1906 Alameda City CharterSenate . Concurrent Resolution.No. INTRODUCED BY . SENATOR BATES JANUARY 14, 1907. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE .ON MUNICIPAL CQRPORATIONS. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. ,APROVING THE CHARTER OF .THE. CITY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALI. FORNU O'rED FOR AND 'RATIFIED BY THE QUAUFIED ELEOTORS OF SAID CITY AT. A SPECIA ELECTION HELD THEREIN FOR THAT PURPOSE ON THE 18TI; DAY OF JULY, 1906. WHEREAS, Tp.a' City of Alameda, a muncipal corpor8ition ofthe County of Alameda , State of California, nowis and wasat: all the times herein referred to , a city containingA a popula-tion of more than ten thousand inhabitants; and 5 WHEREAS, At a special municipal election duly h€ld in said6 city.on the 27th day of January, 1906 under and in accord- ance ith Jaw and ' the ' pI:o'visions of.. Section eight of Articl eleven of the Oonstitution of the State of Oalifornia , a board of fifteen freeholders , duly qualified was elected in and by10 said city, by the. qualified electors thereof, to prepare a d pro-11, . pC!se a charter for the government of said city; and12 WHEREAS; Said board . of freeholdersdid .vithin ninety days13 after said election , prepare and prQPose a charter for the gov- ernment 6. the said City .of Alameda; and 15 WHEREAS , The said charter was on: the 2 6th day of April 16 1906 , signed in duplicate by. the Ilembers. oJ said board of17 freeholders and was thereupon duly 'returned and fied, one 21'- 18 copy with the president of the board of trustees of said' City 19 9f Alameda , and the ther copy with the county recorder of the 20 said County or Alameda , and fied, in the offce 01 said CQunty 21 recorder; and 22 WHEREAS, Said proposed charter.was thereafter published in 23 the Alameda Daily Argus and in the Daily Encinal, each 24 being daily newspapers of general circulation in, said City of' 25 AlaJpeda , and 'the said charter being published as aroresaid 26 for a period or more than twenty days , the first publication '27 thereof being made within twenty days after the completion 28 of said charter; imd 29 WHEREAS , Said proposed charter was , within not .less than 30 thirty days after the completion or said publication, submitted 31 by the board or trustees or the City of Alameda to the qualified 32 electors of said City or Alameda a a special election previously 33 duly called and therein held Qn the 18th day or July, 1906; 34 and35 WHERES At said last mentioned special election a majority14 36 of said qualified electors of said city voting at such speCIal . 37 ele tion voted in favor of the ratification of such charter as ' 38 proposed as a whole, excepting that a majority of said qualified 39' electors voting at such election voted in favor of the ratifica. tion of Alternative Proposition, No.1 and of Alternative 41 Proposition No.2 contained in said prop oiled charter, which 42 alternative propositions were' therefore respectively chosen and 43 substituted for Section 2 of Article X and for Chapter III 44 Article XI .of said proposed charter; . and 45 WHEREAS; Said board of trustees after, . canvassing said 46 returns duly found and declared 'that the majority of said 47 qualified electors, voting at said special election , had voted for 48 ratifying said . charter as above specified; and 49 WHEREAS , The same is now submitted to the /legislature of 50 the State of California ror its approval and ratification as a 51 whole without power of a,lteration or amendment , in accord- 52 ance with Section eight of Article eleven of the Constitution 53 of the State of California; and 54 WHES, Said charter so ratifiedis.i;n the words and figures 55 following to wit : CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. ARTICLE I. BOUNDAAIES SUBDIVIONS AND GE:NAL poWE. SEO'lION 1. . The Iluncipal corporation known as the City of Alameda shall remain and continue a body politic' and c?rporate, by the name of the City of Aleda , and by that 4 name shal have perpetual successipn. SEC. 2. The bOUndaries of the City of Alameda ai-e herebydeclared to be as follows: Commencing at 'a point where the center line of High street produced in a right line northerly intersects the center line . 5 the Tidal Canal , and' thence following the center line of the Tidal Can l westerly to its intersection with the easterly boundary line of Oakland Townhip near the we;;t line of Park. street if extended northerly to the center line of the Tidal 9 Canal nd running thence southerly to the southeast corner to10 Oakland Township, which was formerly in a small slough at the 11 most easterly end of San Antonio Creek and always known ah a 12 part thereof (said small slough having been since :6ed in part 1)J and .dredged along the remaining part through operations14 relatIve to tp.e construction of the Tidal Canal);, running15 thence .westerly along the center of the said s;mall slou h16 original formng par of San Antonio Creek to the cent 17 of San Antonio Oreek proper; thence westerly doWn the center18 of San Antonio Creek to the westerly boundary of Al , oun " ence southeasterly ' along the boundary ' of said 20 tmty to an a giet ereof; thence easterly along said. 21 line produced 1J a nght line to a point in the line dividi22 se thi IJgIons rty.one (31) and thirty-tw:o (32), township two23 (2), :uth ange ee (3), wes; M. D. M.; thence northerly24 along the saId section !ie , to;the northeas corner of lot one25 (1), section nineteen (19), toWnhip two (2) south 26 thr (3) . , , rang.. ee west , M. D. M. ; thence in . a northerly dirMtion to27 the center lie of the Tidal Canal; thence 1()n. the center of28 the Tid,al Oanal tG the PQint of commenCeIent. . 29 Unless a majority of the electors of the, city shall affs.- 30 tively vote thereror at a general or special municipaL:election , , 31 neither shall the boundades of. the city be ' changed , nor shall 32 the city be consolidated with any other city, or -cty and 33 county. SEc. 3. The City of Alameda may sue and' defend in all 2 courts , and places; may have and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure; may purchase , receive , hold ahd enjoy real and personal property and dispose of the saine for the common benefit.; may receive bequests and donations of all kinds of pr eriy in ree simple or in trust for. charitable and other purposes ; and may do all acts necessary to carry out the purposes of such gifts , bequests and donations , with power to manage , sell , lease or otherwise dispose Of the same in 10 accordance with the terms of the gift , bequest or trust. SEC. 4. The Oity of Alameda shall continue , under this 2 charter , to have , hold and enjoy all property, real , personal and mixed , and rightf! of action of every nature and descrip 4 tion , or the existing municipality, and is hereby declared to be the successo or the same. SEC. 5. Suits , actions and proceedings may be brought in the nan).e of the Oity of Alameda for the recovery or any property, money or thing belonging thereto , in law or i equity, or dedicated to public use therein , or for the enforce- mentof any rights of or contracts with , the city, whether made 6 or arising or accruing before or after the adoption or this charter, All existing ' suits , actions. or proceedings in the courts or elsewhere , to which the cityis a party, shall continue to be carried on by or against the city. SEC, 6, For the purposes of the first election held under this 2 charter , and until changed in the nianner hereinafter provided, the City of Alameda shall be divided into seven wards , as 4 follo\\'s : The First Ward , which shl;ll include all that portion of the G city lying south of an east and west line passing through the center o Bay Farm Island bridge , and known as Bay Farm , - Island , and also that, portion of the city lying north of said east and west line passing through Bay Farm Island bridge and easterly or the center line or 'Versailes avenue and the same center line of Versailes avenue extended in a right ' line northerly to the northern 'line of the ,city at the center line or the Tidal Canal. The Second Ward" whjch ehall include all that portion of the city not embracedih.the ;First Ward , and lying east (ira-line drawn th ough the center of Park street, said line extended northerly to the northern boundary of the city, and southerly to the northern boundary of the First Ward. The Third Ward , which shall include all that portion of the city' not embraced in the First. and. Second Wards, lying east of .a line drawn through the center of Wilow street ' said line extended northerly to ' the northern bou:Udary of the city ' and southerly to the northern boundary of the First Ward. The Fourth Ward , which shall include all that portion of the city not embraced in the First , Second and Third Wards, lying east of a line drawn throngh the center or Paru street said line extended northerly to the northern boundary of th: city, and southerly to the northern boundary of the FirstW ard. The FIfth Ward , which shall include all that p rtlon of the city ,not embraced in the First , Second , Third and Fourth Wards , lying east of a line drawn through the center of St, Charles street , said line extended northerly to the northern boundary of the city and southerly to the western boundary of the Fourth Ward. The Si xth Ward , which shall include all that portion of the city not embraced in tpe First , Second , Third , Fourth and Fifth Wards lying east of a line drawn through the center of Sixth"street , said line extended northerly to the northern boundary.of the c ity and southerly to the northern boundaryof the First Ward. The Se enth Ward , which shall incl de all that portion o e city not embraced in , the First , , Second , Third, Fourth) FIfth and Sixth Wards, 40, SEO. 7. The City 01 Alameda sh ll have the right, 'and eitner , as principal or as agent; First; To have hold , establish , construct , acquire , operate maintain and regulate public buildings , baths , fountains 5 markets , dispensaries , sanitariums , hospitals. libraries , reading 6 rooms , schools , gymnasiums , kindergartens , charitable institu- 7 tions , workho1is , morgue , crematories , gas and electric works telephone and telegraph systems , ferries , light , heat and power works and transportation service.10 Second; To have , hold , acquire , construct and maintain , and 11 to grant the right tp construct and maintain , and to regulate 12 the construction and maintenance of , all pipes , tubes , conduits 13 wires and electric or telegraphic apparatus in , 'along, over 14 under and across all public streets and highways; to require all 15 telegraph and electric wires to be placed underground; and to 16 regulate the mode of wiring houses , buildings and structures 17 for telegraph, telephone , electric light , electric power and all 18 other electric service.19 Third; To have , hold , erect , purchase or otherwise acquire 20 water , gas and electric, works within or without the corporate 21 limits; to supply said city and its inhabitants and persons 22 firms and corporations outside of said city with water , gas and 23 electricity, and to regulate and control the use and price or 24 water , gas and electricity so supplied.25 Fourth: To sell gas , water electric current and all 26 produ ts of any public utilty which the city now owns or con- 27 troIs or which it may hereafter own or control; also to, purchase 28 gas , water , electric current or other product which may be of 29 public utilty, and to sell the same.30 Fifth: To condemn , purchase , construct , own and operate 31 cable , electric and. other railways , and to provide for the car- 32 riage of freight and passengers thereon;33 Sixth: To ' acquire, by condemnation , purchase or otherwise 34 .such lands or other- propertw, as may be deemed' necesary 35 ror corporate use, and to dispose or real or personal propert 36 owned by the city as the.interests,of the city or its inhabitants 37 may from , time to, time require. 38 Seventh: To . do andperrorm whatsoever is , necessary or 39 convenent for its own governent and for the benefit of its 40 inhabitants, and to 40 an am wldch the council is, by this 41 charter or by any law now or hereafter in force , authorized 42 to do. ARTICLE II. LEGISLATIVE. Ohapter I-Oouncil, SECTION 1. Except as otherwise provided, the legislative power of the Oity of Alameda shalL be jointly vested in a body to be designated the council , and in a mayor. SEC. 2. The council shall consist of nine members, seven of 2 whom shall be nominated by the electors of the respective wards a:Qq two by the electors at large. They shall all be 4, elected by the voters at large. Each shall hold offce for rour 5 years , . and until his successor is elected and qualified. 6 Provided that the first council elec1;ed under the provisions of this charter shall, at their first meeting, so classify them- selves 1)y lot that three of the ward councilmen shall go out of offce at the end of two years and four at the end of .faur years10 also that one of the councilmen at If. shall go out of offce 11 at the end or two years and one at tht end or four years: At12 the time of his election e ch ward nominee must be an elector 13 'of the ward from which he has been L Jminated , and must be 14 of the ge of at least twenty-five years. He must have been an15 elector of the city for at least three J cars last preceding his 16 election. The members of the council! Iall receive no pay for 17 their services. SEC. 3. majority of the members shall constitute a 2 quorum , but a less number may adjourn from time to .time 3 and compel the attendance or absent members in such manner and under such penalties as the council may prescribe. SEC. 4. The council' shall : One: Judge of the qualjfi'cations of its members and of all election returns. Two: Establish rules for its proceedings;4a Three: Keep a , correct jonrnal of its proceedings and allow 5 ,the same to be published. The aye!! and noes shall , on demand of any Ilember , be taken and entered therein. Four: Choose one of itS number president. Five: Meet on the third Monday in April next succeeding the general municipal election , and hold regular meetings 10 ' twice in each month and at such other times as they shall 11 by ordinance. The council shall not adjourn to any place 12 other than its regular place or meeting. The meetings. of the13 be public. Special meetings may be called by 14 the mayor or by the president of the council or by three coun. 15 cilmen , by serving the members personally with written notices 16 or leaving the same at places designated by the respective 17 members. SEC. 5. Every legilative act of the city shall be by ordi- nance. The enacting clause of every ordinance passed by th council shA be these words: "Be it ordained by the council of the City Almeda. " The enacting clause of every ordi- , nance passed by the ' people shall be as follows: "Be it ordained 6 by the the City of Alameda." No ordinance shall be passed except by bil, and no bil shall be so amended as to change its original pul'pose. No ordinance shall be passed by the council on the day of its,introduction,or within five dayl 10 thereafter , or at any time other than at a reguar meeting or 11 an adjourned regular meeting. Every ordinance shall be 12 signed by the offcer pr ooiding at the time of its adoption, 13 attested by the clerk and published at least once in a news 14 paper published in the "City of Alameda, or advertis d as here. 15 inafter provided.16 It shall not be necessary in any aetionto plead or prove the. 17 organization or existence of such corpo1.ation , or the passage 18 existence or validity of any ordinaJ;ce thereof; and courts shall 19 take judicial c ogni ance thereo without proof. SEC. 6. Except as hereinafter,provided no bil shall beco 2 an ordinance, 01' resolution be adopted uness fially passed by 3 a majority vote ,of all the members of the council. and the vote taken by ayes and noes, and the names of the members votirg for and agains sam entered in the , jom;,nal. No resolution or order for the payment of money shall be pased at any other than a regular meeting or an adjourned regular meeting. SEC. 7, No ordinance shall be revised , re-enacted or amended by reference to its title; but the ordinance to be revised or re-enacted or the section thereof to be amended , shall be re-enacted at length as revised and amended. Any ordi- nanca revised , re-enacted or amended contrary to the provisions .6 of this section shail be void. SEC. 8. When a bil is put upon its fial passage in the council and fails to pass , and a motion is made to reconsider the vote upon such motion shall not be acted upon before the next regular meeting. SEC. 9. If any bil passed by the council containing several items appropriating money or fiing a tax levy; be presented to the mayut , he may object to one or more items separately, while approving other portions of the bil. In such case he shall append o the bil at the time of signing it , a statement of the item or items to which he objects, and the reasons therefor and the item or items so objected to I;hall not take effect unless passed nowithstanding the mayor s 'Objection. Each item so objected to shall be separately reconsidered by the council in 10 the same manner as bills which have been disapproved by the 11 mayor. SEC; 10. In the erection , improvement and, repair of all, public buildings and works , in all street and Sewer work " and in all work in a d about streets, bays, water fronts; or in or 4 ' about embankments dr other works for protection against over- I) flow or erosion , and in furnishing any supplies or materials for the same , ' when the expenditure required for the same exceeds the sum of five hundred dollars , the same shall be done by eon- 8 tract , and when let.shall be let.to thelowest responsible bidder after notice- by publication in the offcial newspaper of the city 10 for at least twice a week for two weeks. Such notice shall 1- ditinctl;r and specifically tate the work contemplated to be 12 done ;p1'JVided that may reject aU bids presented, 13 and "a-advert.ise ill their discretion. 