1932-10-04 Regular CC Minutesv RLGULLR MEETING OF ThE CeUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1932. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly and 1?resident Murray (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Schaefer(1). The minutes of the regular meeting of Sentember 20, 1932 were approved as read. WRITTEN COMLUNI The following communications were received: 1. / From the Alameda Housewives League, expressing appreciation to the City Council and the City Manager for their efforts in reducing the City tax rates. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 2. / From Extension of the Order Committee, Native Sons of the Golden West, thanking the Council for the float,made possible through the Council appropriation, which was used in the Admission Day Parade held in San Francisco on September 9, 1932. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 3. From the City Planning Commission, recommending the granting of a temporary revocable permit for a period of six (6) months, and renewable thereafter from time to time, permittinR the use of the Southwest corner of Park Street and. Bank Alley for any of the purposes allowed in Class V of the Zone Ordinance, exceptine; the sale of gasoline on the premises. The recommendation was adopted on motion of Mr. Shanly, seconded by Mr. Leydecker, provided no gasoline be sold on the premises and provided that no washing or greasing rack be installed or used on the premises. The motion was carried unanimously. 4. From the City Treasurer and Tax Collector, enclosing application from Eugene Edward. Eldridge, a disabled veteran, for a gratuitous license, and quoting Section 3366 of the Political Code of the State of California, and recommending that the application be granted. On motion of Er. Morris, seconded by Mr. Leydecker, the Council voted unanimously to grant the application. 5./ From Rene Medus, calling attention to a number of clippings from The Alameda Times Star regarding attacks by dogs upon pedestrians of the City of Alameda. There being no objection, the communication was referred to the City Manager for attention. 6. / From the City Auditor and ,Issessor, in reference to the proposed installment V payments of City taxes as suggested by Mr. G. L. Diehl to the City Council. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 7. From the City Treasurer and Tax Collector, informing the Council that it would be impracticable to make a change in the regular payment of tax bills for this fiscal year as the forms are printed and completed and the time is too short for a change; that Mr. G. L. Diehl's proposed system would require additional records and additional help and that there is not sufficient demandatpresent for the change to warrant the extra expense. In view of the fact that a number of tax relief raeasures are to come up before the next legislature, and if adopted will be uniform through- out the Stete, the Treasurer recommends that no action be taken until the proposed changes in the state revenue laws are known. On motion of Hr. Leydecker, seconded by Mr. Morris, it was unanimously voted by the Council to adopt the recommendation and to notify' Mr.. Diehl accordingly. a. / From the Alameda Housewives League, in reference to delinquent tax penalties. As the subject has already had consideration by the Council, and there being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 9. / From J. R. Calcutt, in reference to the appointments of the Board of Education, Board of Public Utilities, Planning Commission and Library -Board, suggesting some provision be made whereby a member of any of the boards could be removed for cause upon the vote of four-fifths of the Council, or otherwise. There being no objection, the communication was referred to the Charter Committee, 10. 7 ' From the Taxpayers' League of Alameda, requesting permission to hold the next regular meeting of the League on Friday night, October 7, 1932, in the Council Chambers. On motion cri: Mr. Leydecker, seconded by Mr. Shanly, and carried unanimously, the permission was granted. 