1854 California Statute regarding IncoporationS1 -T1TJT-Z:3 0? 011.1177_,I, 18 An la, at to Inor pora e tho Town of ,aameda (7-7assed ArTi1 19, 1654) The of th State of Ciifor .ia., rel:resented in Senate and _kssembly, do enact Section 1. The inhabitants of the distict of country hereinafter described are herecy declared to be incor:orated der the provisions of "A ct to rrovide for the incor,-oration of towns," nassed 1:arch twenty-seven-th, eighteen hundred and fifty, ' 3-1 the style and name of the town of Alamerla, and by that name. they shall have reretwi--1 succession, oay sue a:d be sued, and , any? purchase. receive, hold and Property for their common bere and sell or otherwise disiose of the sane. Sec. P. The boundaries of said town shaL1 be as follows: Cr, the north-west by the north west line of the land, of Tares Aughir- Foley, Sr, purchased of W. Chi men and 1_1. A Fenbauch,* running baugh north thirty-four degrees six rr_inut cst. fran ar - ,k tree eip:ht inches in diameter on the shore -f the bay of San rrancisco eighty- rine eihty-three chains, to the line of tt-le land of :T"_toni© maria Yeralta, thence south sixty-one degrees east aloe the line divid- ing tas land of oid fromr, the land deeded to said hipman an. .;lagenbbu,=le* by said Leralta, Cotobor twenty-second, ei:4hteen hundred and fifty-ore, until said diViSiOD line s nes the bstero T)e San Leandro at the heat thereof, on braLoh near Pomby brick-yard; thence ollowink. 'lawn the centre of said Estero to its mouth in the bay of fan :Tearro; thence fotlovjirn the centre of the charnel theroof, and tLe deeYs- wh er aler4 the southern border of the Erein,11 San ,Lrtorio, about two hundred yards from the line of ordinary hifh his thereon until the said lire in the water of said of an Leandro, runnin a south-westerly course, ' flowing the general outline of said southerly border o said Encinal, stril e the centre of the channel orvosite the present steamer landi aid tern of 21amea; thence followinp t'r centre 0± seid channel north-westerly until the said crre line strik he first bouraary line Irojected, thence with sai d ouhdary projected north thirty-for and ,1 half degrees east to tte beginnilw. And the privilege is hereby granted to h Trus- tees of said torn to build or construct (or cause the same ho be done) wharves are docks between the line of ordinery hipt tide and said channel, and ths '1.1t, of bolir v, for the use of tte same, for the term of bar years, slirs ard tiers. and other nenes- sary al:Turterance ftr carr!! e-7 -11 the commerce of said town. The above PrivileFes are hereby Fronted or the condition het t' Trstees of said town shall hold and nresepve, free from_ oncu- Pamcy, the remainder o said parcel ef overflowed larl lyinv be- tweer said cUannel ard the lire said ordinary de that the iture nlay hereafter riake such di 3 sition of s amo for, and on behalf of said town, urifr such linitations aLd on- ditiors as they may do sri just ano ecuitable. ec. 3. ,P --pone err: duules of ttd, shall be vested in a Board of Trustees to dansist of flye medebvys who shall be elected by the cualifted electors of sa!A town o - the second Idonday of Eay in each year, and shall bedld office for the term of one year, and until their successors are qualified, arca. thay S) receive