1919-03-11 Charter AmendmentRESOLUT ION NO. 207.
V,tlAS, a general municipal election was held in the City of
Alameda on Tuesday, March II , 1919 , as provided by the charter of said
city and the election laws of the state , for the purpose of filling the
offices hereinafter mentioned and submitting to the electors of said city
the propositi ons hereinafter set forth
AND V,tlRES , said e1ectio was held and conducted , and the votes
thereat received and canvassed , and the returns thereon made in time . form
and manner as required by the charter and said laws
A11D WHEAS, in accordance with the provisions of said charter , the
council met on this 18th day of March , 1919 , being its next regular meeting
following said electi on , for the purpose of canvassing the returns thereof
and said returns having been received and canvassed , with the resul t as
hereinafter set forth , now therefore
First - That the offices which were filled at said general municipal
election were those of councilmen , two members being fOr the full term and
one member for an unexpired term;
- That the propositions which were submitted to the people at
said election were those hereinafter set forth;
- That the total vote cast at said electi on in all the electi
precincts provided fOr conducting the
- That the names of the for at said election and the
votes reoeived by said persons follows:
Candidate 1st 3d choice
A. Feldhamer
W. H. Nay
E. J. Probst
Henry Tank
. Latham
64 votes
Fifth - That the of the electors at
said election and the votes propositions
respectively, are as follows:
amend Section 10 , Article U..
the City Charter sO as toenfjble
the passage of an. emergenoy ordi-
nance as provided in the proposed
amendment to SectiQn14. of saidArticle, Which is set fOrth in
the next proposi Hon.
.. . ...+ " .. . .. .. .. .. . ..
; YES ; 129'1 :
NO :785 ;
....... .........
amend S ction 14 , Article II, of
the City Charter so as to pro-
vide that in case of an extra-
ordinary epidemio or disaster
an ordinanoe designed to safe-
guard the public health or safety
may be introduced and passed at
one and the same meeting without
any intervention of time between
its introduotion and passage
...... ..... ......
; YES; 1395 ;
.,..o..If" ......
; NO 749 :
t'. of'" .
.... ....
AUDITOR'S SALY. Proposition to
ame4d Section 1 , Article IV , of
the Ci ty Charter , so as to pro-
vide that the salary of the AUdi-
tor shall be fixed by the Counoil
but shall not be less than $2400.00. NO : 1412 ::per . annum.
: .. " .. ... : .. ".. .. .... :
position to amend Section 18
Article II, of the Oity Charter
which now requires the council
to call fOr bids annually for
printing and advertising, by
striking out the provisions in
respect to printing but retain-
ing the provisions in respect
to advertising.
to amend Section 20 , Article II,
of the City Charter so as to pro-
vide ,that hereafter any person
appointed to fill a vacanoy on
the Oouncil shall hold office
only until the next general elec-
tion whereupon a person shall be
elected to fill the remainder of
the unexpired term.
AUDITOR'S SALARY. Proposition to
amend Section 1 , Article IV, of
the City Charter . so as to in-
crease the salary of the Auditor
fr om $2400.00 to $3000.00 perannum.
amend Section 10 , Article IV, of
the City Ch rter. so as to provide
that the salary of the Treasurer
shall be fixed by the Council but
shall not be less than $2400.
per annum.
amend Section 10
the Ci ty Charter
crease the salary
reI' from $2400.
per annum.
Proposition toArti cle IV, of
so as to in-
of the Treasu-
to $3000.
"".. ". .'f......
: YES ;993 :
to amend section 21 , Article IV,oftheCi'ty Charter ,by striking
out the words "and valuation " so. as to provide tho t in case the
C()1lcil fails to fix the taxratethe. previous year's rate
shall be used as now provided
but not the previous year's val-uation.
:. ........"..:
; NO 984 :
""" .,.".. ........ "
'..'.'f ....
: YES : 1456
'." .......
: NO 631 :
............""".. .. ...............
: YES 723 :
..."... .."....."
: YES 633 :
" ".." '..'''''
: NO : 1540 :
" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. 4' .
""" ............
: YES:739 :
.. " " .... "-
: NO :1388:
" , . .. .. " " .. ... . .. ..
: YES :632 ;
" . .. , .. "'. .. " " '" . .. ..
: NO : 1510
. .. , "'.. , ..
ff... .. '" (1 .
.. .. .. ., '" .. .. .. ". .. .. ., .
