1976-06-08 Measure J - RecallPROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND ARGUMENTS to be voted upon by the voters SPECIAL MUNICIPAL CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION CONSOLIDATED WITH PRIMARY ELECTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA JUNE 8, 1976 (Arguments in support of or opposition to the proposed amendments are the opinion of the authors) If you wish to receive a Spanish translation of this pamphlet, please complete and mati the enclosed request. Si Ud. quiere recibir una traduccion espanola de este panfleto favor Ilenar la solicitud y echarla al correa. 12. By amending Section 20-2 to read: Sec.20-2. The provisions of the Elections Code and the Constitution of the State of California relating to the recall of elected officials shall govern the recall of all officials elected pursuant to this Charter. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter or in any ordinance enacted by the affirmative vote of four members of the Council, the provisions and procedures provided in the Elections Code and the general law of the State of California , now in effect and as hereafter amended or codified, for recall elections in chartered cities and municipalities generally, and in all respects not so provided, then the present and future provisions of said codes or laws governing County recall elections generally, insofar as they may be applicable, shall govern all recall elections in this City. The Council and the City Clerk , -respectively, shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposed by law on Boards of Supervisors and County Clerks, respectively, concerning recall elections. (Effect: Would amend this section in its entirety to permit the use of general law (State Elections Code) for recall proce dings. 13. By repealing Sections 20-3 through 20-27. (Effect: Would repeal Sections 20-, 20-, 20-, 20-, 20-, 20-, 20-20-10, 20- 20-20-20-20-20-16,20-20-, 20-19, 20-20, 20-, 20-, 20-, 20- 20-, 20-26 and 20-27 of the Charter. 14. By amending Section 13-3 to read: Sec. 13-3. Any member of the Police or Fire Department who has been granted permanent status under the Civil Service rules of the City, shall if dismissed, have the right to appeal to the Civil Service Board, which shall have the power to hear the charges and determine the penalty. The procedure for such appeal shall be determined by the Civil Service Ordinance, or in default thereof , by the Civil Service Board. (Effect: Would delete "shall have been in the service of the City for three years " and replace that language with' 'has been granted permanent status under the civil service rules of the City, 15. By repealing Article XXIV (Effect: Would repeal Article XXIV of the Charter in its entirety. 16. By amending Section 3-14 to read: Sec. 3-14. Before final adoption of an ordinance, its title, a digest thereof , a notice showing the date , time, and place of hearing on its final adoption, and notice that three full copies thereof are available for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk, shall be published once in the official newspaper of the City at least three days befDre said hearing date. Notice of the adoption of an emergency ordinance, its title, and a digest thereof shall be similarly published once within three days after its adoption. (Effect: Would replace existing language of Sec. 3-14 with above language. Sec. 3-14 now reads: "All ordinances shall be published once in the official newspaper within three days after the same shall have been finally passed. " The Council of the City of Alameda hereby proposes to and does hereby on its own motion submit to the qualified electors of said City at a Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election to be held in said City on Tuesday, June 8 , 1976 (which said election will be consolidated with the Primary Election of the State of California to be held on June 8 , 1976), the following proposals to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda, in the manner hereinabove specifically set forth , as follows: AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA MEASURE F Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended and clarified to make its various provisions consistent with a previously approved Charter amend- ment which created a directly elected Mayor, to make "Vice President" read Vice Mayor," and to make the provisions calling for special City Council meetings consistent with state law? Said amendments will be accomplished by amending Sections 2-, 3-7 (A) and (B) and 6-2 of said Charter, all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 8502 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE G Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended and clarified to make its various provisions consistent with a previously approved Charter amend- ment which created a directly elected Mayor and to change the City Auditor and City Treasurer from elected positions to positions appointed by the Council? Said amendments will be accomplished by amending Sections 2- and 2-2 of said Charter, all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 8502 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE H Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to permit the Council to adopt a budget and fix the tax rate prior to the third Tuesday in September , to use an appropriate percentage rather than three percent for delinquencies on the assessment roll and to repeal the provision requiring payment for copying public records? Said amendments will be accomplished by amend- ing Section 17-4 and repealing Section 22"6 of said Charter, all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 8502 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE I Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide for the use of state general law procedures for City elections? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Sections 2-6, 2-8 and 19-2 and repealing Sections 19-, 19-5, 19-6, 19-, 19-, 19-9, 19-10, 19-, 19-, 19- and 19-16 of said Charter , all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 8502 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE J Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide for the use of state general law procedures for recall elections? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Section 20-2 and repealing Sections 20-20- 20-5, 20-6, 20-, 20-, 20-, 20-10, 20-, 20-12, 20-, 20-14, 20- 20-16,20-20-20-19,20-20-20-, 20-, 20-, 20- 20-26 and 20-27 of said Charter , all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 8502 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE K Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to permit police and fire department personnel the right to appeal after dismissal once they have attained permanent civil service status? Said amendment will be accom- plished by amending Section 13-3 of said Charter , all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 8502 of the Council of the City of Alameda. YES YES \-= ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE J This proposed Charter amendment will repeal the outdated City Charter sections related to recall elections , and would substitute the provisions of the State Elections Code and the California Constitution. The present Charter recall provisions were adopted in 1937 and do not conform to state law. These provisions are unnecessary, contain excessive out of date language , and can create confusion when one attempts to determine the law pertinent to recall elections. A favorable vote for Measure J will eliminate confusion and ambiguity in having outdated and inapplicable election language in the City Charter , bring it in line with current state law, and delete unnecessary language from the Charter. YOU ARE URGED TO VOTE. MAYOR C. J. "CHUCK" CORICA VICE-MAYOR GEORGE W. BECKAM , JR. COUNCILMAN ANNE B. DIAMENT COUNCILMAN LLOYD E. HURWIT COUNCILMAN RICHARD H. SHERRATT ARGUMENT IN FAVOR Of MEASURE K This proposed Charter amendment provides that any member of the Police or Fire Department who has obtained permanent civil service status shall , if dismissed, have the right to appeal to the Civil Service board. Currently, a police officer or firefighter may achieve permanent civil service status 1112 - 2 yearsafter starting work, but cannot appeal dismissal to the Civil Service Board until after 3 years of City employment. This means that some public safety employees who have achieved permanent employment status with the City can appeal a dismissal , while others cannot. A favorable vote for Measure K would eliminate this inequity and would permit equal appeal rights for all police offcers and firefighters who have attained permanent employment status. YOU ARE URGED TO VOff. MAYOR C. J. "CHUCK" CORICA FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM SODERLUND , PRESIDENT FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION STUART A. JEDDELOH , PRESIDENT POLICE ASSOCIATION