1935-02-05 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAIVDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY, 5th, 1935 The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P.M. with Vice President Eschen presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Eschen, Morris, Roebke and Tiedemann, (4) were noted present. Absent: President Murray (1). The minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 15th, the Special Meeting of January 22nd, and the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 25th, 1935, were read and approved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: V 1. From the Alameda Improvement Club recommending various mean of access to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The communication was ordered filed. 2./ From the Alameda Airport, Inc., accompanied by financial statement and report for the year ending December 31st, 1934. The communication and reportvere ordered filed. 3.v/ From W. F. Jacobson, Vice Mayor of the City of Oakland, congratulating the Council on account of the City having won second place from the National Municipal Review for the municipal report of the fiscal year ending Tune 30th, 1934. The communication was ordered filed. V 4. / From the City Manager, recommending that Leo P. Purcell be granted a permit to install a fuel oil tank of 550 gallon capacity at 434 Central Avenue, accompanied by recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department and the Building Inspector. On motion of Councilman Tiedemann, seconded by Councilman Morris and unanimously carried, a Council permit for the installation was granted. V 5. From Ira Judson Coe, requesting permission to enter upon the area covered by a lease effective April 15th, prior to that date, to start test drilling. On motion of Councilman Tiedemann, seconded by Councilman Morris and unanimously carried, the permit was granted. v 6." From Alfred W. Pye, offering to sell to the City his property for the sum of $6,750.00 for the completion of Franklin Park, provided he be granted the priVilege of occupying the house until he can secure a new location, the occupancy to cover a possible period of six months, and also that he be permitted to remove the gas furnace installed last year, and the water heater. On motion of Councilman Tiede- mann, seconded by Councilman Morris and unanimously carried, the offer was accepted and the City Attorney instructed to draw the proper resolution and agreements to be presented to the Council. 7. From Wt. G. Paden, Superintendent of Schools, requesting a contribution of $75.00 for the purchase of equipment for the Junior Traffic Reserve, with the stipulation that the Board of Education contribute a like sum. On motion of Councilman Roebke, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann, the request was granted. 8,1 From William Nankervis, requesting that the Council, on its own initiative, reclassify the northwest corner of Central and Versailles Avenues, from Residence District, Class I, to Business District, Class V. After the Council had been addressed by Mr. Jenner in behalf of the petitioner, Councilman Tiedemann moved, seconded by Councilman Roebke, and unanimously carried, that the request be denied, and that the petitioner take the regular course provided by ordinance to bring the request before the City Planning Commission. 117 9./ From Ralph M. Bryant, tendering his resignation as City Manager of the City of Alameda, to be effective as of February 15th, 1935. Consideration was deferred to be taken up under "New Business". 10.1 From Charles B. Morris, tendering his resignation as Councilman of the City of Alameda, to become effective as of February 15th, 1935. Consideration was deferred to be taken up under "New Business". V 11. From William Henderson, requesting a sixty day option agreement for a lease from the City of Alameda of the area lying west of Airport Harbor, extending for about 2000 feet westerly therefrom and 3000 feet southerly from the Mole. On motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimously carried, the communication was referred to the Committee of the Whole. NEW BUSINESS: 12. A motion was made by Councilman Tiedemann, seconded by Councilman Morris and carried, Councilman Roebke not voting, that when the Council adjourn it does so to meet in Adjourned Regular Session at 8 o'clock P.M. on. February 13th, 1935. y 13.J On motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and on roll call unanimously carried, the resignation of Ralph M. Bryant, as City Manager, was accepted, as of February 15th, 1935, with the provision that he be allowed two weeks' additional pay for his vacation period. 14.//On motion of Councilman Tiedemann, seconded by Councilman Eschen, and unani- mously Carried, the resignation of Charles B. Morris as Councilman of the City of Alameda was accepted as of February 15th, 1935, with regret. RESOLUTIONS: ., 1/15, Councilman Tiedemann introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1903 Appropriating $5000 out of the General Fund for Election Purposes, and Adding the sAme to the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1934-1935" The motion was seconded by Councilman Morris and, after a motion of Councilman Roebke,that the resolution be amended to change the amount to $3500.00,failed of a second, the resolution was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Eschen, Morris and Tiedemann (3) Noes: None. Not Voting, Councilman Roebke. Absent: President Murray (1). v 16. Councilman Tiedemann introduced and moved the adoption of The motion The motion election of resolution "Resolution No. 1904 Establishing Election Precincts, Appointing Election Officers and Fixing Their Compensation, Designating Polling Placesand Providing for Notices to be Given" was seconded by '4ouncilman Morris and on roll call passed unanimously included waiving the necessity of reading the list of precincts and ricers, action being deferred until after the reading of a subsequent and the passage of an ordinance. v' 17. Councilman Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1905 Prescribing the Statement of Proposal for Amending the Charter of The City of Alameda as the Same Shall Appear on the Ballot to be Used at the Election Called for Submitting said Amendment to the Electors of Said. City." Councilman Tiedemann seconded the motion and on rolloall it was oarried by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Eschen, Morris and Tiedemann, man Roebke, (1). Absent: President Murray (1). ORDINANCE PASSED: /18 "Ordinance No. , New Series Authorizing Permit to Ira Judson Coe to Remove from Certain Submerged Lands in the City of Alameda Shells and Shell Deposits." Noes, Council Councilman Tiedemann moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Coun oilman Morris and on roll call passed unanimously. FILING: The Clerk stated that since the last regular meeting the following papers had been received: 19. 21. BILLS: Affidavit of Publication - Proposal to Amend Charter Financial Statement as of December 31,1934, Jordan & Ticoulet Affidavit of Receipts for Telephone Service 22. An itemized list of claims against the City of Alameda and the several depart ments thereof in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the City Council: General Departments, $6456,10; Police Department, $21.96; Fire Department, $117.57; Street Department, $1598.99; Health Department, 072.41; Park Department, $948.89; Golf Course Department, $357.74; Store Department, $5352.18; Social Service-Recrea- tion Department, $69,20; Initiative Relief Fund, $96.00; East Bay Mun.Utility Dist- rict Payments Fund, 2471.38; Street Improvement Fund, $94.45 and Compensation Insurance Fund, $1407,00. Councilman Morris moved, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann, and on roll call passed unanimously, that the claims and bills against.the City in the several amounts as listed and itemized in the List of Claims against the City of Alameda, filed with the City Clerk on. February 5th, 1935, and presented to the City Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. 23. There being no further business to transac t, the Council adjourned to meet in Adjourned Regular Meeting on Wednesday evening, February 13th, 1935, at 8 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted,