1930 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2FRANK C, JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE ROBERT V. JORDAN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE FRANK H. CORY CHARLESJ. HAGERTY DEPUTIES STATE OF CALIFORNIA jp.ep artm.enfi. f taf. I, FRANK C. JORDAN, Secretary a/State of the State of Cali fomi a do hereby certify that have carefully compared the transcript, to which this certificate is attached, with the record on file in my offce of which it purports to be a copy, and that the same is a full, true and Correct copy thereof. Jfurther certify that this authenticatiolz is in due form and by the proper offcer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have. hereuntosetmy hand and have caused the Great Seal of California to. be. affxed hereto Secetary oiStatc Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. Adopted in Assembly January 12 , 1931. Adopted in Senate January 14 , 1931. This resolution was received by the Governor day D. 1931 Assembly Concurrent Resol1d1:on 2-Approving amend- ments to the cItadel' of the city of Alameda , after dueratification by a majority of the qualified voters of saidcity. at an election held the1'ein on the fourth day of Novmnber, 1930, -4- PROPOSITION NO. That Section 13 of Chapter II, Article IV of the Charter ofthe City of Alamedabe amended to read follows:Sec. IS-Tax and liccmse collector. and license col-lector he shall. perform such duties as prescribed by thischarter, by ordinance and by general law. PROPOSITION No. They shall hold a regular meeting on the evening of the secondWednel'day of each month at eight o clock in the offce of the Department of Public Utilities , and shall hold such other meetings as they shall determine. PROPOSITION NO. Article XII of the Charter of the City of Alameda to "Alcoholic Liquors " be repealed. PROPOSITION NO. 8. 'l'he returns of said election were , in accordancewith the law in such cases made and provided , duly and regu-canvassed and certified and it was duly fonnd andthe offcers thereunto duly and properly or the qualified electors of said voted for and ratified all of saidamendmcnts to said as follo", to wit: PROPOSITION NO.1 of Article IV of the Oharter of theCity or Alameda be aliicndcd 10 read as follows:Sec. I-Auditor. An auditor shall be elected at the generalmunicipal election. He shall hold offce for four years and unti his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be ex-offcio assessor and redemption clerk. His compensation for all serv-ices he may render the shall be fixed by the Oouncil andnot be less than three thousand six hundred d perannum. He may appoint one or more deputies for wh actshe and his bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITION No. That Section 10 of Chapter II ,. Article IV of the Charter ofthe City of Alameda be amendedJo read as follows:Sec. lO-Treasurer. A treasurer shall be elected at the general municipal election. He sharI hold offce for four yearsand until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall beex-offcio tax and license collector. His compensation for allservices he may render the city I'hall be fixed by the Counciland shall not be less than three thousand six hundred dollarsper annum. He may appoint one or more deputies for whoseacts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITION No.That 13 of Chapter II , Article IV or the Charter ofthe Oity of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 13-'l'ax and collector. As tax and license col-lector he shall perform such duties as are prescribed by thischarter, by ordinance and by generalla\v. PROPOSITION NO. That Section 16 of Ohapter III , Article IV of the Charter ofthe City of Alameda be amended to read as follows:Sec. 16-City Manager to estimate expenses. On or beforethe first Tuesday in August in each year the Qity ManagershaJl transmit to the Council an estimate of the expenses of the city government for the ensuing fiscal year , stating the amountrequired to meet the interest and sinking fund for all out- standing funded debts , and the wants of all departments , in detail, showing specifically the amount necessary to be appor-tionedtoeachfund in the treasury; also an estimate of the income from. fines, licenses and other sources of revenue exclusive .. of taxes on property; also the probable amountrequired to. be levied and raised by taxation. PROPOSITION NO. of the Charter follows: a mem bero! the City or No. of the City or Alameda OPOSITION No. That Article XlIlimd Article XIV of the Charter of theCity of Alameda be amended so that the same shall readrespectiyelyArticle XII and rticJ e XIII.and WU1DREA,Theforegoing is a full , true and correct copy of said proposals. or . amendments to the charter of the City of Alameda ratified by the electors of said City, as aforesaid, on file in the offce of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda In witness whereof , Vietor L. Sehaefer, Mayor of said City, and W. E. Varcoe , City Clerk, have hereunto set their hands and caused the eorporate seal of the City of .Aameda to be hereunto duly fixed , on the third day of January, 1931. VICTOR L. SCHAEFER Mayor of the City of .Aameda. \V. E. V ARCOE City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (SEAL J and WHEREAS, The said proposed amendments are now sub- mitted to the Legislature of the State California for approval or rejeetion without power of a tion or amend- ment in aceordance with section 8 , article of the eonstitu- tion of the State of California; now , therefore , be it Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, a major-ity of all the members eleeted to each house voting therefor and eoncurring therein, That said amendments to the saidcharter herein set forth as presented and ratified by the qualified eleetors of said ci and the same are hereby approved as a whole , witho endment or alteration, for and as amendments to , and as part of the charter of said eity of Alameda. Speaker of the Assembly Presidlmt of the Se nate . Attest: Secretary of State