1911 Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4Senate Ooncurrent Resolution No.
Passed the Senate , January 16 , 1913.
Passed the Assembly, Jauuary 21 , 1913.
Senate Ooncur1'ent Resol1ttion No., Approving three certain
ame?uJments to the charter of the city of Alameda , inAlameda COit1 ty, Cali01'ia, voted (01' a1uJ ratified by theqtlaUfiea electors of said city, .at a general municipalelectiion held therein 01. the lQth day olApril, One thou-sal d nine hundred an4 eleven.
WIIEREAS, The city of Alameda, in the county of Alameda,
state of.. OaliforI1i coptainsapopulation of Over tenthowmndinbabitants, . and has been ever s.ince the year one thousnine hundred and seven and. iSllow, organized and acting;ullder& fpeeholders ' Ghartep,adopted under and by virtue of
section eight, of art ide eleven. of theiconstitution of th stateof California , Which charter . WaJ duly ratified . by the qualifiedelectors of said city at an electionheldforthakpurllose inmanner, form and substance aJ required byll;w,l;ud IJpprovadby t4e.leg-i ll;tureofthestate of California, and \said charter
hiJsnotb(:eparnended atanythntjless than. two years jand'WHEREAS . The legislative body and. authority of the city QfAlameda, i11 AlamedacOlmty, OiJlifoJ;ia , that is to say, thecouncil Qfthedty .of Alameda , did DYl'esolution !mdprocla-mation passed. andadoptedhy said c()uncilon.. the. 7th day. ofMarch,one tho andnine hundred u11d eleven, Ilndapproyedby the mayor of said city subsequently thereto and on theiieventh day of JYlal'ch, one. th(i"Qsand nine hupdred andeleven, and pursmmt to sp,ctioneight ofl1rticleeleven of th
constitution of .. stRte of Calif oJ:nia, duly .propOse. to the
qualified . lectors . of . the said city of .AJameda, three certainamendments to the charter of the said city of Alameda , to besU))rnitted to the said qualified electors at .u.general municipalelection tote held ill said city of the tenth day of April, onet40usand nine hundred .itl!d eleven,. which. /iaid amemlmentswereal!d are in the words and figures folloWil!g,. to wit ;Amend. article nr, chapter II, sectio , relating to the offceof auditor upd asseSsor so that the fiaid section shall read J:Sfollows;
SEC. 7. An auditor shall be cleuted at the same time and inthe same mJ:nner as the mayor. . Hesb,all be Iln elector of thecity, .J:nd shall have beeUsuch for three years preceding hiselection. He
. .
shall hold offce for fom yearS. He shall ex offcio assessor. His compensation for acting in both capaci-
ties shall he a salary to be fixed by the council."
Amend article rx, chapter I , section 8 , relating to the appor-
tionment of moneys for use of the department of electricity,
so that the said section shall read as follows:
SEC. 8. All moneys apportioned by the council for use
of the department of electricity, together with all moneys
collected by the board of electricity, shall be set apart in . a
fund to be known as the electric fund , which fund shall. be
drawn on only by order of the board of electricity except as
otherwise provided in this charter; pTovided
that in making
the apportionment for the expense of lighting the public streets
and buildings of the city and for the cost of. current. for the
fire alarm system and such other public use of electric current
or supplies as may be required , the council shall apportion
an amount adequate to meet such expense . at the rates fixed
therefor and the moneys so apportioned shall be paid into the
general fund. Thereafter such moneys shall be subject only
to transfer into the electric fund upon monthly demands to
be presented by the board of electricity in the. same manner
as other demands, and to be based upon service rendered or
supplies furnished. to the various departments of the city . for
the preceding. month.
Also amend article IX , chapter I , section 14 , relating to
contracts for electric supplies so . that the said section shall
read as follows:
SEC. 14. All contracts for supplies , materials , machinery or
construction work wherc thc amount to be expended exceeds
five hundred dollars shall be advertised and awarded to the
lowest bidder , except that the board may determine to reject
an bids.
