1883-03-13 CharterCHARTER
Municipal Corporations of the Fifth Class.
An Act to provide for the Organization, Incorporation and
Government of Municipal Corporations, approved March
13, 1883.
SECTION 750. Every municipal corporation of the fifth class
shall be entitled the city of (naming it), and by such name
shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued in all Courts
and places, and in all proceedings whatever, shall have and use
a common seal, alterable at the pleasure of the city authorities,
and may purchase, lease, receive, hold and enjoy real and personal
property, and control and dispose of the same for the common
SEC. 751. The government of said city shall be vested in a
Board of Trustees, to consist of five members; a Board of Edu-
cation, to consist of five members; and whenever a free public
library and reading room is established therein, five Trustees
thereof, —a Recorder, a Treasurer, a City Attorney, a Clerk, a
Marshal, an Assessor, and such subordinate officers as are herein-
after provided for.
Election and Term of Office.
SEC. 752. The members of the Board of Trustees, and of the
Board of Education, and the Assessor, Marshal, Treasurer, and
Recorder, shall be elected by the qualified electors of said city, at
a general municipal election to be held therein on the second
Monday in April, in each odd numbered year. The Assessor,
Marshal, Treasurer, and Recorder shall hold office for the period
of two years from and after the Monday next succeeding the day
of such election, and until their successors are elected and quali-
fied. Members of the Board of Trustees and of the Board of
Education shall hold office for the period of four years from and
after the Monday next succeeding the clay of such election, and
until their successors are elected and qualified; provided, that the
first Board of Trustees and Board of Education elected under
the provisions of this Act shall at their first meeting so classify
themselves, by lot, as that three of their members shall go out of
office at the expiration of two years, and two at the expiration of
four years. The City Attorney and the City Clerk shall be
appointed by the Board of Trustees, and shall hold office during
the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees
may, in their discretion, appoint a Poundmaster, to hold office
during the pleasure of the Board; also, a Superintendent of Streets
and a City Engineer, both of whom shall hold office during the
pleasure of the Board, and both of which offices may be held by
the same person. [Amendment 1891, p. 21.]
Official Bonds.
SEC. 753. The Clerk, Treasurer, City Attorney and Marshal
shall, respectively, before entering upon the duties of their respec-
tive offices, each execute a bond to such city in such penal sum
as the Board of Trustees, by ordinance, may determine, condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of his duties, including, in the
same bond, the duties of all offices of which he is made by this
chapter ex- officio incumbent. Such bonds shall be approved by
the Board of Trustees. All bonds, when approved, shall be filed
with the Clerk, except the bond of the Clerk, which shall be filed
with the President of the Board of Trustees. All the provisions
of any law of this State, relating to the official bonds of officers,
shall apply to such bonds, except as herein otherwise provided.
Every officer of such city, before entering upon the duties of his
office, shall take and file with the Clerk the constitutional oath
of office.
SEC. 754. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices pro-
vided for in this Act shall be filled by appointment by the Board
of Trustees; but, if such office be elective, such appointee shall
hold office only until the next regular election, at which time a
person shall be elected to serve for the remainder of such unex-
pired term. In case a member of the Board of Trustees is absent
from the city for the period of ninety days, unless by permission
of the Board of Trustees, his office shall, by the Board, be de-
clared vacant, and the same filled as in case of other vacancies.
Stc. 755. The members of the Board of Trustees shall re-
ceive no compensation whatever, except while acting as a Board
of Equalization; the Treasurer, Assessor, Marshal, Clerk and
Recorder shall severally receive, at stated times, a compensation,
to be fixed by ordinance by the Board of Trustees, which com-
pensation shall not be increased or diminished after their election,
or during their several terms of office. Nothing herein contained
shall be construed to prevent the Board of Trustees from fixing
such several amounts of compensation, in the first instance, dur-
ing the term of office of any such officer, or after his election.
The compensation of all other officers shall be fixed, from time to
time, by the Board of Trustees. [Amendment 1889, p. 39o.]
Election Regulations.
SEC. 756. All elections in such city shall be held in accordance
with the general election laws of the State, so far as the same
may be made applicable, and no person shall be entitled to vote
at such election unless he shall be a qualified elector of the county,
enrolled upon the great register thereof, and shall have resided
in such city for at least thirty days next preceding such election.
The Board of Trustees shall give such notice of each election as
may be prescribed by ordinance, shall appoint Boards of Election
and fix their compensation and establish election precincts and
polling places, and may change the same; provided, that no part
of any ward less than the whole thereof shall be attached to any
other ward, or part thereof, in forming election precincts. At
any municipal election the last printed great register of the county
shall be used, and any elector whose name is not upon such
printed register shall be entitled to vote, upon producing and
filing with the Board of Election a certificate, under the hand and
official seal of the County Clerk, showing that his name is regis-
tered and uncanceled upon the great register of such county,
provided that he is otherwise entitled to vote.
Eligibility to Office.
SEC. 757. No person shall be eligible to hold any office in
such city, whether filled by election or appointment, unless he be
a resident and elector therein, and shall have resided in such city
for one year next preceding the date of such election or appoint-
Free Library.
SEC. 758. The Trustees of any free public library created
or existing in such city under the provisions of an act entitled
"An Act to establish free public librai ies and reading rooms," ap-
proved April twenty - ixth, eighteen hundred and eighty, shall be
appointed by the Board of Trustees in the same manner as other
officers are appointed under the provisions of this chapter, any-
thing in the provisions of said act to the contrary notwithstand-
ing. The term of office of such Trustees shall be four years, and
until their successors are appointed and qualified; provided, that
in case of a vacancy, the person appointed to fill the vacancy
shall hold the office only till the expiration of the term and the
appointment and qualification of his successor. [Amendment
1889, p. 390.]
