The meeting convened at 8:00 P. M. with President Godfrey presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Branscheid, Howe, Jones, Osborn and
President Godfrey, (5), were noted present. Absent: None.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held March 20, 1945, were approved as
2. From the District Office of the War Housing Center, National Housing Agency,
notifying the City of the discontinuance of the Alameda Office of the War Housing
Center as of April 14, 1945.
President Godfrey inquired of the City Manager if the closing of the local office
would have any marked effect on the activities of the War Housing Center Committee
and whether or not this committee should be discontinued.
The City Manager explained that most of the work of the Agency has been in con-
nection with housing Naval personnel and that indications are that there will be
an "upgrading" of this work rather than a let-down within the next six months.
He suggested the committee continue to function for a short time, or until it can
be ascertained what the definite trend will be and also to give it an opportunity
to finish up everything it has on hand. He concluded his remarks by commending
the War Housing Center Committee for the work it has done.
President Godfrey stated he would entertain a motion that the Council go on record
as commending highly the service rendered by the members of the War Housing Center
Committee - that the committee be advised of this action, and also be asked to
continue to act as a committee in spite of the fact that the local office will be
closed. Councilman Jones offered a motion to this effect which was seconded by
Councilman Branscheid and unanimously carried.
3" the City Manager, recommending acceptance of work under contract to
Pacific Painting and Decorating Company for painting interior of City Hall in
accordance with Specifications and Provisions No. PW 12-44-11.
Councilman Osborn moved the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and
performance of work by Pacific Painting and Decorating Company, as specified, be
accepted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Howe and unanimously carried.
4. From the City Engineer, transmitting copy of letter from State Highway Divi-
sion, listing streets in Alameda which have been added to and deleted from the
City's system of Streets of Major Importance.
The communication was noted and ordered filed.
President Godfrey called upon the City Manager for his report on the complaint
of residents on Calhoun Street with regard to the absence of a sidewalk in front
of the Zunino property.
Mr. McMillan stated the matter had been investigated and a sidewalk in front of
these premises was found to be very necessary. He said the owner of the property,
who resides in Vallejo, has been requested by his office to construct this sidewalk
immediately at his own expense and further notified that unless it is done promptly
the City will take the necessary action to put in the sidewalk and make the cost
of the work a lien against the property. He informed the Council that nothing had
been heard from the owner as yet and that in the absence of any action on the part
of the owner by the date of the next Council meeting, he will ask for authorization
to go ahead with the work.
6:' Councilman Jones asked for a progress report from the City Manager on his
study of the adjustment of hours for the Fire Department.
Mr. McMillan stated there is now pending certain legislation covering various types
of work in the Fire Department but that, following the request of the Council, he
had checked into the various means of reducing the hours and found that if the
work week is reduced to seventy-two hours,, with overtime for all additional hours
worked, it would mean an increase of about sixteen per cent in the Fire Department
payroll budget amount. He stated further that in figuring the same percentage of
increase for our Police Department, it would be necessary to place the department
on a forty-hour basis and work the men forty-six and one-third hours per week to
give them the same base pay as the firemen. He observed that this increase would
not affect the pensions if the same top base for the three-year men is kept at
its present level.
He explained that with the increase in the City's assessed valuation and with the
increases we are getting in certain taxes accruing to us from State action, the
City can continue to hold its budget for the next year and maintain the present
tax position. He said that at the next meeting of the Council, he would be pre-
pared to submit a complete resume of his findings and expressed the hope that
some action could be taken on this matter at that time.
President Godfrey stated that he felt the Council was definitely in favor of the
City Manager continuing his study and submitting his recommendation and that if
there were no objections, that action would be considered as taken with the ap-
proval of the Council.
7( President Godfrey stated that Senate Bill No. 625, allocating 100,000,000.
of surplus State funds to the Cities and Counties for the construction of essen-
tial public works, would soon be coming up for a vote and he felt it was a matter
in which this Council should interest itself. He stated that, as a member of the
Metropolitan Area Committee of the League of California Cities, which met in
Sacramento some weeks ago, he had voted in favor of the Bill.
Councilman Branscheid stated he believed this Bill should be given serious con-
sideration at this time - that the monies involved are State surplus funds and
could reasonably be used to help the Cities in the performance of work they had
been unable to do because of war conditions. He pointed out that the money will
be allocated on a matching basis but that it is very apparent that the Cities
will not be able to do all the necessary work with their own finances. Be ex-
pressed the opinion that this Council should go on record in favor of this Bill
and contact our representatives in Sacramento, asking them to support it as its
passage will mean about $350,000. for the City of Alameda.
