing certain machinery items stored at Encinal Terminals awaiting shipment to a foreign country. I:1r. Whitney's letter pointed out the tax was erroneously col- lected and the applicant is entitled to the refund under the provisions of Section 3-921 (b) of tie Alameda Eunicinal Code and he recom-mended the sum of ,211.25 be refunded to The Ore 1 Chemical Co. City Attorney Whitney explained the manner in which the error in collecting the tax was made. Councilman Anderson moved the application for the refund of ,t;211.25 paid as a per- sonal property tax be granted. The motion was seconded by Council:-an Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Csborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Foes : 7one. Absent: Trone. 12. From the City :Planning Lloara, recommending the reclassification of two lots known as 2237 and 2241 Central Avenue - being more specifically described in the petitions - from the "C" 1jultiple Dwelling District to the "7" Central T3usiness District, and also that the Council establish a 20-foot setback on the north side or Central Avenue in this block. Earl W. Shriber, owner of the property at 2237 Central Averlue, was present at the meeting and was interrogated by President Branscheid concerning the existing setback of his property and the nature of the business to be conducted on the premises. Jr. Shriber presented a drawing of the proposed altcrations to the building, which appeared to be satisfactory to the Council. On the matter of establishing a 20-foot setback for the north side of Central Avenue in this block, the President requested the City Clerk to investigate the matter of establishing this line and report back to the Council . at the next meeting with any ordinance which might be necessary. The matter of the Board's recommendation concerning the reclassification of these properties was referred to "Introduction of Ordinances." 13. From the City Manager, recommending that Dr. David Frost be authorized to at- tend the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, to be held in New York City, the week of October 24, 1942, and that a sum riot to exceed 450. be anpropriated for this purpose. Councilman Anderson moved the City ::arlaor !s recommendation be accepted; that Dr. Frost be authorized to attend the snecified meeting and the sum of ..P450. be appro- nriated for his expenses. The motion . was seconded by Councilman. Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President i2ranscheid, (5 ). Noes: None. Absent: FNOne, INTRODUCTION OF OF=AWES: 14. Councilman Sweeney 'Introduced. the followin5 ordinance, after which it was laid over under provision of law and the Charter: "Ordinance Ye. New Series An Ordinance Reclassifying Property by Adding Section.. 53 to Ordinance No. 725, New Series." 15. Councilman. Anderson introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid. over under provision of law and the Charter: "Ordinance NO. New Series An Ordinance Reclassifying Property by Addin Section. 54 to Ordinance c. 725, Pew Series." DLSINESS: 1G. Councilman Jones stated there had been presented to the Council froT the East may Division of t'io League of California Cities, a request for the anpointment of a representative of the City of Alameda to the Executive Committee of the Division, in accordance with provisions of the 13y-Laws of no DIvisior. ue thereuron roved that J. 5. Clark, City Cleric, be appointed as such representative. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and unanimously carried. 17: President Eransche'd stated he had received a communication from the 3oand of u:,ervLsors of Alameda County, regarding the appointment of a me3-bor to the Advisory Comnittee to the 3oard of Supervisors from the City of Alameda. Councilman Sweeney roved the appointment 05 City 'anager Froerer to this Colinittee, Vhe motion was seconded '-)y Cou-Icilrar Jones and unan•Lmously carried. RF:SOLUTTONS: 18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, noved its adoption: "Resolution. No. 4085 Autherizing the Execution of a Contract with the State of California for Federal Allocations to Local P1.5.blic Health Agencies for the Fiscal. Year Jul,, 1, 1849 -- June 30, 1950." • The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President 13ranscheid, (5). Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and. passed. 19. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4087. Creating a Special Fund to be Knuin as 'Northside Storm. Water Disposal System. Fund' and 5ransferrino- g4s 000.00 from. the Capital Outlays and Thereto, The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman. Jones and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen. Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and ?resident Dranscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 20. The Co11oir g resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its adoption: . 40(38 ")esolution " TT o. a0 Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain. Real Property for Public Street and hway Purposes.' The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll call carried. by the followincT vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn., Sweeney and President Branscheld, (5). Noes: None. Absent : None. Thereupon. the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4089 Adopting Specifications, Sp cial Provisions and Plans for Tnstallation of a Storm Sewer on the East Side of Peacb Street at Washington Street, Calling for Bids and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise Sar:Le." rotieri to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councillan Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Co=cilJen Anderson, ,:ones, Osborn, Sweeney and ?resident Dranscheld, (5). 1:oes: :one. Absent: Noce. "hereupon the :resident declared said resolutior duly adopted and oassed. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 22. 'Ordinance Ho. New Series An Ordinance Reclassifying Prope rty ,y AddinE Section 52 to Ordinance Pc. 725, New Series. Councilman Osborn moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: ,Coun- cilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheld, (5).. Noes: None. Absent: None. FILING: 23. Auditors Balance Sheet - Month ending September 30, 1949. 24. Financial Statement - George B. Middleton ,F,7, Co. - Bureau o Electricity, as at August 31, 1949. 25. Contract - Between City and State - For Federal Allocations to Public Health Agencies. 26. Specifications - No. (37 10-49-17 - For Installation of Storm Sewer on East Side of Peach Street at W ashington Street. DILLS: 27. An itemized List of Claims against swe of the denartments of the City of Alameda in the total amounts as follows, was submitted to the Council at this neetirig: General Departments, ;?322.92: Police Denartment, 178.50; T'av Farm Island Park and Playground Fund, 40,241.; Bay arm Island Sewer Fund 16,589.37; r,:cKinley Park Testoration Fund, 104.71; Washington Park Storm Sewer Fund, 2,868.25; 3o,s Tax Pc. 2 Fund, 231,036.35. Councilman Jones roved the bills as itemized In the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk or October 4, 1949, and presented to the Council at this time, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President 9ranscheld, (5). T-oes: Pone. Absent: Hone. 20. Prior to adjournv'ent, liresident P)ranscheid stated that the Council would be glad to hear any further oral communications which might be ready for presentation, and if no such communications were offered, the Council would be in the Chamber for a few minutes after the meeting to discuss natters generally with anybody having anything to discuss. AD0OURNM=: 29. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council ad- journed to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, October 18, 1949, at 8:00 o'clock. Respectf .11s 8mitted,