10 SEC. 11, The council shall annually call for bids for doing city printing and advertising, and the contracts therefor shall be awarded separately, and to the lowest responsible bidder; 4 Provided that the council may reject all bids if in their opinion the bid or the lowest responsible bidder is exorbitant and may again call for bids , subject to the reservation herein- after mentioned. If the council shall determine that the bids secondly received are exorbitant , they may evertheless let the contract to the lowest bidder for such portion of the printing 10 as the board may determine , reserving the option to obtain 11 other printing from such bidder at his schedule rates; and as 12 to any printing not absolutely mentioned in the contract , the 13 boar:d may from time to time secure the same to be done by 14 any party who may agree to do the same at a lower rate than 15 that scheduled in the bid for doing the city printing; and in 16 lieu of any newspaper advertising, may issue and publish' a 17 bulletin containing such matter as they are required by law 18 to publish , sending the same by mail to the registered voters 19 of the city, to their addresses as the same shall appear on the 20 latest printed copy of the great register or Alameda County, 21 and shall also post printed copies of such advertisement in 22 three public places in the City of Alameda , at least five days 23 before action is taken in response to said advertisement. Such 24 mailing and posting shall be conclusively deemed of the same 25 effect as if the advertisement had been fully published in t 26 offcial newspaper of the city. The board shall annually 27 designate as the offcial city paper , a newspaper published in 28 this city. All provisions of this charter are subject to the pro- 29 visions of this section. SEC. 12. Every ordinance shall. take effect ten days after , ' its passage , unless ' otherwise provided. SEC. 13. Every bil and every resolution as hereinberore 2 provided , which shall have passed the council and shall have been duly authenticated , shall be presented to the ayor ror his approval. The mayor shall return such bil or resolution to the council within ten days arter receiving it.. If he approve the bil he shall sign it. If he disapprove it he shall specify 11 -- his objections thereto in writing. If he does notreturn it with such disapproval within the time above specified , it shall take effect as if he had approved it. The objections of the mayor 10 shall be entered at large in the journal of the council , a d the11 council shall, after five .and within thirty days after such bil 12 or resolution shall have been so returned, reconsider and vote 13 . upon the same. If the same shall, upon reconsideration , be14 passed by the affrmative vote of not less than two thirds or the 15 council, the presiding offcer shall certify that fact On the bil 16 or resolution , and when so certified the bil shall become an17 ordinance with like effect as ir it had been approved by the 18 mayor. If the bil or resolution shall rail to receive the votes 19 of two thirds of the council , it shall be deemed to be finally ,20 lost. The vote on such reconsideration shall be taken by ayes 21 and noes , and the names of the members voting for and against 22 the same shall be entered in the journal. SEC. 14. All ordinances and resolutions shall be deposited with the city clerk , who shall ecord the same in a suitable book. All ordipances of a general, public or permanent nature , and those imposing a fine, penalty or forfeiture, shall be published at least once in the city offcial newspaper within three days after the same shall have become a law. The publication of all ordinances granting any franchise or privilege shall be .at the eXBnse of the applicant therefor. SEC. 15. No ordi;nance passed by the council shall be. 2 repealed by the council except by ordinance adopted in the manner hereinbefore set out, and such ordinance shall be pre- sented to the mayor for his approval as hereinbefore provided. SEC. 16. No member of the council shall be eligible to appointment on any board or commission provided for iIi this charter except so designated in the charter. Chapter lI-Powers and Limitations of the Council. SEC. 17; Subject to the provisioI; and restrictions in this charter contained, the council shall have power: .., 12- One: To ordain , make and enrorce within the limits or the city all necessary ,local , police , sanitary, building and' other laws and regulations. Two: To pU:(ish. its ,:members and others for disorderly or otl)erwise contemptuous behavior i:Q its presence , arid to expel .for such behavior in its presence any member by the affrmative vote of notlessthau two thirds, of its members , specifying.in 10 the order of expulsion the ca'Qse thereof; to compel atte:Qdance 11 or witnesses and the production or papers and things pertinent 12 to bnsiness, before it 0'1' before any of its committees. 13 Three : To establish , build and repair bridges; to acquire .14 layout , open , widen, extend, alter and close streets nues 15 alleys , lanes , roads , courts , parks , boulevards , playgrounds , . 16 re dreation grounds and other public places within said , city; 17 , fix and alteI; offcialgradei'; to grade , pave , curb , sidewalk 18 sewer , drain and otherwise improve the same; to provide ror 19 the repair " cleaning, .watering, oilng, lighting and parking 20 thereof; to manage and control such streets , roads , highways 21 ' and puNic places and, to regulate the use thereof; to permit 22 regulate or prohibit the placing or maintaining of trees , hitch 23 ing posts , safety and convenience stations , signs , awnings and 24 other obstrRctions therein and to remove obstructions there- 25 from; to cause to be planted , maintained and cultivated, shade 26 trees therein; to regulate the pruning or aU trees planted and 27 :maintained in public places; to levy special assessments ror 28 street improvements , and to provide for the collection of the 28a same;29 Four: To establish TIre limits with proper regulations. 30 Five: To require the owners or real property, to construct 31 and repair sidewalks , and to remove grass , weeds and obstruc. tions rrom' sidewalks in rront of t eir property; to requi 33 them to prune sidewalk trees as provided by ordinance; a 34' upon theirrieglect or refusal , to cause such work to be don 35 the cost thereor to be made Ii lien upon said property or othe 36 wise recovered from such owners.37 Six: To regulate and determine the character and mode 38 constr'!ction , plumbing, piping. and wiring or buildings th 39 may be erected in the city, and the natq,re andkiud - 13- 40 ,materials to be used in the construction , alteration or repair of 41 such buildings; or in the alteration or repair of existing build- 42 ings , and to restrict the height of buildings and fences. . 43, Seven:, To regulate the size and construction of the 44 entrances and exits to and from theaters , lecture rooms 44a churches and other places for public gathering, and to prohibit 45 the placing of seats , and other obstructions in the aisles and 46 ,open spaces in such buildings. 47 Eight: To regulate or prol1ibit the operation' of all' manu- 48 factories , occupations or trades which may be of such a nature 49 as to affect the public health or good order of the city, or dis- 50 turb the public peace , or which may be offensive to the inhabit- . 01 ants residing i the vicinity, and t.o provide ror the punish- 52 ment of all persons violating such regulations and the punish- 53 ment of all persons -who knowingly permit the same to be 54 violated in any bt'ii ing or upon any prenlses owned or con- 55 trolled by them. 56 Nine: '1'0 regulate or prohibit the manufacture, keeping, 57 storage and use of powder,' dynamite , guncotton; nitro 58 glycerine , TIre works and other expl ive material ,and sub- 59 stances.60 Ten: To regulate the storage of hay, straw, oil and other 61 inflammable or combustible materials.62 Eleven: To regulate the use, of steam engines and gas 63 engines and steam boilers , and to prohibit their use in such 64' localities a. in the judgment of the council would endanger 65 public saIety.66 Twelve: To provide for and maintain a city prison, and to 67 provide for the government, maintenance and clothing of per 68 sons detained therein.69 Thirteen: To declare what shall be a nuisance and to pro- 70 vide for the abatement of the same and for the punishment of 71 any person or party who shall create, maintain or suffer a 72 nuisance to exist; and every act or thing done or being within 73 the limits of the city which is or may be by law or by any ordi. 74 nance of the city declared to be a nuisance shall be and is hereby, ,declared to be a nuisance, and shall be considered and 76 shall be treated as such in all actions and proceedings what 14- 77 ever; and all remedies which are or may be given for the 78 prevention and abatement 00 nuisances shall apply thereto.79 Fourteen: To provide a public pound ,and to make al 80 necessary rules and regulations in the matter of animals 81 ning at large , and for the custody, redemption , sale or destruc- 82 tion of the same. 83 Fifteen: To provide for the inspection of water meters 84 gas meters and electric meters , and of weights and measures 85 and to enforce such regulations as may be necessary to insure 86 their accuracy, and to provide for the inspection of all build- 87 ings , including those in process of construction or repair; also 88 to provide for the inspection of all food products and liquids 89 and to compel samples thereof to be rurnished to inspectors 90 for analysis and to compel dealers to furnish the names and 91 (1ddresses of manufacturers or other pers ns from whom 92 impure or adulterated food , food products or liquids have been 93 obtained; and the council may, by ordinance , prescribe penal- 94 ties for the sale of goods , wares or merchandise weighing or 95 measuring less than represented, and for the sale of impure 96 adulterated food products or liquids, and may order the 97 same (jestroyed.98 Sixteen: To fix and determine by ordinance in thf) month of 99 February of' each year to take effect on the first . day of July 100 therearter , the rates or compensation to be collected by any 101 person , company or corporation in the city ror the use of 102-3 water , heat , light or power, telephonic Of telegraphic or other 104 public service supplied to the city or the inhabitants thereof 105 and to prescribe the quality or the service. 106 Seventeen: To impose all license taxes , subject to the 107 restrictions elsewhere in this charter contained , and to provide 108 for the collection thereof. 109 Eighteen: To change the boundaries of the several wards 110 in the city, subject to the provisions of this charter, provided 111 that said boundaries shall not be changed by the counci 112 oftener than once in four years nor within ninety days prior 113 to any general municipal election. 114 Nineteen: To authorize the g'ranting of licenses for 115 lawful purpose, for reVi/nue and reguation , and to fi 15 116 ordinance the amount to be paid therefor, and to provide for 117' revokig the same; provided that no license shall be granted 118 for a longer period than one year. 119 Twenty: To prescribe and enforce fines , forfeitures and 120 penalties for the breach of any ordinance or resolution. 121 Twenty-one :To fix the fees and charges for all offcial 122 serYices not otherwise provided for in this charter. 123 Twenty-two: To provide a seal for the city, which shall 124 be the seal of the several departments , boards , commissions and 125 offcers thereof. 126 Twenty-three: To fix , alter, regulate and control fares and 127 rates on all cable , electric , steam or other railways within the 128 city; to compel the owners of two or more such roads using the 129 same street ror a distance not exceeding five blocks to use the 130 Same tracks and to equitably divide the cost or construction 131 and maintenance thereof.; to regulate rates of .speed apd. to 132 protect the public from danger or inconvenience in the opera- 133 tion of such, roads; to erect construct and maintain all 134 buildings and appurtenances .necessary to the operation or 135 such roads as may be hereafter owned or controlled by the 136 city. 137 Twenty-rour: To provide for the sale at public auction 138 after advertising for five days, of personal property unfit or 139 unnecessary for the use of the city. 139a Twenty-five: To provide for the purchase of property 140 levied upon or under execution in favor of the city; but the 141 amount bid on such purchase shall not exceed the sum of the i42 jud ment , interest and costs. 143 Twenty-six: ,To provide for making local improvements 144 and to levy and collect special assessments on property 145 benefited thereby, and for paying for the same or any portion 146' thereof; to determine what work shall be done or improve- 147 ments made at the expense in whole or in part, of the owners 148 of the adjoining contiguous or proximate property, or others 149 benefited thereby, and to provide for the manner of making 150 and collecting assessments therefor. 151 Twenty-seven: To provide ror the deepening, widening, 152 docking, covering, wallng, altering or changing the channels 16 - 153 of waterways and watercourses , and to provide for the con- 154 sil'uction and maintenance of canals, slips , public landing 155 places , wharves , docks , viaducts , subways , tunnels and levees 156 and all work which may be required for the accommodation of 157 commerce , and to control and regulate the use thereof; also 158 to provide for the construction and purchase of all such work 159 or works by the city and for its use and benefit , and for the 160 entire or partial construction , maintenance and ownership or 161 the same' by the city, or as tenant in common with any other 161a corporation. I 162 wenty-eight: To control , regulate pr prohibit the anchor- 163 age, moorage and landing of all water craft and their cargoes 164 within the jurisdiction of the corporation, 165 Twenty-nine: To fix the rate of wharfage , storage' and 166 dockage, and to provide for the collection thereof, and to pro- 167 vide for the imposition and collection or such harbor rees 168 may be consistent with the laws of the United States; to 169 license, regulate , control and restrain wharf boats , tugs and 170 other boats used about the harbor or within the jurisdiction 171 of the city. 172 Thirty': To make and enforce laws for the protection of 173 fish and game within the limits of the city. 174 Thirty-one: By a two-thirds vote of the whole council to 175 disapprove of any nomination to an appointive offce , made by 176 the mayor. 177 Thirty-two: To appropriate annually, and the council must 178 so appropriate , to the mayor, for his 'Own use , the sum of six 179 hundred dollars , ror which he need rurnish no vouchers. 180 Thirty-three: To do and perform any and all other acts 181 and things which are necessary and proper for the execution 182 of the provisions of this charter , including the power to 183 delegate ny of the powers herein conferred; and in addition 184 to have all powers not in conflict with the con titution and 185 laws of the United States or of the State or Calirornia , or in L86 conflict with this charter or with ordinances adopted by the L87 people. SEC. 18. The council shall not sell or convey any portion of any water frQnt. No lease or sale of real estate shall be 17.. 3. authorizt'd by the council except by ordinance passed by the affrmative v'Ote 'Of three fourths of the members and approv:ed 5 by the mayor; 'and no lease shall be made for a period longer than ten years except by ordinance adopted by the people. SEC. 19. The council must at the time of making the annual tax levy, include therein such rate for school purposes as is elsewhere in this charter provided, SEC. 20. The council shall appoint from its melpbers. a com- mittee consisting or three , to be called the finance committe"e and shall fill all vacancies in said committee. The finance com. mittee shall investigate the transactions and accoun s of all offcers having the collection , custody or disbursement of public money, or having the power to approve , allow or audit demands on the treasury; and shall have free access to all 8 records , books and papers in public offces or kept by public offcials; shall have power to administer oaths and affrmations 10 to m:aminc witnesses and compel their attendance by subpcena. 11 The finance committee may at any time visit any of the public 12 offces and make examination and investigations therein with- 13 out hindrance.14 The finance committee must, at least once in every six 15 months , examine the offcial bonds of all city offcers and 16 investigate the suffciency and solvency of the sureties thereon 17 and report in writing the facts to the mayor. Such reports 18 shall specify each bond with the sureties , and the amount for 19 which each surety is bound, and shall state their opinion as 20 to the suffciency of each amount and the solvency of each 21 surety. Upon such report the mayor shall take such action as 22' may be 'necessary to. protect the interests of the city. 23 may require new bonds when he deeIl it neces;mry and 24 may suspend any offcer until a suffcient bond. be fied and 25 approved. SEC. 21. The finance committee shall have power to examine the records and to examine and expert the books of account or all persons , companies or corporation ' that are required to 4 pay a portion of their receipts into the treasury; and shall sCR2- - 18- Jikewise as an aid ,to the fixing of rates for the furnishing of 6 water , light and power or other service to the city and to the inhabitants thereof , have like power to ,examine and expert the 8 ,books of account of any and all persons , companies or corpora- tioJ;s so furnishing water, light or other service.10 In the exercise of its functions' the concurrence of two 11 members shall be suffcient. The finance committee shall keep 12 a record of its proceediugs, with the names of the witnesses 13 examined and a substantial statement of the evidence taken. 