The meeting convened at 8:00 P. F. with President Branscheid presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney and President
Branscheid, (4), were noted present. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
1. The minutes of the regular rneetin held May 4, 1948, were approved as
2'; From Lanuel F. Alves, 1829 Versailles Avenue, requesting the refund of his
personal property taxes in the amount of •„;17.20, on which his veteran's exemption
was subsequently claimed.
Councilman Osborn observed that the Council had, a similar request within the re-
cent past and at that time the City Attorney was asked for his opinion concerning
the legality of making the requested refund and he would, therefore, like to ask
the City Attorney for his opinion on this matter.
Responding to the request, City Attorney Whitney stated this case is very similar
to the one recently ruled on, pointing out that the request for the refund is not
verified and, under the circumstances, there could be no legal justification for
returning the money. He stated that it was a voluntary payment and there was no
reason why it should be refunded at this time.
Whereupon Councilman Osborn moved the request be denied. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried.
Oo Bids were presented and read for the General improvement of Longfellow Park,
in accordance with Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans therefor, No.
PW 3-40-2, as follows:
From California F3uilders Co., Inc. - - - - - - - -
Accompanied by certified check in amount of -
From J. Henry Harris
Accompanied by certified check in amount of
The bids were referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for study and report.
4. From the City Manager, recommending that contract be awarded to Herbert M.
Watson for furnishing Frequency Modulated obile Radio Units in 152-162 m. c. Band
for the vehicles of the Police arid. Fire Departments, in accordance with Specifica-
tions 1,ro, T'S 4-48-6.
Councilman Osborn moved the City Manager's recommendation be accepted: that con-
tract be awarded to Herbert 1 . Watson, the sole bidder, for the equipment speci-
fied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by
the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney and President
Branscheid, (4). Noes: 7one. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
5. From City Manager, reporting on the tennis court situation in the City Parks,
stating there were nine courts being used at present and under temporary plans
which have been completed to date, an increase of 27 courts is anticipated. This
is in line with the population of the City and the recommendation of the National
Recreation Association which favors one tennis court for every 2,000 persons.
The President order this communication filed for further consideration at the tine
the budget is under construction.
6. From the City Lanager, recommeeding tha arold R. I chards, Executive Secretary
of the Civil Service Board, be permitLed to attend the Western Regional Conference
of the Civil Service Assembly to be held at long Beach, from June 15, to 18, 1248
and that a sun not to exceed ,100 be al,propriated for his expenses.
Councilman Sweeney moved the City !:anager's recommendation be approved; that br.
Richards be allowed to attend the designated conference and )100 be appropriated
to cover his expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President P,ranscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman 3ones, (1).
7. From the City Eanager, reporting on the condition, and submitting photographs
showing the appearance, of Barker-Tilton Company's property on Park Avenue, which
was the snbject of a recent complaint. He stated he had talked with Mr. Darker
who assured him immediate steps would be taken to have a fence erected with the
proper hedge and shrubbery planted.
President Branscheid observed that the report very well answers the question raised
by the protestants and he requested the City Yanager to follow through to see that
the work is performed as promised.
From the City Manager, reconmending the work be accepted concerning the project
of the Installation of a sanitary sewer along the north side of Otis Drive and that
Hetice of Completion he ordered filed.
Councilman Osborn moved the City Lanage recommendation be adopted; that the wor
be accepted and -Totice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Sweeney and unanimously carried.
From the Bureau of Electricity, requesting that Ir. John k. O'Dea, member of
the Public Utilities Board, be granted permission to be absent from the State for
the period from May 14, to 24, 1948.
Councilman Anderson moved Mir. C'Dea be allowed to leave the State for the period
specified. The motion was seconded by Counclaran Osborn and unanimously carried.
10: From the Bureau of Electricity, stating its Board of Public Utilities proposes
to transfer sufficient moneys to the City's General Fund to make the dividend for
the current year 509,]26.92, and requesting permission for the Board to retain the
balance of the year's earnings in the Bureau of Electricity Fund.