Board of Trustees.
SEC. 760. The Board of Trustees shall meet on the Monday
next succeeding the date of said general municipal election, shall
take the oath of office, shall choose one of their number Presi-
dent, and shall hold regular meetings at least once in each month,
at such times as they shall fix by ordinance. Special meetings
may be called at any time by the President of the Board; or by
three Trustees, by written notice delivered to each member, at
least three hours before the time specified for the purposed meet-
ing. All meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held within
the corporate limits of the city, at such place as may be desig-
nated by ordinance, and shall be public.
SEC. 761. At any meeting of the Board of Trustees a ma-
jority of the Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transac-
tion of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time,
and may compel the attendance of absent members in such man-
ner and under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance.
The President of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the
Board, and, in cage of his absence, the Board may appoint a
President pro tem.; and, in case of the absence of the Clerk the
President or President pro tem. shall appoint one of the members
of the Board Clerk pro tem.
SEC. 762. The Board of Trustees shall judge of the qualifi-
cations of its members and of the election returns, and determine
contested elections of all city officers. They may establish rules
for the conduct of their proceedings, and punish any member or
other person for disorderly behavior at any meeting. They shall
cause the Clerk to keep a correct journal of all their proceedings,
and, at the desire of any member, shall cause the ayes and noes
to be taken on any question and entered on the journal.
Limitation on Passage of Ordinance.
SEC. 763. No resolution granting any franchise, and no ordi-
nance for any purpose, shall be passed by the Board of Trustees
on the day of its introduction, nor within five days thereafter, nor
at any other than a regular meeting, or an adjourned regular
meeting, and no such resolution and no ordinance granting any
franchise shall be passed without being first submitted to the City
Attorney. No resolution or order for the payment of money shall
be passed at any other than a regular meeting, or an adjourned
regular meeting, and no resolution or order for the payment of
money, no resolution granting a franchise, and no ordinance for
any purpose, shall have any validity or effect unless passed by the
affirmative vote of at least three trustees. [Amendment, 1889,
P. 390.
Powers of Board.
SEC. 764. The Board of Trustees of such city shall have
1. To pass ordinances not in conflict with the constitution
and laws of this State, or of the United States.
Purchase Real Estate.
2. To purchase, lease, or receive such real estate and per-
sonal property as may be necessary or proper for municipal pur-
poses, and to control, dispose of, and convey the same for the
benefit of the city; provided, that they shall not have power to
sell or convey any portion of any water front; but may rent such
water front for a term not exceeding ten years for the purpose of
erecting bathhouses thereon.
Water Supply.
3. To contract for supplying the city with water for munici-
pal purposes.
Public Highways.
4. To establish, build, and repair bridges; to establish, lay
out, alter, keep open, open, improve and repair streets, sidewalks,
alleys, squares and other public highways and places within the
city, and to drain, sprinkle, and light the same; to remove all
obstructions therefrom; to establish the grades thereof; to grade,
pave, macadamize, gravel and curb the same in whole or in part,
and to construct gutters, culverts, sidewalks and crosswalks
therein, or upon any part thereof; to cause to be planted, set out
and cultivated shade trees therein; and generally to manage and
control all such highways and places.
5. To establish, construct and maintain drains and sewers.
Fire Engines.
6. To provide fire engines and all other necessary or proper
apparatus for the prevention and extinguishment of fires.
Poll Tax.
7. To impose on and collect from every male inhabitant be-
tween the ages of twenty -one and sixty years an annual street
poll tax, not exceeding two dollars, and no other road poll tax
shall be collected within the limits of such city; provided, that
any member of a volunteer fire company in such city shall be
exempt from such tax.
Dog Tax.
8. To impose and collect an annual Iicense, not exceeding
two dollars, on every dog owned or harbored within the limits of
the city.
Property Tax.
9. To levy and collect, annually, a property tax, which shall
be apportioned as follows: For the general fund, not exceeding
sixty cents on each one hundred dollars; for street fund, not ex-
ceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars; for school fund,
not exceeding twenty cents on each one hundred dollars; for
sewer fund, not exceeding ten cents on each one hundred dollars.
The levy for all purposes for any one year for all purposes to
whicli.such funds are applicable, shall not exceed one dollar on
each one hundred dollars of the assessed value of all real and
personal property within such city.
to. To license, for purposes of regulation and revenue, all
and every kind of business, including the sale of intoxicating
liquors, authorized by law and transacted or carried on in such
city, and all shows, exhibitions, and lawful games carried on
therein; to fix the rates of license upon the same, and to provide
for the collection of the same by suit or otherwise.
River Improvement.
it. To improve the rivers and streams flowing through such
city, or adjoining the same; to widen, straighten and deepen the
channels thereof, and remove obstructions therefrom; to improve
the water front of the city, and to construct and maintain em-
bankments and other works to protect such city from overflow.
Municipal Buildings.
12. To erect and maintain buildings for municipal purposes.
Tracks and Pipes.
13. To permit, under such restrictions as they may deem
proper, the laying of railroad tracks, and running of cars drawn
by horses, steam, electricity, or other power thereon, and the
laying of gas or water pipes in the, public streets; and to construct
and maintain, and to permit the construction and maintenance of,
telegraph, telephone, and electric light lines therein.
Ward Division.