11. I / , From Alameda Parlor No. 47, Native Sons of the Golden West, expressing thanks to the Council for the appropriation for the construction of a float, used in the Yedmission Day parade in San Francisco on September 9. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 12. / From Alameda Women's Civic Club, requesting information concerning the cancellation of penalty for delinquent City taxes for the nnemployed. There being no objection, the communication was referred to the City Attorney for opinion. October 4, 1932. From the Alameda Unemployment Association, transmitting e resolution protesting against allethzed interference by City employes with the Association's activities. There being no objection, the communication was referred to the City Manager for attention. RESOLUTIONS: 14. 15. 16, 17. Resolution No. 1692 Resolution Granting a Temporary Revocable Permit for the Use of Property —Located at the Southwest Corner of Park Street and Bank Alley for the Purposes Allowed in Class V, excepting the Sale of Gasoline and the Installation and Use of a Washing or Greasing Rack on said Premises. Mr. Shanly moved that the Resolution as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. Resolution No. 1693 . Resolution of Acceptance and. Consent to Recordation. Mr. Shanly moved that the Resolution as read be adopted, seconded by Yr. Leydecker and on roll call 'carried unanimously. Resolution No. 1694 Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation. Mr. Shanly moved that the Resolution as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. Authorizing Gity C Certain Materiu Resolution No. 1695 erk to Advertise for Bids for Furnishing Mr. Shanly moved that the Resolution as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris, and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCE FOR PA SSAGE: 18. Ordinance No. New Series Providing for the Reorganization of the Fire Department of the City of Alameda, and Specifying the Two-Platoon System, and Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith, Including Ordinance No, 180 N.S. Yr. Morris moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Shanly, and on roll call carried unanimously. FILING: v 19. 20. The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed:- Oath of Office, Special Police Officer, (Parks) - George Sperbeck. Affidavit of Publication - Notice to Taxpayers. Claims against the General Departments aaounu to $4,047.68; Police Derartment, 138.77; Fire Department, 295.49; Street Department, 1,751.40; Health Department, :172.95; Recreation Department, 134.55; Golf Course Department, .$537.25; Store Department, $105.12; Compensation Insurance, $17.50; East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, 2,449.33; Street Improvement, 17.46, having been approved and audited by the prover officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: General Departments Llameda Printing Comnany, nlameda Times Star Bryant, Ralph F. Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co. East Bay Lun. Utility District Dallas, Homer i. Graham-laigo Company Johnson, 3. T. Co. Klein, Harry H. Pingee, L. G. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Municipal Electric Light C, rower If t1 Printing Employes Personal Record $ 25.50 Printing Ordinances ReimbursinR Revolving Fund Pencil Carbon Water, Oit of Alameda Money advanced, P. O. Box. Graham Six Sedan Diesel Oil Sani Solvent Hangers Repair to Typewriter Typewriter Cushion (7:L Keys, Street Lighting Electricity, City Hull. Liht Globes 2.50 212.80A 3.00 27.52 1.50 995.00 17.55 2.40 5.00 Cards 10.73 2439.33 101.52 14.62 General Departmen Murray, Wm. 7. Otis Elevator Comnany Pacific Gas Electric Company Pacific Tele-phone and Tel. Company Peck Hills Tingee, L. G. StoCkwell Lock inspection Co. Storey, Grace, Alameda Steam Laundry Llzina, Hap. Baker, Hamilton Pacific Co. Dietz Motor Company I 1 TT Friedman, M. Paint "Inc. George, Charley Jansen, R. J. Y;unicipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas Electric Company Perk Street Garage Piatt Photo Company Pingree, L. G. Royal Typewriter A_ ncy Lnderson Manufacturing Co. Bay Belting ?f, Supply Co. Cox-Wellman, Inc. Korsford Bros. Company Pacific Gas & Electric Company Pacific Tel. Tel. Company Tingree, L. G. Standard Oil Company Western Auto Supply Company Labor alerneda Trimm Shop Associated Equipment Company Dietz Motor Company Empire Laundry Company Inter-Urban Express Corporation Link-Belt Company Mercury Printing Company Standard Oil Company Burns, Mrs. V. Flatow, P. & Son Kling-Dawers Stationary Company Kuentz, Fred Martin, J. A. Potrick,L Moise- inkner Co. Pauline, Rosemarie Pingree, L. G. Skilling, Dr. L. E. U. S. Govt. Printing Office State Dept. Public Health Winberg, Mrs. G. H. October 4, 1932. (Contim-d Mayor's Allowance Elevator Service, Septemb er. Gas, City Full. Telephone Service, City Hall Offices Chair, City Clerk Servicing TyPewriters, 3 MO3. Inspecting Timeclock, Treas. Office. Services, City Clerk's Office. Total: . Police Department O 0400009 Laundry Motorcycle Sorvice Lead and Tin Tires and Service Auto Repair and Se ice Traffic Orange Painting Street Traffic Signs Launch Hire, Dragging for body Repair Flasher Gus Spark Plugs Photo Supplies Service Typewriters Typewriter Repair Total: . reireDeportment 50.00 5.50 4.51 28.81 17.50 15.39 12.00 55.00 . . . 4047.68 2.04 4.95 35.52 7.60 10.01 8.75 45.00 5.00 2.50 1.11 3.75 4.20 6.84 1.50 O 0 0 • 0 0 4 et 0 . 138.77 Labor & new parts Engi e ft2. Belting Material for Engine ;;L2. Drive Chains, etc. Engine I/2 Gas Service and Tolls Service Typewriters, 3 mos. Oil and Gasoline Fittings, Elbow Type Total:••••••.•••••• Street Den Rebuild Seat Hooven's Truck Rivets, Burrs, Elevator Belt Cleats Parts for Ford Cars, Month .fugust. Catch Basin Grating Express Charges on Sweeper Parts Link Belt, Offset Coupler Printing "Notice Repair Sidewalk" Gasoline1 Oil. Total: . Health Department O 00000 40000 Service, Well Baby Conference Toxoid, Vaccine hectograph Paper &. Graph Paper Lab, Services, September Rat Exterm. Time Repairing Bates Numbering Machine Lab. Services Typewriter Service, 3 mos. Services, Well Baby Conference Childs Bu. Pub. No. 30 Kahn Antigen 5: Kolmer Antigen Service, Wells Baby Conference Total: . Recreation Departmen Oiecke, 1arion Ferry-Morse Seed Company Goff, Tom. Grobon & Weems, McKesson-Langley-Michaels Company Municipal Electric Light & Power O at 0 0 198.50 4.32 9.09 32.73 21.20 7.45 1.71 11.25 9.24 295.49 1.75 10.00 25.37 38.30 10.29 1.05 23.01 10.00 41.63 1751.40 5.00 6.00 3.43 5.00 40.00 4.15 9.45 3.42 15.00 75.00 4.00 2.50 • • . 172.95 Services, Play Director Calendula Bulbs Services, Gardener Slugging Bats Kapthalin Flakes Flood Lamp, Lamps, Fuses, install bxs. for coin switches 24.00 .71 24.00 14.00 8.00 44. 3 October 4, 1932. Recreation :Department (Continued) Pacific Gas & Electric Company Pingree, L. G. Standard Oil Company Western to Supply Company Go Crane Company Frost, H. G. Fuller, W. r. ec Company Lawrence Warehouse Company Loop Lumber 6.; Lill Company Murdock, Hamilton Oakland.-California Towel Company Stanard Oil Co. of California Lab or Alameda Printing Company Crocker, h. S. Company Standard Oil Company Alameda Sanatorium t I It Service, Wash. & Lincoln Parks Servicing Typewriter, 3 mos. Gasoline Tube Patch Total: . Course Department ..... 0 9 • Unions, Ells, Hose Dibb, Tees. Sani Flush Fullerglo Sweeping Compound, transfer charges Lumber Architects balance, Club House Towel Service Gasoline Total: . . Store Department Letterheads Pencils, Red. Gasoline • • 6 6 • • Total: . . ....... . . Compensation Insurance Fund X-Ray, H. A. Brooks Shoulder ft 3. C. Bridges Foot Total: . East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund Public Use Charge Pipe Line Installation Total: . . • ea Street Improvement Fund B. E. Screenings East Ray Eun. Utility District ft 71 17 Transit Concrete Company • 0 6 6 0 0 0 4 * 0 4.86 1.71 12.50 .24 1 134.55 1.39 2.35 2.10 .50 3.12 53.10 23.14 16.75 4o4.80 537.25 14.50 4.36 86.26 105.12 10.00 7.50 17.50 2438.62 10.71 0 • 0 4 0 4 0 0 2449.33 17.46 Mr. Morris moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded. by Mr. Leydecker, and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, October 18, 1932, at 8 o'clock. Respectf 11 ubmitte' City C e