1934-01-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR LEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAL,EDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2nd, 1934 The meeting convened at 8 O'clock with Council President Murray presiding The roll was called and Councilmen Bruzzone, Eschen, Leydecker, Morris and Pres- ident Murray (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 20th, 1933, were read and approved. WRITTEN COISIUNICATIOI,TS: 1. A communication held over from the last regular meeting was received from the City Planning Commission, recommending the reclassification from Residence District, Class I, to Industrial Distriat, Glass VII, for the purpose of constructing a plant for the manufacture of ice, the westerly 70 feet of a lot 105 x 150 feet on the southerly line of Buena Vista Avenue, 101,25 feet from the easterly line of Stanton Street. There was also presented a petition signed by approximately 70 residents of the neighborhood, protesting against the proposed rezoning. Councilman Morris moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be not approved, seconded by Councilman Bruzzone and unanimously carried, after Attorney Bardellini, in be- half of the applicant, and Attorney Wright, in behalf of the opponents, had addres- sed the Council 2. A communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that High Street fill be extended southward to Otis Drive as a C.W.A. project. On motion of Council- man Eschen, seconded by Councilman Leydecker and unanimously carried, the recommenda- tion was adopted. V 3. vr A communication from the City Planning Commission recommending the adoption of Engineer's Plans Nos. 1-A, 2-A and 3-A, and the erection of the building as outlined in the plans at Franklin Park. Also a communication from the City Manager submitting the Engineer's Maps covering these plans. On motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Eschen, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the City Manager was adopted and the City Manager authorized to proceed with the construction of a combination pump house, rest rooms and. Park Director's office at Franklin Park. 4./) From Mr. C. C. Howard, offering to wreck the remaining portion of the Crook residence in Franklin Park and clean up the lot in consideration of the material in the building. On motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Morris and unanimously carried, the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for the wrecking of the building referred to. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: / 5.1 Ex Committee of the Whole: A communication from the City Manager in reference to the lease of the Veterans Memorial Building. Ordered filed. NEW BUSINESS: V 6., The Council proceeded to open bids for furnishing and installing a deep well turbine plump and pressure tank complete, at Franklin Park, Alameda. The bids are as follows: John Bean Mfg. Co., Cost of installation complete ...... 41493.25 Subject to a cast discount of 5% if paid within 30 days of date of purchase. Also subject to any State or Federal sales tax, Accompanied by certified check of 14O,33 Simons Mfg. Co. .• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • .• • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1721.00 Plus State Sales tax 4 38.75 Accompanied by Cashier's Check of 4173.00 Western Pump Co. 1455,90 Subject to a discount of 5% for cash if paid in 10 days after completion of installation, quotation exclusive of State Sales tax. Accompanied by certified check of 4150.00 Byron-Jackson Co. Rbt ....................................... 1258.00 With additional charge of go.00 for wiring, if the bidder is required to do such work, and an additional 491.00 should an additional discharge column be installed. The price sub- ject to Cal.Sales tax. Accompanied by certified check of 4150.00. cia 11,041.000o000W4.000000410000000001,00000000"0.0* Plus sales tax of 03.76. Accompan- ied by certified check of 4136.21 0.04 January 2 Fairbanks-Morse & Co., fbee.eseiroseevemoopoovelowirooeoes.w. $1086.00 Net Accompanied by certified check for 110.00 Herman Lawson Co., . . . . . • . . •. • • . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • . . . . • • • . . . . 14 Including Sales tax. Accompanied by certified check of 160.00. Centerville E Edwin J. and(Pump Co., Accompanied by certified -check for • 0.32.48. Goyette Machine. Works 1323.27 State sales tax included.ACcompanied by certified check of $132.33, 4.asO000seeommoesseesoodkeeeoWeeeoo,40 1485 Accompanied by certified check for $150.00 Upon ,motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Bruzzone and unanimously carried, the bids were referred to the City Engineer with the request that he report his recommendation to the next meeting of the Council. 1324 0 Woodin & Little 00 Net 77./ .0n motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Bruzzone and unanimously carried, the City Manager was requested to gather data and submit his recommendation for a standard lighting standard, to be adopted by the City. At this time, Mr. Frank Gottstein requested the Council to waive order of business, and refer back to "Oral Communications", which was addressed the Council recommending the widening of Webster Street and by the Mayor that this was already under consid eration. RESOLUTIONS: v/9• Councilman Bruzzone introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1815 Resolution that Railroad Commission of the State of California be requested to Bring Certain Analysis up to the Date of December 31, 1933" Coundilman Morris seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried unanimou 1 the regular granted. He was informed ORDINANCES PASSED: V 10. The - llowing ordinances were presented for passage: "Ordinance No. New Series RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY (North line Central Av. 151.92 feet west of Oak Street) moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Council- roll call carried unanimously. Coundilman Eschen man Morris and on Couneilman man Morris K12, Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Designating San Jose Avenue as a Through Boulevard and Providing for the Erection of Traffic Stop Signals on Both Sides of Said Avenue Between Park and. High Streets at all Intersecting Streets, and Requiring the Drivers or Operators of all Vehicles to Come to a Full Stop at Street Intersections Before Crossing Said Avenue." Bruzzone moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Council and on roll call carried unanimously. • "Ordinance No. New Series RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY '(Lot 9? feet west from Oak Street, 54,92x140 feet) North line. of Central Avenue." Councilman Bruzzone moved that the ordinance, as read be adopted, man Eschen and on roll call carried unanimously. seconded by Coun /13 "Ordinance No. New Series (Lot on Buena Vista Avenue, southerly line 101.25 feet from easterly line of Btanton Street Coundilman Morris moved that the ordinance as read be not adopted, seconded by Council- man Bruzzone and on roll call carried unanimously. v14• "Ordinance No. New Series Authorizing Lease to Oscar H. Anderson of Certain Portion of Municipal Golf Course Club House of Alameda." Councilman Leydecker moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Counci man Eschen, and on roll call carried unanimously. FILING: The Clerk stated papers had been filed: since the last meeting of the Council the following January 2, 1934. 7 Oath of Office, Albert W. Thau, Special Police Officer 7 Order Extending Time of Hearing, Railroad Commission. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to $1253464; Police Department, ''6.36; Fire Denartment, 024.19; Street Department, $1120.93; Health DeparLment $61.99; Golf Course Department, 274.21; Recreation Department, $819.78; Stare DePartment, $1857.92; Social Service Department, 0152.84; Compensation Insurance Fund, $3723.57; Unemployment Fund, $1354.00 and Initiative Relief Fund, $24.00 having been approved by the proper officials, were listed by the Clerk for payment: H. .gordens Alameda Steam Laundry Cameron, Florence W. County of Alameda Dallas, Homer R. East Bay Blue Print Co. Jones Gas Process Corp. Lee Typewriter. Cap. Man.Electric Light Power Murray, William F. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific 'Gas and. Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peterson Tallow Company United States Fidelity Co. Jost, Ben Lee Typewriter Co. Pac. Gas and. Electric Co. Lane, Thomas I:I. Lee Typewriter Co. Pac. Gas and Electric Co. General Department Laundry Services Expense of last bond election Advance for P.O.Box Negatives 2nd.inst91lment on agreement Inspectibn of typewriters Changing wiring Mayor's allowance Telphones, private lines, Gas, City Hall and bal.on Heater Telphone, private line Disposal of dead animals Premium on bond Expenses to Assessor meeting 28.00 • 1.41 40.00 250.00 1.50 4.35 500.00, 19.47 12.78 50,00 26.98. 