AND WHEREAS, Said proposed amendments were , and each
of them was published in a daily newspaper, printed and
published in said city, and of general circulation in said city,
to wit , the " Alameda Daily Argus " for twenty (20) days
'WHEREAS , Thereafter the said council of the city of Alameda
did, by resolution and proclamation , which was duly passed
and adopted by said council on the seventh day oflVlarch one
thousand nine hundred and eleven , ordcr the holding of a
general municipal election in said city of Alameda , in the
county of Alameda , Oalifornia , on the tenth day of April one
thousand nine hundred and eleven , (which last named day
was at least twenty days after the publication of said proposed
amendments for ten days in said daily newspaper of general
circulation in said city of Alameda , to wit , the " Alameda
Daily Argus ), and did provide in said resolution and procla-
mation for the submission of said proposed amendments to the
said charter , to the qualified electors of said city, for their rati-
fication at said general municipal election , which said resolu-
tion and proclamation was approved by the mayor of saiel city
on the seventh dav of1Vlarch. one thousand nine hundred and
eleven , and was published iil the manner and for the time
required by law; and
'WHEREAS , Said amendments were submitted as aforesaid
the qualified electors of said city, at said general municipal
election , previously duly called and thereafter held therein
(at . least twenty days after the publication of said proposals
ror ten (10) days in a daily newspaper or general circulation
in said city or Alameda , to wit, in the "Alameda Daily
.Argus ), on the tenth day of April , one thousand nine hun-
dredand eleven; and
WHEREAS , At such general municipal election more than a
majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at suchgen-
eraLmunicipal election , did vote in favor of andinravor or
the ratification of and did ratiry each and all ofsaid proposed
amendments to: said charter; and
'WHEREAS , The said council of the City of Alameda , in
county of ::Alameda , Oalifornia at a meeting thereof. held on
Monday, the seventeenth day or April , one thousand nine hun-
dred and eleven , dulyicanvassed the. returns of said election
anddulv found. determined and declared that more than a
majority of such qualified electors voting thereon. at said elec-
tion had voted ror and ratificdeach and an or the said pro-
posed amendments to said charter.
8'",',"OFO ALl F O R .N"
, .. .
This is tocertiry that we , Wiliam H. Noy, mayor of the
city: or .Alameda , and Frank . E. : Browning, clerk or the city
of : Alameda, have.. compared the foregoing proposed
and .rati-
fied amendments to the charter of the city of Alameda with the
original resolution and proclamation proposing such amend-
mcntsandsubmitting the same to the qualified electors or said
city or Alameda ata general municipal election caned for that
purpose , on Monday, the tenth day of April , onethousand
nine hundred andeleven and find that theroregoing is a run
true correct and exact copy thereof , and .we further certify
that the facts set forth in the preamble preceding said amend-
ments to said charter and the matters set forth herein , are and
each or them is true.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and
caused the corporate seal of the city of Alameda to be attached
this 7th day of January, one thousand nine hundred and thir-
W. H. Noy
:NLayoror the City or Alameda.
City Clerk or the City of Alameda.
- 6-
AND, WHEREAS, The said proposed amendments so ratifiedas hereinabove set fortll have been duly
presented and sub-mitted to the Legislature of the State of
Ol1lifornia for ap-proval or rejection , without power of alterationioramelldmentin accordance with section 8 of article XI of the constitution of
the state of Oaliornia. Now , therefore, be itResolved by the sen(J,fe of the state of Oalifornia the assem-bly thereof Concurring (a majority of all members elected toeach house voting for the adoption of this resolution apdcon-
curring therein), thl1t the said amendments to . the said charterof said city of Alameda, hereinbefore s(jt forth as presentedand submitted to and adopted and ratified by the
qualifiedelectors of said city of Alameda be , alld.the same . art; herebyapproved as a whole for, and as amendments to said charterof said city of Alameda.