1935 Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 24FRANK H.CORY CHARLES J. HAGERTY DEPUl'lES , : FRANK C. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE ROBERT V. JORDAN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA patfntInf pf Z;fah Secretary of State of the State of California the tra;nscriPt, to which this offce of which it purports copy thereof. further by the proper offcer. my hand and have caused to be affxed hereto Secretary of State 14045 7-34 10M CALIFORN.iA STATE PRINTING OFFICE Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 24. Senate April 8, 1935 of the clerk STArrE OF OOUNTY 0I CITY OF AllAMEDA. in the is now and at all hundred and less and has ever since the 25th and is nowand , ch11rt(jr undCl'virtue of Article XI of the of the State of which charter was ratified by the ejectors said at an ejection held for that on the 9th of and by the of the State of Oalifornia a concurrent resolu-the of the of 1917, page the of the Constitution of the of the lative own submitted a certaiu for the amendment of the said to be on by the electors of said election cal1eu and for that on the 12th of March which proposal as Proposal No. L to resolution duly adopted of Alameda the said WILUAlvr F. and D. IIil\mR and declare as - Ll- ment was and advertised in accordance with the provisions Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California, on the 28th day or the Alameda Times-Star , a daily newspaper of circu-lation in said City or Alameda , and the offcial news- and in each edition thereof the day chartcr amendment were printed and in or not less than ten and an advertisement that thereof could be had therefol' at the offce of the Clerk of thein said Alameda eirf'1l:1tion in said and on each untilfor said all asArticle Xl the Constitution ofState Calirornia.That of said proposed charter amendment could behad therefor at the offce or said City Clerkuntil for the said speeial election. That the of the of i\lameda , being the tive body of said City, by its resolution No. 1902 , did order the of a special election ror the purpose or submitting tothe electors of said said proposal to amend the Charter of said City, pursuant to the provisions 01 Section 8, Article XI of the Constitution of the Staje of Calirornia , on the 12th day of March , 1935 , in said City or said day being at least rorty days after the completion the advertising or the proposed charter amendment in said offcial newspaper of said city, and not more than sixty days after the completion of said advertising, and did provide in said resolu- tion for the submission of the proposed amendments to the charter of said to the qualified electors of said City for their ratjfication at such special election. That thereafter said special election was duly and regularly held on Tuesday, March 12 , 1935 , and the City Council of said City or Alameda did , in the manner provided by lawduly and canvass the returns or said election , and did , on the or ::1arch , 1935 , by Resolution No. 1914 duly declare and certify the result of said special election as determined rrom the canvass of the returns thereor. That at said election a majority of the electors voting on said proposal to amend the Charter of said City or Alameda voted in favor thereof , and the said City Councilof said did said resolution No. 1914 , find , determine and declare that said proposed amendment to the Charterof the of being said Proposal No., was ratified or the qualified electors or said Oity voting rhat said amendment to the Charter so ratified by the quali-fied of the or Alameda, at saidspecialelectioll, is in words and as rollows, to-wit: NO. DYER of the City of Alameda. amendment has beeuand is of the State of California whole, without power.ofaltera- with section 80f Article XI of California; now therefore California, the Assem-or the members elected concurring therein, That herein set forth, as submitted of said city, be, and the without alteration or as part of, .the 8 - ...