Councilman Branscheid thereupon moved the City Manager be instructed to take the
necessary steps to record the Council's approval and support of this Bill. In
seconding the motion, Councilman Osborn pointed out that this presents an oppor-
tunity for the City to get some help in taking care of the work which must be done
following the termination of the war and that anything this Council can do to
facilitate its passage is very necessary. On roll call the motion carried by the
following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid, Howe, Tones, Osborn and President
Godfrey, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
8:/ At this point, President Godfrey noted the presence in the Council Chamber
of Councilman-elect Leland W. Sweeney and extended to him his congratulations
and the best wishes of the Council, which were acknowledged with thanks by Mr.
The President also noticed the presence of his father in the audience and intro-
duced him to the assemblage.
9. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Howe, who moved its
"Resolution No. 3111
Amending Paragraph 5 of Resolution No. 3081 Fixing
Compensation for Work in Excess of Specified Hours
for Certain Employees in the Street Department."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid, Howe, Tones,
Osborn and President Godfrey, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
10. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Branscheid, who moved
its adoption:
"Resolution No. 3112
Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Painting
and Decorating Interior of Health Center Building and
Exterior of Health Center Building and Garage Building."
The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll
call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid, Howe, Jones,
Osborn and President Godfrey, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the
president declared said resolution duly adopted and passed.
11. "Ordinance No. 870,
New Series
An Ordinance Reclassifying Property by Adding
Section 28 to Ordinance No. 725, New Series."
Councilman Branscheid moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll call carried by the following vote.
Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid, Howe, Jones, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5).
Noes: None. Absent: None.
12. "Ordinance No. 871,
New Series
An Ordinance Reclassifying Property by Adding
Section 29 to Ordinance No. 725, New Series."
Councilman Jones moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Howe and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Coun-
cilmen Branscheid, Howe, Tones, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5). Noes: None.
Absent: None.
"Ordinance No. 872,
New Series
An Ordinance Adding a New Chapter, Numbered 3, to
Title VII of the Alameda Municipal Code, Relating
to Bicycles."
Councilman Branscheid moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Howe and on roll call carried by the following vote.
Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid, Howe, Jones, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5).
Noes: None. Absent: None.
Following the passage of this ordinance, Councilman Jones inquired as to how the
people of Alameda would learn of the ordinance and how it would be presented so
they would understand it is for the protection of bicycle owners, his belief
being that an effort should be made to make it clearly understood what is sought
to be accomplished by this ordinance.
The City Manager remarked that the Police Department has just completed a color
film entitled "Safe Pedaling" and it is proposed to show this film in all schools
of the City and together with the showing of the film some information with regard
to the ordinance can be disseminated.
The City Attorney asked that the Council direct the City Clerk to write the
School Department, calling its attention to the fact that this ordinance has been
passed and requesting them to notify the children of it.
14. At this time, Councilman Branscheid inquired of the City Attorney as to
whether or not there is an ordinance covering overnight parking of automobiles
on the streets in the City and Mr. Whitney informed him that there is such an
ordinance but that it is of a very sketchy character and not enforced by reason
of the lack of facilities for garaging the cars which have come into Alameda
with the great influx of population.
Councilman Branscheid stated he believed this matter should be looked into further
and president Godfrey, at his suggestion, referred it to the Committee of the
15. Financial Statement - Goodell, Byers & Henry - City of Alameda, as at
February 28, 1945.
16. Financial Statement - Goodell, Byers & Henry - Bureau of Electricity,
as at February 28, 1945.
17. Auditor's Balance Sheet - Month ending March 31, 1945.
18. Specifications - For Painting Interior and Exterior of Health Center
Building and Garage - No. PW 4-45-1.
19. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and several of the
departments thereof in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the Council
at this meeting: General Departments,. $281.55; Police Department,
Councilman Branscheid moved the bills as itemized.in the List of Claims filed
with the City Clerk on April 3, 1945, and presented to the Council at this
time, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Osborn and
on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Branscheid,
Howe, Tones, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None.
20. Councilman Branscheid moved the Council adjourn to assemble in adjourned
regular session on Monday, April 9, 1945, at 6:00 P. M. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Osborn and unanimously carried.
Respec 0 ull smitted,
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ty Clerk