YES 1039
: .. .. . .. ". , .. ..."
; NO 916 :
.. .. .. '" " .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. ..
Proposition to amendS ection 22
, ;
Article IV, of the City Charter : YES . 1265 :
which requires the Auditor s cer- :
tificate on contracts over$25Q.OO :......
:. . . . . :
only, thereby requiring hereafter
. Nhis cert ifica te on all oontracts
regardless of amount.If.
. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .
Now therefore , it is hereby further
RESOLVED, DETERMI D MJD DECLARE that the aforesaid Alfred atham
and E. J. Probst , respectively, having received the highest number of first
choice votes cast at said eleotion for the offices aforementioned in accord-
ance with the preferential system of voting provided in said charter , were
duly and regularly eleoted as members of the council of the City of Alameda
State of California , fOr the full term of four years from and after 8 0' clock
p. m. of the third Monday of April following the day of said election , and
until their sucoessors are elected and qualified;
And that the aforesaid W. H. NOy , having received the next higher
number of first choice votes cast thereat , in accordance with the provisions
of said charter , was duly and regularly elected a member of said council to
fill the unexpired term of George L. Dillman , resigned.
Adopted and passed by the Council this 18th day of March , 1919.
Greene Majors
Presiding Officer of the Council.
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was
duly and regularly introduced and adopted at a meeting of the City Council
the City of Alameda , held MaTCh 4th. 1919 , by the following vote , to wit;
Counoilmen Latham , Probst and President Majors , (3).
ABSE : Counoilmen Noyand Otis , (2).
IN TEST IMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto hand and affixed the official
seal of said city this 19th day of March . 1919.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
(Seal of the City of Alame da) .
I hereby oertify that the
of "Resolution No. 207.
true and correct copy
Municipal Election
held March 11. 1919", passed by City of Alameda in
regular meeting assembled on the 1919.
11010 1 OH 11 , 1919.
, the council of the City of Alameda
proposals hereinafter set forth for amending the
said proposals to be submitted at the general
held in said city on Tuesday, March 11 , 1919
desires to submit theof said cit
election to be
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that said proposed amendments be and they are
in words and figures as foll ws , to-wit:
Proposition No . 1.
That Art. Sec., be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 10. Legislati ve Acts. The enacting clause of every
ordinance passed by the council shall be in these wOl'ds: "
it ol'dained by the council of the City of Alameda.The enact-ing clause of evel'Y ordinance passed by the people shall be asfollows: "Be it ordained by the people of the City of Alameda.
No ordinance shall be so amended as not to be germane to its
purpose. No ordinance shall be passed by the councilon day of its introduction or within five days thereafter
or at any time othel' than at a regular meeting or an adjourned
regular meeting, except as provided by section fourteen of thisarticle. Every crdinance shall be signed by the officer pre-
siding at the time of its adoption , attested by the clerk and
published at least once in a newspaper published in the City
of Alameda , or advertised as hereinafter provided.
Propo tion No
. .!.
That Article II , Sec. 14 , be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 14. Time of Taking Effect of Ordinances. Except as
otherwise provided no penal ordinance or measure passed by the
council , granting any franchise or privilege , and no ordinance
or measure making or authorizing any contract , except contracts
for improvements the expenses whel'e of are to . be defrayed by localassessment, and other contracts where the subject matter involved
is of less value than one thousand dollars , shall go into effeotuntil thirty days after its final .passage. But ordinances and
contracts deolared by the council to be neCessary as emergency
measures for the immediate preservation of the public peace
health or safety, passed by a four-fifths vct of the wholecouncil and containing the reasons. for their urgency may gcinto effec:t at the will of the council , or as otherwise provided
by law; provided , that a contract in such case shall not obli-
gate the city for a longer periodthanoneyea,r; and provided
further that in case of an extraordinary epidemic. or disaster
requiring immediate action on the part ofanyo;fthe public
authorities, an urgency ordinance maybe introduced and passed
immediately at either a regular. or special meeting without anyintervention of time between its introducti on and final passage.