14. In its discretion to divide the city, by ordinance, into a
convenient number of wards, not exceeding five, to fix the bound-
aries thereof, and to change the same from time to time; pro-
vided, that no change in the boundaries of any ward shall be
made within sixty clays next before the date of said general mu-
nicipal election, nor within twenty months after the same shall
have been established or altered. Whenever such city shall be
so divided into wards the Board of Trustees shall designate by
ordinance the number of Trustees to be elected from each ward,
apportioning the same in proportion to the population of such
ward; and thereafter the Trustees so designated shall be elected
by the qualified electors resident in such ward, or by the general
vote of the whole city, as may be designated in such ordinance.
15. To appoint and remove such policemen and other sub-
ordinate officers as they may deem proper, and to fix their duties
and compensation.
Violation of Ordinances.
16. To impose fines, penalties and forfeitures for any and all
violations of ordinances, and for any breach or violation of any
ordinance to fix the penalty by fine or imprisonment, or both,
but no such fine shall exceed three hundred dollars, nor the term
of such imprisonment exceed three months.
Prison Labor.
17. To cause all persons imprisoned for violation of any ordi-
nance to labor on the streets or other property or works within
the city.
Fire Limits.
18. To establish fire limits with proper regulations.
Other Acts.
19. To do and perform any and all other acts and things
necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this chapter,
and to exact and enforce within the limits of such city all other
local, police, sanitary and other regulations as do not conflict with
general laws. [Amendment, 1889, p. 391.]
Enacting Clause.
SEC. 765. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be as
follows: "The Board of Trustees of the City of — do ordain as
follows:" Every ordinance shall be signed by the President of the
Board of Trustees, attested by the Clerk, and published at least
once in a newspaper published in such city, or printed and posted
in at least three public places therein. It shall not be necessary
in any action, civil or criminal, to plead or prove the organiza-
tion or existence of such corporation, nor the passage, existence,
or validity of any ordinance thereof; and courts shall take judicial
cognizance thereof without proof. [Amendment, 1889, p. 393.]
Board to Audit Demands.
SEC. 766. All demands against such city, except as other-
wise by law provided, shall be presented to and audited by the
Board of Trustees, in accordance with such regulations as they
may, by ordinance, prescribe; and, upon the allowance of any
such demand, the President of the Board shall draw a warrant
upon the Treasurer for the same, which warrant shall be counter-
signed by the Clerk, and shall specify for what purpose the same
is drawn, and out of what fund it is to be paid. [Amendment,
1889, P. 393.]
Indebtedness Not to Exceed Moneys Provided.
SEC. 767. The Board of Trustees shall not create, audit,
allow, or permit to accrue any debt or liability in excess of the
available money in the treasury that may be legally apportioned
and appropriated for such purposes, except in the manner pro-
vided by law for incurring indebtedness; provided that any city,
during the first year of its existence under this act, may incur such
indebtedness or liability as may be necessary, not exceeding in all
the income and revenue provided for it for such year; nor shall
any warrant be drawn, or evidence of indebtedness be issued,
unless there be at the time sufficient money in the treasury legally
applicable to the payment of the same except as hereinafter pro-
vided. [Amendment, 1889, p. 393.]
Incurring of Indebtedness to be Decided at an Election.
SEC. 768. If at any time the Board of Trustees shall deem it
necessary to incur any indebtedness in excess of the money in the
treasury applicable to the purposes for which such indebtedness
is to be incurred, they shall give notice of a special election by
the qualified electors of the city, to be held to determine whether
such indebtedness shall be incurred. Such notice shall specify
the amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred, the purpose
or purposes (if the question of indebtedness for more than one
purpose be proposed) of the same, and the amount of money nec-
essary to be raised annually by taxation for an interest and sink-
ing fund for each purpose, as hereinafter provided. Such notice
shall be published for at least two weeks in some newspaper pub-
lished and circulated in such city; and no other question or mat-
ter shall be submitted to the electors at such election. If, upon
a canvass of the votes cast at such election, it appears that not less
than two - thirds of all the qualified electors voting at such election,
or if more than one proposition is submitted, voting on such prop-
osition, shall have voted in favor of incurring such indebtedness,
it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to pass an ordinance
providing for the work of creating such indebtedness, and of pay-
ing the same; and in such ordinance provision shall be made for
the levy and collection of an annual tax upon all the real and per-
sonal property subject to taxation within such city, sufficient to
pay the interest on such indebtedness as it falls due, and also to
constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof,
within a period of not more than twenty years from the time of
contracting the same. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trus-
tees, in each year thereafter, at the time at which other taxes are
levied, to levy a tax sufficient for such purpose, in addition to the
taxes by this chapter authorized to be levied. Such tax, when
collected, shall be kept in the treasury as a separate fund, or
funded if indebtedness be incurred for different purposes, to be
inviolably appropriated to the payment of the principal and inter-
est of such indebtedness. [Amendment, 1889, p. 397•]
SEC. 769. The violation of any ordinance of such city shall
be deemed a misdemeanor, and may be prosecuted in the name
of the people of the State of California. Any person sentenced
to imprisonment for the violation of any ordinance may be im-
prisoned in the city jail, or if the Board of Trustees shall by or-
dinance so prescribe, in the county jail of the county in which
such city may be situated ; in which case the expense of such im-
prisonment shall be a charge in favor of such county and against
such city. [Amendment, 1889, p. 393.]
SEC. 770. Every act or thing done or being within the lim-
its of such city, which is or may be declared by law or by any or-
dinance of such city to be a nuisance, shall be and is hereby de-
dared to be-a nuisance, and shall be considered and treated as
such in all actions and proceedings whatever ; and all remedies
which are or may be given by law for the prevention and abate-
ment of nuisances shall apply thereto.