Councilman Anderson moved the Board of eublic Utilities be granted permission to act
in accordance with its proposal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Osborn and
on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn,
Sweeney and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent; Councilman Jones, (1)
Councilman Osborn stated he would like to have the record show that he is very
gratified to think the City has such efficient management of our Bureau of Electri-
city as to enable it to enrich the General. Fund by more than ,500,000. during the
President Branscheid stated he fully agreed with Councilman Osborn, and the contri-
bution by the Bureau of Electricity to the General Fund is a very important factor
in keeping down the tax rate.
The City Manager reviewed the history of the Idght Plant, stating it has been in
existence since 1287 and he felt a great deal of credit should be Elven to the
Council that had the courage to purchase the Light Plant for the City. He stated.
the purchase price of the Plant was 140,000. and that it has raid dividends aggre-
gating in excess of two and one-half million dollars.
11. Councilman Sweeney introduced the following ordinance, after which It was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Adding Subdivisions (20) and (21) to
Section 17-342, Relating to Two-Hour Parking."
12. Councilman Anderson introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid
over under provision of law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Mu _cipal
Code by Amending Section 3-5421 of Article 4,
Chapter 5, Title IIT, Thereof."
13. City L'anager .1c1"_illan stated he had submitted to the Council an Engineers'
Report on recommended highway projects in Alameda County, which Report was compiled
by the Engineers of the cities in the County, with some collaboration of the County
Surveyor's Office up to a certain point. The Report, he stated, covered the expendi-
ture of the County gas tax funds on highways in the cities. The Advisory Board of
the Committee of Engineers met and adopted a resolution which it recommended be
adopted by all cities in the County.
Mr. McMillan pointed out that the program as outlined covers the routes indicated
by the engineering group as being of County importance and on which County gas tax
funds might legitimately be exnended. He stated that he had recommended the reso-
lution to the Council for adoption, putting the City of Alameda on record with the
other nine cities of the County, and thus assuring uniform action on the highway
program. He outlined in a general way the program covered by the Report, with par-
ticular attention to the priority recommendations on the several projects to be
carried out in the City of Alameda.
President Branscheid stated this entire program has been gone over by all engineers
in the area with the thought that it should designate all major projects in the
representative cities in the County. He observed that this makes for a comprehen-
sive program and prevents competition for allocation of County moneys to be used
for this purpose. He stated that all cities are agreed on the program and that
what is wanted is that Alameda endorse the plan as it stands and give its support.
Councilman Osborn moved the Council go on record as endorsing the plan as submitted
The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried.
14. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved it
"Resolution No. 3709
Approving Third Supplemental Liemorandum of Agreement
for Expenditure of 1/4 Cent Gas Tax Allocated for
Major City Streets and Authorizing Execution Thereof."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
15. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3710
Transferring 41 ,000. from Gas Tax No. 1 Fund
to the General Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Csborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
16. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
solution No. 3711
Transferring 450,000. from Gas Tax No. 2 Fund
to the General Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). :Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
17. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3712
Transferring 4607.81 from Contingent Fund 70-b
to Capital Account No. 132-b (City Manager --
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3713
Transferring 4715. from. the Capital Outlays Fund
of the City of Alameda to the Special Fire Alarm
System Fund."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (d). Noes: 'one. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
19. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3714
Authorizing City Treasurer to Sell Sufficient
United States Savings Bonds of Series "7" to
Redeem Funicipal improveirlent Eonds.
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn, and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Csborn, Sweeney
and ?resident Branscheid, (4). :Toes: :one. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
City Fanager I.:el.:Ulan explained the reason for the sale of these savings bonds,
pointing out that they constitute a part of the sinking fund for the redemption of
outstanding City iunicipal improvement Bonds and that it is necessary to sell a
certain number of bonds each year to take care of the annual redemption requirements
20. The following resolution vas introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3715
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing Gasoline
to the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 1948-
1949, Calling for T3ds, and Directing the City
Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes Conncilrien Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Ccroncilman Thnes, (1).