260.18 6.67 25.00 25.00 2.30 Total $1253.64 Police Department Inspection of typewriters $ 7.08 Gas, Pound 1.28 Total $ 8.36 Fire Department. Reimbursing Revolving Fund , 1.51 Servicing typewriters 1.77 Gas, stations 20.91 -Tota/ . 4 24.19 Street Department. Labor Lee Typewriter Company Municipal Electric Light & Power. Kuentz, Fred. Lee Typewriter Co. 1.,:_artin, J. A. Pacific Gas and. Electric -Co.' Pauline, Rosemarie Labor Labor Lee Typewriter Co. Pacific Gas L. Electric Co. Inspection typewriters Extending lights, Otis Drive Total Health Department. Services, Servicing Services, Gas Services, Total 01117.36 1.77 1.80 $1120.93 Laboratory 0 5.00 typewriters 3.54 exterminator 40.00 5.75 Laboratory 7.70 61.99 • • ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Golf Course Department. Recreation Department. Servicing typewriters Gas Total . ......... ..... ........ $ 274.21 811.01 1.77 7.00 $ 819.78 Alzine, "Hap" American Law Book Co. American Public Health Asso. Associated. Eauipment Co., Ltd. Associated Oil Co. Baker, Hamilton, Pacific Co. Baker, Hamilton, Pacific Co. Baker, Hamilton, Pacific Co. Baker, Hamilton, Pacific Co. Bancroft, Whitney Co. Bishop Co., G. Y. Borrmannn, Geo. R. Steel Co. Brown, William. Bryant, Ralph M. Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Butler Bindery California Corrugated Culvert California Hill & Lumber Co. Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. Clark & dons, N. Crane Company Crocker Co., H. 3. Dieterich-Post Co. Dietz Hotor Co. Ford, N. O. Fuller, W. P. Fuller, W. P. Glister, W. 3. Hutchinson Co. Lee Typewriter Co. Loop Lumber & Hill Co. Macmillan Petroleum Corp. Inc. Moody, C. L. Municipal Electric Light & Power Hunicioal Electric Light &: Power National Lead Co. National Recreation Acco. Inc. Pacific Coast Paper Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Penman, Le Roy E. Powell Bros., Inc. Recorder, The Rhodes & Jamieson, Ltd. Rust-Oy Sales Co. Seth Thomas Clock Co. Southern Pacific Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. State Dept. of Public Health Union Oil Co. of California. Western Engraving Go. Western Market Womack, J. D. Young's Picture Framing Shop. January Store Department. Servicing Eotorcycle Corpus Juris, Vol. 65 Subscription Elevator Belt Penn Oil Fails, Washers, etc. Locksets, Shovels, etc. Rubbing Stone, Wheelbarrows, Balance due Calif. Reports, Vol. 217 Howhar Meal Carbon Tool Stamps Postage Stamps Typewriter Ribbons Burroughs Calculator Repairing Block Books Lerchandise Lumber Auto Tubes, etc. Sewer Pipe, etc. Valves, Ells, etc. Blue Books Drafting Supplies Cap Printing Painter's supplies Painter's supplies Dunham Roller Rent of Water Wagons Inspecting Typewriter Lumber Gasoline Wax Spreader, Wool Fillers Reparis, etc. Installing Light - Storeroom. Brushes, Oil, etc. Subscription - "Recreation Clipper Bags Service Oak & Glass Screens Lime - 1 Bbl. Court Rules - 1 Copy Stove Oil Rust-Oy - 1 Gal. Winding Units for Clock. Freight - Clock Farts. Merchandise Merchandise Gasoline Printing Meats Battery Picture Frame Social 3ervice Department. Alameda Co. Tuber. & Health Asso. Gallen Lamps Lee Typewriter Co. Penny, J. C. Co. Inc. Safeway Stores Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Sanatorium Brooks, Harold A. Cain, M. 3towe, O. P. , M. D. Bryant, Ralph 1. Upkeep - Del Vaile. Shoes Inspecting Typewriters 3hoes, Merchandise Herchandise Orders Total ..... . ..... Compensation Insurance Fund. jervices Rendered, Cain Services, X-Ray Compensation Labor, St. Dept. Services Total ........ ....... Unemployment Fund. Revolving Fund 30.14 7.50 5.00 232.28 18.95 193.53 105.43 54.29 13.83 2.92 23.87 5.55 2.87 50.00 5.02 56.38 3.50 .31 51.84 4.20 9.09 4.85 8.46 35.18 .28 2.56 3.59 18.63 5.00 3.25 1.77 7.54 122.32 3.36 43.42 341-.21 24.28 2.00 3.48 .10 77.28 2.51 1.02 20.06 4.34 e,5.00 51.39 89.15 4.05 13.50 58.36 1.35 6.07 .56 1 5A92 117.00 3.59 1.77 10.00 20.48 152.8t 126.73 6.50 71.45 13.89 5.00 3723.57 1354.00 Initiative Relief Old, Ernest F. Labor 0 24.00 January 2, 1934. Upon motion of Councilman I]schen, seconded by Councilman Lorris, bills were passed by the following vote: Ayes, Councilman Bruzzone, (on all bills except Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. ) Eschen, 1Jorris and President-Urray (4); Noes, Councilman Leydecke (1); Absent, None. There bein no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in reu1ar session Tuesday evening, JanuaryiLth, 1933, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,