1970 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 185Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 185
Adopted in Assembly July 27 , 1970
7,4/yE5 2)K/.5C'dL
Chief Clerk of the Assembly
Adopted in Senate August 7 , 1970
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Secretary of the Senate
This resolution was received by the Secretary of State this
i___day OL__
, 1970 , aL_
Sd ///11/9
------------------------------------' ,
Secretary of State
It is hereby certifed:
That the annexed transcript has been compared with the RECORD on fie my
offce , of which it purports to be a copy, and that the same is full , true and correct.
1 3
Dated : -----_u ----_u_-- _U_h -- ---- - - - - h - - - - - - - - - - - - h
- ---.
H. P. Sullivan, Secretary of State
Deputy Secretary of State
Assembly Concurrent Resol dion No. 185-Approving amend-
ments to the Charter of the City of Alameda , State of Cali-
fornia, ratified by the qualified electors of the city at a spe-
cial municipal charter amendment election consolidated with
the state direct p1'imary election held therein on the second
day of 1970.
WHEREAS , Proceedings have been taken and had for the pro-
posal , adoption , and ratification of amendments to the Charter
of the Oity of Alameda, a municipal corporation in the Oounty
of Alameda , State of California , as hereinafter set forth in the
eertificate of the mayor and city clerk of the city, as follows:
State of Oalifornia 1
Oounty of Alameda ss.
Oity of Alameda
\Ve , the undersigned , Terry LaOroix , Jr., Mayor of the Oity
of Alameda , and Irma L. Nelson , Oity Olerk of the City of Ala-
meda , do hereby certify and declare as follows:
That the City of Alameda , a municipal corporation in the
County of Alameda , State of California , now is and at all times
herein mentioned was a city containing a population of more
than three thousand five hundred (3 500), and ever since the
5th day of May, 1937 has been and is now organized , existing
and acting under a freeholders ' charter adopted under and
by virtue of Section 8 of Article XI of the Oonstitution of the
State of California , which charter was duly ratified by the
qualified electors of said City at an election held for that pur-
pose on the 29th day of April , 1937 , and approved by the Leg-
islature of the State of Oalifornia by concurrent resolution
fied with the Secretary of State on the 5th day of May, 1937
(Statutes of 1937 , page 2880).
That in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of Arti-
cle XI of the Constitution of the State of California , the Ooun-
cil of the City of Alameda , being' the legislative body thereof
on its own motion by Resolution No. 7598 , adopted on March
luly and regularly submitted to the qualified electorssaid one proposal to amend the Charter of the Oity of
Alameda and to be voted on by said qualified electors at a
special municipal charter amendment election by said Reso-
lution called for said purpose in said Oity on the 2nd day of
June , 1970 , and consolidated with the Primary Election of the
State of Oaliornia held on said date.
The said proposal was published and advertised , in aecord-
ance with the provisions of Section 8 of Article XI of the
Constitution of the State of California and in accordance with
the provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, on the
20th day of April , 1970 , in the Alameda Times-Star , a news-
paper of general circulation published daily except Sunday
in the said Oity of Alameda and the offcial newspaper of said
City, and in each edition thereof during said day of publica-
The said Oouncil caused a copy of said proposal to be
printed in convenient pamphlet form and in type of not less
than ten-point, and caused copies thereof to be mailed to each
of the qualified electors of said City, and , beginning on May
, 1970 , advertised in said Alameda Times-Star daily, except
Sunday, until the day fixcd for said election , a notice that
copies of said proposal could be had on application therefor
the offce of the Oity Olerk of said and that printed copies
of said proposal were on hand and could be had on application
therefor at said offce of said Oity Olerk from May 4 , 1970
up to and including the day fixed for said election.
The said special municipal charter amendment election of
the City of Alameda , consolidated as aforesaid , v;rs duly
called , held and conducted in the time , form and manner re-
quired by the Oharter of the said City and by law on said 2nd
day of June , 1970 , which day was not less than forty (40) and
not more than sixty ( days after the completion of said
publication and advertisement of said proposal in said Ala-
meda Times-Star.
That the Council of said City of Alameda did , in the man-
ner provided by law , duly and regularly canvass all ballots cast
at said special municipal charter amendment election of the
City of Alameda , consolidated as aforesaid. and did , by Resolu-
tion No. 7644 duly adopted on ,July 7 , 1970 , duly find and de-
clare that a majority of the qualified voters voting on said pro-
posal voted in favor thereof and that said proposal to amend
the Charter of said Oity was said vote 9 209
yes , and 4,147 "
That a majority of the qualified voters voting on said pro-
posal voted in favor of the ratification of and did ratify said
proposal to amend said Charter of said Oity.