Repairs Assessed on Fronting Property.
SEC. 771. The Board of Trustees are hereby authorized and
empowered to order any work authorized by this chapter to be
done upon the streets, avenues, highways and public places of
such city. The cost and expense incurred therefor shall be paid
as follows, to wit : The expense or cost of improving and repair-
ing streets, sidewalks, alleys, squares and other public highways
and places within the city, removing obstructions therefrom,
grading, paving, macadamizing, graveling and curbing the same,
and constructing gutters, culverts and sidewalks therein, shall be
assessed upon the lots and lands fronting thereon, each lot or por-
tion of a lot being separately assessed for the full debt thereof in
proportion to the benefits upon the property to be benefited, suffi-
cient to cover the total expense of the work to the center of the
street on which it fronts ; provided, that the Board of Trustees
may expend from the general fund for said purpose a sum not ex-
ceeding one hundred dollars on any one street in any one year.
The expense of all improvements in the space formed by the
junction of two or more streets, or where one main street termi-
nates in or crosses another main street, and also all necessary
street crossings, or crossways at corners or intersection of streets,
and the expense of establishing, building and repairing bridges
in such city, shall be paid by such city. The expense incurred in
making and repairing sewers in any street shall be paid, one - fourth
by the owner of the lands on one side of said street, one - fourth
by the owner of the land on the other side of the street, and one -
half by the city out of the sewer fund. In all the streets consti-
tuting the water front of such city, or bounded on the one side by
the property thereof, the expense of work done on that portion
of said streets, from the center line thereof to the said water front,
or to such property of the city bounded thereon, shall be paid for
by such city, but no contract for any such work shall be given,
except to the lowest responsible bidder, and in the manner here-
inafter provided. When any work or improvements mentioned
in this section is done or made on one side of the center line of
said streets, avenues, or public highways, the lots or portions of
lots fronting on that side only shall be assessed to cover the ex-
penses of said work, according to the provisions of this chapter.
Whenever any expense or cost of work shall have been assessed
on any lands the amount of said expenses shall become a lien upon
said lands, which shall take precedence of all other liens, and
which may be foreclosed in accordance with the provisions of the
Code, of Civil Procedure. Said suit shall he in the name of the
city of (naming it), as plaintiff. Upon the filing of a complaint
in the Superior Court to enforce a lien of any kind hereon, the
plaintiff shall be entitled, if a recovery is had or the money is
paid, to include as costs the sum of twenty -five dollars as at-
torney's fees. [Superseded by "Vrooman Act. "]
Right of Way.
SEC. 772. Whenever it shall become necessary for the city
to take or damage private property for the purpose of establish-
ing, laying out, extending, and widening streets and other public
highways and places within the city, or for the purpose of rights
of way for drains, sewers, and aqueducts, and for the purpose of
widening, straightening, or diverting the channels of streams, and
the improvement of water fronts, and the Board of Trustees can-
not agree with the owner thereof as to the price to be paid, the
Trustees may direct proceedings to be taken under section twelve
hundred and thirty - seven, and following sections, to and includ-
ing section twelve hundred and sixty -three of the Code of Civil
Procedure, to procure the same.
City Tax Levy.
SEC. '773. The Board of Trustees shall have power, and it
shall be their duty, to provide by ordinance a system for the as-
sessment, levy, and collection of all city taxes, not inconsistent
with the provisions of this chapter, which system shall conform,
as nearly as the circumstances of the case may permit, to the
provisions of the laws of this State in reference to the assessment,
levy, and collection of State and county taxes, except as to the
time for such assessment, levy, and collection, and except as to
the officers by whom such duties are to be performed. All taxes
shall be collected by the Marshal or Treasurer, as may be deter-
mined by the Board of Trustees by ordinance. All taxes assessed,
together with any percentage imposed for delinquency, and the
costs of collection, shall constitute liens on the property assessed ;
every tax upon the personal property shall be a lien upon the real
property of the owner thereof. The liens provided for in this
section shall attach as of the first Monday in March in each year,
and may be enforced by a sale of the real property affected, and
the execution and delivery of all necessary certificates and deeds ,
therefor, under such regulations as may be perscribed by ordi-
nance, or by actions in any court of competent jurisdiction, to
foreclose such liens ; provided, that any property sold for such
taxes shall be subject to redemption within the time and in the '
manner and upon the terms provided, or that may hereafter be
provided, by law for the redemption of property sold for State
taxes. All deeds made upon any sale of property for taxes or
special assessments under the provisions of this chapter shall have
the same force and effect in evidence as is or may hereafter be
provided by law for deeds for property sold for non - payment of
State taxes. [Amendment, 1889, p. 394.]
SEC. 774. The Board of Trustees shall meet at their usual
place of holding meetings on the second Monday of August of
each year, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and sit as a
board of equalization, and shall continue in session from day to
day until all the returns of the Assessor have been rectified.
They shall have power to hear complaints, and to correct, modify,
or strike out any assessment made by the assessor, and may of
their own motion raise any assessment, upon notice to the party
whose assessment is to be raised. The corrected list for each tax
shall be the assessment roll for said tax for said year. It shall be
certified by the City Clerk, who shall act as clerk of the board of
equalization, as being the assessment roll for said tax, and shall be
the assessment roll upon which such tax is to be levied in said
Construction of Act.
