1935-04-04 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEMING OF TEE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALaiLEDA HELD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 4th, ......... ..... .........1935 The meeting convened at 5:07 o'clock P.M. with President Murray presiding-. The roll was called and Councilmen Eschen, Morris, Tiedemann and President Murray (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Roebke, (1). NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made by Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimously carried, that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular meeting on April 9th, 1935 at 8 o'clock P.M. v2, Councilman Eschen moved, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimously carried, that the regular order of business be suspended, and the Council proceed under "Ordinances for Passage." ORDINANCIBFOR PASSAGE: 3. On motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimous- ly carried, the reading of "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Enacting a Municipal Code." Wmsdispensed with, following which Councilman Tiedemann-moved, seconded by Council man Morris and on roll call unanimously carried, that the ordinance be adopted. 4. On motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimous- ly carried, on roll call, "Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property (Property Known as 1629 Alameda Avenue was adopted as read. /5. "Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property (Property at 2244 Santa Clara Avenue)" Councilman Eschen moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Council- man Tiedemann and on roll call passed unanimously. / 6, Councilman Eschen moved, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimously carried, that the Council revert back to the regular order of business. RESOLUTIONS: /7. Councilman Eschen introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1920 Authorizing the Publication of the Alameda Municipal Code, and Appropriating the Sum of $2949 Out of the General Fund for Such Purpose." Councilman Tiedemann seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried unanimously. ORDINANCESINTRODUCED: The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under provision of the Charter: 8. 0. "Ordinance No. New Series Providing for the Licensing of, and Fixing the Amount of the Annual License Fee for, Electricians. "Ordinance No. New Series Providing for the Licensing of, and Fixing the Amount of the Annual License Fee for, Master Plumbers." "Ordinance No, New Series Providing for the Licensing of, and Fixing the Amount of the Annual License Fee for, Gas Appliance Dealers." BILLS: 11. One claim a ainst the City of Alameda and the General Department =thereof, in the amount of 425O.00, was presented to the City Council. Councilman Tiedemann moved, seconded by Councilman Morris, and on roll call passed unanimously that the claim against the City in the amount as listed and itemized in the List of Claims against the City of Alameda, filed with the City Clerk on April 4th, 1935, and presented to the City Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. 12. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in Adjourned Regular Session on Tuesday evening, April 9th, 1935, at 8 o'clock P.M., on motion of Councilman. Eschen, seconded by Councilman Morris and unanimously carried. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.