14 If from their examination it shall appear that an offense has 15 been committed by an offcer , or that an offcer is in default 16 the committee shall immediately report to the mayor , who 17 shall take such proceedings against such offcer as are 18 authorized by law , and may suspend him p nding such pro- 19 ceedings. Any police offcer shall execute the processes of the 20 committee. SEC. 22. The council shall , by ordinance determine what offcers shall give bonds for -the faithful performance or their duties , and shall fix the amount of such bonds; and each of such offcers shall , before entering upon the duties of his 5 offce , execute a bond to the ' city in such penal sum as the 6 council , by ordinance, may determine , conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties , including in the same bond the duti-es of all offces or which he is made by this charter ex-offcio incumbent. "Such ,bonds shall be approved 10 by the council. All bonds when approved shall be filed with 11 the city clerk, except the city clerk's bond, if any, which 12 shall be filed with the mayor. All the provisions of any law of 13 this state relating to the offcial bonds of offcers as then 14 existing shall apply to such bonds except as herein otherwise 15 provided., Evcry offcer of, the city, before entering upon the 16 duties of his offce shall take and fie with the city clerk the 17 constit1,tional oath of offce. Chapter Ill-Initiative and Referendurn. SEC. 23. The basis of the percentage in this chapter pro- vided for any petition shall be the total number or voters appearing" on the great register or the County of Alameria, as - 19- residing in the City of Alameda at the last preceding general electiDn prior to the filing of said petition; and ll votersregistered at said general election or thereafter shall be q ali-, fied to sign the petitions herein provided for. SEC. 24. Upon presentation to the council of a petition signed by qualified electors of the city in-number equal toten per cent. of said registercd voters asking for submission 4 to , the I'lectors of a measure fully set forth in said petition beIng a measure that the council might itself adopt, the council itself must either enact such measure without alteration , or submit the same to the electorate at the next reO'ular city election occurring subsequent to sixty days after he filin of said petition. But if such petition request the c'ling of 10 special election and be signed by qualified electors eq al in 11 number to twenty per cent. of said registered voters, then such 12 measure , if not so enacted by the council, must be submitted 13, to the electorate at a special election to be called within sixti'14 days from the filing of such petition. ' . SEC. 25. If such proposed measure is a measure that the council might adopt except ror the fact that it involves th repeal or amendment of a measure adopted by the lectorate as herein provided, and if in such case said petition be signed by qualified electors in number equal to twenty-five per cent. or said registered voters, then such proposed measure must be submitted to the electQrs of the city at the next regular city election occurring subsequent to sixty days after the filing ;1' '9 said petition. SEC. 26. The method of signing and presenting petitions provided for herein shall be as follows:, The signatures to a petition need not be appended to one paper , but each signer shall add to his signature his place of residence , giving thr.. street and number or residence location. Each paper sh have attached thereto the affdavit or a registered voter of the city, stating that all the signatnres to the paper were made in his presence , and that to the best of his knowledge and belief :9 each signature to the paper appended is the genuine signature - 20- 10 of the person whose' name purports to be thereunto subscribed, 11 Petitions shall be filed with the city clerk and by him pre. 12 sented to the council. SEC. 27. Within ten days from the date of. the fiJingof such petition in his offce, the city cferk shall examinc the great reO'ister and therefrom and from certificates of voters shallt: " , ascertain whether or not said petition is signed by the requisite number of qualified electors; and ir necessary the council shall allow him extra help for the purpose , and he shall attach to said petition his certificate , showing the result or said examination. Each signature the genuineness of which is not called in question by the sworn affdavit of the alleged owner 10 thereor, shall be presumed to be genuine. S'EC. 28. If by the clerk's certificate it is shown that the 2 j petition has not been signed by the requisite number o quali- fled electors as herein provided , it may be amended within ten days from the date of said certificate by the farther addition of names. The clerk shall within ten days after such amend- 6 ment , make like examination of said amended petition , and 7 if his certificate shall show the salle to be insuffciently signed as heretofore provided it shall be returned to the person who filed the same , without prejudice , however , to the filing of a 10 new petition to the same eff.:ct, If the petition shall be found 11 to be suffciently signed as herein provided , the clerK sha!! 12 present the same to the council without dela;y. SEC, 29, After the first special election held hereunder , DO special election shall be held under the provisions of this ehap- tel' until after the expiration of six months from the date '* of the holding' of a preceding special election. SEO, 30, '\Vhenever any measure is " required or authorizel 2 1y this charter to be submitted to the electors of the city at any election , the city clerk shall cause the measure to printed, and he shall send b;y mail a printed copy thereof , to each voter whose name appears on the great register of Alameda County as last printed and published , at least ten days prior to election; but the council may order such measure 21 -. to be published in the offcial newspaper of wthe city in like manner as ordinances adopted by the cou;ncil are required t 10 be pubilshed , and may order that such publication shall take 11 the place of ihe printing and mailng of the measure, as above 12 provided. Ordinances and measures in connection with local 13 improvements, the expenses whereol are to be derrayed 14 local assessment, shall not come within the operation of this 15 chapter. SEc. 31. Any measure that the . councilor the electorate the city, as herein provided , has authority to adopt , the c0uncil may, of its own motion , submit to a vote or its con- stituent electors at' a general or special election. SEC. 32. Except as herein provided no penal ordinance or measure granting any franchise or privilege, and no ordinance or measure making or authorizing any contract (except contracts for improvements the expenses whereof are to be defrayed by local assessment and contracts where the 6 'subject matter involved is of .less value than one thousand dollars), passed by the council shall go into effect in less than thirty days after its final passage, But ordina;nces and con- tracts declared by the council. to be necessary as emergency 10 measures for the immediate Preservation of the public peace, 11 health or safety, passed by a three-fourths vote of. the whole 12, council , and not obligating the city for a longer period of time 13 'than one year, may go into effect at , the wil of the council 14 or as otht:rwise provided by law. SEC. 33. If within said thirty days a petition signed by qualified voters of the city, in number equal to ten per cent. of sai registered voters , is filed with the city clerk , asking that any penal ordinance or measure granting any franchise or 11 privilege, or making or authorizing any contract (except 6. ' contracts for improvements the exp nses whereof are to be defrayed by local assessment , and contracts, where the subject matter involved is of less value than one , thousand dollars), adopted by the council , be submitted to the electorate . then 10 S13Ch ordinance or measure must either be repealed or be 22 11 submitted to the electors for approval or rejection at the next 12 regular city election occurring subsequent to sixty days aftel' 13 the filing of said petition , or at a special election called prior 14 to such regular city election; and if such ordinance 01' 15 measure has not gone into effect before the filing of such 16 petition , and said petition has been signed by qualified 17 electors of the city in number equal to fifteen per cent. of 18 said registered voters , then such ordinance or measure shall ),9 not go into effect until and unless adopted at such election 20 and no ordinance or measure once so submitted shall within 21 one year be again submitted except by vote of the cou cil at 22 the next general municipal election , or on a petition signed by 23 twenty-five per cent. of said registered voters. Said petition 24 shall be in all respects in accordance with the provisions here- 25 inbefore specified in this chapter , except as to the percentag 26 or signers , and shall be examined and certified by the clerk 27 in all respects as heretofore provided. SEC. 34. If a TI1ajority of votes cast by the electors of the city on any ordinance or measure referred to in this chapter shall be in favor thereof , it shall , if not already in effect , go into effect as a valid and binding ordinance or measure of the' city ten days a fter the offcial' count has been determined; otherwise such ordinance, or meastlre shall be repealed or rejected. Such repeal shall take effect ten days after the offcial count has been determined. No ordinance or measure approved by the electorate under the provisions of this 10 chapter shall be subject to veto , or be amended or repealed 11 except by vote of the electorate" SEC. 35, If the provisions of two 01: more measures approved and adopted at the same election , under the pro- visions of this chapter conflict , then the measure receiving the highest affrn:mtive vote shall control. SEC. 36. Whenever an applicant for a franchise; or other 2 person , shall pay in advance to the ,city the exp nses of a special' election , the council must call such special election as heretofore provided, at which the proposed ordinance shall be submitted to vote of the elecors - 23- ARTICLE III. EXECUTIVE. Chapter I-Mayor. SECTION 1. The chief executive offcer of the City of Alameda shall be designated the mayor. He shall be at least thirty years of age. He shall be a qualified ele'Jtor of the city, and must have been SHch elector for thre years next preceding the day of his election. He shall receive no salary. He shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city at the general cit)T 7 election , and his term of offce shall be two years. He shall see that all laws and ordinances within his juris- diction are strictly enforced. He shall be the presiding offcer 10 of the council , but shall have no vote. He shall vigilantly 11 observe. the conduct or all public offcers , and shall take notice 12 of the fidelity and exactitude , or want thereof , with which 1.3 they execute, their duties and obligations) especially in the 14 collection and disbursement of the public funds' and the 15 control of the public property. The books , records and 16 offcial p,apers of all departments , boards , offcers and persons 17 in the employ or service of the city shall at all times be open 18 to his inspectixm and examination, He shall take special care 19 to see that the books and records of said departments , boards 20 offcers and persons are kept in legal and proper form. For 21 the purpose of examining into the conduct or any board 22 commission, committee or other body entrusted with interest!' 23 pertaining to the city, he shall have the power to call a special 24 meeting of such board, com mission , committee OJ: other body.25 Any defalcation or wilful neglect or duty or offcial mis- 26 conduct which he may discover 'or which, may be reported to , him shall be laid by him before the council in order that the 28 public interests may be protected; and the person in default 29 be proceeded against according to law.30 He "hall from time to time give the council information in 31 writing relative to the state of the city, and shall recommend 32 such measures a'3 he may deem beneficial. He shall have - 24- 33 general supervision over all the departments and public 3* institutions of the city, and shall promote, to the best of his 35 ability, the honest , economical and la:wful conduct thereof. SEC. 2, He shall take all prop.er measures for the preserva- tion of the public order and the suppression or riots and 3 tumults , audin ase of emerwmcy shall be vested with com- ' 4 mand Of the chief of police and of the police force, and in such case shall have power to add to the police fo ce as may in his. judgment be required. SEC. 3, The mayor shall appoint all offcers an(j fill ,all 2 v acancies not otherwise provided for in this charter , and such appointees shall 'serve for the unexpired term. All such appointees shall be approved by the council as elsewhere provided, Such appointees shall possess the qualifications prescribed by this charter for their eligibility to the respective offces. SEC. 4. lIe shall see that all contracts and agreements with the city are raithfully kept and fully performed; and to that end shall ' cause legal proceedings to be commenced anJ prosecuted in the name or the city against all persons or cor porations failing to fulfill their agreements or contracts , either in whole or in part. SEC. 5.. He shall 'have power to suspend any city offcer appointed or elected, except a member of the council , for dere- 3 liction, neglect or non-performance of duty, and sha l imme- diately report his action in writing to the council. If t 5 council , after hearing, approve the suspension ,. they sh either declare the offce vacant OJ shall continue the sm:;pension for such time as they may ,deem prop , and such vacancy shall be filled as otherwise provided. SEC, 6, In the eveut that the may shall be temporarily nnable to perform 'his offcial duties , \the president of the council shall act as mayor pro tempore. Should a vacancy occur in the offce of mayor it shall be filled by the council assembled for the purpose , and said appointee shall hold until r, the next general mlJnicinal eJecti - 25- Chapter II-Auditor and Assessor. SEC. 7. An auditor shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as the mayor. He shall be an elector of the city, 'and shall have been such for three years precedi .4i his election. He shall hold offce for two years, He shall be ex-offcio assessor. His compensation for acting in both capacities shall be one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month. SEC. 8. As auditor he shall keep a record of all demands 2 'allowed by him, showing the date of approval , amount and 3 name of original holder, the number, and on what account and out of what fund payable. He must always know the exact condition of the treasury. He shall be in personal attendance at his offce daily during offce hours. He shall be the general accountant of the city and shall receive and preserve in his offce all accounts , books , vouchers , documents and papers relating to the accounts and contracts of the city, its debts 10 revenues and other financial affairs. He shall give information 11 as to the exact condition or the treasury and of every appro- 12 priation and fund thereof upon the demand of th mayor, the 13 council , or any committee, SEC. 9. He shall keep an account of, all moneys paid into and out of the treasury, and the treasurer shall pay no money' out of the treasury except. upon demand approved by the auditor. SEC. 10. He shall approve no demand unless the same has been allowed by the offcer, board" department or committe required to act thereon. SEC. 11. Every demand approved by him shall specify on its face each , item composing it and the amount and date 3 thereof, and shall be numbered and acted upon in the order of its presentation. SEC. 12. No demand shal be allowed in , favor of any cor- poration or person in any manner indebted to the city, except - 26- tor taxes not delinquent, without first deducting the amount of any indebtedness of which he has notice; nor in favor of any person having the collection, custody or disbursement of any public fqnds , unless his account has been presented, passed approved and allowed as herein required; nor in favor of any off er who has neglected to make his offcial returns or report,:i in the manner and at the time required by law, ordinance or 10 the regulations of the council; nor in favor of any offcer who 11 has neglected or refused to comply with any of the provisions 12 of law regulating his duties , and he may. retuse to audit the 13 salary demand of any offcer or employe for the time he hall 14 have absented himself without legal cause from the duties or 15 his offce during offc hours. The auditor may examine on 16 oath any person receiving a salary from the city touching such 17 absence. SEC. 13, Every demand upon the treasurer must , before 2 it can be paid , be presented to the auditor , who shall satisry himself whether the money is legally due, and its payment authorized by ' law , and against what appropriation payable and out ot what fund payable. If he allow it he shall endorse upon it the word" allowed " with the name of the fund out or which it is payable , and the date and' consecutive number ' its allowance , and sign his name thereto. SEC. 14. He shall have authority to take affdavits and administer oaths necessary in. the transaction of all city business. SEC. 15. As assessor the auditor shall pertorm all the duties prescribed by this charter , by ordinance or by law , for assess- ing property in the city tor the purpose of taxation. He may appoint deputies in such number and for such time as may be determined by the council , their salaries to be fixed by the council. Chapte1' III-C'ity Cle1'k. SEC. 16. The council shall appoint a city clerk who shall hold ,offce for two years from the date of his appointment, unless sooner removed by resolution adopted by a majority 27 :- vote of' the whole council. He shall be clerk of the council and shall be the mayor s private secretary; shall keep the (1 corporate seal and all the books; papers , records and other documents belonging to the city the custody Ot which may not be othe rwise provided for. He shall attend all meetings of the council and shall keep a record of its proceedings 10 and a record of its by-Jaws , ordinances and resolutions , and 11 shall perform such other duties relating to his offce as the 12 council may direct. He shall have power to take affdavits and 13 administer oaths in all matters relating to the'business of the 14 'City, and shall make no charge therefor. He shall attest by 15 signature all leases and grants of , the city. He shall rec ive a salary to be fied by the council. Chapter IV-Treas1trm' and Tax Collector. SEC. 17. ,There shall be a treasnrer , who shall be elected in the same manner and at the same time as the mayor , and 3 who shall hold offce for four years. He shall be ex-offcio tax coHector , and shall collect the licenses if so directed to do by 5 ' the council. SEC. 18. As treasurer' he shall receive' and payout all moneys belonging to the city, and s all keep an' account 'of all receipts and expenditures , under ' such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by ordinance; and shall do 'all thingg required of him by any ordinance of the ci SEC. 19. He shall' payout m()ney belonging to the city only upon legal demands; allowed and audited in . the manner provided by this charter or authori zed by law. SEC. 20. As tax collector he shall pertorm 'the duties in this charter and by the general laws of the state provided, and as direeted by ordinances and resolutious. His compens tion shall be fixed by the council. SEC. 21. Whenever not in. conflict with the constitution of is state, it shall be permissible , in the following manner, to abolish provision for the election of a treasurer: An ordinance may be adopted by the vote of the electorate - 28- under the form and restrictions elsewhere in this charter 6 provided', abolishing the provision in this chapter for the election of a treasurer , and for the salary thereof, and substi- tutingin lieu ' thereof a provision for the appointment or a 9 bank or banks to act as depositary or depositaries of the funds ,10 of the city. Such ordinance must provide due sareguards for 11 the proper keeping and disbursement of the funds or the city. 12 It may also name the salary of the offcial who shall thereafter 13 be elected. tax collector; and shall provide that such tax col- 14 lector shall make daily deposit in the proper depositary, of all 15 sums .collected by him as tax collector. Such orainance may 16 be drawn to cover , supersede and repeal all the provisions of 17 this chapter. It shall not take effect until the close of the 8 term for which the trcasurer then in offce has been elected. Chapter Y -Street S pe1'intenaent. SEC. 22. The street superintendent shall have the general care of ,the .streets, boulevards, parks , plazas , play grounds and wharves of the city and it shall be his duty to frequently inspect the same. He ' shall receive and investigate all com- plaints as to their condition , and shall have charge of the enforcement of all ordinances pertaining to street obstructions. 1 He shall receive Ii salary to be ' fixed by the council. SEC. 23 He shall frequently inspect all public works pertaining to street improvements while the same are in course 3 ,or construction; inspect and approve or reject all materials . 