SEC. 775. Nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed
to prevent any city having a bonded indebtedness, contracted un-
der laws heretofore passed, from levying and collecting such taxes
for the payment of such indebtedness, and the interest thereon, as
are provided for in such laws, in addition to the taxes herein
authorized to be levied and collected; nor to prevent any city
from levying and collecting the tax authorized by the act entitled
"An act to establish free public libraries and reading rooms,"
approved April 26th, i88o, in addition to the taxes herein author-
ized to be levied and collected. All moneys received from
licenses, street poll tax and from fines, penalties and forfeitures,
shall be paid into the general fund.
Water Front Fund.
SEC. 776. The Board of Trustees may also levy and cause
to be collected in each year, in addition to the taxes herein
authorized to be levied and collected, a tax not exceeding io
cents on each $too of the assessed value of all real and personal
property within such city subject to taxation, the proceeds of
which tax shall be known as the "River and Water Front Improve-
ment Fund," and shall be applied to the improvement of streams,
bays, and water fronts, and the erection of embankments and
other works to protect the city from overflow, and for no other
purposes whatever.
Public Work to be Contracted for.
SEC. 777. Li the erection, improvement, and repair of all
public buildings and works, in all street and sewer work, and in
all work in or about streams, bays, or water fronts, or in or about
embankments or other works for protection against overflow, and
in furnishing any supplies or materials for the same, when the
expenditure required for the same exceeds the sum of one hun-
dred dollars, the same shall be done by contract, and shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder, after notice by publication in a
newspaper of general circulation printed and published in such
city, for at least two weeks, or if there be no newspaper printed
or published therein, by printing and posting the same in at least
four public places therein for the same period. Such notice shall
distinctly and specifically state the work contemplated to be done;
provided, that the Board of Trustees may reject any and all bids
presented, and readvertise, in their discretion. The Board of
Trustees shall annually, at a stated time, contract for doing all
city printing and advertising, which contract shall be let to the
lowest bidder, after notice, as provided in this section, and the
contract therefor shall be awarded separately from all other
printing. [Amendment, 1891, p. 54.]
Signature of Contracts and Warrants.
SEC. 778. The President of the Board of Trustees shall pre-
side over all meetings of the Board at which he is present. In
his absence a President pro tem. may be chosen. The President,
and in his absence the President pro tem., shall sign all warrants
drawn on the City Treasurer, and, unless otherwise provided by
said Board, shall sign all written contracts entered into by said
city, as such President or President pro terra. The authority and
power of the President pro tem. shall continue only during the
day on which he is chosen. The President and President pro tent.
shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations, and take
affidavits and certify the same under their hands. The President
or President pro tem. shall sign all conveyances made by said city,
and all instruments which shall require the seal of the city. The
President is authorized to acknowledge the execution of all instru-
ments executed by said city that require to be acknowledged.
He shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations con-
cerning any demand upon the treasury, and in all matters relating
to the duties of the Board of Trustees, and to witnesses examined
in any investigation had by said hoard, or by any committee
thereof duly authorized to make such investigation. Said presi-
dent may issue subpoenas under his hand and the seal of such
city, attested by the City Clerk, to compel the attendance of
witnesses before such Board of Trustees or committee thereof.
[Amendment, 1859, P. 394.]
SEC. 736. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive
and safely keep all moneys which shall come into his hands as
City Treasurer, for, all of which he shall give duplicate receipts,
one of which shall be filed with the City Clerk. He shall pay
out said money on warrants signed by the proper officers, and
not otherwise, except interest coupons on bonds. He shall make
quarterly settlements with the City Clerk. He shall collect all
taxes levied by the Board of Trustees if so required by ordinance.
[Amendment, 1889, p. 395.]
SEC. 787. It shall be the duty of the Assessor, between the
first day of May and the first day of August in each year, to
make out a true list of all the taxable property within the city.
The mode of making out of said list, and proceedings relating
thereto, shall be in conformity with laws now in force regulating
County Assessors, except as the same may be otherwise provided
in this act, or by ordinance. Said list shall describe the property
assessed and the value thereof, and shall contain all other matters
required to be stated in such lists by County Assessors. Said
Assessor shall verify said list by his oath, and shall deposit the
same with the City Clerk, on or before the first Monday in August
in each year. The Assessor shall, during said time, also make a
list of all male persons residing within the limits of such city over
the age of twenty -one years, and shall verify said list by his oath,
and shall, on or before the first Monday of August in each year,
deposit the same with the City Clerk. Said Assessor and his
deputy shall have power to administer all oaths and affirmations
necessary in the performance of his duties.
Clerk, Duties of.
SEC. 788. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a
full and true record of all the proceedings of the Board of Trus-
tees and of the Board of Equalization. The proceedings of the
Board of Trustees shall be kept in a book, marked " Records of
the Board of Trustees." The proceedings of the Board of
Equalization shall be kept in a separate book, marked "Records
of the Board of Equalization." He shall keep a book, which
shall be marked " City Accounts," in which shall be entered as a
credit all moneys received by the city for licenses, the amount of
any tax when levied, and all other moneys received, and in which
shall be entered upon the debtor side all commissions deducted
and all warrants drawn on the treasury. He shall also keep a
book, marked "Marshal's Account," in which he shall charge
the City Marshal with all the tax lists, if any, delivered to him,
and all licenses delivered to him. He shall credit the Marshal
with the delinquent lists returned by him. He shall also keep a
book, marked "Treasurer's Account," in which he shall keep a
full account of the transactions of the city with the Treasurer.