Proposition No
That Art. II , Sec. 18 , be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 18. Advertising. :ehe counc.i shall annually call for
bids for advertising, and a contract therefor shall be awarded
to the lowest responsible bidder;
PROVIDED , that the council may reject all bids if in their
opinion the bid of the lowest responsible bidder is exorbitant
and may again call for bids. In lieu of newspaper advertising
the council may issue and publish a bulletin containing such
matter as they al'e required by law to publish , sending the same
by mail to the l'egistered voters of the city, to their addressesas the same shall appear on the great register of Alameda County,and shall also post printed copies of such advertisement in three
public places in the City of Alameda , at least five days before
action is taken in response to said publication. Such mailingand posting shall be deemed to be of the same effect as if the
advertisement had been fully published in the official newspaper
of the city. The council shall annually designate as the officialpaper, a newspaper of general oirculation published in this city,
which shall have been established at least one year. In no eventshall the rate for official advertising exceed the usual rate
charged by the paper for publishing legal notices.
lio. 4.
That Art" ;:eo" 20 , he amended to read as f'olloy,rs:
See" 20" Vacancies in the Council" Any
the oounej 1 shall be fillei', by majority vote ofoou.oilmen.
however , thatshall
which time a
of such
Vii thinthe 8:uc1i tor
hereafter to
until the next
shall beterm.. In case of
a boardcollector
fill such a
eral municipal
to serve for thefailure of the c ou.cil toconsisting policeshall, by majority vote , make
ProDositions Nos . Q
That Art. IV , Sec'. 1 be amended to read as follows:
Section 1 i tor. i tor shall be elected at thegeneru.l election. He shall hold office for fourand his successor is elected and qualified. ex-officio assessor. His compensation for scting inboth esp/wi ti es shall be fixed the council , but shall not beless than two thousand four dollars annum. He mayone or more deputies , for whose acts and his bondsmbe responsible.
Or that said section be amended t c read as follows:
Section 1. Auditor. An auditor shall be elected at thegeneral election. He shall hold office for fouryears, and his successor is elected and qualified. shall be ex-officio assessor. His for acting inboth caDaci ties shall be three dollars arilum.He may appoint one or more deputies whose he and hisbondsmen shall be responsible.
Nos . 2. and
That Art. IV , Sec. 10 , be amended to read as fOllows;
Sec. 10. Treasuror. treasurer shall elected at thegeneral eleot He shall hold offioe for four
his successor is elected and aualified.
be ex-officio tax collector. His compensati on forcapacities shall be fixed the council , but shalltwo thousand four dollars per arilum. Heone or more deputies , for whose acts he and his bonds-be resDonsible.
said section be amended to read as follows:
treasurer shall be elected
He shall hold office for
his successor is elected and qualified.
tax collector. His compensation for act-
shall be three thousand dollars per annum.
cleputies , for whose acts he and his
Proposition lio
That Art. IV , Sec. 21 , be amended to read ae follows:
council fail to fix the tax rate wi thinthen the previous year's rate shall beadopted.
Proposition Ho
That Art. IV , Sec. 22 , be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 22. No contract made , the of the execution ofwhich is not law or to bements upon be benefi tea , shall or offorce unless auditor shall endorse thereon his certificate
there remains unexpended and as hereinbDlance of the on or applicable cient to the e of executing sucp contractas the making the same.
done or supplies
to him if
amount so
and thereafter he shall
expenses incurred until the
such contract
making the contract
such sum to pay the
shall be fully performed.
that the be and he hereby directed to amendments once in The Evening Times-
Star and /clameda o:f general circulation pub-lished and also have o:f said amend-ments printed in convenient form , and shall the date fixedfor the election upon such advertise in aforesaid newspapera notice that such copies may be had his office upon application therefor.He shall also print a and sufficient synopsis of said amendments uponthe sample ballots official bellots to be used at said election , asrequired by law.
Adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda , this 28th dayof January, 1919.
Frank Otis
Presiding Officer of the Council.
, the IDldersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was
duly and regularly intro duced adopted at a meeting of the City Council
of the City of Alameda , held January 28th , 1919 , by the following vote:
AYES:Councilmen Latham , Noyand otis. (3)
Oouncilman Probst and President Majors , (2).
IN TES'j;IMOHY , 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
o:ffici21 ueal of ci ty this 29th day of 1919.
R. E. Bosshard
Ci ty Clerk of the Oity of Alameda
(Seal of the Oi ty of Alameda)
I hereby certify that the forego ing is e and correct copy
of "Resolution No. 185.Submi tting Oouncil fOr
Amending the Oharter of the City of Alameda
General Municipal Electi on March 11
upon at the
Oouncil of the
City of Alameda in regular meeting 1919.
of the Oi ty of Alameda,