4 used in such construction , whether done under contract or otherwise; and shall ,at once report to the council all deviation 6' from contracts , and use of improper material and bad work. manship.in such works; and shall have the power, pendin 8 investigation, to stop all work thereon. He shall perform sue other duties as are herein elsewhere prescribed or imposed b 10 ordinance or by direction or the council. He shall devote h' 11 entire time to the duties of his offce. SEC. 24. He shall be appointed by the council serve ror a period of two years. - 29- Chapter VI-City Engineer. SEC. 25. It shall be the duty of the city engineer to make I!ll surveys , inspections and estimates required by the council. He shall receive a salary to be fied by the council , and such fees as may be established by ordinance. SEC. 26. He shall examine all public work done under 2 contract , and report thereon in writing to the council. SEC, 27 He shall on application or any person owning 01" interested in real' property in the city, for a surveyor plat :3 of such property, make and deliver the same upon the payment of his fee therefor. SEC, 28. He shall be the custodian of and responsible for . all maps, plats , profiles , field notes , and other records an memoranda belonging to thc city pertaining to his offce , an work thereof; all of which he shall keep in proper order and condition , with a full index hereof , and all or which 6 'hall turn over to his successor. S1,10. 29. All maps , plats , profies , field notes , estimates and other memoranda..or surveys , and other professional work 3 ,made () done.by him , or under his direction or control during his term of offce for the city, shall be the property of the city SEC. 30. He shall perfo uch other duties as are pre- scribed by this charter or as.way be imposed by ordinance or 3 by direction of the council. SEC, 31. He shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the council , as elsewhere provided, and shall serve r a period of two years. ARTICLE IV. JUDICIAL AND LEGAL. Chapter I-Police Court. SECTION l.Thc judicial power of the city shall be vested a poliee court ta be held by the police judge of the city. Said Jli(Je court shli have jurisdiction concurrently with the 30- 4 justices ' courts , of all, actions and- proceedings, civil' and 5 crimin(1l , arising within the corpO'rate limits of the city, and which might be tried in such j-ustice s court; and sh ll hav exclusive jurisdictiQn of all actions for the recovery of ary 8 fine , penalty or fo:rreiture prescribed ror the breach of any 9. or dinances of the city, of all acti(ms founded upO'n any obliga- 10 tions or liabilty created by any O'rdinance, and of all prosecu- 11 tions for an, violatiofi (,f any"O'r.dlnance.The rules of practice 12 and mode of proceeding in said police court shall be the same 13 as are or may be prescribed by law ror jUstices ' courts in like 14 cases; and appeals may be taken to' the sup rior court of 15 Alame!ia county, from all judgments of said police caurt, in 16 like manner and with like effect as in ,cases of appeals from 17 j tice8 ' courts. SEc. 2. rhe polic-e judge shall be judge af the police court 2 and /fhitn.' have the powers and perform the duties of a magis- 3 trate,' He , n!ay administer and certify oaths and affmations 4: and take and certify acknowledgments. He shall receive for his services a salary to be fixed by the cauncil , and in addition 6 thereto , shall be entitled to charge and receive such fees as are or may be allowed"QY" law to j tices of the peace for lik€" services in civil 'actions. SEC. 3. In all cases in which the police judge is a party, or in. which he is interested"or when he is related to ,either party by consanguinity or "'11 nity within the third degree 0'1' is otherWise isqualified , or in case af sickness or inabilty to act , the police judge may call in any justice of the peace resid ng in the county. SEC. 4. The police judge must be an attorney-at-law , duly 2 a itted to piactice by the supreme court of the stat . He shall be elected in the same manner and at the same time as the mayor and shall hold offce ror four years. SEC. 5. The foregoing provisions of this article shall not take effect until the council shall deem it necessary, or expedi- ent to establish a police court , as above prO'vided for , and shal by, ordinance so declare and establish the same. . Until the - 31- council shall so ordain , the provisions or the general laws of the state applicable to city justices of the peace shall be and continue in full fO'rce and effect. Chapter II-City Attorney. SEC. 6. There shall be a city ' attorney who shall appointed by the council , and who shall have been an elector of the city for at least four years next before his appointment and shall be an attorney and counselor-at-law duly admitted to practic(. by the supreme co:urt of tl;0 state , and shall have actuall ' been engaged in the practice of his profession for a period of at least four years next before his appointment , and whose term or offce shall be two years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. It shall be his duty to prosecute 10 on behalf or the people aU criminal cases berore the police 11 court and justices of the peace , for all violations of this charter and O'f city ordinances and resolutions. It shall be his duty to attend to all suits and other matters to which the city is a party or in which the city may be legally interested. 15 He shall be in attendance at ' every meetiug of the council 16 unless excused therefrom; and shall give his advice or opinion 17 in writing whenever required by the council, board of educa. 18 tion or . other city offcers. He shall be the legal advisor of 19 all city offcers; he shall approve the form of all bonds given to and all contracts made with the city; he shall ' when 21 required by the councilor any member thereof, draft any all proposed ordinances for the city and amendments reto; and he shall do and perform all such things touching offce as the councilor mayor may require of him, and at the expiration or his term , surrender all books, papers documents pertaining to the citY 8 business over to' his He shall receive a salary to be fixed by the council. ARTICLE FINANCE AND. TAXATION. Chapter I-Levy ng of Taxes. 1, On or before the second Monday of May ir: mission of the city hall send to the council an estimate in writing of tne amount of expenditure , specifying in detail ,the obJects thereof, requ red in their respective departments, 6 offces , boards and commissions for the fiscal year next enSll- ing, including a statement or the salaries of their subordi- nates. Duplicates of these estimates shall be sent at the same time to the auditor. SEC. 2, On or before the first Monday 'of June in each year the auditg: shall transmit to the council an estimate of the probable expenditures of the city government for the next 4: ensuing fiscal year , stating the amount required to meet the interest and sinking funds for all outstanding funded debts and the wants of all the departments of the municipal govern- mentin deta-il , showing specifically the amount necessary to be apportioned to each fund in the treasury; also an estimate of the amount of income -from fines , ' licenses and other sources 10 of revenue , exclusive or taxes upon property, and the probable 11 amount required to be levied and raised by taxation. SEC. 3, The conncil shall have power, and it shall be their duty to provide by ordinance , a system for the assessment levy and collection of all city taxes , not inconsistent with the 4: provisions of this charter , which sy,stem shall conform, as nearly as the circumstances of the case may admit, to the provisions of the laws of this state in reference to the assess- 7 ment , levy and collection of state and county taxes , except as to the time for such assessment , levy and collection; Provided that taxes on real property shall be due and delin- 10 quent at the same time , that state and county taxes 11 due and delinquent, SEC. 4:. Every tax so levied' shall have the force and effect of a judgment against the person and property taxed, and shall be and constitute a lien upon the real property situated 4: in said city so assessed or owned by the party against whom such assessment is made. Every such assessment and the lien tbereof shall have the fOl'ce "and effect of an execution duly levied upon aU property owned by the party assessed, or by - 33- of such property when asessed to ' an nown owner. The judgment shall attach as of twelve; , on the first Monday 'in March of each year, and shal t be satisfied Or discharged until the tax, assessed against the property is paid , or . the property sold for the paymenj thereof. SEC. 5. 'l'he city shall have such other rights, claims and liens for t,he amount of such municipal taxes as may now or herearter be given to or exercised by the people of the State of 4:, California for and o account of the asessment of " state and county taxes levied in Alameda county. The mode and man- ner of collecting such municipal taxes , and enforcing such tax lien , and the proceedings thereafter, shall substantially be the same as the m ode and, manner at the time prescribed 9 by law for the collection of state and county taxes in said cOlmtJT Provided that the council may, 'by ordinance , regulate the ti e or times and the method of the collection of said taxes within each fical year, and prescribe by what offcer the respective duties appertaining to such collection and en- forcement shall be performed; and such proceedings , sales ce':ificates and conveyances had, made , , and executed by them in pursuance thereof, shall be of like force, effect and validity as is or may hereafter be, given by law to like pro- ceedings and' acts ' in the matter of collections of state and county taxes in said county. SEC. 6. All sales for delinquent taxes sh ll be made to the City 'of Alameda , uJ;less otherwise regulated by ordinance. The council may, by an order entered upon its extend for not exceeding thirty days the time fixed in s article for the performance of auy act, ' All :fnes and forfeitures arising undtr the revenueat laws as applied tv the city, may, iJt civil cases vered in the name of the city, and , together with all er moneys collected or received by any offcer or the city, - 34- under said laws, shall be for the USE: of the city. When real estate is offered for sale for city taxes due thereon , the same shall be struck off and sold to the city in likE) case and in like 8 manner , and with like effect as it may bE' struck off or sold to the state when offered for ,sale for state and county taxes 10 and the council shall have the same powers and duties in 11 relation to such property as are given by law to the state 12 board of equalization in case of a sale to the state , but no 13 certificate or receipt need be delivered to the state controller. SEC, 9, No offcer shall be required to send or transmit auy statement or report to any state offcer or board. SEC, 10. All papers and instruments required to be filed or recorded with or by the county recorder by the revenue or taxation laws of. this state , shall , undel! said laws as applied -I to tlle city, be, in like 'manner and with like etIect , filed with ann recorded by the county recorder of Alameda county. SEC, 11 Whenever the council shall determine that the public interest requires the construction, or acquisition , or completion or any permanent municipal building, school -I building, high school building, sewer , property, water right, 5 bridge , canal , tunnel or other public improvement , or utility, the cost of which in addition to the other expenditures of the city wil exceed the income and revenue provided for in any one year. they may, by ordinance, submit a proposition to incur a debt for such purpose and proceed therein as provided 10 in the constitution of this state and the general law or laws 11 thereof , now or her after in force. SEC. 12, Except as otherwise provided in this charter no money shall be drawn fl'om the treasury unless in consequence of appropriations made by the council and' upon warrants duly drawn thereon by the auditor. SEC. 13. No warrant shall be drawn except upon an un- exhausted specific appropriation. SEC, 14 o contracts made, the expense of whose execution is not provided b;l law or Drdinance to be paid by assessments - 35- on the property benefited shall be binding or , rorcc unless. the auditor shall endorse thereon certificate that there remains unexpended and unappJied as herein provided , a baiance of the appropriation j or fund applicable thereto , suffcient to pay the stimated expense of xecllting such ' contract as certified by the board or offcer I'rlaking tho same. This provision shall not apply to worl; donc or supplies furnished , involving the expenditure of less th!!n two hundred and fifty dollars , unless the same is required by law to be done by contract by public letting. The auditor shall make such endorsement npon every such contract so presented to him , if there remain unapplied and llneX- pended such amount so specified by the offcer making the contract, and thereafter shall hold and retain such sum to pay the expense incurred until ,the contract shall be fully per- 7 ,formed. The auditor shall furnish. monthly, and oftener if requested , to the head of each department a statement of the unexpemled balances of the apprQpriation for such 'depart- SEC. 15, The amount ()f the tax levy shall be suffcient to provide for the payment during the :fscal year , of all demands npon. the treasury authorized to be paid out of the same; but , such levy exclusive of the tax to pay the interest and main- tain the sinking funds of bonded indebtedness of the city, and exclusive of the tax to pay for street and sewer work and to pay for the maintenance and improvement of the- parks uares and public grounds of the city shall not exceed the te of one dollar on each one hundred dollars valuation of the propert;r assessed. The council in making the levy shall apportion the taxes to the several funds, The limitation in the section last preceding shall y in case of any great necessity oJ.' emergency. e the limitation may be temporarily suspended , so as enable. the council to provide for such necessity or emer- y. No increase over the dollar limit shall be made in the of taxation authorized to be levied, in any fiscal year - 36.. unless stich increase be authodzed by ordinance adopted by 7 vote of the people or passed by a three-fourths vote of the ' council (lnd approved by the mayor. rhe character of such necessity or emergency shall be recited in the ordinance au- 10 thorizing such action, and be entered in the journal of. the 11 board. Nothing in this section shall authorize the incurring 12 of liabilities against the treasury not allowed by law or which 13 cannot ba paid out of the income and revenue p;rovided , col- 14 lected and paid into the proper fund as' its proportion of the 15 same for such fiscal year , or permit liabilties or indebtednes 16 incurred in anyone fical year to be a charge upon or paid 17 out of the income or revenue of any other fiscal year. SEC: 17, The council shall, subject to the provisions of this charter fix the ampunt or municipal revenues and provide 3 bv ordi ance ror the coUection thereof. They shall, from time 4 t time , provide for the payment of the interest and principal of the b0nds for which the city is liable. SEC. 1 . The council shall authorize the disbursement of all public moneys except as otherwise specifically provided il'1 , this charter. S:F c. 19. At the close of each fiscal year , if all deman& against e lCh fund have been paid or satisfied , and all disputed or contested demands fully adjudicated, the council shall direct the treasurer.'to transfer all surplus moneys to the gen- eral fund except such surplus moneys as are in the several interest and sinking funds, in the school fund, in . the library fund and in such other funds ,the disposition of whose surplu'J moneys is in this charter otherwise provided for. SEC. 2L The assessment of property within the city made 2 by the county asscssor of Alameda county and the state board of equali:mtion may be the basis of taxation of the city, unles.., the coun61 on or before the fourth Monday of July in any 4a, year , shall , by ordinance , elect to have an independent assess- ment made by. the city Msessor for such year; in" which event such ordinance shall prescrib0 the time within which such assessment shall be made, and the method or making the same :31 and shall provide for such clerical assistance as may be re- required to properly prepare such. assessment. SEC, 21. Should any property in the city, however , not be assessed by the county assessor , . the city asseSS0r shall assess and enter the same in the " Subsequent Assessments , provided for in :the next section, SEC, 22. It shall be the . duty of the assessor at any time subsequent to the first Monday in August of each year , to assess any property which shall not be on the regular list and he shall entcr such assessment in a separate portion ' of ;) the tax list or assessment rolL under the head" Subsequent Assessments , " and shall deliver a true copy thereor , duly I. certified by him , to the city clerk, to be by him compared with the entries on the assessment rolL SEC. 23. The cmmcil shall meet at the usual place of holding meetings on the first :Monrlay of Septemher of each 3 year , at ten o clock in the forenoon of said day, and s it as a board or equalization , and shall continne in session from to day untIl all the returns of the assessor have been received, They shall have , power to hear complaints. and to correct modify or strike out any assesslnent made by the aSReSo;Ol' (1nd may, of their own motion , raise any assessment ' UPOJl 'notice to the party whose asseso;ment is to be raised. They nmy also. partinlly, or wholly, relieve from taxation any improve- cuts , structures or fixtures used exclusively for manufactur- f!:, ereeted or plac ed in the city RuhReqnent to the first day or ,January, 1906; . Pl'o'Ufrlerl, that no particular property shall be' exempt from taxntioJl for more than t\\'o years, SEC. 24. ThE; corrected lio;t for each tax shall be the assess- oeut roll for said tax for said year, It shaJI be certified b he city cierk , who shall act as dcrk of the boaI'd of equaliza- , ai' heing the assessment roll for sajd tnx and shall be , asseSi'ment roll npon ' wh ic'h said tax is to he levied in said - 3 8 - Oh a p t e r I I - Th e S e v e r a l J i u n d s . SEC. 25. The i n c o m e a n d r e v e n u e p a i d in t o t h e t r e a s u r y shall be at once ap p o r t i o n e d t o a n d k e p t i n s e p a r a t e f u n d s one of which sha l l b e d e s i g n a t e d t h e g e n e r a l f u n d , a n d w h i c h shall consist of mo n e y r e c e i v e d i n t o t h e tr e a s u r y n o t sp e c i f i cally apportione d t o a n y . ot h e r f u n d . SEC. 26. Exce p t a s ot h e r w i s e p r o v i d e d i n t h i 8 c h a r t e r , a n y moneys remainin g a t t h e e n d o f a n y fi c a l y e a r i n a n y i n t e r e s t and sinking fun d o r i n a f u n d p r o v i d e d b Y ) 1 sp e c i a l b o n d issue for a specif i c p 1 ! r p o s e , t h e s c h o o l f u n d , t h e l i b r a r y f u n d and the electric f u n d , s h a l l b e c a r r i e d f o r w a r d a n d a p p o r t i o n e d to. the respective f u n d s f o r t h e e n s u i n g fi s c a l y e a r . SEC. 27. Any d e m a n d a g a i n s t t h e t r e a s u r y o r a g a i n s t a n y fund thereof rem a i n i n g u n p a i d a t t h e e n d o f t h e fi s c a l y e a r for lack of mone y a p p l i c a b l e t o i t s p a y m e n t , m a y b e p a i d o u t 'Of any money w h i c h m a y su b s e q u e n t l y c o m e i n t o t h e p r o p e r 5 . fund from delin q u e n t t a x e s o r o t h e r u n c o l l e c t e d i n c o m e o r revenue for suc h y e a r . Su c h d e m a n d s s h a l l b e p a i d o u t o f such delinquent r e v e n u e , wh e n c o l l e c t e d . Ohapte1'I I I - l' h e C u s t o d y o f , P u b l i c Mo n e y s . SEC. 28. AU m o n e y ar i s i n g f r o m ta x e l . , l i c e n s e s , f e e s . 