He shall also keep a hook, marked "City Licenses," in which he
shall enter all licenses delivered by him to the Marshal, and the
amount thereof. He shall also keep a book, marked "City Or-
dinances," into which he shall copy all city ordinances, with his
certificate annexed to said copy, stating the foregoing ordinance
is a true and correct copy of an ordinance of such city, and giv-
ing the number and title of said ordinance, and stating that the
6.ne has been published or posted according to law. Said record
copy, with said certificate, or the original ordinance, shall be
prima facie evidence of the contents of the ordinance and of the
due passage and publication of the same, and shall be admissible
as such evidence in any court or proceeding. Said records shall
not be filed in any case, but shall be returned to the custody of
the City Clerk. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to
prevent the proof of the passage and publication of ordinances
in the usual way. Each of the foregoing books, except the
records of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Equalization,
shall have a general index, sufficiently comprehensive to enable
a person readily to ascertain matters contained therein. The City
Clerk shall also keep a book, marked " Demands and Warrants,"
in which he shall note every demand against the city and file the
same. He shall state therein, under the note of the demands,
the final disposition made of the same; and if the same is allowed
and a warrant is drawn, he shall also state the number of the
warrant, with sufficient dates. This book shall contain an index,
in which reference shall be made to each demand. Upon the
completion of the assessment roll for any of the taxes of the city,
and levying of the tax thereon, the City Clerk shall apportion the
taxes upon such assessment roll, and shall deliver it to the officer
charged with the duty of collecting taxes. It shall not be neces-
sary to make a duplicate assessment roll. He may appoint a
deputy, for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible;
and he and his deputy shall have power to administer oaths and
affirmations, to take affidavits and depositions to be used in any
court or proceeding in the State, and to certify the same. He
and his deputy shall take all necessary affidavits to demands
against the city, and certify the same without charge. He shall
be the custodian of the seal of such city. He shall make a quar-
terly statement, in writing, showing the receipts and expenditures
of the city for the preceding quarter, and the amount remaining
in the treasury. He shall, at the end of every fiscal year, make
a full and detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of
the preceding year, and a full statement of the financial condition
of the affairs of the city, which shall be published. He shall per-
form such other services as this act and the ordinances of the
Board of Trustees shall require. [Amendment, 1889, p. 395.]
City Attorney.
SEC. 789. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to advise
the city authorities and officers in all legal matters pertaining to
the business of said city, and to render such other services in the
line of his profession as may be required of him by the Board of
Trustees. [Amendment, 1889, p. 396.]
Police Department under Control of City Ilarshal.
SEC. 790. The Department of Police of said city shall be
under the direction and control of the City Marshal, and for the
suppression of any riot, public tumult, disturbance of the peace
or resistance against the law or police authorities in the lawful
exercise of their functions, he shall have the powers that are now
or may hereafter be conferred upon the sheriffs by the laws of the
State, and shall in all respects be entitled to the same protection,
and his lawful orders shall be promptly executed by deputies,
police officers and watchmen in said city, and every citizen shall
also lend him aid when required, for the arrest of offenders and
maintenance of public order. He shall and is hereby authorized
to execute and return all process issued and directed to him by
any legal authority. It shall be his duty to prosecute before the
Recorder all breaches or violation of or noncompliance with any
city ordinance which shall come to his knowledge. He shall col-
lect all taxes levied by the Board of Trustees, except as herein
provided. He shall, at the expiration of any month, pay to the
City Treasurer all taxes and other funds of said city collected by
him during said month. He shall, upon the payment of the
money, file with the Treasurer an affidavit stating that the money
so paid is all the taxes or funds that he has collected or received
during the preceding month. He shall, upon the receipt of any
tax list, give his receipt for the same to the City Clerk, and shall,
upon depositing with the City Clerk the delinquent tax list, take
his receipt therefor. He shall receive from the Clerk all city
licenses and collect the same. He shall have charge of the city
prison and prisoners, and of any chain gang which may be estab-
lished by the. Board of Trustees. He shall, for service of any
process, receive the same fees as constables. He may appoint,
subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, one or more
deputies, for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible,
whose only compensation shall be fees for the service of process,
which shall be the same as those allowed the City Marshal. He
may also, with the concurrence of the President of the Board of
Trustees, when the same may be by them deemed necessary for
the preservation of public order, appoint additional policemen,
who shall discharge the duties assigned them for one day only.
He shall perform such other services as this act and the ordi-
nances of the Board of Trustees shall require, and shall receive
such compensation from the city as shall be fixed by ordinance,
in addition to such mileage and fees as he shall receive in the serv-
ice of process of the courts of this State other than the record-
er's court of such city, which mileage and fees shall be the same
as is allowed by law to constables in the county in which such city
is situated. [Amendment, 1893, p. 299.]
Board to Fix Compensation.
SEC. 791. The Board of Trustees shall, by ordinance not
inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, prescribe the
additional duties of all officers, and fix their compensation.
School District.
SEC. 795. From and after the organization of each of such
cities the same shall constitute a separate school district, which
shall be governed by the Board of Education of such city; pro-
vided, the Board of Supervisors may include more territory in
such school district than that included in such city, and in that
case such outside territory shall be deemed a part of such city for
the purpose of holding the general municipal election, and shall
be an election precinct by itself, and its qualified electors shall
vote only for the Board of Education, and said outside territory
shall be deemed to be a part of said city, for all matters connected
with the School Department, and the annual levying and collect-
ing of the property tax for the School Fund. [Amendment,
1891, p. 28.]
Vacancy in Board.