',hereupon the ?resident declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
21. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved it
"Resolution Ye. 3716
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing quarry
Waste, Earth 2ill and lop Soil to the City of
Alameda, Calling for Bids and Directing the
City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the followin7 vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). KOOS: :Tone. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
22. The following resolution was introduced .by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution r:o. 3717
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for
Furnishing Crusher Run Base to the City of
Alameda for the. Fiscal Year 1948-1949,
Galli= for Bids arid Directine City Clerk
to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilran Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and Rresident Branscheid, (4). :;oes: I:one. Absent : Councilman ',ores, (1).
Thereupon the iresident declared said resolution duly adopted and nassed.
23. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved ito
"Resolution No. 3'718
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing Paving
Mixtures and Asphaltic Emulsions to the City of
Alameda, for the Fiscal Year 1948-1949, Calling
for Bids and Directing the City Clerk to
Advertise Same.
"Pg. 1-775,
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
24. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3719
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for 7urnishlng
Portland Cement Concrete Ylx to the City of Alameda
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1949, Calling for
Bids and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the ?resident declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3720
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Repair
of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and
Gutter for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1949, Call-
ing for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President -,ransc'leid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Counciln.an Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Osborn, who moved its
Resolution No, 3721
Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions
and Flans for the Construction of Culverts and
Other Work Appurtenant Thereto for the Fiscal
Year Ending June 30, 1949, Calling for Bids
and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll
cal] carried by the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and ?resident Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the ?resident declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Resolution No, 3722
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for
Resurfacing and Repair of Asphalt and
Bituminous Pavement for Fiscal Year Ending
June 30, 1948, Calling for Bids and Direct-
ing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution, was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes:, None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
28. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its
"Re o Ition No, 3723
Adopting Snecifl ations, Special Provisions and
Plans for Construction of Bay Farm Island Inter-
ceptor Sewer System and Force Pain, Calling for
Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes : Conncilnen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney
and President Branscheid, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
Mr. McMillan reviewed the history of this project, stating that at the time a call
was made for bids for the sewer pipe, it was imposslble to obtain bids and the
pipe .was procured in the open. market, with a long deferred delivery date on the
purchase. He stated that it now apnears that delivery of the pipe will be made
during the present week and all material to be used in connection. with the project
will be•on hand by the middle of June. Under the circumstances, he felt It would
be wise to call for bids for the installation of ripe which has been bought by the
City, thus assuring the completion of the sewer this fall and getting away from
the rains durinE the coming rainy season.
Going into the matter of financing the project, Mr. McMillan stated that half the
cost of the job is being borne by the State and half by the City and the State is
willing to advance fifty per cent of its portion. of the cost when work is commenced.
In this connection, Mr..MeMillan stated he felt it would be well if a full time
employee were taken on to take care of the acquisition of rights-of-way for this
project, as well as for several street projects now in the planning stage.
29. Financial Statement - Goodell, Byers Co. - City of Alameda,
as at April 30, 1948.
30. Specniflications - fo, MS 5-48-8 - For furnishing Gasoline.
31. Specifications - Go. IYS 5-48-9 - For Iurmsnino Quarry Waste,
Earth ?ill and Top Soil.
32. Specifications - No. MS 5-48-10 - For furnishing Crusher Run Base.
33. Specifications - Ho. US 5-48-11 - For furnishing Paving Mixtures
and Asphaltic Emulsions.
34. Specifications - Yo. MS 5-43-12 - For furnIshing Portland Cement
Concrete Mix.
35. Specifications - Pc. PV 5-48-3 - For the Repair of Portland Cement
Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter.
36. Specifications - To. .,TC 5-43-4 - For the Construction of Culverts.
37. Specifications - No. 30 5-48-5 - For the Resurfacing and Repair
of Asphalt and Bituminous Pavement.