2 fies, penalties an d f o r f e i t u r e s , a n d a l l mo n e y s w h i c h m a y b e collected or re'Ce i v e d b y an y o f f c e r o f , th e c i t y i l l h i s of f c i a l capacity, or. fro m a n y d e p a r t m e n t o f t h e c i t y , f o r th e p e l ' - formance of any o f f c i a l d u t y , a n d , al l m o n e y s a c c r u i n g t o t h city from any so u r c e , a n d a l l mo n e y s d i r e c t e d b y l a w o r by . this charter to b e p a i d o r d e p o s i t e d in t h e t r e a , u r y , sh a l l be paid iilto tho, t r e l j s u r y . Al l o ff c e r s o r p e r s o n s co l l e c t i n g or receiving,smh m o n e y s m u s t p a y t h e s a m e i n t o t h e t r e a s u r y 10 daily.SEC. 2\). No li a l a r i e d o f f c e r , e x c e p t a s o t h e r w i s e p r o ' l l i d e d in this chartel, sh a l l r e c e i v e o r a c c e p t a n y f e e , p a y m e n t o r c o m . pensation either d i r e c t l y . o r in d i r e c t l y . fo r a n y se r v i c e s p c r - formed by him in h i s o f f c i a l c a p a c i t y , o r a n y f e e , p a y m e n t . o r compensation fo r a n y of f c i a l s e r v i c e p e r f o r m e d b y a n y - 3 9 - cl e r k s o r . e m p l o y e s , w h e t h e r p e r f o r m e d d u r i n g 1 b u s i n e s s h o p r s . ' N o d e p u t y , c l e r k o r e m p l o y e . a l l r e c e i v e o r ac c e p t a n y f e e , c o m p e n s a t i o n n h i s s a l a r y as . n o w o r h e r e a f t e r fi x e d . . c e p e r f o r m e d b y h i m of a n y co l o r o f o f f c e , w h e t h e r p e r f o r m ci a l b u s i n e s s h o u r s : y f e e , c o m m i s s i o n , p e r c e n t a g e , a l l o w a n c e . n au t h o r i z e d b y l a w t o b e c h a r g e d ec t e d b y a n y o f f c e r f o r a n y o f f c i a l s e r v i c e , m u s t he o f f c e r r e c e i v i n g t h e s a m e , t o t h e t r e a s u r e r ; pr o v k i e d . i n t h i s . c h a r t e r . Th e t r e a s u r e r e t o t h e c r e d i t o f t h e g e n e r a l f u n d . Th e a u d i t o r o r o t h e r p r o p e r o f f c e r m u s t d e l i v e r ti m e t o t i m e t o t h e t r e a s u r e r , a n d t o e v e r y of f c e r la w t o c h a r g e a n y f e e , c o m m i s s i o n , p e r c e n t a g e om p e n s a t i o n , f o r t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f a n y o f f c i a l as m a n y o f f c i a l . r e c e i p t s a s m a y b e r e q u i r e d , re w i t h re r o r o t h e r . o f f c e r re c e i v i n g . un d i n t o b o o k s c o n t a i n , i n g r i o t ei p t s , a n d n u m b e r e d c o se c p . . ne i n e a c h cl a s s r e q u i r e d f o r ' I y e a r a n d ' pr o v i d e d w i t h ' a : s t u b t. W h e n th e b ' o o k s c o e o f f c e r re c e i v i b . g , au d i t o r o r o t h e r p r o p e r re m a i n t h e r e a f t e r . ac h m o n t h t h e t l ' e a s n r e i. . t . a x er y o ce r a lt h o r i z e c l b ' l a w 40 to charge any fe , commission , percentage , allowance , or com- pensation , must make to the ,auditor a repOl't under oath of all moneys received by him during the precedin month , show- ing the date and number of the receipt on which the money was received, the amount or each payment, by whom paid , the nature of the service , and the name and offcial designation or the offcer performing the service. At the same time or oftener , if required by the auditor , each offcer above na shall exhibit to the auditor all offcial receipts , received, by him during the preceding month , and all offcial receipts remaining in his hands , unused or not issued , at the close of lmsiness on the last day of the preceding month, SEO, 34: The demand of the auditor for his monthly salary, 'J shall be audited and allowed by the mayor, All other demands on account of salaries fied by law , ordinance or this charter and: made payable out of the treasury, may be allowed by the auditor without previous approval. All demands payable out of any fund in the control of any board , commi sion or com- 7 mittee , before they can be allowed by the auditor or paid must be regularly approved by such board , commission or committee, All demands on the treasury for salaries , wages 10 cO"lpensation of deputies , clerks , , assistants or employes in any 11 offce or department must , before they can be audited or paid, 12 be first approved in writing by the offcer , board or department 13 of authority under whom or in which su h demand originated. 14 All other demands payable out of any !,und in the treasury 15 must , before they ,can be allowed by the auditor or paid , be 16 approved by the department , board or offc er in which or with 17 whom the same have originated , and in all such ,cases muSt be 18 approved by the council , and if for more than two 'hundred 19 dollars , also by the mayor, SEO, 35. Every demand against the city shall, in addition 2 . to the other entries and endorsements upon the same required 3 by this charter show: 1. The ordinance or authorization under which the same 'was allowed, 2. The name of the 5 board, department or authority authorizing the same, 3, The fiscal year within which the indebtednesH was iTH'urr d, - 41- :The appropriation provided to meet the demand. 5. 'rh(' of the specific fund out of which the demand is payable, demand shall have written or printed upon it a state- ent that the same can only be paid out of the income and venue provided , collected and paid into the proper specific nd in the treasury for the fiscal year within v.:hich the indebtedness was incurred. ARTIOLE VI. PUBLIO SCHOOl,S .\ND LIBRARIES. Chapter I-Board of Ed1wation. SECTION 1. The government of the school depart ent of the city shall be vested in a board of education , tc! consist or vemembers , to be called school directors , who shall receive compensation. They shall be appointed by the, mayor ject to approval by the council as provided In Article II, ec. 17 , subdivision thirty-o:te , and shall hold offce for the erm of five years and until their successors have been p9inted and qualified; Provided that the directors first appointed shall , at their meeting, so dassify themselves by lot that they shall vely go )Ut otoffce at the expiration of one , two , three, d five years after their appointment. An:\! vacancy prior to the expiration of a term shall be filled by ent by the mayor in the manner heretofore provided, pointee to serve for the remainder of the unexpired C. 2. The hoard shall organi;le within olle w(ek after t appointment, and annually thereafter , by electing one mber president, whose term of offce shall'he one year it his successor is elected and qualified, The board shall hold regular meetings at least once, month , and at such other times as it may determine peeial meetings may be called at any time h t; and the president shall ('all a special meeting ime when requested in writing so to do by any tWt) - 42- members. It shall establish rules for, its proceedings. The presence of a majority of its members shall b e necessary or the transactIOn of busmess. In ever instan is exercised by the board under this article the vote thereon 10 shall be taken by ayes and noes and entered on the minutes 11 of the board , except otherwise provided)n this charter, SEC, 4. In addition to the powers and duties prescribed bv the general laws of the state , the board of education shahave power: One. To establish and maintain public schools in the city 5 o meda , ineluding kindergarten , primary, grammar, higl 6 techllcal, evellng and physical and manual training schools a:Qd to change, consolidate and discontinue the same as public welfa:re may require. Two. To manage and control the school property.10 Three. To employ, pay, promote , transfer and dismiss such 11 teachers and persons and at such times as may be necessary 12 to carry into effect its powers and duties; to fi, alter and 13, approve .their salaries and compensation , and to withhold for 14 good and suffcient reasons the whole or part of the salaries or 15 compensation of any person or persons employed as aforesaid.16 Four. To make , establish and enforce all necessary rules 17 and regulations for the government, effciency and progress 18 of the schools. 19 Five. To establish and regulate the grade of schools an 20 adopt a course of study, not in conflict with that prescribed 21 by higher state authority. Six. '0 provide the school department with all. necessary 23 supplies , and incur such other incidental expenses as may be 24 nece8sary for the welfare of the department. 25 . Seven. 1'0 build, repair , alter, rent and provide school houses 26 audto furrrish them with proper furniture, apparatus ' and 27 appliances , and to insure any and all school property' against 28 loss by the elements. 29 Eight. To recolImend and arrange for the purchase , sale, 30 lease and exchange of school lots and other school property for the City of ,Alameda; to .take charge of any and all real - 43- estate and personal property which may have been or ma;y fter be acqtlired ror the use and benefit of the public hools of the city; provided that no real estate shall be bought ld or exchanged without the consent of the councilor or the people evidenced by ordinance; and provided further that 37 the proceeds of any such sale of real estate or of personal prop- 38 erty shail go into the school fund of the city.39 Nine. To sue and to prosecute and defend actions at law 40. or in equity in the name or the board or education , and to employ counsel therefor in case the ' city attorney be dis- qualified or unable to act. Service of process upon the presi- dent or upon the majority of the members of the board shall 44 be suffcient to give jurisdiction. Ten. To establish regulations for the proper use , application and manner of disbursing for school purposes only, all moneys belonging to the school fund , subject to the rorms and methods of a ccounting required by the city auditor. Eleven. To admit non-resident children to any department of the public schools at th ir discretion , upon the payment as the board may direct , of tuition fees to be fixed by the board; provided that said fees shall not be less than the cost per capita per ' pupil. ' Twelve. To admit, and it shall. be their duty to admit adults to free tuition in evening schools , but no child under the age of twelve shall be admitted to stlch schools. een. fro employ and dismiss school cenSl1S marshals and to fix, alter , allow and order paid their compensation. SEC. 5. The board of education shall appoint a superin. dent of schools whose term, of offce shall be four ;years ess sooner removed by a fOtlr.fifths vote. SEC. 6. In any investigation by the board into matters with the s(Jhool depa,l'tment. the pl'cFlidellt of the edueation iF! vested with. the power 01: iM ming sub. and the hoard can compel the attendallce of witnesses roductioll of documentary and other evideuce. The and each member of the board is vested with the f administering oaths or affrmations in all matters per- SEC. 7. No t e a c h e r s h a l l b e e l e c t e d t o a p o s i t i o n i n a n y the pubiic scho o l s o f t h e c i t y u n l e s s h e o r s h e be a p r o p e r l y 3. accredited gradu a t e o f ei t h e r a C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e N o r m a l s c h o o l the University o f C a l i f o r n i a , t h e L e l a n d S t a n f o r d J u n i o r University, or o f a n . in s t i t u t i o n o f e q u a l r a n k , o r w h o h a s had at least two y e a r s ' s u c c e s s f u l t e ch i n g e x p e r i e n c e . Ohap t e r I I - 8u p e r i 1 ' , te n d e n t o f S c h o o l s . SEC. 8. It sh a l l b e t h e d u t y o f t h e su p e r i n t e n d e n t t o g i v e his full time to t h e d u t i e s o f . hi s o f f c e a s t h e sa m e m a y b e prescribed by l a w , b y tH i s c h a r t e r a n d b y th e b o a r d o f education. His c o m p e n s a t i o n sh a l l b e . fi e d b y t h e b o a r d of education. H e s h a l l b e ex . o f f c i o s e c r e t a r y a n d s h a l l a c t as bookkeeper f o r t h e b o a r d w i t h o u t pa y a s su c h . H e sh a l l keep his books a n d a c c o u n t s i n c o n f o r m i t y w i t h t h e r e q u i r e - ments of the aud i t o r . SEC. 9., 'l'her e s h a l l b e a p p o i n t e d b y t h e b o a r d a n a s s i s t a n t secretary, at a s a l a r y t o b e f i x e d b y t h e b o a r d . Th e s e c r e t a r y and assistant se c r e t a r y s h a l l ea c h h a v e p o ' we r t o a d m i n i s t e r oaths and affrm a t i o n s i n m a t t e r s c o n n e c t e d w i t h t h e se h o o l department.SEC. 10. . Th e su p e r i n t e n d e n t s h a l l a t t e n d a l l se s s i o n s o f the board and s h a l l r e p o r t t o t h e bo a r d u p o n s u e h su b j e c t s and in such det a i l a s m a y b e r e q u i r e d b y t h e bo a r d . o r a s h e may deem for t h e i n t e r e s t - of t h e d e p a r t m e n t . Oh a p t e r I I I - Sc h o o l F i n a n c e s . . SEC. 11. It s h a l l b e t h e du t y o f t h e b o a r d o f ed u c a t i o n oj to:fx and determ i n e a n n n a l l y t h e am o u n t o f s c h o o l ta " ( n e c e s - sary for the est a b l i s h m e n t . s u p p o r t an d m a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e public schools o f t h e ci t y a n d f o r t h e c a r r y i n g i n t o ef f e c t ;J all provisions o f l a w re g a r d i n g t h e s a m e ; a n d i n p u r s u a n c e of this provision t h e b o a r d s h a l l o n o r b e f o r e t h e se c o n d M o n - day in l\Iav of e a c h y e a r . s u b m i t i n w r i t i n g ' t o t h e CO l l u c i l a n ;3 estimate of the w h o l e am o u n t o r m o n e y t o h e r e l ' ei v e d f r o m ) the state and co u u t y , a n d a n i t e m i z e d es t i m a t ( of . t h e a m o u n t 10 to be required fr o m t h e c i t y r o r t h e ( l h o \ ' me n t i o n e d p u r p o s e , ; -_ . 4 5 ou n t s o f o u n d t o b e r e q u i r e d f r o m t h e c i t y s h a l l be a d d e d t o t h e a m o u n t s o t h e r w i s e p r o v i d e d b y fo r c i t y p u r p o s e s , a n d w h e n im m e d i a t e l y u e p a i d i n t o e c i t e d r a w n o u t o n l y o n o r d e r o f lu c a t i o n a s h e r e l l p r o v i d e q ; al t a x s h a l l n o t , r o r h i g h s c h o o l pU r - ce n t s , a n d f o r a l l o t h e r s c h o o l s ac h o n e h u n d r e d d o l l a r s o f t h e th e . re a l a n d p e r s o n a l p r Q p e r t y w i t h i n e o f a l l t a x e s l e v i e d f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f in t e r e s t o n b o n d e d in d e b t e d n e s s . Al l c l a i m s a g a i n s t t h e s c h o o l de p a r t m e n t w h i c h I h a v e b e e n ' al l o w e d . b y t h e bo a r d o f e d u 0 a t i o n i n t h e ra n d f o p n p r se r i b e d b y i t , t h i s c h a r t e r a n d t h e a u d i t o r e p a i d b y t h e tr e a s u r e r u p o n w a r r a n t s or d e r e d d r a w n bo a r d o f e d u c a t i o n , . s i g n e d b y i t s ' p r e s i d e n t a n d s e c r e t a r y by t h e a u d i t o r , f r o m t h e p r o p e r d e s i g n a t e d f u n d o f sc h o o l ne y s . pj ' ov i d e d th a t t h e b o a r d o f e d u c a t i o n sh a l l n o t h a v e p o w e r e . a n y de b t s o r l i a b i l i t i e s i n a n y on e y e a r t o e x c e e d Ha b l e f u n d s o f t h a t y e a r , u n d e r t h e c o n t r o l o f t h e b o a r d ca t i o n a d j u s t l y . ap p l i c a b l e f o r s c h o o l p u r p o s e s f o r ov i d e d f w . t h e J ' th a t i n c a s e o f di s a s t e r f r o m f i r e , w a t e r , e ak e o r p u b l i c e n e m y t h e b o a r d o f e d u c a t i o n m a y , th t h e a p p r o v a l o f t h e ma y o r a n d c o u n c i l , i n c u r e x t r a o r - ar y e x p e n s i O s f u r t h e r e p a i r , c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d f u r n i s h i n g '1 1 0 0 1 h o u s e s , i n e x c e s s o f t h e an n u a l l i m i t p r o v i d e d b y ch a r t e r , a n d t h e c o u n c i l m a y , b y o r d i n a n c e : , c a u s e t o b e sf e r r e d t o t h e s c h o o l f n n d f r o m t h e g e n e r a l f u n d su f c i e n t ne y s t o p a y t h e s a m e : Th e b o a r d s h a l l cu u s c t o b e p r e p a r e d i n J u l y ad l y e a r , a de t a i l e d . t a b u l a t e d s t a t e m e n t sh o w i n g t h e an d . ex p e n d i t u r e s - o f t h e d e p a r t m e n t , a n d s u c h ' ot h e r 8, t o e m p l o y e s , a t t e n d a n c e , e t c . , a n d ge n e r a l of t h e s c h o o l s a s w i l f u l l y sh o w t h e w o r k a c c o m . li s h e d b y t h e d e p a r t m e n t d u r i n g t h e p r e v i o u s ye a r . - 46- Chapter IV-Teachers ' Annuity Fund. SEC. 14., The provisions ' of this chapter shall take effect upon and after a referendary vote has been taken thereon and the maj.ority of the ualified electors voting thereon have voted therefor. SEC. 15. It shall be the duty of the council to provide annually for the levy and collection of a tax of five. mW'1 on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in th& citJ. The proceeds of this tax shall be et apart in the city treasllry in a fund to be known as the Teachers ' Annuity Fund , and said fund shall be drawn upon for no purpose other than the purposes in this chapter designated, SEC. 16. Subject to the provisions of this charter the board of education shall have control of the disbuNcmeilt of this fund and said board is empowered to receive donations and bequests to said fund, which donations and beqUfts , if in money, it shall immediately on receipt thereof , , deposit in the city treasury to the credit of the fund. SEC. 17, Any teacher who shall have served thirty years in the public schools of. tilis city shall be entitled to retire from service and to beeome an annuitant under the provisions of this chapter. Any teacher ,yho shall have served twenty-'5 five. years in the public schools of this city, and who shall 6 by the board of education. lave been discharged from service 7 '!)y reason of incapacity shall be entitled to become an " nnuitant. SEC. 18. Any person who , under the provisions of this 2 chapter , shall be entitled to become an annuitant , shall be entitled to receive , subject to the provisions hereinafter set 4 forth, such sum per month as shall egual fity per cent, of the average salary paid to said teacher during the last ten years 6 ,of his or her term of service in the public schools of the City of Alameda, SEC. 19. Whenever there shall be in the teachem ' annuity fund a sum suffcient therefor the board of education shall - 47.