SEC. 796. In case a vacancy shall occur in the office of
school director, the Board of Education shall choose a person to
fill such vacancy, who shall serve until the next election, when, if
the term does not then expire, a person shall be elected to serve
for the remainder of such unexpired term.
SEC. 797. The Board of Education shall meet on the second
Tuesday after such general municipal election, and choose one of
its members as President, and shall appoint a Secretary, who shall
hold al the pleasure of said Board. The regular meetings of said
Board shall thereafter be held as often as once in each month, in
the place provided for the Board of Trustees, and the time for
holding such meetings shall be fixed by the Board of Education.
Special meetings of said Board may be held when called by writ-
ten notice, signed by its President or three of its members, and
delivered personally to each of its members who shall not have
signed the same. Three members shall constitute a quorum, and
no business shall be transacted by said Board of Education with-
out the concurrence of three of its members; but a majority of
the members present at any meeting may adjourn from time to
time. All the meetings of said Board of Education shall be pub-
lic, and full records of its proceedings shall be kept by the Secre-
tary of said Board. The members of the Board of Education
shall receive no compensation for their services as School Direc-
tors. [Amendment, 1891, p. 114.]
Powers of Board.
SEC. 798. The Board of Education shall have power:
Establish Schools.
1. To establish and maintain public schools, and to subdivide
the school districts, and to fix and alter the boundaries of such
2. To employ and dismiss teachers, janitors, truant officers,
and school- census marshals, and to fix, alter, allow, and order
paid their salaries or compensations, and to employ and pay such
mechanics and laborers as may be necessary to carry into effect
the powers hereby conferred.
Regulate Schools.
3. To make, establish and enforce all necessary or proper
rules and regulations, not in conflict with the laws of this State,
for the government and management of public schools within
such city, the teachers thereof, and the pupils therein, and for
carrying into effect the laws relating to education.
4. To provide for the school department of such city, fuel and
lights, water, printing and stationery, and to incur such other
incidental expenses as may be deemed necessary by said board.
Building and Repairs.
5. To build, alter, repair, rent and provide schoolhouses, and
to furnish the same with proper school furniture, apparatus, and
appliances, and to insure any and all school property.
Real Estate.
6. To purchase, receive, lease, and hold in fee, in trust for such
city, any and all real estate and personal property that may have
been acquired, or may hereafter be acquired, for the use and ben-
efit of the schools of such _city; provided, that no real estate shall
be bought, sold, or exchanged, nor any expenditure incurred for
the construction of new schoolhouses, without the approval of the
Board of Trustees; and provided further, that the proceeds of any
such sale or exchange of real estate shall be exclusively applied to
the purchase of other lots for the erecting of schoolhouses.
7. To grade, fence, and improve all school lots.
To Estimate Honeys Needed.
8. To determine annually the amount of money required for
the support of the public schools, and for carrying into effect all
the provisions of law in reference thereto; and in pursuance of
this provision, the Board of Education shall at least ten days before
the meeting of the. Board of Trustees at which the annual city
taxes are levied, submit in writing to the Board of Trustees a
careful estimate of the whole amount of money to be received
from the State and county, and of the amount to be required
from such city for the above - mentioned purposes; and the amount
so found to be required from the city shall, by the Board of Trus-
tees, be added to the above amounts to be assessed and collected
for city purposes, and when collected, the proceeds thereof shall
be immediately paid into the school fund of such city, to be drawn
out only upon the order of the Board of Education; provided, that
such annual tax shall not exceed twenty -five cents on each one
hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of the real and personal
property within such city.
Disbursement of Fund.
9. To establish regulations for the just and equal disbursement
of all moneys belonging to the school fund.
to. To discharge all legal incumbrances existing at the time
of the incorporation of such city, or thereafter, or any school
property within such city.
Non - residents.
II. To admit non- resident children, and persons over twenty -
one years of age, to any of the departments of the schools of such
city, upon the payment monthly, in advance, of such tuition fee as
said board may establish.
Age Limit.
12. To prohibit any children under six years of age from at-
tending the public schools.
13. To establish and regulate the grades of schools in such
city, and the course of study, and the mode of instruction to be
pursued therein, and determine what text -books shall be used.
Other Acts.
14. To do and perform, in addition to the foregoing powers,
such other acts as may be necessary or proper to carry into effect
the powers hereby conferred.
Board May Sue and Be Sued.
SEC. 799. The Board of Education may sue and be sued by
their name of office. In any action or judicial proceeding against
said board, service of process upon the president, or upon a
majority of the members of the board, shall be sufficient to give
the court jurisdiction to hear and determine the same.
Treasurer and Custodian of Moneys.
SEC. Soo. All moneys received by the treasurer of the county
wherein such city may be situated, on account of the school fund
of such city, or the school district consisting of the same, and all
sums received into the county treasury, which may be appor-
tioned to said city or district, shall be paid to the treasurer of
such city, by the treasurer of such county, as soon as received, or
as soon as the apportionment shall be made, when apportionment
is necessary, upon the order of the Board of Education.
SEC. 8o,. The President of the Board of Education shall
have power to administer oaths and affirmations concerning any
demand upon the treasury, payable out of the school fund, and in
all other matters relating to the duties of the Board of Education,
and to witnesses examined in any investigation had by such Board
of Education, or by a committee thereof duly appointed by it for
that purpose.
President May Compel Witnesses.
SEC. 802. Said president may issue subpoenas under his
hand and the seal of such city, attested by the City Clerk, to com-
pel the attendance of witnesses before such Board of Education,
or committee thereof, who shall be entitled to the same fees as
witnesses in civil cases, and who may be punished for contempt
for non- attendance, or refusal to be sworn, or to answer, by the
Superior Court of the county in which such city may be situated.
