1878 Charter-California Statute regarding IncoporationThis is the Charter of 1878 for the reincorporation of the Town and was adopted by the people , in convention assembled. cars oa, ion ion G.o , or or re rec same is cer car axee ion sse sor,sue cane sessor otton for ts; same, arection mannar sanc tions com- such serva ses, ion; cannon re- arms tion all one na is annual axce cents one asse real not exeee ten one not cents one not cents one ct, over and used nee use licenses care care owners said Town.. of sa his ou t such ces to sa , not to act as C case s c tion s se not one annum.. es neces 1 t s of sa or res recti nance, order, or re on, it is , or at mee said or re on,noes, nane n as manner, s.. .. 611 If at b.. et, one cost done, tion same ace neer ise cations, ret ise cases succes amoun t cost en er a 7.. t on assess on.. not name; 1, cert sses owners same are sse surer ten ice, .. , ise surer is, t on not nance cost axe some neces ct, contract not ",' the and.sts its own owner 1 t own ion, tic notice one owners ssme case act no street,ion erec ment nance,owners ea sse sor, asses asse , in same nner as s are c on tractor lec s own use two sums so c . 9. its ts, a its i cOlJencemen t t is to area or, sect t to is no not exceed area to on e1 and if case ions not notice. If, on owner ovement on, t ted dis- one If re st is not 11, , d t to , as case of street not same rect o commence an action ct C , for int owners of the owner sse s in action as is Seven actions trac ct,not rea on accrue t , sha 1 13. s c c i i e ice 1. . - ts c .. f" on a are not court , au same, name on. , on or same orrec , tee ace cer s.. ments; tions sances es.. Sac.. 17.., t ce" tion on to are oree..case nsion car cea8e sua manner ori J.u. eel'S, vacan arre on, ce. not sou r cause ous s are samemanner cers Sec.no c c s tor, s rece ssessor, rece rece 19. ctor ction serve one vaca serve serve rema case son not se. rec ces.. 11 meet ea soon ano Its sec mee ice sona mee consti concurrence a maj journ mee rece surer , on , or Sll'US rec re in se or surer soon soon nece s tee cer for said or ser or i ; nor r, act as act nor con- nor more one nor more sane