- to be drawn on said fund warrants in payment Of . s to alL annuitants entitled to receive the same. ere be not suffcient money with which tc, make one s payment of all the annuities otherwise due and pay- to said annuitants , then the board of. education shall the drawing of the warrants aforesaid , until such time there shall be in said fund suffcient money to pay the Chapter Y-Free LibrCtI':U, SEC, 20. The Alameda )1 ree I"ibrary shall 'be under the manaO'ement of 11 hoard of fiye trustees. to be known as the '" d of library tru tees , nnd who shall serve 'without com- ation. They shaH he appointed by the council , and shall o ce for the term of five years and until theIr successors e been appointetl and llualified; provided, however that trustees first appointed shall at their first meeting so classify themselves by lot that they shall respectively go out at the expiration of one, two , three, four and five er their appointment. Any vacancy occurring prior ation of 'a term . shall be filled by appointment in heretofore provided, such appointee to serve ,for der of the unexpired term. . The board shall organize within one week after pointment and annually thereafter , by electing one president. It shall also elect a secretary, who e during the pleasure of the board, The board shall appoint a librarian and such es as may be necessary, and fix their compensation remove them at their wilL The board shall have full charge , management of the library and of all the real and personal belonging, or that may be acquired by loan. devise or otherwise, when not inconsistent and conditiops of the gift , devise or bequest , or tel'. Regular meetings shall be held once in , and special meetings may he held a-; the board - 48- 8 may determine. A majority or its members shall constitute a quorum. SEC. 24. The board shall have power: One.. To make and enforce such niles , regulations and by- 2a laws as may be necessary for the ' administration , governllent and protection of the library and all the property thereto belonging or in its custody.5. Two. To administer any trust declared or created for such library. Three. To purchase any and all real and personaJproperty necessary for the purposes of the library, and to repair, sell or otherwise dispose of personal property, 10 , Four. To draw warrants , duly certified by the president 11 and secretary on .the library fund , to pay authorized expendi- 12 tures , which warrants , when duly audited , the treasurer shall 13 payout of said, fund; and generally to do Rnd perform all 14 acts necessary for the proper carrying into effect or the pro- 15 visions of this charter with reference to the library.16 Five. To establish , maintain or discontinue such 17 of the library as the board may deem best. SEQ. 25. The board shall, annually, on or before the first 2 Monday of July of each year , make a report to the mayor and council giving a full'statement of the condition of its trust and a statistical resume of all matters pertaining to the library property and management occurring during the previous 6 year, and shall, on or before the second 'Monday of May in each 7 year, recommend such tax levy or oth r matter pertaining to the library . as to them. may seem necessary or of interest. SEC. 26. There shall be levied by the mayor and . cou nciL and collected as in other cases , annually, a tax not exceeding one mil on the dbllar of the assessed value of taxable property in the City of Alameda for the purposes of the library. SEC. 27. All money and revenue derived for the use of the library, from whatever source, shall be paid into the city treasury and be known as the library fund, which shall be kept separate from all other funds and which shall be drawn ij upon Jld ii n'tthtu.jg ;JHll'ptf!tlf! (It Ub!'IU'Y tlf! bt!!'t'ln A.RTmLE POLl("1! ANI; JiUUiJ. SECTtON 1, 'J1 ha poli(j find fire departmantfi IJhall hi! under nHUH\.gament of a board of thr(:(j (?Qmmissiolle1'1i to appointed by the PH1Y01' from .anLOng the qualifiad ale(jtor 4 'of the oity, subject to app:rval by the conncil fiA oll1ewhoI'a 5 p!'Qvided. They !Shall lwld offce the ttn'U of foUl' J'enrs, eXfJept the fi!'s board apPointed: They shall be the head of 7' the police and fire department!'. SEC. 'rhe eommissioners shall enter upon their duties within thirty da,ys after their appointment, and they shall Qrganize as a board by electing one of their number presi- 4: dent. At the first, meeting of the board the commissioners 5 shall , by lot , so classify themselve:s that one of their num- ber shall hold offce fQr a term of two years , one for a term or three years and, oue for a term of four years. 'The board shall establish rules and regulations governing its proMed- ings and for the regulation and c oriduct o its offcers , clerks 10 and. employes; and may require bonds from its subordinates for the faithful performance Of their duties. SEC. 3. The board shall hold regular meetings at least one 8: month and special meetings at such other times as it may appoint, or of which the president may give notice, The regular meetings shall be held on a day' and at an hour by resohltion entered upon the records of the board hicn shall not be ,changed except by similar resolution which notice shall be posted for two weeks in the offce the board. The tings of the board shall be public. ;vo members shall constitute a quorum , and the affrmative f two meJ;bers shall be necessary to pass any order or resolution. SEC. 4. ,The board shall keep a record, of its transactions specifying, therein tl:e names of the commiSioners present ,- 50- at the meetings , and giving the ayes and nbes, upon. all ,votes. Every ord()r or resolution shall be rec6rd d 8It length and the record shall l:e approved by the board; SEC. 5. The offcers , ;nembers ' and employes of the police and fire departments shall be appointed by the board; but no appointment or removal sliall be made , by the board for political purposes , nor shall any removal be' made except for I cause established to the satisfaction of the board , after due. investigation .01' trial. The salaries of, offcers , clerks , and employes of the board except so far as the same are otherwise, designated in this charter, shall be fied from time to time 9 by the council in its discretion on recommendation of the- 10 board, SEC. 6. The board shall have power: One. To prescribe the qualifications , duties, badges of offce- and uniforms of offcers, members and employes of said departments. Two,. To prescribe rules and regulations for the govern- ment and discipline of the same , and "to prescribe and enforce- penalties for their violation. 8 '1'hree. '1'0 hear and determine ,all complaints of miscon- 9 duct , ineffciency, violation of the rules and regulations , or 10 other charge against any offcer , member or emplo;ye of said 11 dep ,rtments , and to take such action thereon as shan be, 12 most conducive to the maintenaIi2e , discipline and effciency 13 of said departments.14 Four. To -appoint and remove at their discretion special 15 policemen , who shall be under the supervision and control' 16 ofthc chief of police provided, however hatthe compensa- 17 bon of said special policemen shall in no event be chargeable 18 to the city, unless appointed by authority of the mayor,10 Five, To nlake all necessary rules and regulations to carry :20 into (';.:ccution the rore6'oing po.vers , and an other powers 21 vested in said board by this charter , or by any o;dinance 22 passed pur::raant thereto , or by the constitution and laws of 23 this state , and in general to manage and control said de- 24 partments. - 51- , SEC. 7. The board shim have the custody and control of all property; buildings and equipments now or hereafter used by 3 ,or belonging to said police and fire departments. SEC. 8. The bo rd shall annually report tv the council 2 , an estimate of the amount of money that wil be required to 3 pay all salaries and expenses of the police department and 4: of the fire department for the ensuing year , specifying in detail the proper items for which the same wil be required. SEC: 9. The board shall make semi-annual reports to the council of its acts and expenditures , and also of the condition 3 . of said departments. SEC. 10. The board shall determine and report to the council as to the necessity of constructing cisterns and erecting hydrants in particular localities , the necessity for additional 4: houses; apparatus , material , supplies , engines , horses , hooks an,d ladders , and also as to alterations and repairs required; but the ' action of the board with respect to the necessity '1 of these matters shall be only advisory to the council , and e of the matters and t'/ings in this section enumerated done or provided until the same shall have been orlzed by ihe council. All contracts let and work ordered d departments shall be let and ordered 'by the council; e board shall see that the same are faithfully carried d performed; provided, howe'ver that the board shall ave power to make repairs upon. engine and other property their custody and under their control when the necessity ch repairs i urgent , and the cost thereof does not exceed m of one hundred and fifty dollars the bils for such urgent repairs to be ordered paid by the counciL . 11. First. The police department shall consist of a of police, who shall be the executive head of the police artment , - and such sergeants , detectives and pa.trolmen as. be necessary, riot exceeding in the aggregate , on the lar force , one to every one,thousand inhabitants of the city. ond. The employes of the 'fre department shall consist hief engineer, who shall be the executive head of the fire - 5 3 - ('IJIHutmontfiml !Hlt 1 h m u n b l J l ' IU ! ! ! i l i t I U l t fi g i n l' ! ! ! t i l ' t ! Will'alJ1ul! nd ('thl' tm ' l p l o Y € J 1 i a l i t h ur i ( ! n m a y ! b y ( , l ' d i n l l f i t l ( ! , 10 finthot'io on t'tM!01Unw n d n t i t ' f i o f t h bo a r d . SEa, 12, Au' Oftt1t l l ' , m t J n b t u ' t ' I ' t l m p l t ' y e o f th f J p o l i t l t l o r firQ t:efHU'tmontli, UH t 'f o f u n ; \ ' l( J fi l o I f t ' n l ! e , i n e f f h J i t l n a y , n e l l ' lcwt of dtIty, ubf1en c e w i t h o u t lM v t l , b r t l M h o f di l ! a i p l i n \ ' , .l di!iobtldiellCtI of 01'd01' /i , v i o l a t i o n o f l ' ul o l i , 0 1 ' u n ' C l o n d u C ' t . injnrionto pnhlic pe u ( ' e OJ ' w ( " ! f l t r o , o r d! j t r i m e n t n l t o t h t l depltl'tmeut of which h e m a y b e t m o f l l c e l ' , n H l m b m ' o r e m p l o y e , BlInll he linble to be pt m h l h e d b y 1' t ! p 1 ' i m n n d , f o r f e i t o f pa y f o r 8 a Npecified tht), 8t1l!p e m io u o r d i s m i s s a l f r o m t h e d e p a r t m e n t ot which he mEty be a n o f f c e r , m e m b e r o r e m p l o J ' o; b u t n o t 10 more. than thirty day s pa ; r s h a l l h e :f o r f e i t e d r o r a n y o n e 11 offense. All mneys s o f o r f e i t e d s h a l l b e p a i d i n t o a f u n d 12 to be established and d i s b u r s e d u n d e r s u c h r e g u l a t i o n s a s t h e ' 13 hoard may adopt, fo r t h e h e n e f i t o f t h e s i c k an d di s a b l e d 14 members and the famil e s o f d e c e a s e d me m b e r s o f t h e d e p a r t . 15 ment of which the of f e n d e r m a y b e a n o f f c e r me m b e r o r '16 employe. 'he board s h a l l r e n d e r t o t h e co u n c i l a v e r i f i e d 17 itemized account of all m o n e y s s o r e c e i v e d a n d d i s b u r s e d d u r - 18 ing the preceding year . an d o f w h o m f o u r s h a l l b e p h y s i c i a n s , d u l y l i c e n s e d u n d e r t h e la w s o f t h e S t a t e o f C a l i f o r n i a . On e m a y ' b e a p p o i n t e d f r o m 6 a m o n g th e c o u n c i l m e n . Th e m e m b e r s o f t h e b o a r d , a s s u c h s h a l l s e r v e w i t h o u t c o m . pe n s a t i o n . T h e y s h a l l h o l d of f c e f o r t h e t e l ' n o f fi v e y e a r s an d u n t i l t h e i r su c c e s s o r s a r e a p p o i n t e d a n d qu a l i f i e d ; pr o - Ia vi d e d th a t t h e m e m b e r s of t h e b o a r d f i r s t a p p oi n t e d s h a l l 11 a t th e i r f i r s t m e e t i n g s o c l a s s i f y th e m s e l v e s t h a t t h e y s h a l l g o 12 ou t o f o f f c e a t t h e e x p i r a t i o n o f o n e , t w o , t h r e e , f o u r a n d fi v e 13 ye a r s r e s p e c t i v e l y . SE C . 2 . Th e b o a r d s h a l l or g a n i z e w i t h i n o n e w e e k a f t e r th e f i r s t a p p o i n t m e n t , a n d a n n u a l l y t h e r e a f t e r , b y el e c t i n g on e o f i t s n u m b e r p r e s i d e n t , w h o s e t e r m o f o f f c e s h a l l b e o n e ye a r a n d m i t i l h i s su c c e s s o r i s e l e c t e d . SE C . 3 . R e g u l a r m e e t i n g s o f th e b o a r d o f h e a l t h s h a l l b e he l d a t l e a s t o n e e e a c h m o n t h , a n d s p e c i a l m e e t i n g s w h e n c a l l e d 3 b y th e p r e s i d e n t o r b y a n y t w o m e m b e r s , a n d a l l m e e t i n g s sh a U b e p u b l i c . SEC. 1. In all inv e s t i g a t i o n s o r t r i a l s co n d u c t e d b y s a i d 2 board, the president t h e r e o f sh a l l h a v e t h e : p o w e r t o is s u e snhprenas for and com p e l t h e a t t e n d a n c e of w i t n e s s e s a n d t h e production of papers be f o r e i t . Su c h s u b p r e n a s s h a l l b e s e r v e d . G by any polirclT?-n. An y m e m b e r o f t h e b o a r d m a y a d m i n i s t e r oath'S and affrmations i n t h e c o n d u c t o f s a i d in v e s t i g a t i o n s . SE C . 4 . S a i d b o a r d o f he a l t h s h a l l h a v e s u p e r v i s i o n o f a l l . m a t t e r s a p p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e s a n i t a r y c o n d i t i o n o f t h e c i t y a n d th e p u b l i c - in s t i t u t i o n s t h e r e o f , a n d f u l l p o w e r s a r e h e r e b y gi v e n t o s a i d b o a r d o v e r a l l q u e s t i o n s o f f o u l d r a i n a g e , a n d t h e . 5 di s i n f e c t i o n a n d s a n i t a r y cl e a n i n g o f s t r e e t s , a l l e y s , c e l l a r s 6 c e s s p o o l s , s e W 6 r s , o r n u i s a n c e s o f a n y d e s c r i p t i o n , a n c l o f p l a c e s wi t h i n t h e c i t y l i m i t s s o s i t u a t e d a s t o re c e i v e a n d r e t a i n u u ' he a l t h y de p o s i t s . HE A L T H . SE C . 5 . T h e b o a r d o f he a l t h s h a l l e x e r c i s e a g e n e r a l s u p e r . vi s i o n o v e r a n d b e t h e c u s t o d i a n o f a l l t h e d e a t h re c o r d s n o w be l o n g i u g t 9 t h e c i t y , a n d t h e y s h a l l c a u s e t o b e k e p t i n bo o k s pr e p a r e d f o r t h e p u r p o s e , c o m p l e t e r e c o r d s o f a l l a c a t h s an d ' th e c a u s e s t h e r e 6 f , a n d s h a l l a l s o k e e p . a r e c o r d v f . a l l , b i r t h s 6 o c c u r r i n g ' i n t h e ci t y . T h e y s h a l l a d o p t s u c h fo r m an d r e g u . la t i o n s f o r t h e u s si c i a n s a n d u n d e r t a k e r s a s i n t h e i r ju d g m e n t m a y b e cu l a t e d t o s e c u r e r e l i a b l e , v i t a l a1 J d mo r t a l i y s t a t i s t i c s , i n t h e c i t y , a n d t o pr e v e n t t h e s p r e a d o f ' 10 co n t a g i o u s a n d i n f e c t i o u s di s e a s e s . T h e y s h a l l ' h a v e p o w e r t)EC. H. The offcel ' s a n d e m p l o y e s o f b o t h t h e p o l i c e an d fil'e dCpal'lUwllt8, emp l o y e d b y t h e c i t y at t h e t i m e o f t h e :3 adoption of this chart e r , s h a l l b e r e t a i n e d i n t h e i r s e v e r a l J PO,:itiOIlS, unless remov e d f o r c a u s e a s h e r e i n b e f o r e p r o v i d e d . AR T I C I J E V I I I . NEC, 1. There sha H b e a h e a l t h d e p a r t m e n t u n d e r t h e management of a hoa r d o f h e a l t h . Sa i d b o a r d o f h e a l t h s h a l l :\ ('()llsist of ji\' members w h o s h a l l b e a p p o i n t e d b y th e c o u n c i l -- 54 11 to, prevent or forbid communi ation w th infected tamilie. or 1,2 houses , and by the consent of the .council may provid and 13 Ilaintajn ambulances and may establish a pest-house and pro- 14 vide the necessary att ntsand suppliestb.erefor. SEC. 6. The council may, by ordinanee or otherwise , make and enforce such order., an9. regulations as the board of heltlth may from time to time 'recommend; and all expenses necessarily incurred by the, board 'or health in carrying out the provisions of such ord rs an d regulations shall be provid for by the. council. SEC. 7. The sum in the annual budget for the city tax levy apportioned by the council for the use of the health de- partment shall be deposited in the city treasury as a fund to be known as the flealth department fund. Said fund shall be under the exclusive control of the board of health , subject to such restrictions as are provided in'Art,icle III , Chap'terII o,f this charter. SEC. 8. The board of health ' within two weeks from the time of its organization , shall elect a city physician , .roo shall also act as health offcer and sec:ueta:r of the board of ,health. He. shall receive such compensation for all his services as may be fixed by the board of health, He shall not be a member of the board of health. He shall be an ' elector of the city and a duly licensed physician under the laws of the State of Cali- 8 fornia , and ,actually engaged in the practice of his profession therein, He shall hold hi offce during the pleasure of the 10 board and must see that the laws and ordinances or the city 11 In-relation to the public health and the regulations and orders 12 of the board of health are properly enforced. He shall keep 13 a full record of all the transactions of the board of health 14 as well as all the recor appertaining thereto. He shall ,have 15 the powers of a p olice offcer , and shall make an extended 16 annnal report to the board or the affairs pertaining to his 17 offce, including mortuary and other statistics , with such obser. 18 vations and recommendations in relation, to the sanitary con- 19 dition of the city as he may deem proper. 