That said Charter amendment so ratified by the majority of
the qualified voters of said City voting at said special munici-
pal charter amendment election is in the words and figures
following, to-wit:
- 5-
Charter Measure
By adopting new Sections 2-1.1 of Article II , and 3-1.1 of
Article III of said Charter , which read as follows:
Sec. 2-1.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Oharter to the contrary, the matters contained in this Section
shall be controlling as to the offce of the Mayor. Oommencing
April 20 , 1971 , and thereafter , the Mayor shall be an elective
offcer of the City, and shall hold offce for a term of four
years , and until his successor is elected or appointed and
qualified , unless sooner removed from offce pursuant to Arti-
cle XX of this Oharter or otherwise. The method of nomination
and election of the Mayor shall be as provided in this Charter
for the nomination and election of other elective offcers of
the Oity. The offce of Mayor shall be a separate offce and be
arranged on a ballot in a separate column and shall be first in
order of arrangement. Eligibility for offce of Mayor shall
consist of the qualifications set forth in this Oharter for other
elective offcers. The provisions of this Charter which provide
for the manner of selecting a candidate to fill offce in the
event of a tie vote shall apply to the offce of Mayor. A
vacancy in the offce of Mayor shall be filled in the manner set
forth in Section 2-7 of this Charter. The 1'I'fayor shall receive
a monthly compensation of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00),
payable at the time and in the manner as fixed by the Oouncil
and shall be in addition to that provided in Sections 2-4 and
4. The intent of this section is hereby declared to be only
to make the Mayor an elective offcer of the Oity and to pro-
vide the compensation therefor , as set forth herein. Except to
the extent they are inconsistent with the provisions of this
section , other provisions of this Charter relating to the Mayor
shall apply to the Mayor provided for by this section.
Sec. 3-1.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Oharter to the contrary, this section shall control as to the
matters herein contained. Oommencing April 20 , 1971 , the
Oouncil shall consist of the Mayor and four Oouncilmen , elected
in the manner set forth in Section 2-1 and elsewhere in this
Charter. Prom and after such date , all provisions of this
Oharter which are inconsistent with the provisions of this
section shall be deemed amended or repealed whichever is
' ,
And we , and each of us , further certify that we have com-
pared the foregoing proposed and ratified amendments to the
Oharter of the City of Alameda with the original proposal
submitting the same to the electors of said City und find that
the foregoing is a full , true and correct copy of said amend-
- 6-
The foregoing proposed and ratified amendments to the
Charter of the Oity or Alameda is hereby submitted to the
Legislature of the State of Oalifornia for approval or rejec-tion as a whole without power of alteration or amendment in
accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of Article XI or
the Constitution of the State or Oalifornia. As to said amend-
ments , this certificate shall be taken as a full and complete
certification of the regularity or all proceedings had and done
in connection therewith.
And we , and eaeh of us , submit as attachments hereto , pur-
suant to Section 62 of the Elections Code of Oalifornia , true
correct and certified copies of the following:
(a) All publications and notices required by Section 8 or
Article XI or the Oonstitution or by the laws of the State of
Oalirornia in connection with an election to amend a citv
charter, all as rererred to hereinabove in this certification. v
(b) Any arguments for or against (there being one argu-
ment ror and none against) the proposed amendments to a
charter which were mailed , as aforesaid , to voters pursuant
to Section 5012 or said Elections Oode.
(c) An abstract of the vote at the election at which the
proposed amendments to said Oharter were approved by the
In witness whereof , we have hereunto set our hands and
caused the seal of the Oity or Alameda to be affxed hereto this
10th day of July, 1970.
Mayor of the Oity of Alameda
City Olerk of the City of Alameda
WHEREAS , The proposed amendments to the charter , asadopted and ratified as hereinabove set forth, have been andnow are duly submitted to the Legislature of the State of
Oalifornia for approval or rejection , as a whole without power
of alteration or amendment. in accordance with Section 3 (a)
of Article XI or the Oonstitution of the State of California;
now, therefore , be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the
Senate thereof concu1'r1:17g, a majOJ'ity of all the members
elected to each h01cse voting therefor and c01lGurring therein
That the amendments to the Charter of the Oitv of Alameda.
as proposed to , and adopted and ratified by, ihe electors orthe city, as hereinabove fully set forth , are hereby approved
as a whole , without alteration or amendment , for and as
amendments to , and as part of , the Oharter of the City or
III the ol1;oe of the Soo:etary of Stote
of the Stote of Colifornia
G ,
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Speaker of the Assembly
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P1'esident of the Senate
S;y j/ /j A
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Secretary of State