no ocizacosatior for thoir sorviees. sittinais shall end they stall hoof a lcurnci of r-lnd tile yeas and nays on any auestion shall be olier and entered or caliC journal at the rei;cast of any nlenber, The 3card oi Trustees s have coarer ecieh, alter, exteE, est-oli: rave grade or otherwise imorove tO reseulote atceots, lanes and alleys; o conecruct arci, kee- in rermir bride, fences, L.I1 c alaces, whervor, docko, s ibs, cif:4Tc, eri, wells; to regalato arc:, collect tolls, wharfeace are Coci:age ubor all water or a 6;o ds Iondadc they aave no Tower to grart exclusive rilriler-ces, hut fall water craft, steameYs ond terry boats have the unresieYic Vil Lf sp,n (locks, slits and eiers utor col=17in,, with the froscoibe ocaula- tions aliC! bayinE the chscaTes for whorfcae and dcoicaFo, the ratss of which shall be uriforii. ThPv shall have -cower to sell, lease, otnerwise diseoso 1- the 0 lroyerty but a 3 sales op loosos stall be by oublic auction, after thirty do or notice costco' ir three o tTrac most aublic places efithin said town, end by cublishiro the same tr some one or riore raiesparers bablishad in San 2raroisoo, aacic a e c e iabaalae arc . po o Ificon i:,choals and AceOarolcs, to Eakina iorial for seour,b ,ae nee 7 1 ° ress, winalbert, Peoce ard aaed order of tea toy,- and fan caciveA;ioe,: era extinauishira 2fres„ Ticay olia-bi Cave bower to I Y taxes not execee, fo ore fer ert. aJer arrum on irblic iacessod valeb of Mc refil enT oecisobeal brocarty oithin the tawn, r the cciaco - free sotbials, and fot cfrEJci the ardinare- co:oar:sec c,ho town; to licerso hibitiors, shows, ancuseicarts and billfari taiiles; to suberets all ,c:a1M- ling houses, draft ohaps, and aal occucctiors Ciaces, holisac, co:C eiabbic Cc') 0 71771 I 70 0 71' 0 0 0 'aC ,„Cc ..1 Cl.) 55— c. ' ■ . '^ CC. ,C:..0 Cc' 733 ;37 0 773 C77 10 ,n,-,n; nnn4 (Inn n^, 'LI n' rn.nnn ,S,nnn, (.1.; ',-, 77 r4 0 0 c.-7 ,31) .I.3 Ti U) 0 c " i 0 C.) C.) U - . 0 717 0 71) 7-7 7-.. 773 71) I- 01 C> 0 0 713; r71 01 7-1 7., 0 771 '13 7,- 73 7; C.; '':.,1' r--i c,,■....,: cc... ,C,„CC ;LP 0 ..."1 .7.17 01 '7.; E4 c ;3 :, ,c„; ;I 70; ■''', CV 0 .. 771 77.; .L7) 0 , 3 r-I v., 773, 0 7,3 0 C. 0 .7 7 74 f';:, 7H C'''.', 0 5, i C.' : ■,:::i ii: CO ,....1 ''..1 0-1 371 [77; 43, C) 3 , ; -I ;-I 0 13 7717 nr-nn . CO (I) ,,na n, nn^nnnn Unn, CC 17-1 a) 40 7- I CI.,' 0 7.1 0 H -43 13 -01 371.1 V s 7) 1:11 ,c ii) )) ) ;4 ').) -1 --., ,_. c C> ''- 1 C' a., 3 CU .1-5 g 4 .'c 5r. 'I '''.4 r' i C., C., ) 1,73 73 r';' C) 1/7' t1) 0 C) C., 7 -. 33 '13 3721 777 771, CU ;,-; 7-7 C) 73 i.,3 7,14 74 FA rc'l 0 CCL !;.) Ti 0 .„;, , c);) (I) C,,), .1-1 $:"1 -4) C) rcl r-I CL .1 Ci " +.1) CO "--I U) c-4 I C C, , c U) ';.-; ,,c,.... -P E.' 0 F)--1 4-1 CO (1) cc -, ■-i•-■ o, 0 4 .) •,-,1 r ,..., 4 ) ;)-I C.) ;:"...2, ,,, *0 0 0 . "I , -) '`,1 aa C. ( C...) C) N C—i 0 • 0 1i 13. 4-7 H 0 433 (4 . 7-1 "; $ . -0 7131 r"--1 0 ri.:, 0 , .1 C.:, .C..) 4.n O C.) 0 )-1 C) CI) CU) 'H 0 )i-I ■ ))) )r-1 , t:1 0 a, CA 0 4...) 437 43 ;3 / 44 (4 111 7:11 (d) ':7.) (;) C, ,. ., 1 r 31 173 .771 C") C.) (''..,, C.) ki) ; ), g) !")'" S.) )) ,,- 0 i);) 1-- (,), C) 'U 0 In' n'''' n .. nn.0 n ", — -C1 nnn .ninn ' .0 n... C.Int -q-• '71 q n4,--1 n....n 0 'H 0 734 01 31 .,7; 14. 0 773 ,43 .',1110 . .1,;3/.3, :4./ .) CV: 1.- 4 '3.; ;77 .4))