38. Specifications - Pc. P\; 5-42-6 - For Construction of Bay Farm
Island Interceptor Sewer System and Force Lain.
i:emorandum of Agreement - Between City and State for Expenditure
of 1/4 Cent Gas Tax for 1:ajor City Streets.
40. An itemized list of Claims against the City of Alameda and the several depart-
ments thereof, in the total amounts as follows was presented to the City Council
at this meeting: General Departments, 4,101.25; Civil Service Department, 5.;
Pound Department, ;82.87; Police Department, 2, 302.36; Fire Department,
2,346.84; Street Department, ;2,403.32; Health Department, ,,4,021.13; First
Aid Station Department, ,125.60; Recreation Department, ,„>515.51; Park Depart-
ment, 1,233.38; Golf Course Department, 3,409.73; Store Department, 40028.01;
Social Service Department, 104.46; nraffic Safety Find, :305.18; Gas Tax '2o. 1
Find, ,:67.61; Gas Tax 0o. 2 Fund, :71.64; Parking Peters Fund, 26.50; Special
Street righting Gund, ,273.73; Webster Street Storm Sewer Fund, ,,;328.61; Otis
Drive Sower Fund, „553.50; Day 'Farm Island Sewer Fund, 460.90; East Bay Muni-
cipal Utility District Fund, ,1,994.; Special Fire Alarm System Fund, 1,030.41.
Councilman Osborn moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the
City Clerk on. May 18, 1946, and presented to the Council at this time, be allowed
and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried
by the followim- vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney and :'resident
B)ranscheid, (4). I\Toes: None. Absent: Councilman Jones, (1).
41: Prior to adjournment, Councilman Sweeney suggested that it might be in order
for the Mayor to give a resume of his and the City 1 anageris visit with Governor
Warren in the matter of our second Estuary Tube.
President Branscheid stated he thought the Tires-Star had handled the story very
well giving most of the details. As to the conference with tine Governor, he
stated that Pr. FcMillan, Councilman Sweeney and he, had, been closeted with the
Governor and Charles H. Purcell, Chairman of the State Board of Public /forks, for
a full and thorough discussion of the possibility of constructing a second tube
across the Estuary and that from the conference, it is very clear that the
Governor recognizes the importance of the second tube and he is going to do all
he can to speed its construction.
The Mayor stated that, all in all, the conference was most encouraging. He stated
the matter would be followed through and that according to the Governor, unless
something takes place within the next two weeks, the City is in a very favorable
position and can reasonably anticipate the early construction of the tube.
42.t / At this point, City Yanager rcMillan stated he wished to present to the Council
a matter concerning which he had no definite knowledge up to within five ninutes
before appearing in the Connell_ Chamber. He stated that he had talked with the
City of Pasadena and had accepted the position of City Manager for that City, to
take effect August 1, 1948.
He expressed his sincere regret at leaving the City of Alameda but remarked that
he felt the acceptance of the Pasadena position was the thing for him to do. He
stated he had told the officials of that city he would accept a certain figure
if they offered it; that it had been offered and he would therefore place his
written resignation before the Council at a later date, but did want to make it
verbally at this time.
He stated the budget will be prepared and everything he is working on will be out
of the way.
He thanked the Council for its splendid cooperation with him in his work as City
Manager and stated it had been a marvellous experience working with such a fine
group of men.
Each of the Councilmen in turn expressed his regret at Mr. resigna-
tion as City Manager, commenting most favorably on the manner in which he had
carried out the duties of the City Manager, wished him all possible success in
his new position and Godspeed and good luck.
In this, they were joined by l[r. Frank CTottstein who expressed the thought that
he had always felt Mr. McMillan was really trying to get another tube for the
43. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council
adjourned to assemble in regular session on Wednesday evening, June 2, 1948,
at 8:00 o'clock.
Resp c al ubM_Itted,