1939-08-01 Regular CC Minutest
HELD TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST-1, 1 • • • • . . 1939
The meeting convened at 8:02 o'clock P. M. with President Weiehhart presiding.
The roll was called, and Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President
Weichhart, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Godfrey (1).
1. The minutes of the regular meeting held July 18, 1939, were approved as trans-
2: A communication was presented from E. A. Davis, no address, protesting the removal
of palm trees on Broadway in front of Hotel Alameda. There being no objection, the
communication was referred to the City Manager.
At this time Councilman Morris asked the City Manager regarding the necessity of widen-
ing Broadway at this particular block. The City Manager informed the Council that as
Broadway is now a part of the State Highway System, regulation requires that it be
widened to 54 feet; that this widening is agreeable to the Hotel Alameda Management,
as it will permit more adequate parking, and all trees removed to permit this widening
will be replaced by other trees acceptable to property owners in this vicinity.
3. From Frank A. Gottstein, suggesting changes in the present transportation facili-
ties. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed.
4. The City Manager requested that he be permitted to take a portion of his vacation
during the week of August 14, 1939. On motion of Councilman Maurer and seconded by
Councilman Morris, the request was granted on the following roll call: Ayes: Council-
men Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent:
Councilman Godfrey, (1).
5. Bids were presented and opened for the furnishing of Rock, Sand and Concrete Mix
to the City of Alameda for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, as follows:
From Powell Bros., Inc.
From Rhodes & Jamieson Company, Ltd.
Both bids were accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $500.00. There being
no objection, these bids were referred to the City Attorney and the City Manager for
6. From the City Manager, submitting tentative budget for the fiscal year 1939-1940
showing estimated revenues and expenditures of the City and all departments thereof.
There being no objection, this tentative budget was referred to the Committee of the
Whole for further consideration.
Councilman Morris mentioned the two cent decrease in the tax rate which the tentative
budget will permit and stated that he wished to personally compliment the action of
the Public Utilities Board in the allowance of the extra dividend. Councilman Morris
also asked the City Manager to arrange a meeting between the Manager of the Department
of Public Utilities and the Council to discuss the details of installing lights at the
street intersections on Santa Clara Avenue.
'Councilman Maurer called attention to the reserve fund of $100,980.23 in the General
Fund of the City and of the Public Utilities Board's balance amounting to $247,506.55.
'7. From the City Planning Board, recommending that the Council's action be deferred
on all controversial zoning matters, and those which have not met with unanimous ap-
proval of the Board, until after the present zoning survey of the City is completed.
There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed.
48. From the City Planning Board, recommending the denial of the petition for re-
classification of property located at the Southeast corner of Central Avenue and Oak
Street from Business District, Class 3, to Business District, Class 5, to permit the
construction and operation of a gasoline service station. Mr. Stiefvater, Mr. John F.
Ward and Mr. Eli Deming, proponants of the reclassification, were present and addressed
the Council. They asked that, if the Council did not desire to grant the reclassifi-
cation at this meeting, it might be continued until a later meeting and until the pres-
ent zoning survey of the City is completed. Councilman Morris requested the City Clerk
to state the attitude of the City Planning Board at the time this matter was before it
for hearing. After further discussion, Councilman Morris moved that the recommendation
of the City Planning Board be sustained and the reclassification denied, seconded by
Councilman Carrington and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council-
men Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
9. From the City Planning Board, recommending the granting of a petition for the re-
classification of the Southwest corner of Lafayette Street and Santa Clara Avenue from
Residential District, Class 1, to Residential District, Class 1 3/4, to permit remodel-
ing into apartments. Councilman Maurer moved, seconded by Councilman Carrington, that
the recommendation of the City Planning Board be approved and on roll call, carried by
the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart,
(4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
JI.O. From the City Planning Board, recommending a temporary revocable permit be granted
to Pemberton J. Eldredge to make sandwiches for the wholesale trade at property known
as 214 Santa Clara Avenue. Councilman Morris moved that the recommendation of the City
Planning Board be adopted, seconded by Councilman Carrington and on roll call carried
by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President
Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
ll. From the Retirement Board of the City of Alameda, submitting its financial report
as of June 30, 1939. There being no objection, the report was ordered filed.
Councilman Morris introduced the following ordinances, after which they were laid
over as provided by law and the Charter:
"Ordinance No.
New Series
Lafayette Street and Santa Clara Avenue)"
(Southwest Corner of
13. "Ordinance No.
(Amending subsection (4) of Section 17=71. of the Alameda
.Municipal Code)"
414. Councilman Maurer called the Council's attention to the increase of $3,400. in the
tentative budget to meet the expense of Police and Fire pensions for the coming fiscal
year, and made a motion that the City Manager be instructed to procure costs of engag-
ing a firm of actuaries to make a thorough study of the present Police and. Fire Pension
System with the object of establishing it on a sound actuarial basis.
Councilman Maurer stated that the Council's only motive in this action is to place the
system on a financially sound foundation; if any change were recommended it would have
to become effective by vote of the people.
Councilman Morris seconded the motion, and reiterated that the only purpose of this act
was to establish the system as financially sound and one which would not develop into
too heavy a burden for the City in the future. On roll call the motion carried by the
following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart,
(4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
1• 5. Councilman Carrington introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 2401
Authorizing Performance and Completion of a Project
for the Improvement of Lincoln Avenue in the City of
Alameda and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise
for Sealed Bids."