SEC. 803. Every claim payable out of the school fund shall
be filed with the secretary of the Board of Education, and after it
shall have been approved by the board a certificate of such ap-
proval shall be indorsed thereon, signed by the president and
secretary, and a warrant upon the school fund shall be issued
thereon for the payment of such claim ; which warrant shall be
signed by the president of such board, and countersigned by the
secretary, and shall specify for what purpose the same is drawn.
Duties of Secretary.
SEC. 804. The secretary shall report to the Board annually,
and at such other times as they may require, all matters pertain-
ing to the expense, income, condition, and progress of the public
schools of said city during the preceding year, with such recom-
mendations as he may deem proper. He shall observe, and
cause to be observed, such general rules and regulations for the
government of and instruction in the schools, not inconsistent
with the laws of the State, as may be established by the Board of
Education. He shall attend the sessions of the board, and in-
form them at each session of the condition of the public schools,
schoolhouses, school funds, and other matters connected there-
with, and recommend such measures as he may deem necessary
for the advancement of education in the city, and shall perform
such other duties as may be required of him by the Board. He
shall receive as compensation for his services, payable out of the
school fund, such sum as the Board of Education from time to
time may allow.
Fund Shall Not Be Diverted.
SEC. 805. The entire revenue derived by such city from the
State school fund and the State school tax shall be applied by said
Board of Education exclusively to the support of primary and
grammar schools.
Recorder's Court.
SEC. 8o6. A recorder's court is hereby established in such
city, to be held by the recorder of such city. Said recorder's
court shall have jurisdiction, concurrently with the justice's courts,
of all actions and proceedings, civil and criminal, arising within
the corporate limits of such city, and which might be tried in
such justice's court ; and shall have e4clusive jurisdiction of all
actions for the recovery of any fine, penalty, or forfeiture pre-
scribed for the breach of any ordinance of such city, of all actions
founded upon any obligations or liability created by any ordi-
nance, and of all prosecutions for any violation of any ordinance.
The rules of practice and mode of proceeding in said recorder's
court shall be the same as are or may be prescribed by law for
justices' courts in like cases ; and appeals may be taken to the
superior court of the county in which such city may be situated,
from all judgments of said recorder's court, in like manner and
with like effect as in cases of appeals from justices' courts.
Powers of Recorder as Judge.
SEC. 807. The recorder shall be judge of the recorder's
court, and shall have the powers and perform the duties of a mag-
istrate. He may administer and certify oaths and affirmations,
and take and certify acknowledgments. He shall be entitled to
charge and receive for his services such fees as are or may be al-
lowed by law to justices of the peace for like services, except that
for his services in criminal prosecution for violation of ordinances
he shall be entitled to receive only such monthly salary as the
Board of Trustees shall by ordinance prescribe ; which compen-
sation, when once fixed, shall not be altered within two years.
Recorder When Disqualified as Judge.
SEC. 8o8. In all cases in which the recorder is a party, or in
which he is interested, or when he is related to either party by
consanguinity or affinity within the third degree, or is otherwise
disqualified, or in case of sickness or inability to act, the recorder
may call in a justice of the peace residing in the city, to act in his
place and stead ; or if there be no justice of the peace residing in
the city, or if all those so residing are likewise disqualified, then
he may call in any justice of the peace residing in the county in
which such city be situated.
Collection of honeys.
SEC. 81o. Every officer collecting or receiving any money
belonging to or for the use of such city shall settle for the same
with the clerk on the first Monday in each month, and immedi-
ately pay the same into the treasury, on the order of the clerk,
for the benefit of the funds to which such moneys respectively be-
No Officer to be Interested in Contract.
SEC. 81I. No officer of such city shall be interested, directly
or indirectly, in any contract with such city, or with any of the
officers thereof, in their official capacity, or in doing any work or
furnishing any supplies for the use of such city or its officers in
their official capacity; and any claim for compensation for work
done, or supplies or materials furnished, in which any such officer
is interested, shall be void, and if audited and allowed, shall not
be paid by the treasurer. Any willful violation of the provisions
of this section shall be a ground for removal from office, and shall
be deemed a misdemeanor, and punished as such.
SEC. 812. Every act or thing done or being within the lim-
its of such city, which is declared by law or by any ordinance of
such city to be a nuisance, shall be and is hereby declared to be a
nuisance, and shall be considered and treated as such in all ac-
tions and proceedings whatever ; and all remedies which are or
may be given by law for the prevention and abatement of nui-
sances shall apply thereto.
[Statute of 1891, page 92.]
An act to validate proceedings for the reorganization of munic-
ipal corporations taken since the passage of the act entitled
"An act to provide for the organization, incorporation, and
government of municipal corporations," approved March
13, 1883; and also, since the passage of the act entitled "An
act to provide for the classification of municipal corpora-
tions," approved March 2, 1883. (Approved March i 1,
The people of the State of California, represented in Senate
and Assembly, do enact as follows :
SECTION. I. All cities and counties, cities, or towns, reorgan-
ized, or claiming to have been reorganized, since the passage of the
acts the titles of which are recited in the title hereof, or which
have attempted since said dates to reorganize or incorporate un-
der the provisions of said acts, or either of them, and have acted
as municipal corporations since such reorganization, are hereby
declared to be and to have been from the date of such reorgani-
zation, or attempted reorganization, duly and legally incorporated
and reorganized cities, and all proceedings for the organization of
such municipal corporations are hereby validated and declared
SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage.