1920-08-31 Charter AmendmentRESOLUTION NO. 316. SUBMITTING CERTAIN PROPOSALS BY THE COUNCIL FOR lHiE!/DING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALJJ,llDA, SAID PROPOSALS TO BE VOTED UPON AT A SPECIAL ELEC- TION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON AUGUST 31, 1920, ;;, REREAS, the Council of the City of ..Ua-meda desires to submit the nroposals herei nafter set forth for amending the charter of said ci ty, said proposals to be submitted at a special election to be held in said city on Tuesday, August 31, 1920 THREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED as follows: Secti on 1.A special election is hereby called and'ordered to be held in le Ciof Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, August 31, 1920 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city certain pro- posed amendments to the charter of said city, in words and figtres as follows to-wit: PROPOS ITION No. That a new section be added to the Charter to be designated as Sec. 18-a of Chapter III, Article IV, to read as follows: Sec. 18-a. The dollar limit specified in Sec. 18 of this Article shall not include salaries of employees of the school department. PROPOSITION NO. That a new section be added to the Charter to be designated as Sec. of Chapter III, Article IV, to read as follows: Sec. 18-b. The dollar limit specified in Sec. 18 of this Arti cle shall not include salaries of members of the fire department. PROPOSITION NO. That Section 7 of Article XIV be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7. The improverrnt, widening and opening of s't):€)etsandall matters not specified in this charter sha.llbe done and assessments therefor levied, in con- :fp:ritywithand under the authority conferred by gen-er!jJ.J.a.w, with the exception of the construction or re-pla..cement. of sidewalks; curbs and gut ters ,and. the con- !'ction of sewers, whichirnprovement, replacement or construction, maybe made by ordinance of the council of the City of Alameda and the c cst thereof, in whole orin part, paid for out of the city treaBuI" or assessed on the prope rty benefited. PROPOSITION NO. That Section 1 of Chapter I, Article IV, be amended to read as follows: Seotion L AUDITOR. An auditor shall be eleoted at the general municipal election. He shall hold office for four years '. and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be ex officio assessor. His com- pensation for acting in both oapaci ti es shall be fixed by the counci1. He may appoint one or more deputies, for whose. acts he and his bondsrrn shall be responsible. PROPOSITION NO, 5. That Section 10 of Chapter II, Article IV, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10. TREAS1EER. A treasurer shall be elected at the general municipal election. He shall hold office forfoUJ years, and until his. successor is elected and qualified. He s!:llbe ex officio tax collector. His compensation for acting in both capacities shall be fixed by the counci1. He may appoint one or more deputies, for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITION NO. That Section 22 of Article II be amended to read as fellows: Sec, 22, The coun il shall not sell or convey any portion of any water front or tidelands. No lease or sale of real estate shall be authorized by the council exceTt by ordinance 1'8. ssed by the affirmative vote of four-fi fths of all the memb er s 8-11d no lease shall be made for a period longer than twenty-five years; pro- vided, however, the council by affirmative vote of fow- fifths of all the members may authorize leases of the citys waterfront or ti delands for twenty-five years with the right of renewal for a further term not ex- ceeding twenty-five years, in acccrdance with the pro- visions of the statute by which said waterfront and tidelands were granted to the oity. 110 ordinance for the lease or sale of real estate or for the lease of water front rights or tidelands by the council shall take effect within si;ry da's from the date of passage. Sec. 2.'rhe special election hereby called and ordered to be held shall be heldand conducted, the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returJJ thereof made and the result thereof ascertained, determined and de- clared as herein pr ov ided, am in all arti culars not recited herein. according to the laws of the state of California providing for and governing elections in the City of Alameda and the polls for such election shall be and remain open dur- ing the time required by said laws. See" The election precincts for the holding of said special elec- tion shall be the same as those establishe d by the Board of Supervisors of Ala- meda County for the hclding of state and c oun~ elections, and the polling places for said precincts and the election officers thereof shall be the same as those appointed for the conduct of the priilry election to be held on said day. The City Clerk is hereby directed to procure all s1Jplies that may be necessary to properly and lawfully conduct said election. The City Clem is a1 so directed to publish theproposed Argu, a daily amendmen ts once in th e Evening Times-Star and Alameda newspaper o; general circulation published andsaid ci~; he shall also ha ve oopies of said amendments printed inform, and shall, until the day fixed for the election upon in the foregoing newspaper a notice that such . advertise had at his office upon application therefor.He shall al so WintSQfficient synopsis of sai d amndments upon the s at said eleotion, as required by law. s to be used Adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda this 20th day of July, 1920. Frank Otis Presi ding Officer of the Counoil. I, the undersigaed, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularlY introduced and adopted at a meeting Of the council Of the City of Alameda held Tuesda; evening, July 20th, 1920, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen AdaS, Latham Probst, Tilden and President Otis (5) . NOES:None. ABSENT: None. IN TESTDOlIT EEREOF, I have hereunto sethaid and affixed th official seal of said ci ty this 21st day of July, 1920. E. Varcoe, (Seal of the ) . I hereby certi:f that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Hosolution He. 316.Submitting Certain l'ropose.ls by the Council for Amendthe Charter of the City of Alameda, said Proposals to be voted upon at a special election to be held in said ci on August 31, 1920 passedthe council of tr.e City of A.lameda in their regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of July, 1920. REgQLUTION NO. 326. DEOLARING RESULT OF SPEOIAL ELECTION HED AUGUST 31, 1920. WnEREAS, a special election was held in the City of Alameda on Tuesday, August 31, 1920, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city the certain proposed amendments to the charter of said city which are here- inafter set forth, AND WHEREAS, said special election was held and conducted and the votes thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made in time, form and manner as required by the laws and ordinances of said ci~. AND WHRES, in aooordance with the prov is ions of said oharter, the oounoil met on this 7th day of September, 1920, being its next reguar meeting following said election, for the purpose of canvassing the returns thereof, and said returns having been reoeived and canvassed, and the result thereof having been asoertained as he reinafter set forth, now therefore IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED,DETERlNED AND DECLAD, as follows: First- That the total vot e oast at said special election in all the election precinots provided for within said city for conduoting the same was 5696. Seoond- That the propositions submitted to a vote of the electors at said special election, and the vote cast within said oity for and against said propositions, respeotively, are as follows: PROPOSITION NO. That a new seotion be added to the Charter to be designated as Sec. l8-a of Ohapter III, Article IV, to read as follows: Seo. 18-a. speoified in Sec. shall not include ees of the school The dollar limit 18 of th is Arti cle salaries of employ- department. . .. . . . 8 . " " . " " " . YES . 327'1. : " NO' : ' Hag: . .. . . . o. .. . . . . . . . PROPOS IT ION NO. That a new section be added to the Charter to be designated as Sec. 18- Ohapter III, Article to read as follows: Sec. 18-b. The dollar limit speoified in Sec. 18 of this Artiol-e shall not inolude salaries of mem- bers of the fire department. ."..".. . . YES . 3188. . " NO' : ' 2i99'. . 0. . .. . ".. . . PROPOSITION NO. That Section 7 of Article XIV be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7. The improvement, widen- ............. ing and opening of streets and all matters not specified in this char- ter, shall be dona and assessments therefor levied, in oonformity with and UIder the authority conferred by general law, with the exception of the construotion or replacement of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and the constructi on of s ewers, which improvement, replacement or conatruc- tion, may be made by ordinance of the oOUIc11 of the City of Alameda and the cost thereof, in whole or in part , . paid for out of the city treasury or assessed on the property benefited. . YE .2805 . . ,; " " " .. .. '" " " " . " NO '2110 . ............. PROP OS IT ION NO. That Section 1 of Chapter I, Article IV, be 8Iended to read as follows: Section 1. AUDITOR. An AUditor....,..,..... shall be elected at the general muni-cipal election. He shall hold office for four years, and until his success or : YES :1623 is elected and qualified. He shall be . ex officio assessor. His compensation . for acting in both capaci ties shall be fixed by the council. He may appoint one or more deputies, for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. . ., ........ .. NO :3241 : PROPOSITION NO. That Sectio10 of Chapter II, Article be emended to read as follows: Sec. 10. TREASURER. A treasurer.............shall be elected at the general muici- , pal election. He shall hold office for four .yeers and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be .ex offici 0 tax collector. His compen- ..,.......... sationfor acting in both capacities shall be f:ie d by the council. He may, appoint one or more deputies, for whose. NO :3203 : acts he and his bondsmen shall be re- spons ible. YES )619 .............. PROPOS IT ION NO. That Section 22 of Article II be amended to read as follows: Sec. 22. The council shall not ............. sell or convey any portion of any water.front or tidelands. No lease or sale of real e stat e shall be authoriz ed by the counoil except by ordinance passed by the affinnati ve vote of four-fifths. YES ,2490 .of all the members and no lease shall be made for a period longer than twenty- five years; proyided, however, the coun- eil by affirmative vote of four-fifths of all the members may authori ze leases,oithe ei~ 's waterfront or tidelands "'" ." .. ' for twenty-five yeal's with the right of . reIl.ewa.lfor a furthertEjrm notexeeedin. t"leIlty..five years, ina.ccordance with provisionf3. of the statute by which . NO 2320 said waterfront andticle1a.nds were grant..edtothecity. No ordinance for the lease or sale of real estate or for the. 1ee.seofwat er front rights or tidelands.by the council shall take effect within . s :ity days from the date of passage. . . , . . ... . . . . .. - That there were forty-two (42) election precincts established within said city for the purpose of holding and conducting said special eleotion, and that the vote in each cf said precincts on the aforesaid propositions was as follows: PropositionPro'Posi tionPropositionPropositionPropos it i 011Proposition No.No.No.No.No.No. Yes.No.Yes.No.Yes.No.YesNo.Yes.No.Yes.No. Precinct No. No. Nc.109100 No.108108 No. No.106105 No.!i8 No.108103 No. No.146174114110106128 No. No. No. No.109108 No.115'10 No. No.1'1'13'13 No.7'1105104 No.101 No. No.115104 No. No.104 No. No.112 No. No. No.62. No. No. No.157111121105 No.103105'74 No. No. No. No.'70 No.3'1 No.'14'15 No.119118106 No.'14 No.3'1 No. Nowthereforeis here'Pyfurther RESOLVED,DETERMINED.AND.. DECLA.thatamaj orityall t heelectors theCityof Alameda voting in saidspe cialelection up on the a.fore saidPropositions Nos.andvoted in favorof amending the charter .of saidcityaccord- anceWithsaidpropositions,wherefore upon the ratification of saidamendments the I.egislatur etheStateCal iforIiia, the charter of . theCityAlamedashall deeme damendedaccordancewith the prov.:iionsof said propositi ons. I, the undersigned, hereby certifythattheforegoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted at a meeting of the council of the City of Alameda held Tuesday evening, September 7th, 1920, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES:Councilmen Adams, Latham and :!obst, (3). NOES:None. ABSENT: Councilmen Tilden and l'residentQtis, (2). IN TESTIMOIIT WHREOF, I have hereunto setrn hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 8th day of September, 1920. VI. E. Varcoe City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of the City of Alam da). I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 326.Declaring Result of Special Election held August 31, 1920" passed by the council of the City of Alam da in their regular meeting assembled on the 7th day of September, 1920. Clerk of theCity of Alameda.