Councilman Maurer seconded the motion, and on roll call carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
1• 6. Councilman Carrington introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 2402
Approving First Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement
for Expenditure of 1/4 Cent Gas Tax Allocated for
State highways."
Councilman Morris seconded the motion, and on roll call carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
1• 7. Councilman Maurer introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 2403
Adopting Specifications for Furnishing One Steel Cab
1 1/2 Ton Dump Truck to the City of Alameda, Calling
for Bids and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise
the same."
Councilman Morris seconded the motion, and on roll call carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman. Godfrey, (1).
18. Councilman Maurer introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 2404
Authorizing Execution of Agreement with East Bay
Municipal Utility District for Installation of
Water Mains in Bay Island Avenue and Mound Street
in the City of Alameda."
Councilman Carrington seconded the motion, and on roll call carried by the following
vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4).
Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
L9. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of
"Resolution No. 2405
Authorizing $250.00 for Advertising."
Councilman Maurer seconded the motion, and on roll call carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes:
None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
20. At this point the City Manager wished to be excused from the meeting and, there
being no objection, it was so ordered.
"Ordinance No. New Series
An Ordinance Leasing Certain Tide and Submerged
Lands to United Engineering Company, a Corporation;
Approving the Form and Terms of said Lease and
Authorizing Execution Thereof."
Councilman Maurer moved that passage of this ordinance be postponed until the next
regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Councilman Carrington and on roll call
carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and
President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
"Ordinance No. New Series
An Ordinance Repealing Sections 7-111 to 7-118
inclusive, and Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by adding to Title VII thereof a New Chapter and
Article to be known as "Chapter 1, Article 1",
Regulating Vehicles for Hire."
Edward B. Dienstag, Attorney at Law, representing the Dime Taxi Company, addressed the
Council and requested that Section 7-1119 be changed to permit the passenger compart-
ment to be occupied by more than one passenger at a time and not giving a single
passenger its exclusive use. The City Attorney stated that the interpretation of this
section would permit the cab to be occupied by more than one passenger at a time. It
was brought out that if the exclusive use of the cab were desired, the fare would be
25O instead of 10' which is the amount charged when more than one passenger occupies
the cab. Mr. Dienstag also requested that the public liability figures in Section
7-1114 be changed from $10,000. and $20,000. to $5,000. and $10,000.
Councilman Morris moved the adoption of this ordinance with the following amendment:
In Section 7-1112, striking out the figure 10,000. and substituting in lieu thereof
the figure 5,000.; striking out the figure $20,000. and substituting in lieu thereof
the figure $10,000. In Section 7-1114, striking out the figure $10,000. and substitut-
ing in lieu thereof the figure i5,000.; striking out the figure $20,000. and substitut-
ing in lieu thereof the figure $10,000. Councilman Carrington seconded the motion and
on roll call the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington and Morris,
(2). Noes: Councilman Maurer and President Weichhart, (2). Absent: Councilman
Godfrey, (1).
Councilman Maurer then moved that the consideration of the ordinance be postponed until
the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Councilman Carrington and unani-
mously carried.
Mr. Frank A. Gottstein addressed the Council regarding the above ordinance.
23. "Ordinance No. 689 New Series
(Property on the North Line of Central Avenue 300 feet
East of Chestnut Street)"
Councilman Carrington moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Council-
man Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington,
Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Godfrey,
At the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held June 29, 1939, a request
was presented from Thomas M. Lane, Chief of the Alameda Fire Department, for an appro-
priation of $50.00 to be used for the purpose of entertaining the wives of the Fire
Chiefs who will attend the International and Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs Associations'
Convention, to be held in San Francisco, September 18 to 23, 1939. The matter was then
referred to the Committee of the Whole for further consideration. Preceding this Coun-
cil Meeting, held August 1, 1939, the Committee of the Whole took this request out of
file for Council action. On motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Maurer,
the request for $50.00 was denied, and on roll call carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
25. Specifications for the improvement of Lincoln Avenue from the East line of Park
Street to the West Gutter line of Everett Street.
26. Specifications for furnishing to the City one 1 1/2-Ton Dump Truck.
27. Affidavit of Publication - Notice to Bidders - for furnishing Rock, Sand and
Concrete Mix to the City during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940.
28. An itemized list of claims against the City of Alameda and the several departments
thereof in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the City Council: General
Departments $857.38; Police Department, $305.65; Civil Service Department, $7.93; Fire
Department, 324.14; Street Department, $1,171.91; Health Department, $54.63; Recreation
Department, 449.48; Park Department, 4,332.93; Golf Course Department, $558.44; Store
Department, $320.19; Social Service Department, $160.61; Initiative Relief Fund, $112.75;
Street Improvement Fund, 96.00; Gas Tax Fund, $3,281.70; East Bay Municipal Utility
Dist. Payments Fund, $2,2 0.46; Pension Fund, $6.07; Subaqueous Tunnel Fund $130.00.
Motion was made by Councilman Carrington and seconded by Councilman Maurer that the
claims and bills against the City in the amounts as listed and itemized in the List of
Claims filed with the City Clerk on August 1, 1939, and presented to the Council at this
meeting, be allowed and paid. On roll call the motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Godfrey, (1).
29. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in
regular session on Tuesday Evening, August 15, 1939 at 8 o'clock P. M.
Respectf ly submitted,
City Clerk.