55 - SEC. 9. The city physician shall attend. when called upon the in'dgent sick or wou:Qded in the city, and shall have charg-e of any receiving hospital or dispensary established for the enefit of. emergency cases and the sick poor, and when deemed neceHsary by the board of health , he may employ nurses to assist him in the care,of the sick or wounded. SEc.10.he city physician , as health offcer, shall visit ce in each quarter, all public buildings ' and scl-ool houses in the city. During such visits he shall examine the manner i:Q which they are lighted, ventilated; and heated , and particu- 5 - larly as to their sanitary co dition. . SEC. 11. The city physlcian' as health offcer , shall promptly report in wl'iting to the clty superintendent of schools the 3 name and residence of, every person sick with any, inrectious or contagious disease. Said city superintendent of schools 5 when so notified , must refuse admittance to the schools of any 6 member of a household one or more of whose inmates are sick from any of the. aforesaid diseases. The person excluded shall 8 be admitted on presenting a certificate from his or her attend- ing physician, or from the ' health offcer , that there is no longer any danger from infection, or contagion. SEC. 1,2. When. a case of infectious or contagious disease is 2' reported to thedty physician, he may visit the premises where th,e person is, and , when satisfied that said disease exists , he shall place a yellow flag or conspicuous notice on said premises which shall remain during the continuance of the said disease \ ' Qn said premises. SEC. i3.The city physician may cause to be removed to a hospital allY person in the city affected wi h s,nallpox , and 3 ' with the consent of the board of health , cause to be yed to a hospitalan;r person affected with any infectious When a case of Slallpox exists in any house , and the affected is not re'rnoved to said hospital or pest-house ffcer shall i ediately place a quarantine flag on and may place a comp etent person in charge shal see that a quarantine is strictly: enforced so gIl public safety requires. - M- SEC. 14, The city physician shall vacIJinate, free of charge all poor person a.pplying to him. SEC. 15. Within two weeks from the time of its organiza- 2 tion , the board of health shall o.ppoint a veterinarian and food 3 inspector, and may from time to time appoint additional food 4 inspectors , whose duties shall be prescribed by the board and who shall hold offce during the pleasure of tne board , and shall receive such compensation as may from time to time be fied by the board. The veterinarian shall be duly .licensed under the laws of the State of California. SEo._16, The board of health within two weeks after its organization shall appoint a sanitary inspector, who shall be a skiled and practical plumber, an elector of the city and a resi. dent therein for not less than one' year. His duties, shall be prescribed by the board of health. He shall be clothed with the powers of a police offcer , and hold his. offce during the pleas- TIre of the board of health. His salaryshaU be fixed by the board of health. SEC., 17. Nvery member of the hORl:.d of health and the health offcer may administer oaths on, Ilatters connected with the health department. ARTICLE IX. PUBLIC UTILITIES. OhapttJ7' I-Department of Electricity. SECTION 1. There shall be a Department. of Electricity which shall be under the management and control of ,a board of three commi sloners , te be known as the board of electricity. They shall receive no compensation. They shall be appointe.d by the 5 mayor, subject to the approval of the cou:qcil as. elsewhere 6 provided , and shall hold offce for three years., &nd until their successors are appointed and qualified; 8 Provided, howevel'that the members first appointed shall at their first meeting so classify themselves by lot that they 10 shall go out of offce in one , two and three years , respecth dy, 11 after their appointment, They shall be electors of the IJity. - 57- 12 They shall have charge of the construction and maintenance 13 of the electric light and power works , now owned by the city, 14 of the fire alarm and police telegraph and telephone systems and of such telegraph and telephone systems as the city now 16 owns or may' hereafter own or control. They shall organize 17 within one week after the first appointment , Itnd annually 18 thereafter, by electing one of their number chairman , whose 19 term of offce shall be one year and until his succes::or has been 20 elected. The city .cerk shall act as secretary of the board and 21 shall keep the minutes and records thereof. SEC. 2. The board of electricity shall hold regular meetings , at least once in each month , and at such other times as it may determine. Special meetings may be called at any time by a.ny member , due notice in writing- being given to the other members. Its meetings shall be open to the public. SEC. 3. In every instance when a power is ex:ercised by the board of. electricity under this charter, the vote thereon shall be taken by ayes and noes and entered on the minutes of the 4 board , except as otherwise provided herein. SEC. 4. ' The board of electricity shall cause to be kept a proper and comprehensive system of accounts , in such form as shall be approved by the auditor , showing in detail the re- ceipts from all sources and showing in segregation the expendj. tures for running expenses , betterments and purchase of new machinery, SEC. 5. Subject to the restrictions elsewhere in this charter 2 expressed, the board of electricity shall have power: One. To manage and control the property of the .city appertaining to the electric department; and to superintend the construction , maintenance and improvement of the electric , the management, sale and distribution of power, light eat and the collection of rates for the same. . To purchase all machinery, materials , fuel and sup- plies necessary for the maintenance and effcient operation of artment. e. '1'0 employ, pay, transfer and dismiss such employes f the electric department and at such times as in their judg- - 58-- 59- SEC. 8. All.moneys apportioned by the council for use the department or. electricity, together with all moneys collect 3 by the board, of electricity shaH be .set apart in a fund to 4 known as 1;e electric fund, which fund shall be drawn on ori 5 by .order of the board or electricity except as otherwise PI' vided in this chartr. SEC. 9. The board or electricity shall not have power to create any, debts or liabilities in any .one . year to exceed the al revenue or available means. in the city, treasljry under . r control; .provided that in cas (!f disaster, flr:e , riot , earth- ke or public enemy the board may, with the approval of the mayor and council, in ur extraordinary expenditures; ,and the council may by' ordinance cause to be transferred to the , electric fund from the general fund suffcient moneys to pay tnesame. 13 ment may be necessary; to fi, alter and improve their salaries 14 and compensation , to withhold for good and suffcient cause 15 the whole or any part of the salaries or compensation oJ: any 16 person employed by them; to make , establish and enforce all 17 necessary regulations for the effciency of the ,department. SEC. 6. The board of electricity shall 'present to the co uncil annually in each year a detailed report for the year ending June 30 , whichsha1l show the amollnt of money received fro all sources , and the balance on hand,' The report shall sha in segregation the anlOunts expended for salaries anI' other 6 running ' expenses , betterments , purchase .of machinery and any other subdivision required by the auditor. It shall also give a complete inventory of the property under ' the control of the board , together with an itemized statement of the cost 10 condition and present value thereof; with such other informR 11 tion and suggestions as the board may deem of general interest. 12 The board of electricity shall also make to the council l'egulal' 13 monthly reports of the receiptS' and expenditures ror the pre- 14 ceding month , segregating the items' of expenditure as abov 15 provided. SEC. 7. On or before the second Monday in lVay in each Y13 the board of electricity shall submit to the council a estimate of tb.e income which may be expected to be derive during the ensuing fical year from the sale of electric current and an estimate of the amount which in their judgment wil be neeaed from the city for betterments , repairs and runnin 7 expenses , including the expense of lighting the public stree and buildings of the city, the cost of the current for the fi 9' alarm systen; and such other publi(j use. as they may estima 10 wil be required and recommend'a rate to be charged. SEC. 10. All moneys collected by 'th board .of electricity from any source shall be by them deposited with the city treasurer or city depository on the same day on which they are collected, and in such manner as shall be p rescribed by the auditor. SEC. 11. The rates to be charged for electric light , power and heat shall be fied annually by the council. SEC. 12. No part of the money in said electric light fund shall be used for any purpose other than the following: , One. The council at the time or fixing the general tax levy shall apportion from said fund an amount .suffcient to eet all payments coming due , as principal or interest, on all outstanding electric light works bonds, before the time of fixing the next general tax levy, and the money so apportioned shall be used to meet such payments and for no other purpose; Two. For the necessary expenses of conducting. the electric department , operating the works, and making the repairs ions and betterments necessary to meet the requirements t e city and other consumers. SEC. 13. Every demand an the electric fund shall 'be signed two members of the board and attested by the signature f their secretary, giving the date of its approval. SEC: 14. All contracts for supplies , materials , machineI: struction work where the amount to be expended exceeds ndred dollars shall be advertised and , aWltrded to the est bidder, except that the board may determine to reject ids. 60 ARTICLE X. mljd the bg ltloou QI' than oue SEC.' 15. Whenever the City of .Alameda shall acquire any public utilty under the provisions of this charter , the mayor shall provide for the control and operation of said utility b l! the appointment of a board of three commi$sioners , and their duties and powers shall be prescribed by ordinanC'e on lines similar to those provided in this charter for the government and control of the board of electricity. ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. SJJO. No lican tJw !H.'ovil!wns ot thi/3 ttt'ticla 2 . 11111111 baAssignable or transfet'able' without the conl'ent of :3 the conncil endot'sed thereon , Il1w11 cOD.ent being evincm: 4& resolntion, and only tt) lIuch pet'fton , firm 01' corpo.!'a.tio:n as may have filed It bond as heretofore provided, and complied in othel' respects .with anch preliminary l'equh'ements as /Jrs provided by law. P7'ovi(led, that in CaSe any Ucensee is charged with viola- tion of the provi!'ions of this article Or of I:ny ordinance imposing restrictions 'on his conduct as such licensee, which charge or chargog result in an investigatiop. by the council(lr by any court or other body authorized by law to conduct such, investigation , then during such investigation or during a trial upon such charge or charges , and also after convi,ction , if the same shall follow, no transfer of -said license f:hall be. granted. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for an;)' person , firm or corporation to establish, open , keep, maintain or carryon within the City of Alameda any saloon , bar, sture, dramshop, 3a tippling place , stand or any place where spirituous , malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof , are sol or given away, or for any person, firm or corporation (excep as hereinafter provided) to sell or barter or give away withi the limits of the city any spirituous, malt or fermented liquo or wines or any admixture thereof, without having permissio pursuant to an ordinance of the council or people , as provide 10 in this article. The provisions of this article shall not appl 11 to the sale or dispensing of the said liquors , or any of them 12 by a regularly and duly licensed pharmacist , in the courst1 or 13 his business as a druggist, for medicinal purposes, at his drug 14 store, when the same are sold or dispensed upon a prescrip- 15 tion of a duly and regularly: licensed physician. Violation of 16 any of the provisions of this section shall constitute a rnisde- 17 meanor. SEC. 2, Subject to the provisiQns or this charter the counc shall have power by ordinance to impose all license taxes for and to confine within the limits of time and place and other wise regulate the sellng and giving away of any spirituo malted or fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof. SEC. 3. No license provided for in this artiCle shall b granted ror a sum less than five hundred dollars per annum payable f(uarterly in advance. SEC. 6. Upon suffcient cause being shown or proof fur- nished to the c.ouncil that any person , firm or ,corporation' holding a license under the provisions of this article has violated any of the provisions thereof, or of any ordinance of the city ,relative to the sale of liquors , the council shall , upon notice being' given to the person , firm or corporation so licensed revoke such permission, cancel the license and declare the bond rfeited. Any license shall be revok\id ipso facto by judgment onviction of the holder thereof of a feluny or or the ion of any of the provisions of any ordinance by this e authorized. SEC. 7. No license shall be issued entitling the licensee carryon the busil'ess licensed at more than one place. Each ce::'i shall at all times keep his license posted in a conspic- UNW ,lace in his saloon or place of making sales thereunder - 6 2 - so that the license s h a l l a t a l l t i m e s b e e a s y t o b e r e a d b y a n y person entering said p l a c e . SEC. 8. No lice n s e s h a l l b e re q u i r e d f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f sellng liquors at wh o l e s a l e t o an y r e t a i l d e a l e r i n t h i s c i t y . w h o holds a license und e r t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h i s a r t i c l e . AR T I C L E X I . Ch a p t e r I - El e c t i o n s . SEC1'ION 1. Elec t i o n s t o b e h e l d i n t h e C i t y o f Al a m e d a for the purpose of el e c t i n g o f f c e r s t h e r e o f , a n d f o r a l l o t h e r 3 purposes, shall be o f t w o k i n d s , g e n e r a l m u n i c i p a l el e c t i o n s and special municip a l el e c t i o n s . SEC. 2. General m u n i c i p a l el e c t i o n s s h a l l b e h e l d o n th e second Monday in A p r i l , i n e a c h o d d n mb e r e d y e a r , a n d shall be for the pu r p o s e o f e l e c t i n g a l l ' o f f c e r s m& d e e l e c t i v e . 4 by the terms of thi s c h a r t e r , a n d f o r o t h e r p u r p o s e s i n th i s charter provided. T h e f i r s t el e c t i o n u n d e r t h i s c h a r t e r s h a l l be held on the secon d M o n d a y o f A p r i l , 1 9 0 7 . SEC. 3. Special m u n i c i p a l el e c t i e n s f o r a l l s u c h pu r p o s e s shall be held ori suc h d a y s a s s h a l l b e f i x e d b y t h e c o u n c i l t h e r e - 3 for, and also on suc h d a y s a s a r e e l s e w h e r e p r o v i d e d f o r i n th i s charter.SEC. 4. All gen e r a l a n d s p e c i a l m u n i c i p a l el e c t i o n s s h a l l 2 'in all respects as ne a r l y a s m a y b e , b e h e l d a n d c o n d u c t e d i n ' accordance with th e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e l a w s o f t h e st a t e f o r 4: the holding of gene r a l el e c t i o n s i n e f f e c t a t t h e t i m e , a n d t h e council shall make a l l n e c e s s a r y a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r h o l d i n g s a i d elections in accord a n c e t h e r e w i t h ; a n d t h e ca n v a s ! ; a n d t h e dBclaring of the res u l t o f a l l e l e c t i o n s b y t h e c o u n c i l s h a l l b e i n accordanqewith th e pr o v i s i o n s o f t h e s t a t e l a w s a n d o f , t h i s charter.SEC. 5. The qua l i f i c a t i o n s o f a n e l e c t o r a t a n y e l e c t i o n h e l d in the city in purs u a n c e o f t h i s c h a r t e r s h a l l b e t h e sa m e 3 S those prescribed by t h e l a w s o f t h i s st a t e f o r e l e c t o r s a t a n y 4: general election info r c e a t t h e t i m e o f s u c h el e c t i o l 1 . - 6 3 - SE C . 6 . At t h e f i r s t el e c t i o n h e l d u n d e r t h i s c h a r t e r a f u l l 2 . co u n c i l s h a l l b e e l e c t e d , w h o s h a l l h o l d o f f c e a s el s e w h e r e I I th i s c h a r t e r p r o v i d e d , a n d u n t i l t h e i r s u c c e s s o r s a r e e l e c t e d an d q u a l i f i e d . lV e m b e r s o f t h e c o u n c i l a n d o t h e r e l e c t i v e o f f c e r s sh a l l t a k e o f f c e a t e i g h t o cl o c k p . m . o n t h e t h i r d M o n d a y i n 6 A p r i l , n e x t a f t e r t h e i r e l e c t i o n . Gh a p t e 1 ' l l - Mo d e o j ' N o m i n a t i o n a n d , E l e c t i o n . SE C . 7 . Th e m o d e o f n o m i n a t i o n a n d e l e c t i o n o f ' al l o f f c e r s ex c e p t c o u n c i l m e n n o m i n a t e d f r o m w a r d s , t o b e v o t e d f o r a t an y g e n e r a l m u n i c i p a l e l e c t i o n s h a l l b e a s f o l l o w s : No t l a t e r t h a n t h i r t y d a y s a n d ' no t e a r l i e r t h a n s i x t y d a y s be f o r e a n y g e n e r a l m u n i c i p a l e l e c t i o n , e l e c t o r s o f t h e c i t y m a y , 6 b y wr i t t e n p e t i t i o n , p r e s e n t n a m e s o f c a n d i d a t e s f o r el e c t i o n . Th e s i g n a t u r e s t o t h e s a i d p e t i t i o n n e e d n o t b e a p p e n d e d t o o n e 8 p a p e r , b u t e a c h s i g n e r s h a l l a d d t o h i s s i g n a t u r e h i s p l a c e o f 9 r e s i d e n c e , g i v i n g s t r e e t a n d n u m b e r wl J e n s u c h d e s i g n a t i o n b y 10 st r e e t a n d n u m b e r c a n b e g i v e n . On e o f t h e s i g n e r s o f e a c h 11 pa p e r s h a l l s w e a r t h a t t h e s t a t e m e n t s t h e r e i n ma d e a r e t r u e 12 a n d th a t e a c h s i g n a t u re t o s a i d p a p e r i s a g e n u i n e s i g n a t u r e o f 13 th e p e r s o n w h o s pu r p o r t s t o b e t h e r e t o s u b s c r i b e d . 14 Ea c h c a n d i d a t e be p r o p o s e d b y n o t f e w e r t h a n f i t y 15 el e c t o r s o f t h e c i t y . No m o r e t h a n o n e c a n d i d a t e m a y b e n a m e d 16 i n an y o n e p e t i t i o n , a n d n o p e r s o n ma y s i g n m o r e t h a n o n e 17 pe t i t i o n f o r a c a n d i d a t e f o r a n y . on e o f f c e . SE C . 8 . Su c h p e t i t i o n s h a l l b e p r e s e n t e d t o t h e c i t y c l e r k an d i f ac c o m p a n i e d b y t h e w r i t t e n a c c e p t a n c e o f t h e n o m i n e e sh a l l b e f i l e d b y t h e c i t y c l e r k . He s h a l l i m m e d i a t e l y e x a m i n e th e g r e a t r e g i s t e r a n d t h e r e f r o m a n d f r o m ce r t i f i : . a t e s o f r e g i s . tr a t i o n s h a l l a s c e r t a i n w h e t h e r ' o r n o t s u c h p e t i t i o n i s s i g n e d b y th e r e q u i s i t e n u m b e r o f q u a l i f i e d e l e c t o r s ; a n d i f n e c e s s a r y t co u n c i l s h a ' a l l o w ' h i l e he l p f o r t h e p u r p o s e , a n d h e . sh a l l w i t h i n f i y e d a y s , a t t . i s c e r t i f i c a t e t o s a i d p e t i t i o n sh o w i n t h e re s u l t o f h i s e x a m i n a t i o n . , ' 10 e c l e r k i it r a p p e a r t h a t t h e p e t i t i o n 11 it e n u m b e r o f el e c t o r s a s 12 wi t h i n f i v e d a y s f r o m t h e fia-id b/1l . witbin examina,t!on of 16 fBfJnlt of bis 6:,amiua.tion. 9, If tha patition found to !rt;iff!)iantlyas pJ'ovided the shall the name of tha (jltudidnte sO nominated a. :not later ten' prior to election, certify said list. as li!itcause with Ust of names tht) offces for which the candidates were respectively nominated, to be published at least five successive days to the election in two daily newspapers published in the SEC. 10. ,The city clerk shall oause ballots to be ' printed numbered and bound, whioh ballots shall ontain said list of names and of the respective offces as published; aJ;d the fol. lowing captiop.: "Municipal Elect.ion , City of Alameda (inserting date thereof). To vote, stamp or write a -cross opposite the name of the candidate voted for or the measure voted on. The names of the candidates shall be arranged on such 9' ballots in the following order: "For Mayor , vote for one 10 "For Auditor and Assessor , vote for one ; " For Treasurer 11 and Tax Oollector; vote for one ; "For Police Judge , vote 12 for one , " following with the name of any other offce to be filled 13 at that election except that of councilman , the names of the 14 oandidates for councilmen to be the last on the ballot; provfded 15 that at. the first election held under the provisions of this 16 charter the tickets shall read , as regards councilmen to be 17 nominated at large Vote for two,18 The names of the candidates for each offce shall be arranged 19 in alphabetical order. There shall be nothing on any ballot 20 indicative of the s6urce of nomination or of support of any 21 candidate. SEC, 11. The mode of nomination and election of council- 2 men nominated from wards shall be as is heretofore provided in this article with the exception that the signatures to t.he petitions for each such councilman shall be limited to those of electors rrom the ward in which the councilman resides and each petition shall be signed by not less than twenty electors. The names .ouncilmen noininated from wards shall be preceded by these words: "For Councilman from 9 Ward" (naming the ward) "vote for one, " SEC, 12. Each ballot shall contain blank spaces underneath the printed. names of offces , wherein a voter may write the name of any candidate for whom he may wish to vote, SEC. 13. The ballots shall be printed on paper provided the secretary or state , which paper shall be such as is pro- vided ror use at state elections , and the form provided for state elections shall be adhered to as closely as practicable and stil conform to the of this chapter, SEC. 14. IiJach ejector may vote for as .many or said candi- dates as there are offces to be filled , by writing or stamping 3 a C1'0118 in the square opposite the name of the candidate, The candidates in number equal to the number to be chosen , who have the highest number of votes , shall be declared elected. SEC. 15, candidate nominated to fill a vacancy and to serve the remainder or an unexpired term , may be nominated as above provided , but such candidate shall be designated on , the ballot as a ('andidate to fill a vacancy, and the term or the vacancy shaH be stated, SEC. 16. If any candidate who shall have received the highest number of votes hall prove to be disqualined , then the qualified candidate who shall receive the number of votes next highest shall be entitled to the office. ChaptC1' Ill. SEC. 17, The term of each office or appointive shall be limited to the good behavior or the holder theJ'eof 3 who shall be subject to removal as provided by this charter and by general law. sCR2- -- 67 MISCELLANEOUS. SEC. ,7. The improvement , widening and opening of s reets the planting or trees , and all other matters not specified in this charter, shall be done , and assessments therefor levied in conformity with and under the authority conferred b; general law. ARTICLE XII, SECTION 1. Whenever in this charter the word " city 2 occurs , it means the Oity of Alameda , and every department board and offcer, whenever either one of them is mentioned in this charter , means a department,. board , or offcer , as the case may be , or the City of Alameda. SEC. 2. The fiscal year shall begin with the first day of July, and end with the last day of ;Tune of each year. SEC. 8. The mayor , the auditor and the city clerk shall together count the money in the treasury at least once in three 3 months , and see if the amount on hand talles with the amount that should be in said treasury shown by the proper books or the city, and they shall make a written report thereof to the council. SEC. 4, Compensation or city offcers shall not be increased or diminished during the terms of their respective offces, SEC. 9., All offcers and boards shall turn over and deliver to their respective successors desig'uated in this (jharter all 3 papers, books , documents, records , archives and other prop- erties pertaining to their respective offces or departments in their possession or under their control.' SEC. 10. No member of the council , or of any board, and 2 no . offcer or employe of the city, shall be or' become directly or indirectly interested in any contract, work or business , or in ,the sale of any article, the expense, price or consideration of which is payable from the city treasury, nor shall either or any or them receive any gratuity or advantage from an contractor or person furnishing laoor or material for thf! same. SEC. 3, offcers mentioned in this charter , elected or appointed, at the time of their election or appointment , must be citizens of the United States and residents of the city, and must continue to so reside in the city during their respective terms or offce or employment. SEC. 5, The restriction in this article in regard to citizen- ship and residence shall not apply to school teachers , except that immediately after their appointment they shall become and shall continue to be residents of this SEC. 6. If any offcer of the city shall remove from the city or absent himself therefrom for more than thirty days consecutively, without the permission of the or shall fail to qualify by taking the oath of offce and fiing his offeial bond whenever such bond is required , within fiteen from the time his (ertificate of election or appointment is mailed or delivered to him , or shall or he convicted of any or be insane , his office shall be va(ant and the vacancy filled as herein provided. The shall have 10 the power to appoint suitable pers:ms to fill vacancies in any 11 offce , except as this char er otherwise provides, The 12 shall hold for the unexpired term and mitil the election or13 anu of his f;Uf:CPSf;OJ' SEC. 11. No offcer of the city shall give or promise to give to an.) person , any portion of his compensation , or any oney or any valuable thing in consideration of having been or or being nominated , appointed , voted for or elected to any offce or employment. SEC. 12. No offcer or employe shall accept any donation or gratnity iLl money or other valuable thing, either directly or from any subordinate or employe , or anyoneunder or from any candidate or applicant rorany as employ or subordinate under him. SEC. 13. A violation of any provision of the three sections last preceding shan cause a forfeiture of his offce , and he - 68-- 69- shall be forever disbarred and disqualified from being elected appointed or employed in the service of the city, to the removal of appointees on the several boards or commis- 6 sions , which boards or commissions are , by this charter , vested with the management and conduct of branches or departments of the government of the city,SEC: 14. Every offcer who shall wilfully approve , allow or pay any demand on the. treasury not authorized by law ordinance or this charter , shall be liable to the ity individually and on his offcial bond for the amount of the demand so ilegally approved, allowed or paid , and shall forreit the offce which he holds and be forever disbarred and disqualified from holding any position in the service of the city. SEC. 15. All books and records of every offce and depart- ment shall be open to the inspection of any citizen at any time during business hours , subject to the proper rules and regulations for the effcient conduct of the business of such department or offce; but the records of the police department shall not be subject to such inspection except by permission of the proper police authorities , or by order of the mayor. SEC. 20. All ordinances , resolutions and regulations of the city in fOl''e at the time this charter takes effect , and not inconsistent therewith , shall continue in force until amended or repealed, SEC, 21. All offcers of the city when this charter takes effect shall Gontinue to hold and exercise their respective offices under and in accordance with the terms of this charter , until the election or appointment and qualification of their successors provided for herein. SEC. 16. Copies or other extracts , duly certified , from said books and records open for inspection , shall be given by the offcer having the same in custody to any person demanding the same and paying or tendering ten cents per folio of one hundred words for such copies or extracts , and the additional 6 sum of twenty-five cents for certifying to such certified copy or extract. SEC. 17. Except where otherwise provided for by law or this charter , all public offces shall be kept open for business during such hours as may be provided by ordinance, Sp;c, 22, '1'he board of trustees of the present City of AlauJCda shall provide for the holding of the first election of offcers under this charter , and shall canvass the votes and deeIare the result thereof, SEC. 23. The compensation of all paid offcers and employes of the city for whose compensation no provision has been made in this charter , shall be fied by the council. SEC. 18. Every offcer authorized by law or ordinar.ce to 2 allow , audit or certify demands upon the treasury, or to make any offcial investigation , shall have power to administer oaths and affrmations , and take and hear testimony concerning any m-atter or thing relative thereto. SEC. 19. Unless otherwise provided by law or this charter any offcer , board or department authorized to appoint any deputy, clerk , assistant or employe , shall have the right to remove any person so appointed. This right shall not apply SEC. 24. It shall be the duty or every offcer and person in the or service of the qity:, when it comes to his knowledge that any (ontract or agreeinent with the city or with any offcer or department thereof, or rell,ting to the business or any offce has been or is about to be violated by the other contracting party, forthwith to report to the mayor all facts and informa. tion within his possession concer:qing such matter, an.d a will. ful failure so to do shall be cause for removal or such offcer or employe as in the case of malfeasance in offce. SEC. 25, All. advertising required by the city may be published in a daily newspaper printed and published in this city, and which newspaper shall have been established at least one year immediately preceding the date or the contract ror doing snch advertising. 70- SEer 26, Any offcer of the city, or of any department 2 thereof, who shall aid or assist a bidder in securing a cont.ract to furnish labor , material or supplies at a higher price or rate than that proposed by any other bidder , or who shall favor one bidder over another, giving or withholding informa- 6 tion , or who shall wilfully mislead any bidder in regard to the character of the material or supplies called for , or who shall knowingly accept materials or supplies of a quality inferior to that called for by the contract , or who shall know- 10 ingly certify to a greater amount of labor performed than 11 has actualiy been performed , or to the receipt of a greater 12 amount of different kinds material or snp plies than has 13 been actually received be guilty of malfeasance and shall 14 be removed from offce. Be it known that. in pursuance of said provisions of the constitution and within a period or ninety . days artersuch 10 election, said board of freeholders has prepared and does 11 propose the foregoing as and for the charter of the said City 12 of Alameda , and that in proposing and submitting such charter the said board of fifteen freeholders pursuant to said provision 14 of constitution, also therewith for. the choice of voters , and to be voted on separately, without prejudice 16 to other provisions in proposed charter two alternative propositions stated and designated 18 respectively ' Alternative Proposition No." and" Alterna-19 Proposition No. 20-Said alternative propositions SEC. 27. Shouldany of this charter be or unconstitutional unconstitutionality shall destroy and render the part or provisions so ilegal and unconstitutional , and all the other parts. and provisions of this charter shall in force and effect, so. far as may be , as though such ilegal part or provision had not been contained herein. SEC. 28. For the purpose of holding and condL!cting the elections provided for by Section 6 or Article XI of. this 3 charter , this charter shall take effect from the time of the approval of the same by the legiS'lature; and for all other pur poses this charter shall take effect at 8 o clock p. m. on the second Monday in April, 1907. shall be submitted to the and if one or both be one or both, take the place provisions embodied in the said Alternative Prpposition No.1 shall , if approved majority. vote, take. the place of Section 2 , Article 28 the proposed charter; and the.. said. Alternative Proposition 29 No.2 shall , if approved by majority vote , take the place of 30 Chapter III , . Article XI , of the proposed charter,31 Said .alternative propositions shall be submitted to the vote-rs at the. same election which the charter . shall d upon the ballots shall be printed f' Shall Alternative Proposition No.providing for limiting to twenty, be granted to retail liqupr Shall SEC. 29. This charter may be amended in accordance with the provisions of the constitution of this state. WHEREAs,The City of Alameda , a city containing a.popula tion .of more than ten thousand/inhabitants , did on the 27th day or January, 1906 ataspecialelectiGn held under and in accordance with the provisions . of . Section 8 , Article. XI the constitution of the State of Oalifornia , elect a board of fifteen freeholders to prepare and propose a charter for said city, PROPOSITION No. in place Sec. 2 72 73- Shall the shall hold offce during the unexpired term or his predecesor. person sought to be removed may be a candidate to sue.ceed unless he request in writing, the clerk shall his name on the offcial ballot without 10 nation. In any such removal election , the candidate receiving 11 the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. At such 12 election if some person other than the incumbent receive the 13 highest number of votes , the incumbent shall thereupon be deemed removed from offce upon qualiftcation of his succes- 15 SOl'. In case the party who has received the highest number 16 of votes shall fail to within ten days arter receiving 17 notificaticm of, his election , the offce shall be deemed vacant 18 and shall be filed by appointment, as elsewhere provided; 19 provided that no one who has been recalled under the ,pr(j- 20 visions of this chapter shan be appointed to fil the vacancy. 21 If the incumbent has received the highest number of votes 22 he shall continue in offce. SEC. 20. The holder of any appointive offce may bere- moved by electors of the The initial procedure to effect such removal shall be as is provided in Section 18 of this and to confine within the limits of time and place and other-wise the sellng and giving away of any spirituous malted or or wines or an Provided, that the council shall not have power to more than 01 the licenses or article to be in force at anyone time, The licenses shall be numbered from 1 to and not more one license any one humber shall be valid at one this ALTERNATIVE PROPOSITION Article XI Chapler SEC. 17. 'l'he term or each elective or shall be limited to the behavior of holder 3 who shalL be subject to and by general law. charter SEC. lR The removal by the electors oI the elected offcer, may be effected as follows: A petition or petitions electors entHled to vote fur a successor of the incumbent sought to be removed in number to at least per centum or the entire vote cast for mayor , at the last clec- 7 tion , demanding an of a successor Of incumbent shall be addressed to the council and filed with the city clerk. Said petition shall contain a general statement of the grounds 10 ror which said removal is sought. The method of procedure 11 arter the fiiug of the shall be as provided in Sections 12 27 and 28 , Chapter III or II. or any SEC. 21. The council make or cause to be made due or notice of, and shall make all arrangements rorthe election and the same shali be conducted and the result thereof declared in all respects as are other city SEC. 19 The council shall make or cause to be made due publication of notice of, and shal l make all arrangements for the holding of such election , and the same shall be conducted and the result thereof declared in all tespects as are those ofother elections. The successor f any offcer so removed SEC. 22. publication by the council , as pro- vided in Section 19 of this article, the offce which is sought 3 by the petition to vacate, has been legally vacated , by resig. 4: nation or otherw, further proceedings under the petition shall thereupon terminate, and the offce shall be filled by appointment of a person other than the former incumbent as elsewhere 'in this provided. offce shall. not have been vacl:,ted council , as provided in Section 22 vote shall be had as provided in SEC. 23. prio!' to of this In case such 74 -' 4: this article. The tickets to be voted at such referendum shal be 'as follows: "For the removal or ," namng the offcer the removal of w1iom is sought to be accomplished7 and' the removal of -the offcer whose removal is sought to be accomplished. The ballots shall be provided with squares at the hand 10 of each voting' proposition , in which th voter may make a n cross , indicative or his vote. SEC. 24 case result of the ballot shall show aity vote removal the incumbent shall continue to hold 3 offce , In case the result shall show .vote for re. moval he upon the announcement as elsewhere 5 provided , cease to hold which shall thereupon by council be declared to and the vacancy shall there upon be filled as is elsewhere for the of the said offce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we ha ';e and sea). at the City of Alameda 26th day of April , 1906.4: Done in duplicate. EDW'D K. TAYLOR President. GEO. A. MOORE Vice-President. BRAINARD C. BROWN ISAAC N. OHAPMAN P. W. BARTON E. J. BEVAN E. MASON JULIUS MAGNIN ' J. D. JAMISON J. O. LINDERMAN WILLIAM H. NOY . H. G. MEHRTENS PAUL. K. BUOKLEY H. M. KEBBY HENRY MICHAELS Board of Freeholders , City of ..lamedaATTEST: BRAINARD C. BROWN, hereunto set our hands State of Caliornia , thi ( Seal) ( Seal) (Seal) ( Seal ) ( Seal) (Seal) (Seal) ( Seal) (Seal) ( Seal) (Seal) State of Caliornia. STATE OI!' CALIFORNIA , COUNTY OF ALAMEDAo iTY OF A:rAMEDA. \ SS. , Wm, J Gorham, President the board of trustees of the City of Alameda, State of Oalifornia , do that the board of freeholders whose names appear signed to the foregoing charLer were on the 27th day ' January, 1906 , at a municipal election held in said of Alameda on said duly elected by the qualified electors of said city, to prepare and propose a charter forsaid i that each of freeholders had been a elector and freeholder in said for more than five years 10 previous to said election; that the foregoing is a true copy of 11 said charter and to me as president of 12 said board of trustees within after said election 13 as by Section of Article eleven of the con- 14 stitution of this state; that said' proposed charter was then 15 published in the Argus and in the Daily 1& Encinal which then were daily newspapers of general circu- 17 lation in said city, and that such publication was made for 18 more than twenty days , and that the first publication of said 19 proposed charter was made within twenty days after the 20 completion of said charter; that within not less than thirt 21 days after the publication' of said charter as required by 22 said Section eight , to wit: on the 18th day of July, 1906 , saH 23 charter was submitted at a special election duly called and 24 held therein for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting saill 25 proposed charter and alternative propositions 26 therewith; that a majority of the votes of the qualified 27 electors voting at said election said proposed charter was 28' ratified as a whole , excepting that Alternative Proposition 29 No.1 and Alternative Proposition No.2 therein contained 30 being each separately. voted on were each ratified by a 31 majority of such votes and w-ere therefore chosen and sub- 32 stituted respectively for Section 2 of Article X and for Chap- 33 tel' III of Article XI of said proposed charter; that the 34 returns of said election were duly canvassed by the board of 35 trustees of said City of Alameda on the 6th day of Augut - 76- 36 1906 , and the result 37 that in all matters 38 charter the 39 and laws of the40 of the declared as above set. forthanJ pertaining. to said.proposedsaid ConstitutIon pertaining to. the complied with in set seal of said City of hand and to be the 48 Attest: J. 51 tive 52 submitted Constitution Now, therefore, be it Resolved by 60 tion